Family: Thymelaeaceae Juss.

Daphne striata

Distribution: Endemic to the Alps – from the Maritime and Savoy Alps through Dolomites to the Julian Alps and Karawanks.

Ecology: It grows on grassy and rocky slopes, pastures, on limestone, at elevations from 1500 to 2500 m asl. It blooms from May to August.

Description: Evergreen dwarf shrub, entirely glabrous, 5–15(–30) cm tall, with freely branched stems. Leaves lanceolate, crowded at the ends of the branches, 10–24 mm long, usually 5–6 times as long as wide. Terminal heads with 8–12 flowers, flowers fragrant, pink, tube 6–12 mm, often longitudinally striped. lobes 3–4 mm long. The fruit is a reddish drupe.

Threat and protection: The Striated Mezereon is protected by law in France.

Daphne striata
Daphne striata
Daphne striata
Daphne striata
Daphne striata

These images were taken in Italy, the Dolomites, Passo di Falzarego (June 19, 2005).