Plants Portraits: Acanthus spinosus

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It’s not often that I make time to really study a plant or flower in detail.  Last weekend, whilst staying with family, I seized the opportunity to have a closer look at Acanthus spinosus, commonly known as spiny bear’s breeches.  The plant’s leaves are believed to have inspired the flamboyant capitals of Roman Corinthian columns.  Flower spikes, which emerge in summer, combine an extraordinary softness of colour with hard, sharp spines and pronounced veins.  I love the way the white flowers form a jagged heart shape within the thorny bracts before emerging.  From every angle, this plant is a joy to photograph.

Acanthus mollis, Stonebridge Farm, July 2013

Acanthus mollis, July 2013

Acanthus mollis, July 2013

Acanthus mollis, July 2013

Acanthus mollis, July 2013

Acanthus mollis, July 2013

Categories: Perennials, Plant Portraits, Plants

Posted by The Frustrated Gardener

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8 comments On "Plants Portraits: Acanthus spinosus"

  1. Hah! I would have pulled it up, mistaking it for a weed. Is that an apple or a crabapple next to it? BTW, I am thinking of espaliering an apple tree here! I love the look.

    1. Pleasure. It’s quite easy to grow, although I’ve heard it sometimes takes a little while to start flowering. I believe Acanthus can also be a bit invasive if it decides it likes where it’s growing.

  2. stunning photos…what an exquisite plant – don’t think I have ever seen this plant in australia – it looks a bit mean!! and very bitey…

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