Crassula / "Jade plant"

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by AlainK, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    I'm not sure that what is called a "Jade plant" is : here, Crassula and Portulacaria are often confused.

    I've never kept a Portulacaria afra for very long, they don't seem to like my climate.

    On the contrary, Crassula ovata, and other species oof Crassula are easy to keep in my environment : I take them out as soon as there are no more frosts, and bring them inside when they come back. When they're in full sun in summer, they get a red hem on the leaves.

    And it's so easy to take cuttings. A single leaf that stays on the soil will produce roots and new leaves.

    When Crassula ovata stays outside when there's a light frost, and is then brought inside, the chance that it will flower is better. My son has a big one (about 80 cm each dimension) that regularly flowers around Christmas time. Mine are much smaller, including the many cuttings I've taken, many of them given to friends.

    Crassula ovata :

    crassula01bt01_161112a.jpg crassula01bt01_231118b.jpg crassula01_220509b.jpg crassula01_181211b.jpg

    Crassula 'Hobbit' :

    crassula-hobbit.bt19_200516a.jpg crassula-hobbit_multi_181108d.jpg

    Crassula compacta :


    Portulacaria afra, smaller, thinner leaves :

    portulacaria01_130805a.jpg potulacarias_140729b.jpg
    Junglekeeper and wcutler like this.

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