Marantaceae: Calathea, Maranta, Marantochloa, Monotagma, Sarcophrynium, Stromanthe, Thalia, Arrowroot, Schumannianthus Dichotoma, Calathea Ornata, Tha

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General Books, 2013 - 22 pages
Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Pages: 20. Chapters: Calathea, Maranta, Marantochloa, Monotagma, Sarcophrynium, Stromanthe, Thalia, Arrowroot, Schumannianthus dichotoma, Calathea ornata, Thaumatococcus daniellii, Calathea veitchiana, Sarcophrynium villosum, Calathea chimboracensis, Calathea plurispicata, Calathea ecuadoriana, Marantochloa mildbraedii, Calathea lanicaulis, Calathea multicinta, Calathea gandersii, Calathea ischnosiphonoides, Calathea utilis, Calathea roseobracteata, Calathea hagbergii, Calathea pallidicosta, Calathea latrinotecta, Calathea pluriplicata, Calathea petersenii, Calathea paucifolia, Stromanthe ramosissima, Calathea dodsonii, Calathea curaraya, Calathea libbyana, Calathea congesta, Calathea makoyana, Calathea anulque, Monotagma rudanii, Thalia pavonii, Ctenanthe, Ctenanthe oppenheimiana, Calathea loeseneri, Calathea roseopicta, Calathea louisae, Calathea orbifolia, Calathea lancifolia. Excerpt: The Marantaceae or arrowroot family is a family of flowering plants known for its large starchy rhizomes. It is sometimes called the prayer-plant family. Combined morphological and DNA phylogenetic analyses indicate the family originated in Africa, although this is not the center of its extant diversity. The APG II system, of 2003 (unchanged from the APG system, 1998), also recognizes this family, and assigns it to the order Zingiberales in the clade commelinids in the monocots. The Marantaceae are considered the most evolved family in this group due to the extreme reduction in both stamens and carpels. The family consists of 30(-1) with about 350(-500+) species according to Flowering Plants of the World), found in the tropical areas of the world except in Australia. The biggest concentration is in the America'with seven genera in Africa, and six in Asia. Called a prayer-plant as it folds up its leaves at night and looks like it's praying. The plants...

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