DIY Deluxe Warhammer scale version of Chaos in the Old World

Follow my work on creating a deluxe version of 'Chaos in the Old World' using Warhammer miniatures and eventually a large custom board to play on.
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Phase 5 - The Horned Rat

Brian Nors Jensen
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Microbadge: Level 05 BGG posterMicrobadge: Triathlon fan - Ironman FinisherMicrobadge: Blood Bowl fanMicrobadge: Marvel UnitedMicrobadge: Miniature Painter
See this post for an introduction to this project.

Phase 5 has been a funny one, The Horned Rat is very different from the other powers, also in terms of miniatures. I had to be creative with this one, so lets take a look at it...

The Greater Daemon was quite of a challenge, the 'real' Vermin Lord miniature is very small, only half the size of the other greater deamons. This really bugged me, so I decided to buy an Deamon Prince as well. Of course the last one did not look like a Vermin Lord at all, but it had the right size... After a bit of cutting, gluing, modelling and painting I ended up with just a single big Vermin Lord:

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

As you may notice, making rats fit a gray color scheme is a bit tricky. So they are not that gray but I think it is ok.

Next problem where Rat Ogres, they are quite large compared to the other warriors and usually warriors are also used as scoring markers. But in this case I decided that they simply where to big for the job. I had to do some modelling work on theese ones as well, the miniatures had very visible connection points especially around the arms.

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

Cultists... Man does The Horned Rat have many cultists. Well it took a while to paint them all but furtunatly they are still quite different. This makes the painting more fun (a hate painting many similar miniatures).
As you may notice, I changed one of the Clan Rats into a scoring marker. It breaks my pattern, but this power is just different in most ways...

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

From gallery of Nors

I will not include a comparison between the five cultists, Clan Rats looks very different any way.

And at last, fear the swarming horde of The Horned Rat!

From gallery of Nors

Next step is to paint all the miniatures used for 'The Old World', but since there is quite a high number of them, I expect to split them into two phases.

Again, taking all the pictures, cutting them and posting them takes most of an evening. So if you like it please reward me with a comment or a thump

And by the way: Happy New Year! laugh
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Subscribe sub options Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:22 pm
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