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Blockley in the Cotswolds - photo by Betty Stocker (c) -
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Set in the county of Worcesterhsire until as recently as 1931, Blockley is now under jurisdiction of Gloucestershire County.  Once famous for both its silk and corn mills, the decline of industry within theis part of Cotswolds means that today this once thriving area of the wollen trade is now a sought after haven for retired folk.

Blockley in the Cotswolds - photo by Betty Stocker (c) - www.bettystocker.comDuring the industrial revolution no less than 8 silk mills were established employing over 800 workers producing silk ribbon for the Coventry ribbon trade.  In the last 19th century the decline in silk ribbon production, led to the mills being converted for other uses - corn milling and wood sawing.


Today, the village of Blockley is well worth a visit not last for its collection of inns which offer both real ale and food to visitors.  The Mill Dene Garden is worthy of a visit for an outstanding garden and features the original mill wheel.

Further Cotswold Accommodation Choices

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