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Annona ambotay Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane 616, t. 249. 1775.

Slender tree, sometimes a scandent shrub, 3--7 m tall; young branches densely ferrugineous-pubescent; leaf blades papery, the lower surface glaucous when young, ± broadly obovate, shortly acute basally, long-acuminate apically; inflorescences few-flowered, flowers mostly dark red; fruit globose, smooth to rugose, not areolate, 3--5 cm diameter. Evergreen lowland forests, forest edges, 100--300 m; Bolívar (lower Río Caura), Amazonas (Culebra). Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru, Amazonian Brazil, Bolivia.

The distribution given above is for the species when treated in the broad sense, but the southern populations should probably be segregated into a distinct species.

Annona atabapensis H.B.K., Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 5: 58. 1821.

Tree; leaf blades stiff-coriaceous, oblong or narrowly obovate, acute at base, apically rounded to obtuse, glabrous; small domatia in the axils of the midvein and secondary veins; sepals ferrugineous-sericeous outside; fruit unknown. Flooded riparian forests, ca. 100 m; Amazonas (Río Atabapo). Endemic.

This species is known only from the original collection of Humboldt and Bonpland.

Annona gigantophylla (R.E. Fr.) R.E. Fr., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10(2): 23. 1960. --Xylopia gigantophylla R.E. Fr., Ark. Bot. n.s. 2(3): 605. 1957. ---Banera hoja larga, Cabari, Majagua hoja larga, Majagua lengua de tigre.

Tree 3--8 m, trunk to 40 cm diameter; leaf blades coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, long-cuneate at the base, acuminate apically; flowers cauline, cream-colored, 1--3 per inflorescence; sepals completely connate, forming a cup 1.4--1.7 cm diameter; fruit globose, 3--4 cm diameter, areolate, with warty, stigmatic remains. Evergreen lowland and submontane forests on sandy soils, ca. 100--700 m; Amazonas (Río Yat&;a, San Carlos de Río Negro, Sierra de la Neblina). Amazonian Colombia (Vaupés), Amazonian Brazil. Fig. 350.

The inner bark is used to make good quality ropes.

Annona glabra L., Sp. Pl. 537. 1753. ---Anona liso, Guanábano bobo, Iba-cuaja (Warao).

Annona palustris L., Sp. Pl. ed 2, 1: 757. 1762.

Shrub or low tree 2--10 m; leaf blades chartaceous, elliptic to broadly lanceolate, glabrous; fruit globose-ovoid, slightly areolate, smooth, yellowish at maturity, 7--12 × 4--6 cm, edible but insipid. Evergreen lowland forests, mangrove swamps, gallery forests, near sea level; Delta Amacuro (Misión San Francisco de Guayo). Distrito Federal, Falcón, Táchira, Trujillo, Zulia; U.S.A. (southern Florida), Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, southern Ecuador, Brazil, also native in tropical West Africa.

Annona hypoglauca Mart., Fl. Bras. 13(1): 13. 1841. ---Majagua de aparo.

Shrub or tree 4--10 m; leaf blades membranous, ovate to oblong-elliptic, rounded or shortly acute at base, acute to shortly acuminate apically, the lower surface glaucous; flowers usually 2 or 3 (sometimes to 10 or more) per inflorescence, pedicels 2--3.5 cm long; sepals free, triangular, reflexed at anthesis; fruits 1 or 2 per infructescence, ellipsoid to oblong-ellipsoid, brown-tomentose, to 5 × 2.5 cm, the areoles elongated and ending in minute (1 mm long) spinules. Seasonally flooded riparian forests, ca. 100 m; Amazonas (San Carlos de Río Negro). Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Peru, Amazonian Brazil, Bolivia.

The seeds of this species are sometimes dispersed by fish.

Annona jahnii Saff., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 36, figs. 44, 45, t. 19. 1914. ---Guanábana de monte, Manirito, Pepino de rebalse, Pepuro.

Annona guaricensis Pittier, Bol. Minist. R.R. E.E. 8/9 p. (?). 1927 (Arb. Arbust. Venez. 6/8: 76. 1927).

Shrub or small tree 2.5--6 m, the bark of older branches dark brown to black, with conspicuous lenticels, branchlets pubescent; leaves deciduous, the blades membranous, broadly ovate or obovate, rounded to cuneate basally, acuminate apically, with an indument composed of simple to stellate erect hairs; flowers 1(2) per inflorescence; fruit ovoid to ellipsoid, rufous-tomentose, 3--5 × 2.5--3 cm, areoles pyramidal, elongated to 3 mm, often recurved. Savannas, semideciduous forests, edges of gallery forests, ca. 50--400 m; Bolívar (lower Río Caura, Río Orinoco, Río Paragua). Widespread in the Venezuelan Llanos; adjacent Colombia. Fig. 351.

Annona montana Macfad., Fl. Jamaica 1: 7. 1837. ---Catuche cimarrón, Guanábana cimarrona.

Tree 4--10 m; leaf blades chartaceous to subcoriaceous, upper surface lustrous, obovate or broadly elliptic, shortly acute to cuneate at base, shortly acuminate apically; flowers 1(--3) per inflorescence, these on leafy twigs, but also cauline; fruit globose to ovoid-globose, 7--15 cm diameter, gray-green, with a conspicuously reticulate pattern and erect, spreading spinules. Riparian, semideciduous, and seasonally dry evergreen forests, often in secondary vegetation, ca. 50--500 m; Delta Amacuro (Caño Araguaito near Isla Tórtola, Sacupana), Bolívar (Altiplanicie de Nuria, Río Caura, Río Cuyuní, Río Hacha, Río Paragua, Río Yuruaní), Amazonas (San Carlos de Río Negro). Barinas, Cojedes, Distrito Federal, Monagas, Sucre; widely distributed and cultivated in the Neotropics. Fig. 353.

The fruit is edible, with a flavor similar to that of the Guanábana (Annona muricata), but with a slippery pulp.

Annona muricata L., Sp. Pl. 536. 1753. ---Guanábana.

Tree 4--15 m, rarely taller; leaf blades submembranous, the upper surface lustrous, obovate or elliptic-oblong, basally shortly acute, apically rounded and shortly acuminate; fruits ovoid or oblong-ovoid, 15--20 cm long or more, dark green with flexible, curved, spine-like prickles, pulp sweet, edible. Widely cultivated throughout the flora area, occasionally persistent in semideciduous forests along streams near dwellings, 0--100 m; cultivated throughout Venezuela and the tropics worldwide.

The origin of Annona muricata is uncertain, but it is probably from the West Indies. The fruits of this species are very popular in Venezuela, and their sweet pulp is used for milk shakes and juices.

Annona purpurea Moc. & Sessé ex Dunal, Monogr. Anonac. 64, t. 2. 1817. ---Manirote.

Annona manirote H.B.K., Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 5: 59. 1821.

Tree 7--20 m, the trunk to 40 cm diameter; leaves deciduous, the blades membranous, broadly obovate to elliptic-obovate, rounded at the base, rounded and shortly acuminate apically; flowers mostly solitary; pedicel short, completely enclosed by the 2 rostrate bracts ca. 1.5 cm long; outer petals to 6 × 2 cm, ferrugineous-sericeous outside, inner petals imbricate, to 2.5 × 1.5 cm; fruit subglobose, 10--20 cm or more in diameter, with numerous, acute, elongate and spreading spines, with a yellowish fibrous pulp. Gallery and deciduous forests, 50--400 m; Bolívar (Río Orinoco). Anzoátegui, Aragua, Barinas, Distrito Federal, Lara, Miranda, Portuguesa, Zulia; Mexico, Central America, Trinidad, Ecuador. Fig. 354.

When flowering, the tree is often leafless or just beginning to leaf out.

Annona sericea Dunal, Monogr. Anonac. 69, t. 5. 1817.

Tree 3--20 m, the young branches ferrugineous-sericeous; leaf blades firmly membranous, the upper surface dark green, the lower surface gray-green and densely sericeous, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, basally shortly acute, apically rounded and very shortly acuminate; inflorescences with (1)2 or 3 flowers, borne at the internodes just below the leaves, buds globose; fruit ovoid to globose, 2--4 × 2--2.5 cm, gray-buff with scattered ferrugineous hairs, tubercles minute, straight to incurved. Evergreen lowland and upland forests, 100--800 m; Bolívar (near Santa Elena de Uairén, Sierra de Lema), Amazonas (south of Puerto Ayacucho, Río Orinoco). Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Amazonian Brazil. Fig. 356.

Annona symphyocarpa Sandwith, Bull. Misc. Inform. 1930: 477. 1930.

Tree 4--25 m, trunk to 25 cm diameter; leaf blades chartaceous, elliptic to ovate, distinctly reticulate-veined on upper surface, rounded or shortly acute at base, abruptly acuminate apically; fruit 4--5 × 6--7 cm, gray-green, areolate, glabrous. Submontane or montane forests, often along rivers, 400--1800 m; Bolívar (Cerro Sarisariñama, Cerro Venamo, Macizo del Chimantá, San Ignacio), Amazonas (Cerro Marahuaka, Sierra de la Neblina). Guyana.

The shape of the sepals and leaves is quite variable. A plant 2.5 m tall collected at 1500--1600 m on the slopes of Cerro Marahuaka (Liesner 18489, MO) has lanceolate leaves and free sepals and may be conspecific.

Annona trunciflora R.E. Fr., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9: 325. 1957.

Tree 7--12 m, the trunk 8--10 cm diameter; leaf blades subcoriaceous to coriaceous, the upper surface shiny, obovate-lanceolate, cuneate to acute at the base, short- to pronounced-cuspidate at apex, all veins on the upper surface impressed; fruit unknown. Riparian and secondary forests, ca. 100 m; Bolívar (upper Río Parguaza), Amazonas (Río Sipapo near confluence with Río Orinoco). Endemic. Fig. 352.

Annona sp. A. ---Majagua.

Tree 8--12 m; leaf blades thick-coriaceous, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, basally short-cuneate, apically acuminate, 8--17 × 3--6 cm, at first sparsely hirsute, becoming glabrous, secondary veins 7--10 per side, all impressed, except the midrib prominent on the abaxial surface, with pocket-shaped domatia in the axils of the costa and the secondary veins on the lower surface; fruits ovoid to globose, 6--7 × 4--5 cm, subterminal to terminal, solitary or paired, areolate, with short stigmatic remains, greenish brown. Evergreen lowland and riparian forests, ca. 100 m; Amazonas (Río Guainía, Río Pasimoni, Río Yat&;a). Eastern Brazil. Fig. 354.

Flowers are essential for the correct placement of this species but are lacking on the two specimens seen (Williams 14870 F, VEN; Wurdack & Adderley 43483, NY, S, US, VEN). These specimens were identified by Fries as Annona impressivenia Saff., but they do not match well with the type specimen.

Annona sp. B. ---Guanábana cimarrona.

Shrub or tree 2.5--7 m, the trunk to 10 cm diameter; young branches and leaves densely brownish-hirsute; leaf blades chartaceous to subcoriaceous, broadly obovate to obovate, basally rounded to shortly cuneate, apically rounded, acuminate, with a 1 cm long rounded tip, all veins prominent except the impressed midrib on the upper surface; flowers almost leaf-opposed, solitary, buds conical; sepals broadly triangular, free, 3 × 4 mm; inner petals clawed, rounded apically, 2.5 × 1.4 cm; fruits globose to obovoid, ca. 5 cm diameter, with upwardly curved prickles 7 × 3 mm, densely dark brown-hairy. Savannas, forested slopes along igneous outcrops, 50--200 m; Bolívar (Cerro Médano, Río Caura).

This entity is related to Annona inconformis Pittier but differs in the indument of young twigs and leaves, the much broader leaf shape and the much shorter outer petals.