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Random Thoughts on 5/13/15: Is this Offensive or Empowering? SNK Gals’ Fighter (NEO GEO POCKET)

Sigh…. Some times a game comes along that makes you question everything. That’s a bold statement, but SNK Gals’ Fighter has my head spinning.

Let me frame this issue; Gaming has a lack of female protagonist. Theoretically, a game that focuses on female characters would be ideal. In reality, the game that features all female characters (and one transgender character?) is probably offensive and problematic.

This game falls into the same weird land of Rumble Roses, Arcana Heart, or Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball. These games all have female casts, but is this empowering? or are these women just being used as sexual objects who happen to be in these games for the “male gaze” or other problematic reasons?

SNK Gals Fighters-

“The Good”– All female cast with one trans character (Miss X). Each character is fully fleshed out with a great move set and awesome animations. The characters are drawn in a chibi-super def style that is not super sexy. When you end a fight with a super move the background shows scenes from the characters life that is being beaten. Think about that….the losing character has their life flash before their eyes during the beating. Amazing.

Not super sexy…..



“The Problematic (see: Bad)”– All female cast but the character’s motives are very stereotypical and archaic. The game has a fighting tournament where the winner gets a wish. One character wishes to marry the man of her dreams, another wishes to have a tooth pulled, while another character wishes ill will on a crushes ex-girlfriend…..powerful stuff. The game is lighthearted but it’s a lame story. Also, you get items in the game to help during battle. These items range from explosives to hairpins and bracelets. hairpins. hairpins. Fucking hairpins. 

They also litter the game with hearts, pink, and a more bubbly font….because that’s femininity is….


“The Wild Card”- Miss X. Miss X is a poorly disguised male (Iori from Kinf of Fighters) who is the boss character in the tournament who is trying to win the wish for himself. All of the women know Miss X is a man, question her, and then just accept that Iori is identifying as a female. It’s kind of ahead of it’s time. On one hand it makes like of people who identify as trans and their experience on the other hand Miss X is a strong character who identifies unabashedly as female. (King of Fighter characters are known for being androgynous anyways, so just something to keep in mind)

All that said, the game itself is really fun and a well made fighting game. The difference between this game and Rumble Roses is that this game is taken seriously by the developer from a game standpoint and was not made to pander and be a throw away title.


Just my thoughts. Peace!

Black Characters in Gaming- Knuckles (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)

Let’s get the first question out of the way. You’re thinking “J3 why are you calling an anthropomorphic Echidna black?” and my answer is simple… Being black transcends just skin color and race. It is a culture. Now one could argue that cultural appropriation is problematic and I don’t disagree but that is not the point I am trying to make here. Let’s look at music. I think Taylor Swift has made some great music with a lot of black influences lately for example,

“Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off!
Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off!”

That’s black lingo. Players gonna play, Haters gonna hate, and shake it off…. those are our (black community) terms. I love this song. It can have black flavors without being written or produced by black people. Hannah Montana literally made a black album…it was a banger and she called that shit Bangerz. Justin Timberlake, Riff Raff, Iggy Azelea all make black music and seem to embody black culture without being black. I will state again, I am aware of issues of cultural appropriation but that’s not where this is focused. All of that said, I think Knuckles embodies blackness to me.

For some context, back in the 90’s the only black characters I had to choose from were fighting game characters, or the black kid on the skates in Streets of Rage. I think his name was Skate. So I was reaching for anything black for me to identify with. I think Knuckles seeming so cool at the time was a natural fit for this. Coolness and blackness have been inextricably tied together in America through out history. Bell Hooks looks at coolness and black masculinity in her book We Real Cool:Black men and Masculinity and for something a little more light hearted to read Rebecca Walker’s book Black Cool is a good place to start.

Who is Knuckles? Knuckles (video game not comic or show) was introduced during Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles add-on for the Sega Genesis. Knuckles is a teenage Echidna who is tasked with protecting Angel Island and the Master Emerald it holds. Knuckles starts out as a foe to Sonic because Dr. Eggman duped Knuckles into thinking Sonic was bad to get the emerald. Knuckles realized this error and then worked with Sonic to beat Eggman. While Knuckles does not have the speed of Sonic, he said to be as strong as Sonic is fast.

Personality wise Knuckles is said to be hard headed, gullible, and he has a very strong temper. These traits have shaped Knuckles adventures with Sonic. He gets angry with Sonic and attacks him, he gets duped by Egg man, and he takes a lot convincing for him to realize the error of his ways.

Stereotype: Black Man as Materialistic

Knuckles love some bling. I’m not talking about classy jewelry but this egg laying rat carries around literal diamonds. He has devoted his life to protecting an emerald. Jokes aside, the black community has been in a constant struggle in American culture. We are marketed to very specifically from McDonalds to Chrysler. Air Jordans have caused more death in our community than any pair of shoes should be able to. As a culture that was deprived for so long, material items took on a lot of importance as symbols of pride and freedom. The most freeing power an American citizen can have is the right to purchase. Black people have not had that right as long as everybody else.

Stereotype: White man keeps taking his wealth.

Egg man is white. He keeps taking Knuckles emerald. This isn’t really a stereotype as much as it is a fact. This happens in many ways in America but I will bring up Redlining.

  1. Redlining is the practice of, in the United States, denying, or charging more for, services such as banking, insurance, access to health care, or even supermarkets, or denying jobs to residents in particular, often racially determined, areas.

Practices such as these have kept blacks from being able to create generational wealth. Literally keeping people unable to move into certain neighborhoods and get loans for business is crippling in many ways. It’s hard to keep your emeralds when they are systematically taken away from you.

Stereotypes: Black man with dreadlocks.

He has dreadlocks. His sprite is super detailed and all the detail goes into his hair.

Stereotypes: The Violent Black Man.

Black men have been characterized as violent since the earliest days of slavery. The violent portrayal of black men is a daily occurrence on the local news and in media everywhere.  Knuckles name is knuckles, and he has built in brass-knuckles. He also fights Sonic with zero provocation.

Stereotype: Black people love shoes. 

He wears nice kicks. Look at em. Seriously.

Is Knuckles Problematic? No, not in my eyes. He has pride in his community and where he comes from. He also seems to be hearkening back to a diaspora, living his days as a creature removed from his original homeland that is nothing more than a floating island on it’s last leg. The black community in America has been described as diasporic due to our lack of true to connection to Africa even though we are clearly of African descent. Africa is such a large and diverse land that saying you are of African descent as a blanket statement does a disservice to the diversity of African cultures as a whole. Due to the nature of the slave trade, all we as a community have are remnants of a connection. Much like Knuckles and his past, he clings on to this Emerald and this island because it is all he has to connect to his people.

Knuckles is loyal and lives his life to serve and protect the master emerald. Also, in the 90’s he was the most positive black role model I had in gaming (compared to Balrog and…. Skate or was it Blades……that kid from Streets of Rage…the black one..). 

Thank you for reading check out my podcast I record with the G Man on the High Voltage Radio Network! We are on the Ebony and Ivory Cast!

Sonic the Hedgehog POCKET ADVENTURE (Neo Geo Pocket Color)- Review

People have asked me why I purchased a Neo Geo Pocket Color. The reason is simple. It has a classic and supposedly great Sonic game on it that I am dying to try my self. I know you’re probably thinking “why would buy an entire system for one game?” and my response is “because im a grown ass man and I can do what I want.” Also, in reality the system plus the game cost the same as a new XBOX One game so it really wasn’t super cost prohibitive.

Was this game worth buying an entire system for? Read below and I’ll tell you!


What is Sonic Pocket Adventure?

This game is a greatest hits compilation of everything you liked about the first 4 Sonic games (1,2,3, Knuckles add on)(Not Sonic 4, that shit was mediocre). In the spirit of love, this game is a love letter to Sonic fans everywhere on a non-Sega system. Lets just go through the things we do in this game….we fight mecha-sonic, fight and rekindle with knuckles, we go through a casino zone, an air ship, fight a robot egg man, visit a chemical plant, fight on a plane while tails flies it, and all the while music from every game is present.

That said, the game runs fabulously.


How does it play?

I was truly worried about how this game would run. The Pocket Color is an 8-bit + system. Meaning, it does not pack the heat that a Sega Genesis would. I wasn’t sure if I would be getting a crappy Master System Port of Sonic or a true smooth experience. Watching this game on Youtube scared me. It seemed choppy and did not run well. It was probably a result of capture hardware. The game runs incredibly well. The music is great and doesn’t clip out when rings are grabbed. The control feels very precise. I love using a joystick to move sonic around. Collision detection is spot on, and there are multiple game modes like time trials and more.

This game has the spin dash in it. and Sonic moves at a good pace. The only issue I have in this game are that some of platforms are difficult to jump onto due to Sonic feeling a little sluggish in the air. It’s a small issue that only affects a few levels.


How is the level design?

This is a mixed bag. The level design is great…..minus the fact that literally every level is recycled from a previous game. Green HIll zone cloned is wonderful in execution but it still feels like Green Hill Zone. Even the special stage is copied straight from Sonic 2. Aerobase Zone in Sonic Pocket Adventure is a clone of Wing Fortress zone. I also hate these levels so much. Aerobase is a confusing mess of a level with very few indicators on where to go and lots of ways to die. That said, the Cosmic Casino Zone is great as is the Sky Chase Zone. I just wish there was more originality in the level design but the levels chosen showcase the best of what Sonic can do. He has areas to go fast and other areas that focus more on precision platforming.


How is the Story?

There is none. I literally have no idea. I thought it was a classic tale of Sonic vs. Egg Man but then Knuckles showed up and everything went to hell. I am convinced it is a greatest hits album for Sonic. That’s a good thing.

How is the music?

The music suffers from the same issue as the levels. It’s fantastic music but it’s all recycled from other games. Sonic music is great, and it sounds good even on the poor sound system the Neo Geo offers.

Does this break the Sonic Cycle?

Well it predates the Sonic cycle really. I like this game because highlights a lot people refuse to acknowledge and that is the fact that there a lot of amazing Sonic games on hand-held platforms. Sonic Advance series was great, this and the Game Gear Sonics are solid games. The PSP Sonic racing platformers Sonic Rivals were a lot of fun. People wonder why Sonic fans hang around and it’s because there are more than 3 Genesis games propping up the character.

Are there Black People in it?

Sigh….I am going to do a full post on Knuckle’s soon. I will say that I appreciate that the villain in Sonic is not black. Lack of negative representation is a positive. I would also argue that a lot of Sonic’s 90’s baditude comes from 90’s hip hop culture.…but that’s a conversation for another day.

Was it worth buying a Neo Geo Pocket for?

At the price I paid, yes. I think any Sonic aficionado should check it out. There is something really pure and satisfying about going back to an older system and experiencing a game on its original medium. The beauty of gaming right now is that we have a short history to sort through and original systems are not super expensive. Take advantage of it. Playing an emulator is a stop gap way to experience a lot and I don’t condemn that but holding this console from 1998 and playing Sonic is special.


Thanks for reading! Please check out my Podcast that I record with the G Man the Ebony and Ivory Cast. Peace!

Random Thoughts on 2/6/15- Neo Geo Pocket Color

I’ll open with a story. Peter Griffin from family guy had a stroke. He went into a stem cell research facility and they cured him. He walked out and yelled “Why are we no funding this!?”

tumblr_m7pgngOle81rpiln6  news_LAWBI_lazy_family_guy

That is how I feel after experiencing the Neo Geo Pocket Color for the first time. The system is a small, light, ergonomically sound masterpiece.


The hardware feels amazing. Imagine if I told you that I knew of a system with a great joystick, a litany of awesome fighting games and one of the best sonic games ever, that this system was in color and only used 2 AA batteries? Im sure you’d say “what!?! But my Game Gear takes 6!!!”.

Having owned a Game Gear and every game boy ever made I can truly say the Neo Geo Pocket Color is better. Even in low light, the screen is usable. The music is very chippy, and the quality is mediocre but the songs are still varied and robust.


I have been putting time into Samurai Shodown 2 and it’s so amazing to play a fighting game where the controls don’t feel neutered to make it work on a hand held.


I grabbed this beast for 50 bucks on amazon and games are cheap. I love trying out old gaming hardware. If you have a chance, check out the Neo Geo Pocket Color.

Thanks for the read, peace!



Saints Row 4: Re-Elected (XBOX ONE)- Review

I went from a 3d open world adventure to a 2D brawler (think Double Dragon) into a mech fighting game…. and it all controlled well and felt fully fleshed out. That folks is the experience you have playing Saints Row 4: Re-Elected.

saints2d saints2d 1

Here are my biases; I love Saints Row. This series became the pinnacle of open world games for me. I will never forget when I was in a friends room at Denison University (the Harvard of the Midwest)(BELIEVE DAT) and my friend was playing this gorgeous 3D game that looked like GTA but the game had a GPS for driving and finding missions. This was all it took for me. Saints Row from the first game on was GTA refined. They added GPS, they made missions ridiculous and fun while balancing story.This series of games is a masterpiece in my eyes and Saints Row 4 is no exception.

What is Saints Row 4: Re-Elected?

Saints Row 4: Re-Elected is a current gen remaster of the 360 title Saints Row 4. Saints Row is an open world sandbox game that plays from a 3rd person perspective. There are main story missions you can partake in and many side missions you can jump into at your leisure. The world is yours and you control the pace at which you complete missions. Saints Row 4 RE is violent, off the wall, and ridiculous.

How does it Play?

For all the different genres Saints Row 4 RE delves into everything controls well. I kept hearing myself say, “why is the best 2D brawler I’ve played in Saints Row? Why is the best mech game i’ve played in Saints Row? why is the best driving game….”. You get the idea, I think all aspects of this game handle well. You have the opportunity to run on foot, drive cars, fly planes, drive tanks, play in a 2D brawler, control an overhead style shooter, shoot from the 3rd person, control mechs and all of it handles well. Handling well does not mean realistic by any stretch but everything is easy and accessible to do. I almost always wish some of the odd gameplay changes lasted longer.

I think the shooting in Saints Row RE is solid enough for a sand box game. I just wish there was a real cover system like gears of war or GTA 4. You cannot latch onto cover, you literally just awkwardly stand behind obstacles to absorb gun fire. It works. I think this game is most rewarding when played on Hardcore difficulty because is too easy. This game gives you super powers (the plot section will explain why) and they make your character very overpowered. You have super jump, super speed, and get the ability to shoot fire/ice/”the force”. It is all a blast to use. The enemy AI is not great except in the boss battles. The thing I think this game got most right is adding a lot of boss fights. They are challenging and force the player to use all of their skills to win. I love it.

How is the Plot?

My biggest gripe with coverage of Saints Row as a series is that all of the journalist dismiss the plot and characters and I think that is an egregious mistake. Journalist say it’s a dumb game with dumb fun and it’s only value is being so crazy and different. I would argue that they crafted one of the more touching bromances in gaming in Saints Row 4 RE between Johnny Gat and the Boss.

The characters all experience great loss and at moments they truly reflect on that especially in this game. Saints Row 4 RE is a parity of Mass Effect 2. It apes the Normandy, the romances, and even the loyalty missions. The plot of Saints Row 4 RE is the Earth has been invaded by Aliens while you (the protagonist) are the President of the USA! These aliens capture you and your friends then proceed to put you in a computer simulation to mess with your mind. You are trying to escape the simulation to save the Earth. Because you are in a computer sim, you have the ability to hack in super powers. The game becomes the Crackdown 2 we always wanted. (Spoiler alert, Crackdown 2 sucked)

How is the Soundtrack? 

It’s so good. At one point you dance at a strip club to some classic rock. The game is constantly using environmental music to create tension and mood. Certain weapons have songs that play with them. The soundtrack is licensed and you can choose different radio stations. One station plays classical music, you have a rock station, a rap station, and so on. It’s all very well done and gives the game a lot of personality.

How are the Graphics?

Meh, they are decent. Honestly, the game doesn’t look a whole lot better than the 360/PC/PS3 version but the game is very smooth. I feel like a lot of the open world jank you get in games this large has been lessened. The player models look great, my only complaint is that the world itself is very dark and makes me miss the vibrant colors or Saints Row past.

Are there Black people in this game?

Hell yea! Keith David is this bitch! Seriously, he has a large role in the game. I created the Boss to be a black man as well…he looks like me. A lot. Pierce, Aisha, and many of the cast is ethnic. The game does not focus much on race but the series was founded on gangs and violence and that has not changed much. Your character is a sociopath and everyone acknowledges that. How can I hate a game where the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State are all black! There are women high up in the govt. as well.

The same issues exist, this game portrays black men as thugs and criminals BUT they are also saving the world……yeah, let’s just enjoy that.

In conclusion, I love this game. I actually picked up this game because it was in a bundle with the new expansion Gat out of Hell. I have been sucked in so deep by this game that I haven’t even played the new expansion yet. Play it. Thank me later. Thanks for reading. Peace.

LISTEN TO MY PODCAST! Ebony and Ivory cast where I wax poetic with my main man G-man. You can find on, itunes, stitcher, podcastgarden, and I think that’s it. Thanks!

Black Characters in Gaming- Rodin (Bayonetta 1 & 2)

Let’s just tackle this from the start, I understand that Rodin is a demon who guards the gates of hell and is technically not a man of African Descent from America. But he looks black, and uses what I would consider American black language. So….. he’s black to me! and it’s my blog!

Rodin is the MAN! This dude is so fucking boss. He is the smoothest, most stylish, peddler of demon goods in gaming. Rodin shows up in cut scenes in Bayonetta and also sells you items in his bar. He is also a playable character later in Bayonetta 2. Platinum games is the company responsible for Baynonetta. Baynonetta is about a witch who kills angels and does crazy stuff. Bayonetta herself is hyper sexual and overtly feminine. Rodin is her male juxtaposition. Rodin is defined by having a sexy voice, he is incredibly strong, and always has a solution for any problems. In a game about extremes (extreme visuals, extreme sexuality, extreme scope and action), Rodin is disturbingly calm. It makes him stand out that much more.

Is Rodin a problematic representation of black characters in gaming? He has a dark side. He does run the games of hell and he sells Halos (the games currency that Bayonetta collects during fights) on the black market. He is a demon though. Rodin is a conundrum in a sense because he is very helpful and caring towards Bayonetta and he helps her work to save their realms from disaster.

rodin (1)


Stereotypes: The Hyper-Sexualized Black Male-

In the past, Black people were portrayed in animalistic ways. One of those ways being that Black men have an animal-like lust and desire for sex that meant white men had to hide their woman. Hyper-sexualization is both created outside the black community and reaffirmed within it. From an era where Emmet Till was murdered for supposedly whistling at a white woman (he was killed to send a message to black men to stay stop seducing those white women) to now where black music (rap/hip-hop) and society in general flaunt sex at every turn (interracial relationships are all over television, porn is obsessed with large black penises plowing young white women…). Stereotypes about large black penises and the large amount of black male porn only work to keep this stereotype alive. All of that said, Rodin is constantly having a low-key sexual banter with Bayonetta in the 2 games. He is always making these sexual jokes and sly nods to Bayonetta’s sexuality.

Stereotypes: Black man as cool (more specifically, defining what cool is)

Black men have defined cool in this country for a very long time. Our music, dancing, vocal patterns, words, are constantly being appropriated within other cultures. Rodin is just so fucking cool. He always lands on his feet, never loses his glasses, and always gets Bayonetta the weapon she needs. Rodin has this deep low melodic voice and speaks using what many would consider black vernacular. At one point in Bayonetta 2, Bayonetta says, “How do you say? Pop a cap in yo ass…” and Rodin looks at her with suspect eyes….as the gatekeeper of cool Rodin made it clear her saying that was not cool. 

Stereotypes: Black man as a symbol of strength.

I’ll keep this brief, Rodin is basically a brick. In every Bayonetta game (there’s 2…) he has a concrete block or stone block hit him on the head and break. He in always unphased. No matter what is happening, he is always tending bar and relaxing. He never worries, he is forever resilient. Symbolically and physically he is Bayonetta’s rock. 

Stereotypes: The Magical Negro (it’s a stretch but bear with me). 

“The Magical Negro is a supporting stock character in American cinema who is portrayed as coming to the aid of a film’s white protagonists.[1] These characters, who often possess special insight or mystical powers, have been a long tradition in American fiction.” – Wikipedia

Think of Rodin as the black dude from Green Mile. Rodin has the power to make Bayonetta’s magical weapons and provide her with the magical resources she needs.

What does it all mean? It’s another black man in gaming. I am glad he exist, and I am glad they made him playable in the second game. In a game where everybody is extreme, Rodin almost seems real. I like that.

Check out the Ebony and Ivory Cast! This week we discuss Patreon and all our beloved gaming personalities going solo!

Thanks for reading! Peace.

The Awards Show! Game of the Year, and other Black Gamer Awards!

2014 was a wild year of gaming. So many highs and so many lows but let us take some time to focus on what J3 the black gamer really loved. Full disclosure, remembering what games I played that actually came out this year turned out to be harder than I thought. 12 months is a really long time and I know I gamed during January but I can’t really tell you what I played….This will be in list format. Merry Christmas! Kwayzee Kwanzaa, and Happy Hanuka to you all (and anything else you may or may not celebrate!)!

1) Best use of black people in gaming- This one is tough, the year brought us lots of opportunities to be a brotha but I am choosing the wild card here…. POKEMON TCG ONLINE! Pokemon the card game on-line gives the player a full player avatar creator with multiple shades of black. My character looks just like me. It’s cool on so many levels, the game doesn’t assume the only people playing are young or nerdy or white, the game says “everybody loves Pokemon”. I love it!

2) Biggest Lack of Black Option in Gaming- This was easy. Forza Horizon 2. I drive using the in car dash view and all you can see are arms. White arms. Why? Just give me the option to make my driver have brown arms. I love to loose myself in driving games and every time I saw those white arms it took me out of the game in a weird way. It’s 2014, do better.

3) Most relevant game tackling a real issue award- Shape up! with an honorable mention to Watch Dogs. Shape Up may seem like an odd choice since it is a fitness game, but that’s the point. It is a true fitness GAME. It literally makes the player feel like they part of an awesome 8-bit world and fitness is just a side product of playing this awesome game. Obesity and being overweight is a real problem in this country. Anything that provides a fun way to keep the Xbox on lose weight is great. Childhood obesity is a real issue and this game is a fun step in the right direction for giving fun options to lose weight and game. Losing weight is hard, in this country almost impossible so any game that is trying to make that fun is worthwhile. Watch Dogs….. the government…..they see you. Check this link for some cool infographics about childhood obesity.

4) Coolest Black Guy in Gaming Award 2014- CCCCOMBO BREAKER! TJ COMBO from Killer Instinct Season 2. He rocks a high top fade, is tough as nails, and is the best Balrog impersonator on the planet. Is he problematic as a reinforcement of the violent black man archetype? Maybe, but he’s one of the good guys in this game (I think). TJ Combo has a great move set, and the unlockable outfits make him look like 90’s Kid and Play. He’s cool.

5) Best use of Culture in a Game award- Never Alone. The Cook Inlet Tribal Council funded a videogame company and made a beautiful puzzle platformer that gives players an intimate look at their culture and beliefs. This is how you change the industry and avoid cultural appropriation. You have indigenous people tell their stories using the medium.

Side note- Cultural appropriation is the adoption of elements of one culture by members of a different cultural group, specifically the use by cultural outsiders of a minority, oppressed culture’s symbols or other cultural elements.

“Nico Lang, a guest blogger for the Los Angeles Times, pointed out in a post that cultural appropriation highlights the power imbalance that remains between those in power and those who’ve been historically marginalized. As such, a member of a dominant group can assume the traditional dress of a minority group for a Halloween party, a music performance and so on. Yet, they remain blissfully unaware of the roots of such dress and the challenges those who originated have faced in Western culture.”


6) Best Portable Game (console)- This is an award that means a lot to me. I love to game on the go. Xeodrifter is such a pleasant surprise. It’s a neat Metroid-ish clone. You start with limited skills and can only advance as you improve your character skill set. The pacing is amazing, the music is great, and the boss fights are a lot of fun.

7) Best portable Game (tablet)- Asphalt Overdrive. This game is essentially an endless runner with cars but it harkens back to the 80’s both overtly in it’s style but also in that it reminds of Outrun.

Outrun is one of my favorite games of all time, taking a Ferrari Testarossa out and just driving is awesome. This game lets you take a super car and run from the cops in Miami Vice 80’s era Miami. All you really do is swipe left and right but it takes laser focus to win the chases. It is free to play, but if you have a little patience you can be successful for free. This game looks stunning. It’s amazing how good tablet games look now.

8) Best PC Game- Freedom Planet. I already reviewed this one but if you miss Sonic’s 16 bit days then you owe it to yourself to play this game.

9) Best Racing Game- I love racing games, and the Xbox One’s vibrating controller triggers really adds a lot to them. Every terrain change flows from left to right on the controller in a way that almost mimics force feedback. That said, I got a racing wheel for Christmas with Force feedback. Forza Horizon 2 is amazing. It’s the car love from Forza 5 but set in a playground. A European playground to be exact. You are basically unleashed in Europe with whatever car you can imagine reliving and create your own Test Drive (BBC not US) fantasies. The graphics are amazing and the rain is so amazing. Driving through a windy road through Greece with the rain pouring down is just magic.

10) Game I can’t put down– I love football. I love videogames. I love Jena. Sadly, I love the the Browns. That said, I can not for the life of my put down Madden 15. Madden Ultimate Team, to be exact. This mode has me coming back weekly to do the weekly challenges and keep up with the updates. They added almost 300 new challenges mid-year and just keep giving me reason to come back. When the game play gets stale, the modes and new content keep it fresh. Well played Madden….BOOM TOUGH ACTIN TENACTIN!

11) Game I will never pick up again- Sonic Boom. I tried. I wanted to like this game. The TV show is great and this game is mediocre at best. And absolute gutter trash at worst. I still love you Sonic….

12) Best Sports Game- Madden 15 (with a nod to NBA Live). I already talked about why I love Madden 15 but man I am so proud and impressed with NBA Live 15. They recently updated the game that balanced shooting percentages and made defenses and AI better. The game feels great. They are adding content to Ultimate Team at a great clip. NBA Live, keep doing you baby!

13) Best game from last year I played this year- Shadowrun Returns for PC. I am hooked to this game. The story is awesome, and the atmosphere is really cool. It’s a steampunk CRPG that was kickstarted into existence. I am looking forward to finishing my tale and delving into more content. Graphically, this game is nothing special but the art work is awesome. This game gets the details right. Every character exudes personality and life. I love it.

14) Best multiplayer Experience- Madden 15 (nod to Titanfall tower defense mode). I played Madden Seasons online in Ultimate Team a lot. I made it to All-Pro Second String, which is the top 2-4% of Xbox One players on-line in that mode. I rocked a 70 win to 30 loss record. I spent a lot of time stressing and loving this online experience. The wins were amazing and the losses were crushing. After every loss I wanted to play online and get better cards. It was a lot of fun.

15) Game of the year!!!!!!!- Madden 15 MUT(nod to Bayonetta 2, Killer Instinct season 2, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Kirby Triple Deluxe for 3ds). It feels odd to choose a yearly sports franchise that is constantly maligned  but Madden 15’s staying power is too strong to ignore. Bayonetta 2 is great, Killer Instinct Season 2 brought Riptor and TJ COMBO! Fantastic additions. They also added a deeper story mode to KI. A lot of great games came out this year but Madden 15 stole my heart in a big way.

16) Worst/Most Disappointing Game- Sonic Boom for Wii U. Fuck you Sonic Boom. Lost World, Generations, and Colors broke the cycle yet here we are….

17) Best Publisher- Sega. Google it. It’s nuts. Trust me. Or don’t.

Thank you so much for reading and following my blog and podcast this year. I have received a lot of positive support and feedback. This blog helps me engage in topics I love (videogames, social justice, race) but it also helps me cope with things I can’t control like racism. This is my way of trying to do more than just sit back and think, thank you for your support!


Clash of the Titans! NBA 2K15 vs NBA Live 15 (and a look at Race in these games)

I have now played both major NBA games this year for significant lengths of time. I like them both. I hate them both. I love the NBA.

love nba ewing usa

I want to use some football metaphors to describe these NBA games. NBA 2K15 is the New England Patriots. It is always good and winning titles but there is a lot to hate about the franchise. The VC system and servers issues break the game (see: Spy Gate) but the gameplay is so good you can’t help but enjoy it. NBA Live is the Cleveland Browns. Live left for a few years, came back last year and was awful. This year NBA Live 15 is 7-5 and offers a lot to love but it is still not quite a contender for the title.


Method– I played both games back to back. I would play a game/mode in NBA Live 15 then immediately switch to NBA 2K15. The mode I played on most were the games respective ultimate team modes. I used a similar camera angle in each game for graphical comparisons.

Gameplay- Live is super smooth. The games flows extremely well. It’s fast and rebounding feels natural. 2K feels very jerky. Live wants the fast break where 2K wants to slow you down to run a “2K smart play”. Player intelligence is much better offensively in 2K. Players in NBA 2K are always moving where there are times in Live where everyone stands still and waits for direction.


NBA Live uses the X button to shoot and put dribble moves on the right stick. The left trigger calls for screens. NBA 2K maps everything to the right stick both shooting and dribbling (it’s too much) but the X button can be used to shoot. Screens are called for in 2K via the B button. Both control schemes work well and feel intuitive. My issue with 2K is that sometimes I am trying to do a dribble move and accidentally shoot. In NBA live the shooting mechanic requires an unbelievably quick press of the button. Both games give feedback for how you shot the ball.

Both games handle balancing the game of basketball differently. NBA Live balances the ability to score easily by making shot blocking and stealing easy and having a crazy fast and punishing shooting mechanic.

NBA 2K utilizes missing shots as the balance. You will miss countless open shots in NBA 2K and when a ball falls off the rim everyone waits for a second before they move to rebound. Most rebounds in 2K seem to be players picking the ball up off the floor. It’s really weird. The worst thing about 2K is that you spend all of your time staring at a meter under your player on offense. When you shoot in 2K the players have a meter with a blue patch in it and a line. When the meter fills up to the line you make the shot. The blue patch gets bigger and smaller depending on where the defender is. I hope that made sense…. but the issue is that you end staring at the meter and not looking at the defense or anything. It turns offense and shooting into a weird mini-game. I don’t love it.

In Live steals on lower difficulty settings are way to easy to come by and you  have to press LB to make players go into motion on offense. It makes running plays less smooth than in 2K.

Graphics- The faces are incredible in Live. The jerseys look like trash. In 2K the jerseys are literal masterpieces of modern technology but hair and faces are real hit or miss. The courts look great on each. NBA 2K player models hold up better and look better up close than the Live player models. NBA Live players are super swole. Everyone in Live is muscular. 2K does a good job of having player body types differ realistically. My biggest issues with graphics in 2K is that  Kyrie Irving looks like a spot on clone to his real life counterpart but lesser players like Matt Bonner look like cobbled together aliens. NBA Live has good likenesses even for lesser-known players. But the jerseys look plastic in Live….

I love the ESPN presentation live brings to games. It looks awesome. The presentation on 2K is very clean and good looking as well. 2K is great about showing a lot of info on your players during the game.

Ultimate Team mode- NBA 2K wants you to spend money and lose. NBA Live rewards your money spent and wants you to keep playing. Ultimate team (Live) or MYteam (2K) is where I spend most of my time in these modes. You get packs of player cards and contracts and put together a fantasy team and pit them against computer challenges and other opponents. I spent around 25 dollars on each game for comparison sake. To illustrate my point, when you buy special packs in Live they guarantee a good player or item, where 2K says you have a higher percentage. The best player I have gotten from 2K is Kyrie Irving (rating 86). On Live I have opened Kevin Durant, Lenny Wilkins (rating 88), LaMarcus Aldridge (89), and Rajon Rondo (twice) (86). My team in Live is a fantasy team. My team in 2K is cobbled together monster.

NBA 2K also uses an injury system in their MyTeam mode. Players get hurt and have to buy and use cards to heal them. I shot a 3 with Chris Bosh. He broke his leg. Out 16 games. I will have to buy injury cards that cure 5 games at a time at most. Fuck that. Worst still, if you get disconnected from a game you will lose contracts. It happens often in 2K, almost never in Live.

My biggest problem with both games is the games in the ultimate team modes are too long. 6 minute quarters in 2K, and 5 minute quarters in Live. Why? In Madden you play 3 minutes quarters mostly and then 4 or 5 minute in special segments. Basketball games should not take longer than football games. There is no need for it.

Both modes are great at staying current and giving new challenges and legendary player cards. Kobe has a triple double, the next day 2K had a competition to beat the Lakers with mega-Kobe. NBA Live has a Penny Hardawar card, play him and see how good he is. They are awesome and they keep adding gameplay and value as the season goes on. EA has done a better job on this mode. They have a lot of practice though as Madden Ultimate Team is amazing too.

My player mode- 2K has a story in their Myplayer and it feels good. The similar mode in NBA Live is very bare bones. I did not spend a lot of time in these modes this year. They are fun but I like controlling the entire team and not just one player on the court.

Fun factor- NBA Live is more fun. NBA 2K is broken. Every mode in 2K requires server connectivity and the servers in 2K are barely up. I have been pulled out of 10 games mid-session in 2k. They have challenges in their “Myteam” mode where you need to win 3 games in a row to complete the challenge. I have lost the challenges multiple times because during the third game the servers sever and I get the loss. It forces me to play all 3 games again and it wastes contracts for players. It literally cost me money when the servers disconnect. 2K uses the VC system to monetize the game in a shitty way and they don’t have the infrastructure to handle it. I can’t play single player in 2K because of server issues. That’s shit. NBA Live works. The online is great, the ultimate team mode never disconnects from the servers. While the game in 2K is better, I at least know I can finish the games in Live.


Which one to buy? Buy NBA Live or neither. Supporting 2K when their servers don’t work reinforces a bad system and reaffirms 2K’s consumer-unfriendly business model.

How is race handled in these games? Why do you care?

Race is a touchy issue in term of the NBA because the league has a predominance of black players. The NBA has always a lot of flavor for this reason. I have a lot of black friends who don’t game but they NBA 2K because we take a lot of ownership. No games have more black people than NBA games (maybe Resident Evil 5 but….that didn’t end well). This really shows up in the MyPlayer modes in the game because the avatars personality is more than skin deep in these modes. In my opinion, the MyPlayer voice always feel black. He’s kind of arrogant and black regardless of what color you make your player. I wish they had more options for this. The music choices, the visuals and create a player mode all have racial implications.

2K and Live are the only games I have played with current black hair cuts. You can have a high top fade! and a frohawk thing. It’s great to have more options than bald or corn rows. NBA Live has rap music top to bottom. They went all in with Rap music and then at certain times they have Jalen Rose talk about current events.

The presentation is very stylish and they are constantly focusing on throwbacks and using player nicknames in spots where they can. It feels very black to me. NBA 2K plays a much wider range of music, from rap to rock. It’s an eclectic mix. The background defaults to a white woman showing PR stories about NBA players and charity. It’s very “professional” and less in your face than Live 15. 2K also tries to replicate the playground experience where you wait for next to play in pick up games. Going for that Rucker Park authentic feel is really cool. Both games do a great job of appealing to the black community while not alienating others and I love it.

In conclusion, both games are a lot of fun this year. 2K is the better game of basketball of the Ultimate team mode in Live is far superior. If 2K gets it’s servers right, buy it. Live is worth a try too.

If you want to hear me wax poetic about gaming and more list to the EBONY AND IVORYCAST (THE podcast I talk on).

Thanksgiving- The games I am thankful for in a TOP TEN LIST!

I personally believe that Thanksgiving is the lowest common denominator of holidays- Food, consumerism, and a gross misrepresentation of history at least and a celebration of genocide at most. I love it. That said, I am providing you with the lowest common denominator of internet content….A TOP TEN LIST!!!! These next ten games are the game I am most thankful in no meaningful order. Some games I am thankful for because they give me joy, some games just keep coming back to me like a plague and I want to thank them. Enjoy the list and enjoy the holiday!!!

1) Armored Core Series (PS1, PS2 era)- The Armored Core series was the first series I bought sight unseen and the first series I ever really “collected”. I played a demo disc on PS1 that had a small taste of this slow plodding robot mech simulator.

I was obsessed. I love robots, I love wacky controls that barely work until you master them and I love customization of said robots. This game had it in spades. I absolutely loved Masters of Arena. The story is about private military factions fighting and other stuff but I love this series and am thankful to have played it.

2) Flat Out: Ultimate Carnage- This is my favorite racing game ever. The physics engine and the mini games are great. This was one of the first 360 racing games I played, This was also the first game i reviewed for the Denisonian when I was in college at Denison University (the Harvard of the midwest, BOOM). This is one of the few game I ever finished. It hit all the check points I like- crazy cars, driving through malls, and great heavy- arcade but not unrealistic driving physics. The progression system is very rewarding. Moving through the career from dirt tracks to racing circuits is a lot of fun. Thank you Flat Out UC.

3) Pokemon- I can’t stop playing this beast. Every year I start one and play it….and tell myself i’m done. It’s the only RPG that I know i can play with no guides and no help and make progress. I get emotionally attached to my Pokemon (Shinx) and love watching the series progress. Pokemon has also helped me create bonds with a lot of people like Andi, Adam, and many others.

4) NBA Jam- NBA Jam taught me how to play basketball and made me the man I am today. Cool as fuck.

5) Lollipop Chainsaw- This is one of 2 zombie games I love (Dead Rising 3). The protagonist is really funny and gorgeous. The story is dark but the sense of humor is fantastic. Graphically, the game has a fantastic comic like art style. I love the combo system and the music is awesome. Every time i hear the song “Mickey” I think about this game. This game is like Bayonetta but slower and makes more sense. You carry around your boyfriend’s head in this game. Thank you.

6) Rogue Galaxy- This is most beautiful PS2 game ever. Ever. It’s kind of cel shaded, and the colors are vibrant. This is an open world-ish, action RPG from Level-5. The story is heart wrenching. The weapon system is fantastic. This game rewards both reflexes and planning. It’s a really cool universe.  When I was in college my roommate Andrew, and my man Phil both played this game too. We all marathoned it because the game is so engrossing.

7) Sonic Colors- I have already reviewed this game, but I will say that this title renewed my hope and love for Sonic the Hedgehog. It also laid the foundation for Sonic Generations. Who can’t be thankful for that? Then Sonic Boom happened….

8) Sonic 1 & 2- Classics. Instant classics. I have rebought these games so many times. Every time I hear the music from these games, my heart swells. I think about my childhood. My time plying Road Rash with the Dotterwiechs and Alex Cohen. All of us renting games and being amazed at what gaming could be. Sonic opened those doors for me, and I always be thankful for that.

9) Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix- The. Perfect. Fighting. Game. For me. This game is the definitive fighting game in my world. This game is colorful, Balrog is OP, and its fast. I love fast fighting games. my biggest issue with SF4 is that I feel like it’s plodding. This game is so fast its mind numbing. The net code was great. I played so many online it was scary. I probably played 1000 ranked matches in a month (and I was pretty damn good). Thank you.

10) Super Mario 3D Land- When I was applying for jobs during the end of my days in Wisconsin I had to fly a lot. Flying scares the dickens out of me. I don’t care if it’s safer than driving, I don’t drive at a million miles above sea level. That said, Mario 3D land helped calm my nerves at the airport and on the plane. I played this game nonstop on all of those flights. I’d like to think it helped me get hired. The colors are great and the game uses the 3D of the system masterfully. The controls were spot on, and the music was great.

I am also thankful for anyone who actually reads this list. Thank you! Have a happy thanksgiving!

Also if you enjoy this blog check out this podcast!   (THE EBONY AND IVORY CAST)

Ebony and Ivory Cast! I got a podcast folks!

My main man Greg “G-man” Johnson and myself “The Juggernaut” (im sure that will catch on) are recording a videogame podcast by the people for the people. Well it’s by 2 people and for about 38 people right now, but hey! it’s a start!


That said, please give us a listen! I am young black gamer with a love of Sonic, Sports Games, and Social Justice while Greg is a white family man with a love for the first person shooter, current events and Destiny.

We talk about the news, what we are playing, and whatever tangents we delve into. I also tell a lot of bad jokes. Ebony and Ivory….he’s white and i’m black….ok. I laughed. BE THERE!

You can find us on Itunes and Podcast Garden!

Listen HERE.