Cypripedium macranthos

Cypripedium macranthos is a widespread and highly variable species. Many varieties and forms have been described over the years, and because of the variability of the species and its widespread occurence, several times the species has been described as new.

We have listed here some of the more common varieties and forms as well as synonyms, are listed here. Much of our presentation is consistent with Cribb, and we have included nomenclature from the RHS.

  • C. macranthos
    1. nothof alboroseum = macranthos album x macranthos
    2. nothof albostriatum = macranthos album x macranthos atropurpureum
    3. var album
    4. var atropurpureum
    5. var flavum
    6. nothof flavoroseum = macranthos flavum x macranthos
    7. var hotei-atsumorianum
    8. var rebunense
    9. var speciosum
    10. var taiwanianum


Map was drawn from a digital map from Šplaniglobe 2004

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Cypripedium macranthos

Cypripedium macranthos strain growing at The Gardens at Post Hill.

Cypripedium macranthos alba

Cypripedium macranthos alba.

Cypripedium macranthos Irkutsk

Cypripedium macranthos from Irkutsk in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia. Plant flowering from a seedling obtained from Spangle Creek Labs.

Painting of Cypripedium macranthos from Siberia

Cypripedium macranthos from Siberia. This painting appeared in The Garden on January 13, 1877. Choice specimens have been appreciated for a long time!

Cypripedium macranthos forma hotei-atsumorianum:

Cypripedium macranthos

Cypripedium hotei

Cypripedium macranthos

Cyp macranthos

Cyp macranthos

This is the "Kamanashi" form from the Mt Kamanashi region.