Tlaxcala is the smallest (areawise) Mexican state, centered about 70 miles east of Mexico City.

We'll go from west to east, so first are a few pics from the far western part of Tlaxcala (around 9000' above sea level)...

The town of Tlaxcala (elevation is a little over 7000')...

Mexican cypresses (Cupressus lusitanica) in the town of Tlaxcala...

Hmmm...I don't think I'd want to be Lorena...

View of Popocatepetl (left) and Iztaccihuatl (right), the 2nd and 3rd highest mountains in Mexico (from the town of Tlaxcala)...

Popocatepetl from Tlaxcala...

East part of Tlaxcala (around 8000' elevation)...

Yucca periculosa, a common trunked yucca in Tlaxcala (same location in eastern Tlaxcala)...

Agave and Yucca periculosa (same location again)...

All of the above pictures on this page were taken in March 2009 by Brandt Maxwell.

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Copyright ©2009 Brandt Maxwell.