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Dono Wahyuno

    Dono Wahyuno

    Foot rot disease (FRD) is soil-borne disease caused by Phytophthora capsici. Biocontrol agent application is considered efficient controlling FRD. Endophytic fungi were reported enhancing plant vigor and resistance against biotic and... more
    Foot rot disease (FRD) is soil-borne disease caused by Phytophthora capsici. Biocontrol agent application is considered efficient controlling FRD. Endophytic fungi were reported enhancing plant vigor and resistance against biotic and abiotic stress. The study aimed to assess endophytic fungi ability on promoting growth and reducing FRD incidence of pepper seedling. Endophytic fungi were isolated from root of healthy pepper using PDA medium supplemented by chloramphenicol and rose bengal. The isolates were characterized their morphological characteristics, dual culture test against P. capsici and pathogenicity test on pepper leaf. The endophyte isolates were inoculated onto root system of 10 weeks old seedlings by soaking them into isolate suspension, then planted in sterilized soil medium. The IAA and GA3 content in root were measured by TLC scanner one month later. The effectiveness of endophyte isolates against P. capsici was tested by drenching 50 ml of the P. capsici zoospore su...
    Bangka Belitung, Indonesia was once known for pepper production before farmers switched to tin mining. Pepper plantations are still cultivated by individual farmers and significantly occupying large areas. It is necessary to provide... more
    Bangka Belitung, Indonesia was once known for pepper production before farmers switched to tin mining. Pepper plantations are still cultivated by individual farmers and significantly occupying large areas. It is necessary to provide fertilizer recommendations for farmers which is easily to be accessed. In the program of SpiceUp, farmers can simply inform the coordinates of their agricultural land so that farmers can obtain data on soil properties and fertilizer recommendations. Land units were developed and representative soil samples with the depth of 0-30 cm were collected in each land units. By using the soil data and nutrients absorption and put the loss factor of fertilizers the formula for fertilizers recommendation in each points were developed. The final productions were map of N, P, K and other nutrients status and map of fertilizers recommendation for N, P and K. These information were stored in the database centre. By sending the coordinates of their lands, the database c...
    Brown root rot disease is a major constraint on cashew plantation in Pekat District, West Nusa Tenggara. Its causal agent has not been characterized. This paper describes efforts to study the pathogen, distribution and loss. Field study... more
    Brown root rot disease is a major constraint on cashew plantation in Pekat District, West Nusa Tenggara. Its causal agent has not been characterized. This paper describes efforts to study the pathogen, distribution and loss. Field study was conducted in Pekat District in 2003. Laboratory  experiments to isolate and test the causal agent were conducted in the Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, Bogor.  Research results showed that the disease was found widespread in several villages in Pekat District, such as Pekat, Beringin Jaya, Sorinomo, and Nangamiro. Total number of died cashew trees was 1,075 equals to 5,106 kg kernel yield lost, worth Rp20.5 million. Infected trees showed leaf yellowing and defoliation leading to die. The lateral and taproots near collar were encrusted with gravel, earth, and brown mycelia sleeves. The fungus produced arthrospores and brown pigmentation on agar medium containing 0.05% gallic acid. An isolate of the fungus induced typical ...
    Pyricularia zingiberi merupakan penyebab penyakit bercak daun dominan di Indonesia. Pengendalian penyakit bercak daun masih bertumpu pada fungisida kimia. Kombinasi teknik pengendalian serta ketepatan waktu aplikasi fungisida perlu... more
    Pyricularia zingiberi merupakan penyebab penyakit bercak daun dominan di Indonesia. Pengendalian penyakit bercak daun masih bertumpu pada fungisida kimia. Kombinasi teknik pengendalian serta ketepatan waktu aplikasi fungisida perlu ditentukan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pengendalian serta mengurangi dampak negatif penggunaan fungisida kimia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kombinasi pemberian fungisida dan pupuk silika serta waktu yang efektif untuk pengendalian penyakit bercak daun. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan petak-petak terbagi, dengan aplikasi pupuk silika sebagai petak utama, fungisida sebagai anak petak, dan waktu aplikasi sebagai anak-anak petak. Pupuk silika (20 mL L-1) diaplikasikan pada tanaman jahe merah umur 4 minggu dan kemudian tanaman diinokulasi dengan P. zingiberi pada umur 8 minggu. Fungisida mulai diaplikasikan sesuai dengan perlakuan (umur 12, 14, dan 16 minggu). Tidak terdapat interaksi antara ketiga faktor yang diuji. Aplikasi silika dalam bentuk ...
    Vascular streak dieback (VSD) merupakan penyakit penting pada tanaman kakao. Penyakit ini telah berkembang luas di sentra produksi kakao di Indonesia dan menyebabkan kerugian 30-45% dari produksi. Luas serangan VSD di Indonesia pada tahun... more
    Vascular streak dieback (VSD) merupakan penyakit penting pada tanaman kakao. Penyakit ini telah berkembang luas di sentra produksi kakao di Indonesia dan menyebabkan kerugian 30-45% dari produksi. Luas serangan VSD di Indonesia pada tahun 2007 adalah 70.000 ha dengan kehilangan hasil sebesar  Rp 405 643 680 000/tahun, dan kerugian terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Tujuan dari revieu ini adalah menginformasikan tentang penyakit VSD dan perkembangan teknologi pengendaliannya. Penyakit VSD adalah penyakit pembuluh kayu yang  menyerang tanaman kakao. Gejala serangan ditunjukkan oleh daun yang  mengalami klorosis, gugur dan meranting, hingga akhirnya tanaman tidak berproduksi. Penyakit VSD disebabkan oleh cendawan Ceratobasidium theobromae, yang bersifat obligat parasit, tersebar melalui spora udara (basidiospora), melalui bahan tanam atau bibit kakao yang telah terinfeksi. Keberhasilan spora untuk berkecambah dan melakukan penetrasi jaringan daun sangat tergantung pada kondisi lingku...
    Mottle disease, caused by viral infection is one of the main disease in black pepper plants. Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMoV) and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) are recorded as the causal agent of mottle disease in several countries.... more
    Mottle disease, caused by viral infection is one of the main disease in black pepper plants. Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMoV) and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) are recorded as the causal agent of mottle disease in several countries. Research was conducted at the Sukamulya Research Station, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, to observe disease incidence and identify the associated virus. Field observation and sampling was carried out on 50 black pepper plants, aged around 3-4 years. Virus detection was performed by PCR and reverse transcription (RT)-PCR using a primer pair that amplified the ORF III of PYMoV (AIB 104/AIB 105), and CMV coat protein (AIB 1/AIB 2), followed by sequencing and analysis of nucleotide sequences. Incidence and severity of mottle disease in Sukamulya reached 100% and 32.50%, respectively. Specific DNA target were successfully amplified, i.e. 400 bp and 650 bp for PYMoV and CMV, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that PYMoV isolate from Sukamulya is closely...
    Karnal bunt of wheat (Triticum aestivum) caused by Tilletia indica is a major concern in international trade because it can degrade quality significantly, and it is a quarantine pest for Indonesia. Tilletia infected seeds can be the... more
    Karnal bunt of wheat (Triticum aestivum) caused by Tilletia indica is a major concern in international trade because it can degrade quality significantly, and it is a quarantine pest for Indonesia. Tilletia infected seeds can be the source of fungal inoculum of other areas. The current research was aimed to determine the effectiveness of temperature and exposure time to control Tilletia using air heat treatment without reducing the quality of grain. The experiments were conducted in vitro, initiated by seed testing, including morphology-based detection and identification of Tilletia followed by a viability test of the seed. Air heat treatment was performed by adjusting the oven temperature at 75, 80, 85 °C and 28 °C (control) for 4 and 6 hr exposure time, each with three replications. The results showed that air heat treatment of the wheat at 75 °C for 4 hr was able to suppress teliospores germination of 56.7–61.7%, without denature protein content of the wheat. 
    Penyakit kerdil yang disebabkan oleh Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMoV) dan Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) merupakan salah satu penyakit penting pada tanaman lada di Indonesia. Keberadaan PYMoV tidak mudah dikenal karena di lapang infeksi... more
    Penyakit kerdil yang disebabkan oleh Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMoV) dan Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) merupakan salah satu penyakit penting pada tanaman lada di Indonesia. Keberadaan PYMoV tidak mudah dikenal karena di lapang infeksi kedua virus dapat terjadi pada satu tanaman. Deteksi PYMoV pada sampel tanaman lebih akurat perlu dicari dan teknik molekuler dianggap paling sesuai untuk saat ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeteksi PYMoV pada tanaman lada secara polymerase chain reaction (PCR) menggunakan pasangan primer spesifik PYMoV-F dan PYMoV-R. Isolasi total DNA tanaman lada dilakukan menggunakan ATP genomic DNA mini kit. Deteksi PYMoV secara molekuler dilakukan dengan teknik PCR menggunakan pasangan primer spesifik PYMo-F dan PYMoV-R. Untuk mengecek spesifitas primer yang digunakan, dilakukan perunutan nukleotida pada produk PCR yang dihasilkan. Runutan nukleotida yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis dengan program BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor, Complementor, Transla...
    Pseudocercospora liebenbergii the cause of leaf spot disease on Rauwolfta serpentina The experiments wee conducted at Reseach Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops, rom Ocober 1995 o March 19%. The objective of the experiments wee to... more
    Pseudocercospora liebenbergii the cause of leaf spot disease on Rauwolfta serpentina The experiments wee conducted at Reseach Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops, rom Ocober 1995 o March 19%. The objective of the experiments wee to identify the causal agent of leaf spot disease on Rauwofia serpentina and some ecobiological aspects. The expeiments were divided into two steps. The first step was observation on the disease intensity and identification of the causal agent. The second step was testing the effect of temperature and light on the mycelia growth and the germination of conidia, and the survival of conidia at diferent ranges of elative humidity. The results showed that the pathogenic of leaf spot disease is Pseudocercospora liebenbergii, newly eported pathogenic fungus in Indonesia. The fungus infected leaf only. The disease intensity ranged between 0-85%/plant with the average 22.23%. The first symptoms i.e. light spots wee observed 2-3 weeks after the inoculation. Stroma...
    Lada (Piper nigrum) merupakan tanaman rempah yang dibudidayakan banyak petani di Indonesia. Produktivitas lada Indonesia relatif rendah, selain karena fluktuasi harga sehingga petani kesulitan memelihara kebun dengan baik, juga akibat... more
    Lada (Piper nigrum) merupakan tanaman rempah yang dibudidayakan banyak petani di Indonesia. Produktivitas lada Indonesia relatif rendah, selain karena fluktuasi harga sehingga petani kesulitan memelihara kebun dengan baik, juga akibat serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang (BPB) yang disebabkan oleh jamur Phytophthora capsici. Untuk mengurangi kerugian hasil akibat serangan BPB, perlu dilakukan pengembangan tanaman lada tahan BPB berdaya hasil tinggi disertai dengan sistem budi daya yang efisien. Namun, pengembangan varietas lada tahan BPB menghadapi masalah sempitnya keragaman genetik lada dan adanya variasi virulensi P. capsici. Upaya mendapatkan lada tahan BPB telah dilakukan melalui persilangan intraspesies maupun antarspesies Piper spp., tetapi masih perlu dilanjutkan untuk mendapatkan varietas lada tahan BPB dan berdaya hasil tinggi. Sebaran geografis P. capsici yang luas dan adanya variasi virulensi pada populasi P. capsici menyebabkan komponen pengendalian BPB yang lain perl...
    Uromyces acori  (Uredinales) A Causal Agent of Rust Disease of Sweet Flag  (Acorus calamus) in Indonesia In Indonesia, an asexual state of a rust fungus namely Uredo acori has been considered as the causal agent rust disease of the sweet... more
    Uromyces acori  (Uredinales) A Causal Agent of Rust Disease of Sweet Flag  (Acorus calamus) in Indonesia In Indonesia, an asexual state of a rust fungus namely Uredo acori has been considered as the causal agent rust disease of the sweet flag. No report according sexual state is available in Indonesia. The objectives of the present study are confirming the fungal identity morphologically and determine its optimal germinating temperature. An artificial inoculation was conducted by dusting the urediniospore onto detached leaves of sweet flag.  Only leaves showed uredinia were selected.  The tip bases of the leaves were dipped into a 4% sucrose solution, incubated in a room condition at 25 °C for inducing telial state with teliospore formations.   Based on morphological characters of the teliospore and urediniospore, the rust fungus of sweet flag was identified as Uromyces acori.  The fungus is germinating optimally at 25 °C.
    ABSTRAKSynchytrium pogostemonis merupakan jamur penyebab penyakitbudok pada tanaman nilam (Pogostemon cablin) di Indonesia. Synchytriummempunyai kekhususan inang yang tinggi, sehingga penggunaan varietasyang tahan merupakan komponen... more
    ABSTRAKSynchytrium pogostemonis merupakan jamur penyebab penyakitbudok pada tanaman nilam (Pogostemon cablin) di Indonesia. Synchytriummempunyai kekhususan inang yang tinggi, sehingga penggunaan varietasyang tahan merupakan komponen pengendalian yang efektif. Di Indonesiaterdapat nilam Aceh (Pogostemon cablin) dan nilam Jawa (Pogostemonheyneanus). Nilam Aceh relatif peka terhadap gangguan penyakit. NilamAceh telah dibudidayakan secara luas di Indonesia karena kandunganminyak nilamnya sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahuiketahanan nilam Aceh dan nilam Jawa terhadap serangan S. pogostemonis.Uji ketahanan dilakukan terhadap nilam Aceh terdiri dari tiga varietasLhokseumawe, Sidikalang dan Tapaktuan, sedangkan nilam Jawa hanyasatu varietas yaitu Girilaya. Inokulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakanpotongan bagian tanaman yang telah terinfeksi sebagai sumber inokulum,yang diletakkan di antara tanaman nilam yang diuji. Pengujian dilakukandi laboratorium dengan menggunakan media air...
    Ginger is an economically important commodity of Indonesia. A diamond shape leaf spot disease has been reported in ginger cultivation areas. The aim of this study was to determine the causal agent of the disease. Two isolates were... more
    Ginger is an economically important commodity of Indonesia. A diamond shape leaf spot disease has been reported in ginger cultivation areas. The aim of this study was to determine the causal agent of the disease. Two isolates were obtained by a single conidia isolation method on Pyricularia typical conidia, followed by propagation on a PDA medium. The conidial suspensions were sprayed onto leaf of white and red ginger types for pathogenicity test. The inoculated plants were placed at room temperature with 80%-90% air humidity for 48 hr, then put back in the green house. The fungal identity was determined based on its morphological characteristic and confirmed by molecular characterization through DNA extraction and amplification using ITS5 and ITS4 primers. The optimal growth temperature of the fungus was assayed by planting each isolate onto PDA medium, then incubated at 4 level temperatures. The same temperature levels was also tested on conidial germination, on WA medium. The art...
    Foot rot disease caused by a Phytophthora capsici is a main constraint of black pepper cultivation in Indonesia. Improving soil microbial community populations are an alternative approach to suppress the disease incidence. The objective... more
    Foot rot disease caused by a Phytophthora capsici is a main constraint of black pepper cultivation in Indonesia. Improving soil microbial community populations are an alternative approach to suppress the disease incidence. The objective of the present study was assessing the soil microbe application on disease incidence. The research was conducted at greenhouse and field site in Bogor and Sukamulya Research Station, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. At the greenhouse: Seedlings of Natar 1 variety derived from a single node cutting were inoculated with:                                       (1) P. fluorescens (Pf); (2) Trichoderma (Tr); (3) P. fluorescens + Trichoderma (Pf+Tr); (4) P. fluorescens + Trichoderma + AM fungus (Pf+Tr+AM); that artificially inoculated with Phytophthora; (5) The untreated treatment (0) and (6) the               P. capsici inoculated (Phy) were used as control. The experiment was arranged in Complete Random Design, repeated three times, with 30 seedlings each....
    Sclerotium sp. is the causal agent of wilt disease on Andrographis paniculata Nees. The infection occurs in rainy season and causes the plant wilting. Sclerotia were found abundantly on dead tissues of the plant. Observation on the... more
    Sclerotium sp. is the causal agent of wilt disease on Andrographis paniculata Nees. The infection occurs in rainy season and causes the plant wilting. Sclerotia were found abundantly on dead tissues of the plant. Observation on the biology, inocculation, and biological control (in vitro) of Sclerotium sp. was done at the Research Institute for Spices and Medicinal Plants. The plant wilted 7 days after. inocculation using mycelial and died 4 days afterwards. Clove powder containing 200 ppm eugenol could inhibit the growth and development of fungus mycelial, while the germination of sclerotia was inhibited at a concentration of 3 ppm eugenol.
    Penyakit bercak bertepung (white powdery spot) pada daun brotowali disebabkan oleh jamur Cercosporella dioscoreophylli. Gejala penyakit, perkiraan tingkat kerusakan pada beberapa lokasi, identifikasi patogen penyebab, proses penularan,... more
    Penyakit bercak bertepung (white powdery spot) pada daun brotowali disebabkan oleh jamur Cercosporella dioscoreophylli. Gejala penyakit, perkiraan tingkat kerusakan pada beberapa lokasi, identifikasi patogen penyebab, proses penularan, dan saran pengendalian akan dibahas dalam makalah ini.
    Research Interests:
    White powdery spot of Tinospora tuberculata BEUMEE, a traditional medicinal plant, was newly found in West Java Province (Java Is.) and Lampung Province (Sumatra Is.) of Indonesia. Yellow patches are shown from the upper leaf surface of... more
    White powdery spot of Tinospora tuberculata BEUMEE, a traditional medicinal plant, was newly found in West Java Province (Java Is.) and Lampung Province (Sumatra Is.) of Indonesia. Yellow patches are shown from the upper leaf surface of the diseased leaves. On the lower surface of leaves, spots are covered with white powdery masses composed of conidia and conidiophores of the causal fungus. Severely infected leaves become brown in color and gradually defoliate. Attempts to isolate the fungus on artificial media were unsuccessful, but inoculation tests using conidia collected from the diseased leaves were successful to produce the symptoms similar to those observed in the field. The causal fungus was identified as Cercosporella dioscoreophylli (HENNINGS) DEIGHTON already recorded from Africa and the Philippines. Tinospora tuberculata is a new host for the fungus.
    Teak (Tectona grandis) is an important timber tree and is widely distributed in Indonesia. Leaves samples collected from various areas in Java and Sumatera shown infected by rust fungus. The objectives of the study were to identify the... more
    Teak (Tectona grandis) is an important timber tree and is widely distributed in Indonesia. Leaves samples collected from various areas in Java and Sumatera shown infected by rust fungus. The objectives of the study were to identify the fungus and determine its geographic distribution in West Indonesia. Identification was carried out by observing morphological characteristics and measuring the size of uredinia, urediniospore, and paraphysis under light microscope. The results indicated that the teak leaf rust is Olivea tectonae. The detected life cycle stage was uredinia only, while the other stages were not present. The fungus was observed from all samples collected from four provinces, i.e., Central Java, East Java, West Java and Lampung.
    Ornamental roses worldwide harbor 10Phragmidium species. Among theseP. americanum, P. fusiforme, P. montivagum, P. mucronatum, P. rosae-pimpinellifoliae, P. rosae-rugosae andP. tuberculatum are frequently reported; however, these species... more
    Ornamental roses worldwide harbor 10Phragmidium species. Among theseP. americanum, P. fusiforme, P. montivagum, P. mucronatum, P. rosae-pimpinellifoliae, P. rosae-rugosae andP. tuberculatum are frequently reported; however, these species are morphologically similar and difficult to distinguish. For better circumscription and correct identification of the species, this study examined morphological features in urediniospores and teliospores of the sevenPhragmidium species collected on ornamental rose cultivars and wild species. The results indicated that some host-specific groups could be well circumscribed by the morphological properties of urediniospores and teliospores. However, without the precise identification of hosts, these morphological properties were not effective key characters for the identification of the species.
    Aeciospore-surface structures of Phragmidium species parasitic on roses were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Seven kinds of structures were distinguished according to gross shape of ornamentations and their distribution on... more
    Aeciospore-surface structures of Phragmidium species parasitic on roses were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Seven kinds of structures were distinguished according to gross shape of ornamentations and their distribution on the aeciospore wall. The seven different structures were categorized into three major types: echinulate, annulate, and verrucose. The echinulate type was further classified into five types and designated in a numerical series, echinulate types 1–5. Application of the aeciospore-surface structures in the classification of Phragmidium species is discussed.
    Ornamental roses worldwide harbor 10Phragmidium species. Among theseP. americanum, P. fusiforme, P. montivagum, P. mucronatum, P. rosae-pimpinellifoliae, P. rosae-rugosae andP. tuberculatum are frequently reported; however, these species... more
    Ornamental roses worldwide harbor 10Phragmidium species. Among theseP. americanum, P. fusiforme, P. montivagum, P. mucronatum, P. rosae-pimpinellifoliae, P. rosae-rugosae andP. tuberculatum are frequently reported; however, these species are morphologically similar and difficult to distinguish. For better circumscription and correct identification of the species, this study examined morphological features in urediniospores and teliospores of the sevenPhragmidium species collected on ornamental rose cultivars and wild species. The results indicated that some host-specific groups could be well circumscribed by the morphological properties of urediniospores and teliospores. However, without the precise identification of hosts, these morphological properties were not effective key characters for the identification of the species.
    Research Interests: