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Fig 1.

Morphological aspects of sampled Acianthera.

Acianthera section Pleurobotryae (A-E), Acianthera section Acianthera (F), Acianthera section Sicariae (G), Acianthera section Tricarinatae (H), Acianthera section Sulcatae (I). (A) Acianthera crepiniana flower showing sepals (*) and labellum (arrow). (B) Acianthera hatschbachii flower showing sepals (*) and labellum (arrow). (C) Acianthera crepiniana vegetative organs, ramicaul and leaf. (D) Acianthera mantiquyrana. (E) Acianthera atropurpurea. (F) Acianthera gracilisepala. (G) Acianthera prolifera. (H) Acianthera teres. (I) Acianthera luteola.

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Fig 1 Expand

Table 1.

Acianthera specimens used for analysis of the vegetative organs anatomy and floral micromorphology.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Acianthera root (A-C) and ramicaul (D-I) cross-sections. (A) Acianthera luteola. Bi-layered velamen (ve), exodermis with O-shaped wall thickening (ex) and endodermis with U-shaped thickening (*), pith cells (pi) with thickened lignified walls. (B) A. crepiniana, exodermis with inverted-U shaped thickening (ex). (C) A. fenestrata, cortex with reticulate idioblasts (arrow) and endodermis with O-shaped thickening (*). (D) Acianthera crepiniana, round ramicaul. (E) Acianthera saundersiana, round-sulcate ramicaul. (F) Acianthera luteola, triangular ramicaul. (G) Acianthera crepiniana, external cortex (ec) with sclerified cells. (H) Acianthera hystrix, ramicaul with parenchymatous cortex (cx). (I) Acianthera pubescens, ramicaul pith with unlignified cells (pi) after acidified phloroglucinol reaction. Vascular bundle (vb).

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Acianthera leaf blades.

Schematic drawing of cross-sections (A-C), cross-sections under light microscopy (D and E), frontal view under SEM (F-H), and light microscopy (I-O). (A) A. atropurpurea, line drawing highlighting organization of vascular bundles in mesophyll. (B) A. crepiniana, line drawing of elliptical leaf highlighting organization of vascular bundles in mesophyll. (C) Acianthera teres, round-sulcate leaf showing adaxially facing phloem. (D) Acianthera mantiquyrana, circular leaf, showing wider vascular bundles (vb) towards the medial region and outside-facing phloem. (E) Acianthera crepiniana, elliptical leaf with two parallel vascular bundles (vb) of larger diameter in basal area. (F) Acianthera saurocephala, smooth epidermis. (G) Acianthera luteola, verrucous epidermis. (H) Acianthera crepiniana, papillose epidermis. (I) Acianthera atropurpurea, epidermis with trichome insertion scars (arrow). (J) Acianthera teres, epidermis showing stomatal complex with six subsidiary cells. (K) Acianthera saundersiana, polygonal cells in epidermis (ep) and single-layered adaxial hypodermis (arrow). (L) Acianthera teres, dome-shaped epidermal cells (ep), and cuticle with Sudan III reaction. (M) Acianthera crepiniana, papillose epidermis (ep). (N) Acianthera prolifera, round tracheoidal idioblast in mesophyll. (O) Pleurothallopsis nemorosa, heterogeneous mesophyll with aquiferous parenchyma (ap), palisade parenchyma (pp) and spongy parenchyma (sp).

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Acianthera and Pleurothallopsis nemorosa, floral micromorphology: dorsal sepals (A-D), lateral sepals (E-G) papillae and trichomes (H-K), petals (L-O). (A) Acianthera gracilisepala, sepal apex with stomata (arrow). (B) Acianthera crepiniana, ciliate entire margin. (C) Acianthera saundersiana, papillose entire margin. (D) Acianthera atropurpurea, papillose delimited margin. (E) Acianthera fenestrata. (F) Pleurothallopsis nemorosa. (G) Acianthera saundersiana. (H) Acianthera octophrys, stomata (st), simple trichomes (tr), conical papillae (cp) and simple papillae (sp). (I) Acianthera atropurpurea, aciculate apex papillae. (J) Acianthera fenestrata, obovate (ob) and obpyriform papillae (op). (K) Pleurothallopsis nemorosa, simple (sp) and obpyriform papillae (op). (L) Acianthera mantiquyrana. (M) Pleurothallopsis nemorosa. (N) Acianthera saurocephala. (O) Acianthera hatschbachii, simple papillae (sp) on petals.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Acianthera and Pleurothallopsis nemorosa, labellum, general view (A-D), labellum micromorphology (E-K) and column, general view (L and M). (A) Acianthera hatschbachii. (B) Acianthera ochreata. (C) Acianthera prolifera. (D) Acianthera octophrys. (E) Acianthera octophrys, elongate polygonal cells with transverse striations. (F) Acianthera octophrys, irregular cells with concentric striations. (G) Pleurothallopsis nemorosa, simple (sp), conical (cp) and ovate papillae (ov). (H) Acianthera atropurpurea, imbricate papillae (ip). (I) Acianthera saundersiana, obpyriform papillae (op). (J) Acianthera octophrys, simple trichomes. (K) Acianthera octophrys bifurcate trichomes (bt). (L) Acianthera octophrys. (M) Acianthera ochreata.

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Strict consensus tree from maximum parsimony analysis.

Analysis based on molecular data from cpmatK and nrITS, anatomical data for vegetative organs and floral micromorphology data. Bootstrap support and posterior probability values above 50 are indicated on the branches. Inset: majority consensus tree from Bayesian inference analysis showing proportional branch lengths.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Strict consensus tree of maximum parsimony analysis as displayed in Winclada.

Tree showing apomorphies (full circles) and homoplasies (open circles) for each clade with ACCTRAN optimization. Characters and character states are described in S1 Appendix.

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Fig 7 Expand