Mecoptera: Scorpionflies and Hanging Scorpionflies

(from the Greek: mecos = long + ptera = wings)

Scorpionflies are medium-sized, soft-bodied insects with complete metamorphosis, 2 pairs of wings, long antennae, and chewing Scorpionflymouthparts. Scorpionflies are easy to identify because of their long “noses.” Scorpionflies get their names because on some species, the male abdomen ends in a tail resembling that of a scorpion. Most common scorpionflies in our area are orange in color. Larval scopionflies live in leaf litter and feed on a variety of organic material. Most adults are predators. Hanging scorpionflies, sometimes called “hangingflies” or “hangflies,” are occasionally found. Hanging scorpionflies strongly resemble crane flies (Diptera), but have 2 pairs of wings instead of 1 pair.