All that glitters is not Ramularia

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Date: Mar. 2016
From: Studies in Mycology(Vol. 83)
Publisher: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures
Document Type: Report
Length: 29,893 words
Lexile Measure: 1160L

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Mycelium consisting of hyaline, septate, branched, smooth, 0.5-1.5 [micro]m diam hyphae. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, intermediate in the mycelium, cylindrical-oblong, (5.5-)10.5-13(-17) x 1-1.5(-2) [micro]m, with one or two conidiogenous loci, almost flat to protuberant, thickened, darkened and refractive, 1 [micro]m diam. Conidia hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, catenate, with hila thickened, darkened and refractive. Ramoconidia cylindrical-oblong to oval, (7-)9.5-12(-23) x (1.5-) 2(-2.5) [micro]m, 0-1-septate, with 2-4 apical hila. Intercalary conidia cylindrical-oblong, ellipsoid or fusoid, aseptate, (4.5-) 7-8(-11) x (1.5-)2(-2.5) [micro]m, in branched chains of up to seven conidia. Terminal conidia obovoid, aseptate, (3-) 4-4.5(-6) x (1-)1.5-2 [micro]m (on SNA, CBS 101613).

Culture characteristics: On MEA, 17 mm diam, surface raised, folded, erumpent aerial mycelium, vinaceous-buff, with margins lobate, convex, feathery, colony reverse brown-vinaceous and fawn margin; on OA, 15 mm diam, surface raised, folded, erumpent aerial mycelium, vinaceous-buff, with margins undulate, rosy-vinaceous and no aerial mycelium, colony surrounded by a 0.5 cm discoloured halo, colony reverse vinaceous; on PDA, 14 mm diam, surface greyish lilac, erumpent, convex, with margins pale vinaceous, undulate, colony surrounded by pale vinaceous pigment diffusing into the media, colony reverse vinaceous.

Description in vivo: See Braun (1998: 112).

Specimens examined: Germany, Thuringen, Weimar, brown leaf spot on Symphytum sp., 1999, G. Arnold, cultures CBS 101612, CBS 101613. Italy, Vercellis, 1851, Cesatis [Rabenh., Klotzschii Herb. Viv. Mycol. 1681; lectotype, designated in Braun (1998), HAL]. Sweden, Uppland, Vassunda, on Viola hirta, 11 Sep. 1988, E. Gunnerbeck, culture CBS 114442.

Substrate and distribution: On Nonea, Symphytum, and Trachystemon spp. (Boraginaceae); Asia, Caucasus, Europe.

Notes: Ramularia calcea is a species with a wide distribution within Europe that was originally described on Symphytum officinale from Italy. Morphologically, the strains in this clade have conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells and narrower conidia (Fig. 40) than the in vivo description of R. calcea found in literature (Braun 1998), in which the conidiophores are small and sometimes deeply forked [10-80 x (2-) 3-6(-7) [micro]m], and conidia are wider [(5-) 8-24(-26.5) x (2.5-)3-7(-8) [micro]m]. Unfortunately, the herbarium specimen from which the culture was retrieved was not preserved which made it impossible to assess the morphological characters of this species on host tissue. The clade formed by these two strains is highly supported by the phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 2, clade 42). Strain CBS 299.49 (Fig. 2, clade 36) is also under the name R. calcea in the CBS database, but since this is sterile it will be treated as Ramularia sp. C. Therefore, the correct phylogenetic placement of this species remains unresolved until material from the type host and location is recollected. Ramularia calcea has been reported on Symphytum officinale in both Germany and the Netherlands, among other countries. The morphological characteristics of CBS 114442 are identical to CBS 102612 and 102613, therefore, until more collections become available, these strains will be treated as R. calcea here.

Ramularia carneola (Sacc.) Nannf., in Lundell & Nannf., Fungi Exs. Suec., Fasc. XXXIX-LX, Sched.: 25. 1950.

Basionym: Ovularia carneola Sacc., Fungi ital. Del., Tab. 975....

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Gale Document Number: GALE|A473843688