Chlorophyllum nothorachodes

A native species in the same genus as the Shaggy Parasol. Large bulbous base, sliding ring, brightly oxidizes orange, then brown on cutting, particularly at the base of stem, smells pungent. Chlorophyllum species need high heat when cooking to prevent stomach upsets. Could be confused with the poisonous Green spored parasol but has white spores. Could be confused with a poisonous Amanita which also have white spores but do not oxidise bright orange on cutting. A similar look alike is Chlorophyllum brunneumThough I have eaten C. nothorachodes it is relatively unknown. C .brunneum on the other hand is well documented as an edible occurring in many countries. These two species can be found growing together in Australia and can be differentiated by observing the bulb and the ring.


Oxidisation of cut stem.


Intense orange colour reaction immediate and strong.


Left ring is view from below, note double ridge, right ring is view from above.

The ring on the left shows the view from below, (laying on the ground looking up at the ring) the inner ridge is the attachment point, so the ring is attached below. This is best understood by removing them.


Left-detail of double ridged ring,. Right-Young mushroom shows smooth bulbous base.


Smooth bulbous base with no ridging and no volva.

Observations made at the young stage are crucial as this mushroom takes on various appearances as it matures. The length of overcast weather, when the sun comes out and for how long are some of the obvious factors.


Cap pattern variable greatly affected by weather changes.


Grows under and around Casuarina.




9 thoughts on “Chlorophyllum nothorachodes

  1. The scales on these appear paler than others I have seen. They seem to have been put into Chlorphyllum now.

    Someone contacted me recently who has huge quantities of these coming up but didn’t know what they were. They had thought they might be Agaricus augustus. Shows how easy it is to get it wrong if you don’t take the gill and spore colour into account.

  2. Pingback: Chlorophyllum brunneum (Macrolepiota rachodes var. bohemica) | mushroaming

  3. I found a large cluster of what I thought was Chlorophyllum molybdites in a public park in Sydney a few years ago. It matched all the criteria, but the spore print was white, so I was a bit perplexed. It was only when doing some research about Chlorophyllum nothorachodes I found in the same area that I found out about the native Chlorophyllum nothorachodes with white spores. Bingo!.

    • Also check out Chlorophyllum brunneum, often growing together differentiated by the bulb and ring. Chlorophyllum species are quite common in Sydney. C.brunneum is found in many countries and well documented.

  4. Hello

    Wondering if I can send you 1 or 2 pics of what I believe to be “Chlorophyllum nothorachodes” growing in my area of New Zealand. I have done a spore print which came up white also the gills are free and it bruises a brown-red colour.

    Would be great to run it past someone who really knows their stuff before I come to my own conclusions. Don’t won’t to be to bold.

    Thanks Guy.

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