Sen-Ti-Nel shoots and scores!

Producer: Sen-Ti-Nel

Price: 15,120 JPY

Release: May 2015

Height: Approx. 7.5″


The second release in Sen-ti-nel’s ever-growing Re:Edit Iron Man line is the Extremis armor which is their rendition of the armor used during the “extremis” storyline arc of the Iron Man series. There are definitely artistic liberties taken in the toy’s design, but I’d say they’re for the better, especially since (IN MY OPINION) the comic version looks very similar to the “Model 25” armor which was faithfully used for the Armorize Iron Man from Sen-ti-nel released earlier this year.

Outside of the aesthetics, the toy is immaculately done. The paint apps are perfection, the diecast is well placed, and the LED gimmick is a great touch! The poseability seems about limitless and it really gives a purpose to the decent variety of hands included. Speaking of the hands, I love that they have a ball-jointed attachment and the open hands have a small cut out at the topside that lets them “bend upwards” for blasting poses… They took Iron Man specific poses into consideration here and it’s awesome! The Hall of Armor that’s included converts into a base for the (also-included) flight stand which holds the figure’s weight extremely well.

Overall, this is a fantastic piece that really deserves a purchase if you’ve even thought about it.

Overall Score: 9.0/10

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