Andrographis paniculata

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sheji ramkumar

May 7, 2010, 3:25:50 AM5/7/10
Sanskrit - bhho nimba
hindi - kalamegh
malayalam- kiriyatha/ nilavepu
Latin - Andrographis paniculata
Family - Acanthaceae

tanay bose

May 7, 2010, 7:43:16 AM5/7/10
My mom used to give the seeds of this plant during my childhood to remove worms from my stomach , it really works great.
Tanay Bose
+91(033) 25550676 (Resi)
9674221362 (Mobile)

Dr. Hari Venkatesh.K.Rajaraman

May 7, 2010, 2:03:17 PM5/7/10

Dear members,

The plant Andrographis paniculata is a very important drug in Ayurveda. . .and often confused with its therapeutic counterpart “Kiratatikta” (Swertia chirayata). . .the Synonyms Kiratatikta, Bhoonimba, Kaalamegha given in Ayurveda are often confused & now due to the non-availability of Swertia chirayata in the South, this plant is used as the officinal substitute for the same.

Scholars have equated

Kiratatikta – Swertia chirayata

Bhoonimba (means a herbaceous variety of Neem) & Kalamegha to be synonyms of – Andrographis paniculata


A famous formulation is available in the market by name “Bhoonimbadi Khaada” (A decoction made of Andrographis & many other drugs), is very well administered in the disorders related to Pitta, which manifests in the form of Fevers, Burning sensations, Bleeding disorders, Liver disorders, Anaemia, Jaundice, Skin diseases so on & so forth. . .


Thamizh – Siriyaanangai, Nilavembu

Telugu – Nilavemu

Kannada – Nelabevu, Kaalamegha



In Bengal, the Kavirajas use this plant for making a formulation called “ALUI”

Alui is prepared by pounding Cumin, Aniseed, capsules of Greater Cardomums in the juice of Andrographis. The mass is made into small pills and dried in Sun.

Method of Administration: One pill rubbed down with mother’s milk is the ordinary dose – given to overcome Malaria.

Tincture of the plant is given in Influenza.


Intestinal worms:

Green leaves with aniseed are given together.

Juice of leaves with cardamom, cloves & Cinnamon made into pills are prescribed(for Worms & also loss of appetite, flatulence, Diarrhoea, irregular stools etc.)


Liver diseases:

Decoction of leaves (in sluggish liver)

Also the plant cures Ulcers of the stomach, Piles, itching etc.,


In Unani System of medicine, the Hakims use Andrographis as a tonic & alterative in Syphilis.


Unfolding a very important use of Andrographis. . .as a wonder drug in Snake & other poisons. . .

In Siddha system of medicine, Andrographis paniculata is called as SIRIYANANGAI & it is usually used with its sister plant Andrographis alata which is stated to be PERIYANANGAI.

Siddha medicine uses this plant as one of the best drugs in treating Snake bites.

Even today we have the practices of Siriyanangai being used as a best drug for venomous bites especially by the folks in Tamil Nadu.

It is believed that. . .

A person who is bitten by a venomous snake will not be able to appreciate the bitterness of this drug till the venom gets neutralized in the body.

By this method they rule out the cases with suspected snake bites.


Also a combination of A.paniculata & A.alata given together works wonders in giving life to the people who have become completely unconscious due to venomous bites.


Method: the leaves of Siriyanangai(A.paniculata) pounded with garlic is given internally & the paste of Periyanangai(A.alata) is applied on the site of its bite, will make an unconscious man bitten by a snake, to become normal in 5 minutes (Ref: folk practices in Tamil Nadu).


Modern sciences: have proven this effect (andrographolide & panicolide which are derived from the Ethanolic extract of this plant prolonged the life of Albino mice injected with Cobra venom).

Neoandrographolide from the plant is said to be anti-allergic & Hepato-protective.

Sharing a few photos of the flowers & fruits of A.paniculata that was taken with my mobile years back. . .

Thank You

Dr Hari Venkatesh K Rajaraman


tanay bose

May 8, 2010, 12:02:16 AM5/8/10
Thanks for the medicinal notes Hari Ji

Dr. Hari Venkatesh K Rajaraman

May 10, 2010, 2:07:10 AM5/10/10
to bodhi nighantu

Thank You Tanay ji. . .

tanay bose

May 10, 2010, 8:11:54 AM5/10/10
Welcoem HAri ji

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Dr. Hari Venkatesh K Rajaraman <> wrote:

Thank You Tanay ji. . .

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