Ichnological model evaluation

Glossifungites & Zoophycos phenomena  

Detailed analysis of Modern and Miocene Mahakam Delta deposits at Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan focused on identifying their ichnological and sedimentological characteristics. The study in the Modern Mahakam Delta is focused in environments: estuary, interdistributary and active distributary. The importance findings in the ichnological research are: Zoophycos ichnofacies in deltaic setting and Glossifungites ichnofacies related to bounding surfaces.

Glossifungites from Modern Mahakam Delta Indonesia

Glossifungites from Modern Mahakam Delta Indonesia

Zoophycos from Modern Mahakam Delta Indonesia

Zoophycos from Modern Mahakam Delta Indonesia

Despite based on Seilacher concept that Zoophycos ichnofacies always associated to bathyal bathymetry, in fact could be recognized in Lantang island Modern Mahakam Delta. We are missing to understand the fundamental ichnological concept. Not only bathymetry but a lot of factor controlled the organism ethology and strategy for survival. Substrate controlled ichnofacies has been studied both of the modern and Miocene Mahakam Delta. Glossifungites ichnofacies associated with firmground substrate well developed in the one of estuary tidal bar in the modern Mahakam delta. Glossifungitesichnofacies in Modern Mahakam Delta developed after erosion so the firmground exposed and rapidly colonized by the fauna. The erosion is strongly related to autocyclic process that normal processes in the deltaic setting.

Glossifungites ichnofacies at Miocene Outcrops of Samarinda Area

Glossifungites ichnofacies at Miocene Outcrops of Samarinda Area

Glossifungites erosional surface association at Miocene Outrcop of Samarinda Area

Glossifungites erosional surface association at Miocene Outrcop of Samarinda Area

Comparison to Glossifungites ichnofacies in the Miocene outcrops strongly indicated crosscuts the pre-existing softground ichnofacies in the prodeltaic deposit. TheGlossifungites surface coincidence with erosional surface along more than 300 meters.Glossifungites  ichnofacies is valuable in stratigraphy if proven as “break” between erosion and post sedimentation and could be mapped regionally.

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