Lunulicardia hemicardium from Shark Bay, WA (Photo: Lisa Kirkendale)
Lunulicardia hemicardium from Shark Bay, WA (Photo: Lisa Kirkendale)

Half Heart Cockle

Lunulicardia hemicardium

Shell medium to large (H35-65 mm), with pronounced umbonal keel, which delineates a broad, flat posterior. Sculpture of ribs is low, interstices are narrow. Mean total number of ribs  23, range 18-27 (Shark Bay population). Hinge strongly bent but not distorted, with a wide lunule that is not impressed (in contrast with often sympatric congener, L. retusa). Shell is white in color internally and externally. Coloration of tissue brown due to presence of photosymbionts entrained in tissue. Length 4.76 cm, height 6.84 cm and width 5 cm (Shark Bay population).


Paedomorphic development (Ter poorten 2009). Photosymbiotic.


Kirkendale (2009) has shown (and others have confirmed (e.g. Herrera et al. 2015) that Fragum is paraphyletic and includes Corculum and Lunulicardia, the two other wholly photosymbiotic lineages of cardiids.


All cockles or cardiids have short siphons. Because of this morphological constraint, infaunal cardiids live close to the sediment water interface in order to filter water. This could be considered a preadaptation for a photosymbiotic lifestyle, as it also facilitates optimal light penetration into the soft tissues in shell interior where photosymbionts are housed.

Method of reproduction

Broadcast spawner



Marine, intertidal to shallow subtidal.


QLD, NT and WA in Australia, but widely distributed in the Indo-west Pacific. Some suggestion that morphological distinction exists for WA populations (Wilson and Stevenson 1977, pg. 42), for which name L. tumoriferum exists (Lamarck, 1819). Revisiting these earlier findings and incorporating appropriate genetic markers to test this hypothesis are required.

Life Cycle

Short lived veliger larvae.


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Superorder: Imparidentia
Order: Cardiida
Superfamily: Cardioidea
Family: Cardiidae
Subfamily: Fraginae
Genus: Lunulicardia
Species: hemicardium
Name Published Year: 1758
Rank: species
Scientific Name Authorship: Linnaeus
Commercial Impact: 

Sought after by shell collectors, possibly commercially exploitable (WS1977)

Conservation Assessment: Least Concern

Net Conservation Benefits Fund

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Accessed 14 May 2024

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