For many expatriates and travelers, maintaining spiritual connections in a foreign land is essential. If you’re wondering, Are There English Speaking Churches in Costa Rica?, you’re not alone. This guide offers insights into the presence of English-speaking religious communities in Costa Rica, ensuring that you can continue your spiritual journey while embracing the ‘pura vida’ lifestyle of this beautiful country.

Key Takeaways:

  • English-speaking churches are available in Costa Rica
  • These churches cater to expatriates and tourists seeking spiritual support and fellowship
  • Many denominations and types of churches are available, such as Catholic, Protestant, and evangelical churches

Thriving English-Speaking Church Communities in Costa Rica

Costa Rica boasts a diverse array of religious institutions catering to different denominations and beliefs. However, English-speaking churches in Costa Rica have emerged as a vital component of the country’s spiritual landscape, providing a welcoming environment for expatriates and tourists seeking religious support and fellowship.

The English-speaking churches in Costa Rica come in different types and denominations, ranging from Catholic churches to Protestant and evangelical churches. The congregations in these churches are often a mix of locals and expatriates, creating a diverse and vibrant community of faith. The English-speaking churches in Costa Rica are also known for their warm and welcoming nature, fostering a sense of belonging among its members.

One of the thriving English-speaking church communities in Costa Rica is the Catedral de la Fe (Cathedral of Faith), located in the city of San Jose. The church is part of the Assemblies of God denomination and conducts services in both Spanish and English. The Catedral de la Fe is a popular destination for English-speaking visitors, with its diverse congregation and uplifting worship experience.

English-Speaking Churches in Costa Rica: Types of Churches:
Catedral de la Fe (Cathedral of Faith) Assemblies of God denomination
Christian Fellowship Church Non-denominational
Iglesia de Dios del Avivamiento Apostolic Church

Another popular English-speaking church in Costa Rica is the Christian Fellowship Church in Tamarindo. The church is a non-denominational, Bible-based church that welcomes people of all backgrounds and beliefs. The Christian Fellowship Church is known for its dynamic worship experience and strong sense of community.

For those seeking an apostolic church, the Iglesia de Dios del Avivamiento in San Jose offers services in both Spanish and English. The church is a member of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship and is committed to spreading the gospel message through its various ministries and programs.

The English-speaking churches in Costa Rica offer a sense of comfort and familiarity to those seeking a spiritual home away from home. The congregations provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and form lasting relationships within the community.

English-speaking churches in Costa Rica

In summary, English-speaking churches in Costa Rica have become an essential part of the country’s religious landscape, catering to the needs of expatriates and tourists seeking a welcoming and inclusive community of faith. Whether it’s a Catholic, Protestant, or evangelical church, these communities offer an uplifting worship experience and warm fellowship opportunities for English-speaking congregants.

Uplifting Worship and Warm Fellowship in English

English-speaking religious institutions in Costa Rica offer a unique opportunity for expatriates and tourists to experience spiritual support and fellowship in a language they are comfortable with. Costa Rica Christian churches are particularly diverse, catering to various denominations and preferences. English-speaking places of worship in Costa Rica are equally diverse, with many congregations thriving throughout the country.

The worship experience in English-speaking churches is often described as uplifting and inspiring. Many churches offer English translations of their services or conduct services entirely in English. This means that English-speaking congregants can fully participate in the worship and feel included in the community. In addition, the welcoming atmosphere in these churches provides a sense of connection and belonging.

English-speaking churches in Costa Rica also offer many opportunities for warm fellowship. Bible studies, prayer groups, and community outreach programs provide a chance for congregants to come together and connect with each other. The sense of community is often particularly important for expatriates, who may feel far from home and in need of connections in their new environment.

One congregation that exemplifies these qualities is the Costa Rica Baptist Church in San Jose. This church offers services in English and Spanish, providing a welcoming environment for the diverse community it serves. The church’s mission is to reach out to the English-speaking community in the San Jose area and provide a spiritual home away from home. As the church itself puts it, “Our desire is that each person who walks through our doors will experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ and find a loving and accepting community of faith.”

English-speaking religious institutions in Costa Rica

No matter where you are in Costa Rica, you can find an English-speaking church that provides uplifting worship and warm fellowship. These churches offer a sense of community and belonging that is invaluable for expatriates and tourists seeking spiritual support in a foreign country. If you’re looking for a spiritual home away from home, consider checking out the many English-speaking churches in Costa Rica.

Finding English-Speaking Churches in Costa Rica

If you’re an English speaker living in or visiting Costa Rica, you may be looking for a religious institution that caters to your needs. Fortunately, there are many English-speaking churches in Costa Rica that offer spiritual support and fellowship opportunities for congregants.

The easiest way to find these churches is to search online directories that specialize in religious institutions. Websites like InterNations and AngloINFO provide listings of English-speaking churches in Costa Rica, making it easy to find one in your area. You can also join local expat groups or forums and ask for recommendations from fellow English speakers who have already found a religious community.

Additionally, it’s worth reaching out to the larger English-speaking communities in Costa Rica. Many expat associations, such as the American Colony in San Jose or the Association of Residents of Costa Rica, have members who can provide guidance and advice on finding an English-speaking church in the area.

Once you have a list of potential churches, be sure to check their websites or social media pages for information on service times and locations. It’s also a good idea to call or email the church ahead of time to confirm their schedule and any language requirements, such as whether they offer services entirely in English or provide translations.

Overall, while finding an English-speaking church in Costa Rica may require some research and effort, the payoff is worth it. These churches provide a welcoming and supportive community for English speakers, offering a spiritual home away from home.

English-speaking churches in Costa Rica


In summary, English-speaking churches in Costa Rica offer a spiritual home away from home for expatriates and tourists seeking fellowship and worship opportunities. The availability of diverse denominations and vibrant communities cater to the needs of English speakers seeking spiritual support in a welcoming atmosphere.

Finding these churches is made easier through online directories, community forums, and expat networks, which can provide recommendations and guidance. Engaging with local English-speaking communities can foster connections and enrich the worship experience.

In conclusion, English-speaking churches in CR are readily accessible and offer a fulfilling and inclusive experience. These religious institutions play a vital role in nurturing the spiritual well-being of the English-speaking community in the country.

-Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap).

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Q: Are there English-speaking churches in Costa Rica?

A: Yes, there are English-speaking churches in CR. These religious institutions cater to the needs of expatriates and tourists who prefer worshiping in English.

Q: What types of churches are available in Costa Rica?

A: CR has a diverse religious landscape, and there are various denominations and types of churches available. These include Catholic, Protestant, and evangelical churches.

Q: Do English-speaking churches in Costa Rica offer services in English?

A: Yes, English-speaking churches in CR conduct services in English. Some churches may even offer English translations for individuals who prefer to worship in their native language.

Q: What fellowship opportunities are available in English-speaking churches in Costa Rica?

A: English-speaking churches in CR provide a welcoming atmosphere and offer various activities for fellowship. These include Bible studies, prayer groups, and community outreach programs.

Q: How can I find English-speaking churches in Costa Rica?

A: To find English-speaking churches in CR, you can utilize online directories, community forums, and expatriate groups. It is also helpful to reach out to local English-speaking communities and expat networks for recommendations.



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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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