Buellia dispersa

Crustose saxicolous, granular, on eutrophic siliceous rocks.
Note: epithecium green, hipothecium brown. Thallus K+ amarillo, I-, KC-, C-, spores browinsh, with a septum, 11-16 x 6-8,5 micras:

Lithology: schist and conglomerate with quartzite
Altitude: 1.375 and 320 m
Municipality: Abrucena and Pechina

Candelaria concolor

Foliose epiphytic, usually on isolated trees, in the image on Pinus pinaster near the road.
Note: whitish ricines, yelow soredia. Thallus K-.
Forophyte: Pinus pinaster and Quercus ilex
Altitude: 1.375 m
Municipality: Abrucena, Paterna del Río

Adelolecia kolaensis

Crustose saxicolous, thallus poorly developed, on horizontal siliceous rocks.
Note: thallus K-, Cl-, KCl-, green epithecium, hipothecium lightly brownish, spores clourless ellipsodial, 8,5-10 x 3-4 micras:
Lithology: mica-schist
Altitude: 1.245 m
Municipality: Benizalón

Arthonia beccariana

Crustose endolithic no-lichenized, epiphytic on smooth barks near the coast.
Note: ascomata dispersed, slightly elongate and branched or simple:

Spores muriform with 7-8 transverse and with 2-3 longitudinal septa, intially hyaline but becoming brown:

Asci broadly clavate to subblobose:

Red crystals K- in the ascoma.
Forophyte: Pistacia lentiscus
Altitude: 2 m
Municipality: El Ejido

Rinodina pruinella

Crustose epiphytic, on shrubs and tress, near the coast.
Spores brownish, uniseptate

Forophyte: Juniperus phoenicia subsp. turbinata
Altitude: 3 m
Municipality: El Ejido

Mycoporum lacteum

Crustose epiphytic, on Pistacia lentiscus, near the coast.
Note: spores uniseptated, colourless. Ascoma:
Forophyte: Pistacia lentiscus
Altitude: 3 m
Municipality: El Ejido

Caloplaca subochracea var. luteococcinea

Crustose saxicolous or epiphitic, on calcareous rocks, near the coast.
Note: in the imagen, on Juniperus phoenicia subsp. turbinata.
Orbicular spores:

Forophyte: Juniperus phoenicia subsp. turbinata
Altitude: 5 m
Municipality: El Ejido

Bacidia igniarii

Epiphytic endolithic, on Pistacia lentiscus near the coast.
Note: acicular spores, colorless:
Black apothecium, lecideinum:
Forophyte: Pistacia lentiscus
Altitude: 3 m
Municipality: El Ejido

Xanthoria fallax

Foliose, epiphytic even saxicolous, on calcareous or siliceous rocks.
Note: thallus and soredia K+:
Soredia on the margins and the underside of thallus
Forophyte: Juglans regia, mica schist
Altitude: 1.828 m
Municipality: Gérgal

Verrucaria beltraminiana

Crustose saxicolous, on calcareous rocks.
Note: areoles with edge no black.
Spores: elipsoidal, simple, colorless, 15-21 x 5-9 micras.

Lithology: limestone
Altitude: 720 m
Municipality: Rágol

Verrucaria macrostoma f. furfuracea

Crustose-aerolate, subsquamulose, saxicolous on calcareous and siliceous rocks.
Note: with soredia or isidia on the areoles.
Lithology: andesite
Altitude: 105 m
Municipality: Níjar

Cladonia pocillum

Primary thallus with squamules, secundary thallus consists of podetia. On clay-loam soils exposed.
Note: brownwish-gray squamules forming rosettes.
Podetia smaller than those of C. pyxidata:

Lithology: clay
Altitude: 190 m
Municipality: Enix

Placynthium tremniacum

Crustose terricolous, with trend to live in cracks, calcareous environments.
Note: all observed spores were uniseptated and clearly constricted at the septum, 9-12 x 6-7 micras.
For some authors, it´s synonimous of P. nigrum, we prefer to separate it.
Lithology: limestone
Altitude: 720 m
Municipality: Almócita

Thyrea plectopsora

Squamulose-umbilicate, monophyle, saxicolous, on calcareous rain tracks and cracks.
Note: thallus no more than 5 mm in diameter, heteromerous with central medulla consisting  in loosely arranged hyphae:
Attached to the substrate by a central point:Picnidia ellipsoidal, 2-3 x 1,5-2 micras.Picnoascocarpes laminar or submarginal:
Lithology: limestone
Alltitude: 40 m
Municipality: Almería

Aspicilia calcarea

Crustose saxicolous, on calcareous rocks.
Note: very widespread, typical taxon in our calcareous mountains. Spores cylindrical to ellipsoidal, 20-30 x 15-25 micras:
Lithology: limestone
Altitude: 130 m
Municipality: Almería

Calogaya arnoldii subsp. arnoldii

Crustose saxicolous, on vertical calcareous and rich in nitrogen siliceous rocks, in shady places.

Note: lobes underdeveloped, spores with thick septum and relatively little, (9-12 x 4-5 micras).

Lithology: limestone
Altitude: 156, 500 m
Municipality: Almería, Tabernas