Portraits Of Hechtia (Bromeliaceae: Hechdioideae): H. isthmusiana Burt-Utley.

Citation metadata

From: Journal of the Bromeliad Society(Vol. 64, Issue 1)
Publisher: Bromeliad Society International
Document Type: Article
Length: 2,017 words
Lexile Measure: 1600L

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Abstract :

Hechtia isthmusiana Burt-Utley was recently described from Oaxaca, Mexico. Here we provide drawings and images to help in the identification of the species. This species is diagnosed by its caulescent habit, the relatively small vegetative size, rosettes in a starlike shape, the proportionally short leaves, which are succulent, spiny, green or reddish, sparsely white lepidote adaxially, densely white lepidote below, with an erect central inflorescence, greenish pistillate flowers and white staminate flowers, the infructescence erect, and congested cylindrical branches. We provide images of similar species in the genus in order to help with identification of H. isthmusiana.
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Gale Document Number: GALE|A610342015