Differences between this and Clitocybe nuda: Cortinarius alboviolaceus has a dry cap, bulbous base, rusty brown s.p., but won’t see this till mushroom matures sufficiently. In early stages, might see a cortina or evidence of one on stipe. Also resembles Laccaria purpurea, which has a white s.p. There are several purple corts that can easily be confused with the blewit and each other.  Eating any cort is not recommended as we haven’t studied all of them for edibility.  Most that we have studied contain a toxin called orellanine, which damages the kidneys after a latent period of between 2 and 14 days after being consumed.  15% of cases of orellanine poisoning from eating corts have been fatal, which is a good reason for making a s.p. 039-001