Generic concepts in Nectriaceae

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Date: Mar. 2015
From: Studies in Mycology(Vol. 80)
Publisher: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures
Document Type: Report
Length: 22,200 words
Lexile Measure: 1020L

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Xenogliocladiopsis cypellocarpa L. Lombard & Crous, sp. nov. MycoBank MB810166. Fig. 8.

Etymology: Name derived from the plant host Eucalyptus cypellocarpa, from which it was isolated.

Ascomatal state not observed. Conidiophores hyaline, separate or aggregated in sporodochia, consisting of a stipe bearing a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, and an avesiculate stipe extension; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 19-105 x 4-11 [micro]m; stipe extension septate, straight to flexuous, 70-190 [micro]m long, 2-4 [micro]m wide at the apical septum. Conidiogenous apparatus 70-115 [micro]m wide, and 65-105 [micro]m long; primary branches aseptate, 15-30 x 3-7 [micro]m; secondary branches aseptate, 10-20 x 2-6 [micro]m; tertiary branches aseptate, 7-22 x 2-5 [micro]m; quaternary branches and additional branches (-8) aseptate, 6-15 x 1-4 [micro]m, each terminal branch producing 2-6 phialides; phialides cylindrical to cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 8-11 x 1-3 [micro]m, collarette absent. Conidia cylindrical to fusiform, rounded at both ends, straight, 8-10 x 1-2 [micro]m (av. 9 x 1 [micro]m).

Culture characteristics: Colonies moderately fast growing on MEA, 60-80 mm diam after 10 d at 24[degrees]C. Surface white to pale luteous with pale luteous to yellow tuffs of sporodochia forming at the margins; aerial mycelium abundant in the centre becoming immersed towards the margins, with conidiophores forming on the aerial mycelium and on the surface at the margins. Reverse similar in colour.

Material examined: Australia, Northern territories, Darwin, Kurralong Height, on leaves of Eucalyptus cypellocarpa, 25 Apr. 2011, PW. Crous (holotype CBS H21951, culture ex-type CBS 133814 = CPC 19417); Queensland, Slaughter Falls, on leaves of Eucalyptus sp., 16 Jul. 2009, PW. Crous, culture CPC 17153.

Notes: Xenogliocladiopsis cypellocarpa is introduced here as a new species in the genus Xenogliocladiopsis. This species forms shorter stipe extensions (up to 190 [micro]m) than X. eucalyptorum (up to 220 [micro]m), and the conidia of X. cypellocarpa are also slightly smaller than those of X. eucalyptorum (7.5-11 x 1-1.5 [micro]m; Crous & Kendrick 1994).

Clade VI

Cylindrodendrum Bonord., Handb. allg. Mykol.: 98.1851. MycoBank MB7873.

Ascomatal state unknown. Conidiophores initially as lateral phialides on somatic hyphae, sometimes verticillate, hyaline. Phialides monophialidic, elongate doliiform to reniform to obpyriform, with the terminal part frequently having a swollen tip, apex with minute periclinal thickening and inconspicuous collarette. Conidia cylindrical, rounded at both ends, straight, 0-1-septate, with visible abscission scars (adapted from Lombard et al. 2014b).

Type species: Cylindrodendrum album Bonord., Handb. Allg. Mykol.: 48. 1851.

Description and illustrations: Lombard et al. (2014b).

Notes: Chaverri et al. (2011) suggested that the asexual morphtypified genus Cylindrodendrum could be considered as a synonym of "Cylindrocarpon". Morphologically however, members of Cylindrodendrum more closely resemble the asexual morphs of fungal species in the genera Atractium, Cosmospora, Dialonectria, Fusicolla, Macroconia and Stylonectria, with the exception of conidium morphology (Grafenhan et al. 2011). Based on phylogenetic inference, Cylindrodendrum isolates included in this study formed a monophyletic clade (BS = 100%, PP = 1.0), sister to the monophyletic clade representing Dactylonectria.

Dactylonectria L. Lombard & Crous, Phytopathol. Medit. 53: 348. 2014. MycoBank MB810142.

Ascomata perithecial, superficial, solitary or aggregated in groups, ovoid...

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