Lenticchie gialle e rosse, fagiolo bianco e nero, piselli verdi e gialli… dove?…

Testo e foto di Cesare Zucca

Benventi nel mondo LEGÙ®. , dove la tavolozza spicca per colore, aroma e sapore.

Ecco alcuni dei protagonisti della Cucina LEGÙ®. … Ho detto alcuni perchè non mancano sorprese e new entry nella cucina . di  Fondata da Monica Neri che con creatività, studio e passione ha dato vita a LEGÙ®. Con un percorso formativo specifico (dall’alberghiero ad una laurea in Economia del sistema agroalimentare) ha scoperto il mondo dei legumi, le loro incredibili proprietà e le declinazioni in cucina, abbinate a prevenzione e salute. da anni vive l’impegno di valorizzare i legumi nell’alimentazione contemporanea.Partiamo dalla pasta…
Una pasta 100% legumi e sottolineo 100%. Tra l’infinita scelta dei formati citerò le eliche, le penne, le lasagne tutte ai quattro legumi. Non posso non citare gli intrecci di quattro legumi, spiruIina e miglio e i sinuosi gigli al sorgo, fagiolo nero e grano saraceno una pasta definitivamente design.  Ah dimenticavo la mia adorata pastina a quattro legumi, una fiaba…

  • Dolce o salato? LEGU’ propone i classici triangoli a rosmarino alla pizzaiola cipolle paprica curcuma pepe origano e il mio preferito quello alla quinoa, limone e pepe bianco mentre se volete viaggiare per lìdi lontani ecco triangoli zenzero e curryi o, perché no, quelli al tartufo…
  • Pensate che Monica non abbia pensato al lato dolce della vita? Ecco che spuntano i biscotti di legumi e riso alla cannella, quelli di mais legumi e mandorle alla vaniglia per chiama la cioccolata un mix di cioccolata calda calda ed deliziosi pasticcini morbidi all’arancia e alla mandorla Yumi
  • A tutto ciò si aggiungono i preparati pronti, le zuppe i ragù bevande e condimenti e preparati pronti tra cui due ben calibrati mix per un Burger o una polpetta bio.

    “Ammollo, vapore, decorticati. essiccati, macinati”
    Sembra il testo di un pezzo trap, ma è invece il processo di produzione LEGÙ®, ovvero lasciati in ammollo, cotti a vapore interi per non perdere i sali minerali, decorticati ed essiccati a bassa temperatura, macinati e resi in farina.

Una produzione che, attraverso la ricerca e la passione, offre soluzioni naturali e gustose per uno stile di vita più sano e sostenibile.
Ne fa da testimone la strepitosa MISCELA LEGÙ® di farine di legumi italiani che può  essere usata in sostituzione di uova per pancake, muffin, pasta frolla, maizena e altri amidi per addensare creme, colla di pesce o agar agar per budino e panna cotta, farina di cereali nelle più classiche ricette italiane..

Monica, com’è nata LEGÙ?
“Da un evento personale. Quando ho avuto il diabete in gravidanza mi sono riavvicinata ai legumi, r, per consumare meno carboidrati e più fibre. Mia nonna Ida, di origine mantovana, mangiava i legumi tutti i giorni e mi diceva sempre che erano la carne dei poveri.”
Da nonna Ida, Monica e Legù ci viene regalata una ricetta veloce e super golosa!

LE CRÊPES 40 g MISCELA LEGÙ® di farine di legumi italiani
150 g acqua
10 g olio
In una ciotola unisci gli ingredienti e amalgama bene con una frusta.
Ungi con l’aiuto di uno scottex una padella antiaderente molto calda.
Versa con un mestolo la pastella e distribuiscila in modo uniforme.
Fai cuocere un minuto per lato.
Farcisci a piacere, ottima sia dolce che salata come quella al cacao e caramello di nocciola

Io le ho assaggiate: leggere, leggere… uno spettacolo!


English version

Welcome to the LEGÙ® world. , where the palette stands out for its colour, aroma and flavour.

Here are some of the protagonists of the LEGÙ® Cuisine. … I said some because there is no shortage of surprises and new entries in the kitchen. by  Founded by Monica Neri who with creativity, study and passion gave life to LEGÙ®. With a specific training path (from hotel management to a degree in economics of the agri-food system) she discovered the world of legumes, their incredible properties and their uses in the kitchen, combined with prevention and health. for years it has been committed to valorising legumes in contemporary nutrition.Let’s start with the pasta…
A 100% legume pasta and I underline 100%. Among the infinite choice of formats I will mention the helices, the penne, the lasagna all with four legumes. I cannot fail to mention the intertwining of four legumes, spiruina and millet and the sinuous lilies with sorghum, black bean and buckwheat, a definitively designer pasta. Oh I forgot my beloved four legume pasta, a fairy tale…

Sweet or salty? LEGU’ offers the classic pizzaiola-style rosemary triangles with onions ,paprika, turmeric, pepper and oregano among my favorite: the one with quinoa, lemon and white pepper while if you want to travel to distant places here are ginger&curry triangles or, why not, those with truffle…Do you think Monica forgot the sweet side of life? Here appear the legume and rice biscuits with cinnamon, those of corn, legumes and vanilla almonds to call chocolate a mix of hot hot chocolate and delicious soft pastries with orange and almond Yumi
Added to all this are ready-made preparations, soups, ragù, drinks and condiments and ready-made preparations including two well-calibrated mixes for a burger or an organic meatball.

“Soak, steam, hulled. dried, ground”
It sounds like the text of a trap song but it is instead the LEGÙ® production process, i.e. left to soak, steam cooked whole so as not to lose the mineral salts, hulled and dried at low temperature, ground and turned into flour.

A production that, through research and passion, offers natural and tasty solutions for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.
Witness the sensational MISCELA LEGÙ® of Italian legume flours which can be used to replace eggs for pancakes, muffins, shortcrust pastry, cornstarch and other starches to thicken creams, isinglass or agar agar for pudding and panna cotta, cereal flour in the most classic Italian recipes..

Monica, how was LEGÙ born?
“From a personal event. When I had diabetes during pregnancy I returned to legumes, r, to consume fewer carbohydrates and more fibre. My grandmother Ida, originally from Mantua, ate legumes every day and always told me that they were the flesh of the poor.”
From grandmother Ida, Monica and LEGU’ we were given a quick and super delicious recipe!

40 g LEGÙ® MIXTURE of Italian legume flours
150 g water
10 g oil
In a bowl, combine the ingredients and mix well with a whisk.
Grease a very hot non-stick pan with the help of a paper towel.
Pour the batter with a ladle and distribute it evenly.
Cook for one minute on each side.
Fill as you like, excellent both sweet and savory such as the one with cocoa and hazelnut caramel

I tasted them… amazing!


Milan, the “Best 2024 Pastiera Napoletana” has a “regina”

What’s a pastiera napoletana?
No Neapolitan Easter meal would be complete without a creamy cake on the table. It’s the pastiera , a superb tart with casing and upper strips of shortcrust pastrym the filling is made from wheat, ricotta, candied orange peel, sugar, natural flavourings.and mixed with ricotta, sugar, eggs, candied citrus and orange blossom essence for the filling. It is absolutely intoxicating…

This dessert has a curious history that includes mythological creatures and industrious nuns. This intricate Eater cake is made several days in advance and is a labor of love for any Neopolitan cook. So how did the Pastiera napoletana come to be? Read on for the history of this traditional treat. The legends story involves the nuns of the Convent of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples. A nun wanted to bake the cake, a symbol of the Resurrection, and to emphasize the eggs, a symbol of rebirth, and the orange scent, because the orange trees grew in the convent gardens.

This year, 16 pastiere where up to be proclamed the Best 2024 Regina Pastiera.
and here the winners:
At first place Pasticceria Elite  Vimercate ,
Chef: Giulia Ripamonti, At second place we find  Pasticceria Savarese, Bottega storica, Rome
Chefs: Irma Brizi e Federico Di BerardinoAt third place Pasticceria La Monica ,Castellammare di Stabia (Naples) 
Chef Francesco LastraCongrats to the winners !

Alla scoperta dei vini del Monferrato Astigiano: l’azienda agricola Montalbera

Text and Photos © Cesare Zucca

(italian text followed by the english version)

Benvenuti nella parte occidentale della Provincia di Asti, tra il fiume Tanaro e le ripide colline del Moscato, caratterizzata da un paesaggio prevalentemente collinare, arricchito da borghi storici tra cui Moncalvo, Grazzano Badoglio, Montemagno, Vignale, tante piccole perle in un mare di colline e paesaggi vitivinicoli divenuti patrimonio dell’UNESCO. Scoprirete gli infernot, antichissime cantine sotterranee dove da secoli si mette il vino ad affinare, grazie alla temperatura costante e il grado di umidità, ideali per invecchiare e affinare spumanti e vini,Vi aspettano Palazzo Alfieri, il Museo del Risorgimento, il Castello medioevale, la suggestiva Torre di San Vittore a Montemagno e tanti borghi da scoprire, ognuno con le proprie delizie gastronomiche locali e vini eccellenti.

Torre di S,Guido a Montemagno

Pochi chilometri e siamo a Castagnole Monferrato, dove scopriamo l’azienda agricola Montalbera, una suggestiva struttura che, oltre alla produzione di vini doc, offre una showroom per degustazioni vini, sale relax, sessioni di yoga nella barricai, piscina con idromassaggio affacciata sui vigneti,

Tutt’intorno, trionfa un vero anfiteatro di vigne dove nascono molte varietà di vini (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino, Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo) e “last but not least” il Ruchè docg, un rosso prodotto da un vitigno autoctono, rinato grazie alle ricerche di Franco Morando. Vengono lavorate le particelle più selezionate come il Ruché Laccento e il Ruché Limpronta e 12 mesi di legno per avere la Docg

Tutto è cominciato negli anni Ottanta, quando la famiglia Morando ha iniziato (e continua) ad acquisire terreni oltre agli attuali 175 ettari. Grazie a loro è avvenuta la rinascita del Ruchè, un rosso prodotto da un vitigno autoctono omonimo tipico di otto paesi e altre varietà (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino,Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo) Ruchè è un vino dal carattere inconfondibile dallo sgargiante color rosso granato, ai piacevoli sentori floreali di rosa e viola, le note fruttate di albicocca e la speziatura che emerge con l’evoluzione lo rendono immediatamente riconoscibile nel bicchiere.

Oggi il Ruchè è conosciuto e apprezzato sulle tavole nazionali ed internazionali per le sue caratteristiche uniche ed affascinanti che hanno origine da questo straordinario terroir. “ Il Ruché per il Monferrato è un sogno, una meraviglia, rappresenta la possibilità di emergere per tutto il territorio” racconta il Ceo Franco Morando, che, per la prima volta ha voluto applicare su un vitigno a bacca nera la tecnica e lo studio della vendemmia notturna, che già da diversi anni l’azienda aveva realizzato sui vini bianchi

Franco Morando

L’assaggio del Barbera d’Asti Superior, ci porta in un mondo di eccellenze, dove spiccano i ruchè LA TRADIZIONE,  LACCENTO, LIMPRONTA  Parliamo di vini caldi, piacevole e di rara setosità, dal profumo Intenso, persistente con sentori di petali di rosa e frutti di bosco che evolgono in spezie orientali e pepe nero.

E le bollicine?
Scoprite gli Extra Dry, Cuvée Rosé e Cuvée Blanche Metodo Martinotti e l ’ottimo 120+1 un, lasciatemelo dire, champagne piemontese. Un progetto sposato dall’enologo Luca Caramellino e concluso da Morando. “La prima bottiglia stappata dovrà riposare 40 giorni, poi il mio giovane campione sarà presentato a Parigi, in Francia. Perché il nostro 120+1 è a tutti gli effetti uno ‘champagne’, Io condivido….


Per chi volesse passare una notte da sogno, magari dopo un tour in cantina e una ricca degustazione dei vini Montalbera accompagnata dalle delizie delle eccellenze gastronomiche del territorio…. beh, proprio girato l’angolo potrà alloggiare in una delle Wine Suites, quattro alloggi indipendenti dove accoglienza, servizio, privacy, relax, confort e un panorama mozzafiato sono garantiti… Vi verrranno consegnate le chiavi, proprio come se foste a casa vostra: riservatezza e squisita accoglienza rendono il soggiorno indimenticabile.

Prossima tappa
La storica Distilleria Mazzetti d’Altavilla Monferrato fin dal 1846 produce grappa, curandone la distillazione, effettuata con una fonte di calore che crea l’evaporazione delle parti volatili di una sostanza ad una precisa temperatura e la ricondensazione del vapore in liquido. Varcata la porta di ingresso il visitatore può immergersi in un concentrato di storia, leggenda, natura ed ancora arte, profumi e aromi. La sua Torre Panoramica con il percorso di salita alla cima condito da racconti e curiosità, regala la vista a 360° sull’arco collinare e alpino mentre la Distilleria e la Barricaia accolgono i visitatori.
Un ringraziamento speciale a Franco Morando, Eleonora, Veronica, Daniel e tutto il fantastico team Montalbera

English version

In Castagnole Monferrato (Asti) in Piedmont, Italy, we discovered the Montalbera farm, a suggestive structure which, in addition to the production of excellent wines, offers a showroom for wine tastings, relaxation rooms, yoga sessions in the barrel room, swimming pool and jacuzzi overlooking the vineyards.

All around triumphs a true amphitheater of vineyards where many varieties of wines are born (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino, Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo) and “last but not least” the Ruchè docg, a red produced from an indigenous vine, reborn thanks to the research of Franco Morando whose the most selected particles such as Ruché LACCENTO and Ruché LIMPRESA are processed 12 months of wood to obtain the Docg.i.

Here is an extremely elegant, silky, warm wine on the palate, with a great balance that reflects the international taste of the modern taster and attentive to innovative pleasures, matured in steel tanks and subsequently bottled positioned horizontally at a controlled temperature, Ruchè is a wine with an unmistakable character with a bright garnet red colour, pleasant floral hints of rose and violet, fruity notes of apricot and the spiciness that emerges with evolution making it immediately recognizable in the glass

Today Ruchè is known and appreciated on national and international tables for its unique and fascinating characteristics which originate from that extraordinary terroir that is Monferrato.
Oggi il Ruchè è conosciuto e apprezzato sulle tavole nazionali ed internazionali per le sue caratteristiche uniche ed affascinanti che hanno origine da quello straordinario terroir che è il Monferrato.

“For Monferrato, Ruché is a dream, a wonder, it represents the possibility of emerging for the entire territory” says CEO Franco Morando, who, for the first time, wanted to apply the technique and study of the night harvest, which the company had already carried out on white wines for several years


Franco Morando

Tasting the Barbera d’Asti Superiore, we realize that we are in a universe of excellency.
Among the Montalbera ruchès, LA TRADIZIONE, LACCENTO and LIMPRONTA stand out. Tasting the Barbera d’Asti Superire, we realize that we are in a universe of warm wines  , pleasant and of rare silkiness with an intense, persistent aroma with hints of rose petals and wild berries in jam. uby bone tending towards garnet, Intense, persistent with tending aromatic memories and typical hints of berries, which evolve into oriental spices and black pepper.

What about sparkling ?
Discover the Extra Dry, Cuvée Rosé and the Cuvée Blanche Metodo Martinotti, while the120+1 stands out, as a true Piedmontese champagne. A project embraced by the oenologist Luca Caramellino and concluded by Morando. “The first bottle uncorked will have to rest for 40 days, then my young sample will be presented in Paris, France. Because our 120+1 is in all respects a ‘champagne’.

For those who want to spend a dream night, perhaps after a tour of the cellar and a rich tasting of Montalbera wines accompanied by the delights of the gastronomic excellence of the area… well, just around the corner you can stay in one of the Wine Suites, four independent accommodations where hospitality, service, privacy, relaxation, comfort and a breathtaking view are guaranteed… You will be given the keys, just as if you were at home: confidentiality and exquisite hospitality make your stay unforgettable.

The different types of Suites are characterized by elegant simplicity and furnishings that recall the typical “Tropeziana” tradition with furnishings and design elements that blend well with the surrounding natural context, always respecting the historicity of the terroir.

Montalbera, attentive to sustainability, including social sustainability, has changed the working hours of the 22 workers in the countryside, which become more than 90 during the harvest, moving them to less hot and muggy moments of the day, in the morning from 6am while the evening harvest begins in the late afternoon.


Monferrato nel calice: la superlativa grappa 7.0 e l’innovazione di Hic et Nunc

di Cesare Zucca
In una terra di vitigno “ruchè” non poteva mancare la grappa.
7.0  in soli tre anni ha saputo far breccia nel palato della new generation. Con zero impatto ambientale degli impianti di produzione, l’uso di fonti energetiche rinnovabili e un packaging moderno che strizza l’occhio alla tradizione, la 7.0 fa da scenario glamour a un distillato d’elite che esprime i sentori  per una generazione curiosa ed esigente.

Oltre al ruchè troverete innumerevoli grappe di vino: moscato, barolo, brachetto, barbaresco oppure suadenti gusti di caffè. mirtillo, fragola. limone e tanta altra frutta accuratamente selezionata, raccolta fresca in stagione, per poter dare tutto il suo meglio.

Volete sorprendere i vostri ospiti?
Gran finale tavola con i simpaticissimi “Zuccherini Spiritosi”, perfetti flambè dopo-pasto che , accanto ai gusti tradizionali, propongono nuovi intriganti sapori, come l’assenzio, lo zenzero con arancia e caffè, rosa canina, liquirizia e menta…
Accendeteli e decorare il vostro piatto all’ insegna del gusto e dello stupore. Successo garantito!

Continuiamo il nostro viaggio enologico per arrivare a Vignale Monferrato, dove sorge (è proprio il caso di dirlo) il futuristico ingresso della Cantina Hic et Nunc, un progetto visionario, contemporaneo, esperienziale, capitanato da Massimo Rosolen e Valentina Pascarella e da un team giovane, accompagnato e guidato da professionisti del settore.

Potrete visitare i vigneti, la cantina, degustare i loro vini in abbinamento con i sapori del territorio, fare shopping nel wine shop. Una vera full immersion per chi vuole approfondire gli aspetti più enologici e per chi vuole unire l’esperienza con il pernottamento in una delle sette accoglienti camere e magari un tuffo in piscina.
Un luogo “trasparente” dove le grandi vetrate sui vigneti permettono agli ospiti di gettare l’occhio sull’esterno e l’interno della produzione vitivinicola, seguendo l’intero processo di vinificazione.

Tra i vini di Hic et Nunc, vorrei citare Mète, un brut rosè dalla bella acidità, perfetto con formaggi delicati e Monbullae, bollicina di qualità, fresco e deciso, dai delicati sentori di petali di rosa che sfumano in miele e spezie, Ideale come aperitivo e per le crudité di mare.

Dalla cantina Hic et Nunc: a sinistra Mele. a destra Monbullae

Massimo è un paladino dell’innovazione. ma anche della tradizione. Tra le sue  “missioni” il recupero del baratuciat, varietà a bacca bianca rara ed antica che genera il Felem, un vino affascinante, che si distingue per la sua personalità distintiva, la struttura ben definita e il carattere fruttato e minerale.
Un vero e proprio gioiello enologico, dove ogni bottiglia viene accuratamente etichettata e numerata a mano, per poi essere consegnata in un esclusivo cofanetto.


Here a summary of Cesare’s work.
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HARLEM LUNCH with the legendary Miss Norma Jean Darden

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Summary of FOOD articles by Cesare Zucca

Cesare Zucca
Milanese by birth, Cesare lives between New York, Milan and the rest of the world.
He photographs and talks about food,,wine and gastronomic delights then reports
everything in his “non-touristy-tourist” style.
SEE FULL ARTICLE (iin italian and english)

SEE FULL ARTICLE (in engliish)
SEE FULL ARTICLE (in italian)
SEE FULL ARTICLE (in italian)
SEE FULL ARTICLE (italian and english)
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SEE FULL ARTICLE (Italian, English)




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Chocolate City Part 1 and 2 (Italian)
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Cherubini Troticultura

Cherubini trout farming was born in Visso, a historic municipality located in the heart of the Sibillini Mountains National Park, in an uncontaminated valley, on the border between Marche and Umbria, about 650 meters above sea level and a few steps from the source of the Nera river.

Fario, Iridea, Salmonata and Salmerino  are the species bred, the excellent quality found in the physical and chemical parameters of the environment, together with the oxygenation of the water through the “cascade system” and the modest temperature fluctuations that are recorded between summer and winter, give these waters a high biological capacity, thus contributing to determining a particularly favorable habitat for the birth, development and growth of trout, making it a very high quality product. Three very high quality products, three distinct entities, each with a strong personality
Trota Iridea in olive oil flavored with bay leaves. Worked entirely by hand – Steam cooked.
Trota Fario in olive oil, processed entirely by hand and steam cooked.
Trota Fario with Fine Black Truffle- Born, bred, processed and packaged by the agricultural company Troticoltura Cherubini in Visso, in the Sibillini mountains

Our dish: Cherubini Iridea Trout with its own oil , served as topping of a red risotto with leeks and parsley



Christmas is about sharing dinners at home, with relatives and closest friends, and even the menu reflects habits and customs that are repeated every Christmas Eve.
In Italy and all over of the world, panettone remains the inevitable end of the meal to be presented on the tables

Let s start from the North
Born on the rivers of the beautiful Garda Lake, Casa Miorelli & GardaFoodie bring to your table an amazing panettone with the flavor of the Garda territory. born from the valorisation of local products, such as olives and lemons from Garda. A scent of organic lemons inebriates this characteristic panettone, to which the delicate Garda olives candied by our Pastry Chef are added, creating a soft and rich classic dessert, revisited by Pastry Chef Stefano Trovisi, who during the artisanal processing of the long leavening dough includes the addition of candied Garda olives.Mela e Cannella
Combines the apple, the most typical fruit of Trentino Region, to the the scent of cinnamon, the most Christmassy spice of the season, bringing the essence of Christmas and all the sweetness of the territory to your festive table.Apricots and Chocolate
The soft embrace between the juicy candied apricots and the Gianduia chocolate, wrapped in the long leavening dough, creates a delicious mix with the crunchy cocoa and hazelnut icinge!

Let’s move to South!
Rustichella d’Abruzzo was born in 1924 in Penne ,Abruzzo, under the name of Pastificio Gaetano Sergiacomo, and today it is the artisan pasta that uses only the best selected durum wheat semolina, with a higher gluten content, mixed with pure mountain water to give a unique flavor and toughness to the pasta. The precious bronze dies make the pasta rough enough to capture any type of seasoning. Rustichella pasta is used by the best chefs in the world, including Bruno Barbieri, Antonino Cannavacciuolo and Giorgio Locatelli, the 3 judges of   of the popular TV show “Masterchef Italy”

Classic Panettone, typical of the Italian confectionery tradition. Soft and fragrant, rich in fragrant candied fruit and exquisite first-choice sultanas. A flavor and aroma that will win you over.
Panettone with Amarena cherry for those who do not prefer raisins and candied fruit, but do not want to give up the exquisite goodness-Pistachio Panettone filled with cream with green pistachios from Bronte and covered with dark chocolate and decorated with chopped pistachios and cocoa.

Here link to check all the Rustichella panettone

Finally, let ‘s fly to Sicily!
Starred chef Pietro D’Agostino is signing the new MIO Panettone, the most traditional of desserts, an artisanal product, made with excellent raw materials which, while respecting the original recipe, is enriched every year with new notes.The name MIO takes up the “IO Pietro D’Agostino” product line which represents his personal selection of excellent raw materials. This year Pietro presented three gourmet versions of hiis MIO panettone

MIO traditional, that evokes the Sicilian tradition of history and flavors.This panettone is stuffed with raisins soaked in an excellent Pantelleria passito wine and enriched by tasty Catania orange peel, fully harvested and treated with water and sugar.MIO dark chocolate and raspberry  a truly successful experiment “A riot of taste – explains the chef – the raspberries with their sweet and slightly acidic flavor are processed and dipped in dark chocolate, which enhances those characteristics”.
MIO mango and peach a new, exotic novelty, . “Very delicate and fragrant – assures the chef, We didn’t even have to go too far to collect a basket of delicacies grown behind the house, which also give us the sensation of being in the Tropics”. “Cooking is fun after all – he comments – and I like playing with ingredients, varying and experimenting”.

“MIO” panettone signed by Pietro D’Agostino can be booked by sending an email to info@pietrodagostino.it it will be sent directly to your home.

Enjoy your panettone and have a Merry and Yummy Christmas!

Cesare Zucca
Milanese by birth, lives between New York, Milan and the rest of the world. Cesare
photographs and writes about cities, art, enteritainment, cultures, lifestyles and either traditional or innovative gastronomic delights. Cesare meets and interview top chefs from all over the world, ‘steals’ their recipes in a ” non touristy tourist ” style.



Testo e Foto di Cesare Zucca
(Italian and English version).
A Miami Robert De Niro ha aperto un ristorante specializzato in alta cucina giapponese, la steak House di Michael Jordan è presente in 4 città USA, mentre Lady Gaga nell’Upper East Side di New York ha aperto una trattoria insieme ai suoi genitori, in cui si servono solo piatti italiani. Jay-Z è proprietario del 40/40 un club che fa da bar e discoteca., Pharrell Williams ha aperto Swan, nel Design District di Miami, mentre Zach Braff ha creato Mermaid Oyster Bar, sofisticato ristorante di pesce a Greenwich, New York.
E in Italia? …
A due passi dal Duomo scopriamo un ristorante-pizzeria che porta il nome di una leggenda del cinema: Sophia Loren che dopo Firenze ha aperto a Milano, Bari, all’areoporto Fiumicino di Roma e presto Hong Kong. Nonostante viva a Ginevra, la Loren ama la cucina italiana e si diverte a cucinare “Made in Italy”,  basti citare la famosa scena della preparazione del ragù dal film Sabato, Domenica e Lunedì diretto da Lina Wertmüller.Nei suoi ristoranti troverete un ambiente dall’atmosfera cordiale, siglato dalla tipica cortesia napoletana dello staff. Tra i clienti non mancano le celebrità del mondo dello spettacolo e dello sport, da Gerard Butler a Sfera Ebbasta, a Fedez e Chiara Ferragni, da Danilo d’Ambrosio a Zlatan Ibrahimović.

Alla celebre pizzaiola dei primi film dell’attrice è dedicata la gustosa “Pizza Sophia” una delizia con ingredienti tipici campani: scarola riccia, datterino giallo e rosso confit, olive caiazzane, capperi e acciughe. Una delle new entry è la delicata pizza “Omaggio al Carciofo” con crema di carciofi, provola e pecorino.
Si parte tradizionalmente con l’assaggio dei “fritti” tra cui una meravigliosa sfera di “frittatina” di bucatini, besciamella, ragù, provola, piselli e la classica ” montanara!” al pomodoro o alla ” genovese” il più tradizionale sugo della cucina partenopea.
Al timone del ristorante troviamo Luigi d’Antonio che, dopo esperienze con chef stellati campani, 3 anni nella scuola bresciana di Iginio Massari e nella Società Italiana Cuochi è approdato al Sophia Loren di Milano.

Ho scambiato quattro chiacchiere con lo Chef (simpaticissimo (e napoletano doc…) 

Luigi D’Antonio

Weekend e viaggi … le tue preferenze?
Weekend nell’incanto dell’Italia, a cominciare dalla costiera Amalfitana, mentre all’estero Shanghai, città che adoro, dove sono stato con la mia brigata per partecipare al Campionato Mondiali dei Cuochi.
Come vi siete piazzati?
(sorride) Beh, abbiamo vinto…I tuoi fritti sono davvero speciali, ce li racconti?
I fritti sono un classico dei pranzi domenicali partenopei. Li proponiamo In tante varianti, dal cacio e pepe, alla crocchetta, alla classica frittatina di pasta, al ragu’ alla genovese, al tradizionale sugo napoletano di carne e pomodoro. Dapprima fritti e poi asciugati in forno, per dare croccantezza, gusto e digeribilità.Qual è, secondo te, il piatto top della cucina napoletana ?
Non ho dubbi: “pasta e patate”, nata come una minestra dove un amido cuoce in un altro amido, ben mantecata e eseguita con attenzione alle temperature e al punto di fusione intorno ai 60 gradi. Tra le eccellenze partenopee non posso non citare la parmigiana e il sugo napoletano con pomodori, carni bovino e suino, appuntamento domenicale classico dei pranzi in famiglia, riprosto qui nel menu dei giorni festivi. Per non dimenticare le iconiche polpette al sugo, che mi riportano alla meravigliosa cucina di  Nonna Lucia.Il tuo sogno nel cassetto?
Mi piace viaggiare e sarei felice di portare il “format Sophia” in giro per il mondo quale tributo e sviluppo della cultura gastonomica italiana, nonchè dovuto omaggio a una delle nostre attrici più famose.Ci regali la ricetta delle tue fantastiche crocchette?
Certo, eccola

Per 6-8 persone 
2kg patate rosse
200 gr prosciutto cotto
200 gr scamorza secca
150 gr uova miste150gr panna
30gr prezzemolo130 gr parmigiano reggiano
 5 gr sale fino3 gr pepe nero
Mettere le patate in una grande pentola con acqua fredda (10 lt di acqua e 30 gr di sale). portare  a bollore e lasciare cuocere fino a quando  le patate sono completamente cotte (circa 35 minuti) nel frattempo tagliare il prosciutto cotto e la scamorza a piccoli cubetti da 0.5cm. Fare un trito di prezzemolo fine.
Scolare, sciacquare con acqua fredda e pelare le patate.
Schiacciare le patate due volte con il musher e inizieremo a lavorare solo quando saranno tiepida. Lavorare in planetaria con una frusta le patate cotte  il parmigiano e la panna.
Unire al composto ottenuto il prosciutto,la scamorza,sale e pepe. In ultimo aggiungere uova e prezzemolo. Raffreddare l’impasto ottenuto in positivo a +3° per circa 6 ore. Formare le crocchette da 70 gr creando un cilindro.
Lasciar riposare per altre 2 ore e passeremo alla fase di panatura.
Per la panatura
Pane panko 2kg
Corn flakes 1kg
Immergere la crocchetta prima nella farina e poi in uova miste successivamente nella miscela di panure.
Cuocere in olio di semi di girasole a 160 gradi per circa 2.30 minuti.

English version

In Miami Robert De Niro opened a restaurant specializing in Japanese haute cuisine, Michael Jordan’s steak house is present in 4 US cities, while Lady Gaga opened a restaurant on the Upper East Side of New York together with her parents, where only Italian dishes are served. Jay-Z is the owner of 40/40, a club that acts as a bar and nightclub. Pharrell Williams opened Swan in Miami’s Design District, while Zach Braff created Mermaid Oyster Bar, a sophisticated seafood restaurant in Greenwich, New York.What about Italy? …
A stone’s throw from the Duomo we discover a restaurant-pizzeria that bears the name of a cinema legend: Sophia Loren who after Florence opened in Milan, Bari, at Rome’s Fiumicino airport and soon Hong Kong.
Although she lives in Geneva, Loren loves Italian cuisine and enjoys cooking “Made in Italy”, suffice it to mention the famous scene of preparing ragù from the film Saturday, Sunday and Monday directed by Lina Wertmüller.In her restaurants you will find an environment with a friendly atmosphere, marked by the typical Neapolitan courtesy of the staff.
Among the customers there is no shortage of celebrities from the world of entertainment and sport, from Gerard Butler to Sfera Ebbasta, to Fedez and Chiara Ferragni, from Danilo d’Ambrosio to Zlatan Ibrahimović.

The tasty “Pizza Sophia” is dedicated to the famous pizza chef from the actress’ first films, a delight with typical Campania ingredients: curly escarole, confit yellow and red datterino tomatoes, Caiazzane olives, capers and anchovies. One of the new entry is the delicate pizza “Homage to the Artichoke” with artichoke cream, provola and pecorino cheese.Let’s start with the tasting of the “fried foods” including a wonderful sphere of “omelette” of bucatini, bechamel, ragù, provola, peas and the classic “montanara!” with tomato and “Genoese” sauce, the most traditional sauce of Neapolitan cuisine.At the helm of the restaurant we find Luigi d’Antonio who, after experiences with starred chefs from Campania, 3 years in the Brescia school of Iginio Massari and in the Società Italiana Cuochi has landed at the Sophia Loren in Milan.
I had a chat with the Chef (very nice (and very Neapolitan…) Luigi D’Antonio

Luigi D’Antonio

Weekends and trips… your preferences?
Weekend in the enchantment of Italy, starting from the Amalfi coast, while abroad Shanghai, a city that I adore, where I went with my team to participate in the World Chefs Championship.
How did you place?
(smiles) Well, we won…Your fried foods are really special, can you tell us about them?
Fried foods are a classic of Sunday lunches. We offer them in many variations, from cacio e pepe, to croquette, to the classic pasta omelette, to Genoese ragù, to the traditional Neapolitan meat and tomato sauce. First fried and then dried in the oven, to give crunchiness, taste and digestibility.What is, in your opinion, the top dish of Neapolitan cuisine?
I have no doubts: “pasta and potatoes”, born as a soup where a starch cooks in another starch, well creamed and made with attention to temperatures and a melting point of around 60 degrees. Among the Neapolitan excellences I cannot fail to mention the parmigiana and the Neapolitan sauce with tomatoes, beef and pork, a classic Sunday appointment for family lunches, proposed here again in the menu for holidays..Not to forget the iconic meatballs with sauce, which take me back to the wonderful cuisine of Nonna Lucia.Your secret dream?
I like to travel and I would be happy to take the “Sophia format” around the world as a tribute and development of Italian gastronomic culture and homage to one of our most famous actresses.

Can you give us the recipe for your amazing croquettes?
Sure, here you go!Ingredients

For 6-8 people
2kg red potatoes
200 g cooked ham
200 g dried scamorza
150g mixed eggs
150g cream
30g parsley
130 g Parmigiano Reggiano
5 g fine salt
3 g black pepper
Place the potatoes in a large pot with cold water (10 liters of water and 30 g of salt). bring to the boil and leave to cook until the potatoes are completely cooked (about 35 minutes), in the meantime cut the cooked ham and scamorza into small 0.5cm cubes. Finely chop the parsley.
Drain, rinse with cold water and peel the potatoes.
Mash the potatoes twice with the musher and we will only start working when they are lukewarm. Mix the cooked potatoes, parmesan and cream in a planetary mixer with a whisk.
Add the ham, scamorza, salt and pepper to the mixture obtained. Finally add eggs and parsley. Cool the mixture obtained positively at +3° for approximately 6 hours. Form the 70g croquettes into a cylinder.
Leave to rest for another 2 hours and we will move on to the breading phase.
For the breading
Panko bread 2kg
Corn flakes 1kg
Dip the croquette first in the flour and then in the mixed eggs and then in the panure mixture.
Cook in sunflower oil at 160 degrees for about 2.30 minutes.

Buon Appetito!INFO


“Everything is meatballable”

Text and Photos by Cesare Zucca

This is the motto of POLPETTA, a Roman brand arriving in Milan now also in Milan in via Tortona at number 21,
A restaurant that puts one of the queens of Italian cuisine at the center of attention: the meatball. Tasty and tasty and a champion of recycling, the meatballs here vary from the cheese and pepper versions to the gluten-free and vegetarian options. You will be served meatballs of every type and every taste and combination, in nice wooden boxes. favorite? Without a doubt the one with sausage and friarelli, also notable is the pumpkin and amaretto, terribly right in this season
. I enjoyed an excellent cheesecake or I should rightly say a cheesecake and strawberry meatball.! So, discover this place in via Tortona 21 Milan
For meatball lovers, the main choice remains that of the “Traditional”: classic
fried or the iconic meatballs with sauce. And then again those with sausage and broccoli.
The restaurant’s signature dish is the “Roman” meatballs. From those
all’amatriciana to those with cheese and pepper, passing through the meatballs of saltimbocca alla Romana Polpetta’s journey continues with his proposal “From the World”. A journey of flavors around the globe that stops in Japan with meatballs
meat in teriyaki sauce, then in Thailand with prawns in Thai red curry
with steamed rice.Not just meat. The restaurant menu offers, in fact, various fish and meatballs
vegetables. Among the fish ones we find steamed salmon and courgette meatballs
Serve with white rice, Ponzu sauce and chives. Among the vegetarians we find the
aubergine meatballs, salted ricotta and thyme, chickpea meatballs or the wonderful ones
Mantua pumpkin meatballs.If your cravings aren’t satisfied, don’t worry because there are first courses. The menu
Polpetta serves fresh spaghettoni meatballs with meatballs, sauce
tomato, basil and parmesan. The classic spaghettoni all’amatriciana and tonnarelli
carbonara with bacon and bacon meatballs and others.

Chef Nerini, the “Polpetta King”

To close this riot of taste there are the desserts, these too… “meatballed”.
Cheesecake and Caprese cake are thus transformed into small, round delights. And then
more Tiramisu cream with chocolate balls to complete an unusual
sweets card. Finally, the entire Milan menu will be gluten-free.


My Instagram


Text and Photos by Cesare Zucca

History, Mithology, Art, Culture, Beauty and Taste…
That is what the amazing Italian Oils will bring to your table.
The world has over 1,600 olive cultivars: Italy, on its own, has 600 of them.
The historic and cultural roots of Italian taste are appreciated around the globe, and are enriched with meaning and value through our products.
Here a selection of my preferred oils featured in 2023 Golosaria, Milan, Italy, titled “Tradition is Innovation”


The olive harvest takes place on the first full moon night of October, to enhance all the organoleptic characteristics of the EVO oil.
It is obtained from the selection of only Rasara olives, which are processed in the mill in Arquà Petrarca, in the Euganean Hills area, Amazing scents characterize the tasting withe sensations of freshly mown grass, artichoke and almond with the right balance between bitter and spicy. It is recommended to accompany dishes with strong flavours, such as meat and fish, or to give that extra touch to land or sea crudités.

CULTIVAR TAGGIASCA   by Galateo & Friends

A true nectar with a golden yellow color and a not too intense aroma that reveals soft, delicate fruity notes of fresh almond and pine nut. Taste: the taste is evidently sweet, rounded, very fluid with a barely perceptible sensation of bitterness. The back taste is sweet and delicate, balanced and without peaks. Cultivar: 100% Taggiasca quality (from the name of the town of Taggia), home of this prized variety. Territory: Western Liguria Riviera dei Fiori.

Find out which oil is perfect for your dish!
Bring to the table EVO oil with the right taste, ideal for red meats, salads and soups, sea fish. breads and pizzas. You’ll discover how EVO Oils have a name and are not all the same but can all be combined with different foods in a tasty way! Boxes of 4 bottles of 100ml, 250ml, 500ml format, with four different monovarietal EVO oils for 4 types of food.
the@tastesupporter.it, evooteca.it


With a laser-engraved wooden label, Nicola and Lorenzo dedicated this precious oil to  Mamma Marianna. It is a  fruit of two olive cultivars Crastu, autochthonous to the Madonie park and Nocellara del Belice, Sicilian excellence, unique in having two awards DOP in Europe. Rich green color and decidedly intense fruitiness, with important notes of bitterness and spiciness that are well expressed and balanced. Check also the Bottle 500ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil characterized by its medium-intense fruitiness. Hints of tomatoes, herbal notes and green apple characterize the taste. The fairly persistent bitterness and spice are balanced.


Fresh fruity oil, with an intense aroma and delicate lemon flavour, with hints of sweet almond. The manufacturing process is very laborious. In fact, both the olives, harvested by hand, and the Amalfi lemons with their peels, rigorously untreated and carefully selected for degree of ripeness, are pressed at the same time. Lemon Citrus is then extracted, with much lower oil yields and therefore rarer and more precious, not comparable to any flavored oil.

AUTENTICO by L’Oro della Terra
Oil with fruity and spicy notes. which was born in the hills of Bellante (Teramo, Abruzzo)  in the wonderful landscape of the Gran Sasso to the west and the blue expanse of the Adriatic to the east. It represents the love for good food and genuine flavors of Salvatore Fusaro, who has always been linked to the products of his land. a true “gold” of the earth, as the label says in a vast production that spans from fresh products, such as the delicious Abruzzo truffle, to sausages and sauces.www.orodellaterra.eu

VICOPISANOLIO by Frantoio Vicopisano (Lucca, Tuscany)

Has a beautiful green-golden color; on the palate it is fruity and elegant, it is lively, slightly tingly and has a bitter taste, a character that rounds out and sweetens over time. Used raw in cooking and at the table , it gives a unique taste to bruschetta and salads, soups and broths, fish and grilled meats. Its sweet-delicate flavor is highly appreciated in Italy and abroad.

CRU CIAS’E  by Federica Novelli

Once upon a time…. In the Municipality of Civezza (Imperia, Ligury)  a medieval village, with five ancient towers built in the 16th century to defend its territory against saracens pirates, there was a the land  abandoned for more than 30 years, There Federica choose to devote herself to olive growing (DOP Taggiasca olive), viticulture (Pigato) and cultivation of ornamental foliage plants (eucalyptus Baby Blue), as well as, in small part, of fruit trees. Not only shoe will provide to voisitors who may want to enjoy the full experience of her teritory, two apartments , a swimming pool and a tasting of her products. www.oltrealmare.com

PIERO VIRDIS (Sardinia) The Virdis Agricultural Company has been producing artichokes with passion and love for generations. Piero has been dealing with those since childhood, following the traditions of his grandfather and father. The property extends into the Valle dei Giunchi, Sardinia, not far from Ittiri, 350 meters above sea level, in an area particularly suited to the thorny artichoke. In the 20 hectares, in addition to the artichokes, there are numerous olive trees which feed the started production of extra virgin olive oil.

FRUETLet ‘s discover the Azienda Agricola Fruet Olio EVO (Valsugana)
It is a family business that has been producing for a long time where it produces a very high quality extra virgin olive oil, which captures the unique character of the lands. Our attention fell on two truly remarkable ages: Lagrima Casaliva and Blend Delicato,

MAIRA BIO (Sicily)Born in the clayey soils of the Colli Nisseni area (Sicily), boasts high nutritional values, perfect for all types of meals, either dietary or rich, excellent for dressing raw salads and legume soups.
Want to know a magic tip?
Just pour a few drops of Maira Bio oil on some Russello bread croutons, to obtain an appetizer with a unique and unmistakable aroma, seasoned with the delicate fragrance of the best olives ripened only in the warm Sicilian sun.

Evviva l’olio italiano! 
Dont’ miss “Best olive olis from Italy N. 12 ” coming soon…

Travel, food & lifestyle.
Milanese by birth, lives between New York, Milan and the rest of the world. Cesare
photographs and writes about cities, cultures, lifestyles and either traditional or innovative gastronomic delights. Cesare meets and interview top chefs from all over the world, ‘steals’ their recipes in a ”
non touristy tourist ” style.










Discovering Montalbera wines in the enchanted Monferrato Astigiano (Piedmont, Italy)

Text and Photos © Cesare Zucca
(italian and english version)

Welcome to the western part of the province of Asti, between the Tanaro river and the steep Moscato hills, characterized by a predominantly hilly landscape, enriched by historic villages including Moncalvo, Grazzano Badoglio, Montemagno, Vignale, many small pearls in a sea of hills and wine-growing landscapes which have become a UNESCO world heritage site, featuring places of art such as Palazzo Alfieri, the Risorgimento Museum, Palazzo Mazzetti.

Benvenuti nella parte occidentale della provincia di Asti, tra il fiume Tanaro e le ripide colline del Moscato, caratterizzata da un paesaggio prevalentemente collinare, arricchito da borghi storici tra cui Moncalvo, Grazzano Badoglio, Montemagno, Vignale, tante piccole perle in un mare di colline e paesaggi vitivinicoli divenuti patrimonio dell’UNESCO, caratterizzati da luoghi d’arte come Palazzo Alfieri, il Museo del Risorgimento, Palazzo Mazzetti.

Palazzo Mazzetti

In Castagnole Monferrato (Asti) in Piedmont, Italy, we discovered the Montalbera farm, a suggestive structure which, in addition to the production of excellent wines, offers a showroom for wine tastings, relaxation rooms, yoga sessions in the barrel room, swimming pool and jacuzzi overlooking the vineyards. A Castagnole Monferrato (Asti), scopriamo l’azienda agricola Montalbera, una suggestiva struttura che, oltre alla produzione di eccellenti vini, offre una showroom per degustazioni vini, sale relax, sessioni di yoga nella barricaia piscina e idromassaggio affacciatI sui vigneti,

All around triumphs a true amphitheater of vineyards where many varieties of wines are born (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino, Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo) and “last but not least” the Ruchè docg, a red produced from an indigenous vine, reborn thanks to the research of Franco Morando whose the most selected particles such as Ruché LACCENTO and Ruché LIMPRESA are processed 12 months of wood to obtain the Docg.i.Tutt’intorno trionfa un vero anfiteatro di vigne dove nascono molte varietà di vini (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino, Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo) e “last but not least” il Ruchè docg, un rosso prodotto da un vitigno autoctono, rinato grazie alle ricerche di Franco Morando di cui vengono lavorate le particelle più selezionate come il Ruché Laccento e il Ruché Limpronta, e 12 mesi di legno per avere la Docg

For three generations, the Morando family has been passionately dedicated to the fruit of their vineyards, animated by a production philosophy that puts wine at the center of everything, enhancing the peculiarities of the vineyards and enhancing their personality. It all started in the 1980s, when the family began (and continues) to acquire land in addition to the current 175 hectares.Thanks to them, the rebirth of Ruchè took place, a red produced from an indigenous vine of the same name typical of eight countries and other varieties (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino, Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo)Here is an extremely elegant, silky, warm wine on the palate, with a great balance that reflects the international taste of the modern taster and attentive to innovative pleasures, matured in steel tanks and subsequently bottled positioned horizontally at a controlled temperature, Ruchè is a wine with an unmistakable character with a bright garnet red colour, pleasant floral hints of rose and violet, fruity notes of apricot and the spiciness that emerges with evolution making it immediately recognizable in the glass

Da tre generazioni, la famiglia Morando si dedica con passione al frutto dei propri vigneti, animata da una filosofia produttiva che mette al centro di tutto il vino, esaltando le peculiarità dei vigneti e su blimandone la personalità. Tutto è cominciato negli anni Ottanta, quando la famiglia inizia (e continua) ad acquisire terreni oltre agli attuali 175 ettari.
Grazie a loro è avvenuta la rinascita del Ruchè, un rosso prodotto da un vitigno autoctono omonimo tipico di otto paesi e altre varietà (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino,Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo)Ecco un vino estremamente elegante, setoso, caldo al palato, con un grande equilibrio che rispecchia il gusto internazionale dell’assaggiatore moderno e attento alle piacevolezze innovative, maturato in vasche di acciaio e successivamente in bottiglia posizionata in senso orizzontale a temperatura controllata, Ruchè è un vino dal carattere inconfondibile dallo sgargiante color rosso granato, ai piacevoli sentori floreali di rosa e viola, le note fruttate di albicocca e la speziatura che emerge con l’evoluzione lo rendono immediatamente riconoscibile nel bicchiere.

Today Ruchè is known and appreciated on national and international tables for its unique and fascinating characteristics which originate from that extraordinary terroir that is Monferrato.
Oggi il Ruchè è conosciuto e apprezzato sulle tavole nazionali ed internazionali per le sue caratteristiche uniche ed affascinanti che hanno origine da quello straordinario terroir che è il Monferrato.

“For Monferrato, Ruché is a dream, a wonder, it represents the possibility of emerging for the entire territory” says CEO Franco Morando, who, for the first time, wanted to apply the technique and study of the night harvest, which the company had already carried out on white wines for several years

“ Il Ruché per il Monferrato è un sogno, una meraviglia, rappresenta la possibilità di emergere per tutto il territorio” racconta il Ceo Franco Morando, che, per la prima volta ha voluto applicare su un vitigno a bacca nera la tecnica e lo studio della vendemmia notturna, che già da diversi anni l’azienda aveva realizzato sui vini bianchi

Franco Morando

Tasting the Barbera d’Asti Superire, we realize that we are in a universe of excellency.
Among the Montalbera ruchès, LA TRADIZIONE, LACCENTO and LIMPRONTA stand out. Tasting the Barbera d’Asti Superire, we realize that we are in a universe of warm wines  , pleasant and of rare silkiness with an intense, persistent aroma with hints of rose petals and wild berries in jam. uby bone tending towards garnet, Intense, persistent with tending aromatic memories and typical hints of berries, which evolve into oriental spices and black pepper.

L’assaggio del Barbera d’Asti Superior, ci porta in un mondo di eccellenze, dove spiccano in ruchè LA TRADIZIONE,  LACCENTO, LIMPRONTA  Parliamo di vini caldi, piacevole e di rara setosità, dal profumo Intenso, persistente con sentori di petali di rosa e frutti di bosco in confettura. Intensi, persistenti con tendeziali ricordi aromatici e sentori tipici di frutti di bosco, che evolgono in spezie orientali e pepe nero.

What about sparkling ?
Discover the Extra Dry, Cuvée Rosé and the Cuvée Blanche Metodo Martinotti, while the120+1 stands out, as a true Piedmontese champagne. A project embraced by the oenologist Luca Caramellino and concluded by Morando. “The first bottle uncorked will have to rest for 40 days, then my young sample will be presented in Paris, France. Because our 120+1 is in all respects a ‘champagne’.

E le bollicine?
Scoprite gli Extra Dry, Cuvée Rosé e Cuvée Blanche Metodo Martinotti e ll’ottimo 120+1 un, lasciatemelo dire, champagne piemontese. Un progetto sposato dall’enologo Luca Caramellino e concluso da Morando. “La prima bottiglia stappata dovrà riposare 40 giorni, poi il mio giovane campione sarà presentato a Parigi, in Francia. Perché il nostro 120+1 è a tutti gli effetti uno ‘champagne’

For those who want to spend a dream night, perhaps after a tour of the cellar and a rich tasting of Montalbera wines accompanied by the delights of the gastronomic excellence of the area… well, just around the corner you can stay in one of the Wine Suites, four independent accommodations where hospitality, service, privacy, relaxation, comfort and a breathtaking view are guaranteed… You will be given the keys, just as if you were at home: confidentiality and exquisite hospitality make your stay unforgettable.

The different types of Suites are characterized by elegant simplicity and furnishings that recall the typical “Tropeziana” tradition with furnishings and design elements that blend well with the surrounding natural context, always respecting the historicity of the terroir.

Per chi volesse passare una notte da sogno , magari dopo un tour in cantina e una ricca degustazione dei vini Montalbera accompagnata dalle delizie delle eccellenze gastronomiche del territorio…. beh, proprio girato l’angolo potrà alloggiare in una delle Wine Suites, quattro alloggi indipendenti dove accoglienza, servizio, privacy , relax confort e un panorama mozzafiato sono garantiti… Vi verrranno consegnate le chiavi, proprio come se foste a casa vostra: riservatezza e squisita accoglienza rendono il soggiorno indimenticabile.

Le diverse tipologie di Suites sono caratterizzate da un’elegante semplicità e da un arredo che richiama la tradizione tipica “Tropeziana” con arredi ed elementi di design che ben si sposano con il contesto naturalistico circostante rispettando sempre la storicità del terroir.

Montalbera, attentive to sustainability, including social sustainability, has changed the working hours of the 22 workers in the countryside, which become more than 90 during the harvest, moving them to less hot and muggy moments of the day, in the morning from 6am while the evening harvest begins in the late afternoon.Montalbera, attenta alla sostenibilità, anche sociale., ha modificato le ore di lavoro dei 22 lavoratori in campagna, che diventano più di 90 in vendemmia, spostandole in momenti meno caldi e afosi della giornata, nella fascia mattutina dalle 6 mentre la vendemmia serale inizia nel tardo pomeriggio.

Wine Shop Montalbera is open from Monday to Friday from 10am to 6.30pm and on weekends from 10am to 7pm with the possibility of tasting and purchasing wine.Guided tours are possible by reservation from Monday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm with the possibility of tasting and purchasing.
Wine Shop Montalbera è aperto dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 10 alle 18.30 ed il weekend dalle 10 alle 19 con possibilità di degustazione e acquisto vino.
Le visite guidate sono possibili su prenotazione dal lunedì alla domenica dalle 10 alle 18 con relativa possibilità di degustazione e acquisto

Travel, food & lifestyle.
Milanese di nascita, vive tra New York, Milano e il resto del mondo.  Cesare fotografa e racconta città, culture, stili di vita e delizie gastronomiche sia tradizionali che innovative. Incontra e intervista top chefs di tutto il mondo, ‘ruba’ le loro ricette e vi racconta tutto in stile ‘Turista non Turista”
Milanese by birth, lives between New York, Milan and the rest of the world. Cesare
photographs and writes about cities, cultures, lifestyles and either traditional or innovative gastronomic delights. Cesare meets and interview top chefs from all over the world, ‘steals’ their recipes in a ”
non touristy tourist ” style.



by Cesare Zucca

Summer at the sea: the hot sun warms the surface waters, the fish approach the coast: dorado, amberjack, tuna, bream, sea bass, bream but also sea bream, bluefish and many other species…
What better than improvising a fisherman and to bring home a trophy to cook with your favorite recipe? So let’s venture into surfcasting (literally “casting on the wave”) a form of sport fishing that is carried out from the beach, with a float or with sturdy rods, capable of casting the terminal complex (bait and lead) at considerable distances from the shore. In the Mediterranean version of surfcasting, we make use of the help of the tides that increase or decrease and the waves begin to “swell” depositing organic food that attracts large and hungry predators.
In Italy it is known as shore angling, i.e. fishing from the beach which is mainly carried out in summer with a flat sea. Pay attention to the rules! Shore fishing is generally forbidden at night and precisely from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, furthermore it is not possible to fish in any sea, therefore avoid protected areas where fishing is is prohibited or that apply time and place restrictions.

Equipped with a rod, reel and assembly, the hook is cast into the water and the fishing trip begins! This is probably one of the simplest techniques, starting with the bait: in fact, it will be enough to put a worm on the hook and cast and… wait.
Squids and cuttlefish, murex, are excellent “temptations” for sea bream and bream, crabs and razor clams while a morsel of triggered mullet can prove to be an excellent trap for sea bass, rays and bluefish
Liguria: the sea of the Cinque Terre is full of sea bream, sea bass, bream, bream and conger eels, both for surfcasting bolentino or trolling, and for fishing on the rocks with floats and bottom fishing.
The hospitality of Emilia Romagna is not denied even on this occasion: no restrictions and you can really fish anything from red mullet, white fish, molluscs, mussels, clams and much more. Welcome to the Romagna coast!
Tuscany: Marina di Bibbona, Orbetello, Principina and Isola del Giglio, while in the Grosseto area and in Ansedonia you can fish all year round
Marche: inside the protected Natural Park of Monte Conero, while by boat towards Ancona or Fermo you will find lecce stella, lecce amia, croaker, sea bream and needlefish.
Abruzzo. awaits you with its romantic overflows, evocative stilt houses soaking in the water, traditional fishing machines from which long arms extend to support the nets that used to capture schools of fish. For a profitable surfcasting go south of Roseto, where you can find sea bass, but also gray mullet and sea bream.
Lazio: good sea bream and sea bass fishing on the Circeo and Sabaudia promontory, and the “old radar” spot on Fregene beach
Campania: The wonderful Gulf of Naples offers you sea bass, while Cilento enjoys a rich fish fauna of the fish fauna.
Puglia: in Salento near the Gargano, in the area between Ostuni and Brindisi and near Taranto.
Basilicata: in the marine area of Maratea and near the mouth of the Noce.
Calabria: focus on the marine area and the area close to Catanzaro. Good fishing!
Sardinia: the ”Badesi” beach and the locality of La Ciaccia offer plenty of sea bass and sea bream.
Sicily: its magnificent coast awaits you for a suggestive shore angling.
The beach of Maganuco (Marina di Modica) Santa Margherita (Messina) Ponente (Milazzo) and Sciacca with its wonderful sea bream…

A Michelin starred fishing ! Taormina: pesca fortunata e stellata dello Chef Pietro D’Agostino. Ma l’avrà pescato proprio lui…Di certo sarà cucinato in maniera sublime…

In the sea of Taormina: lucky and starred fishing by Chef Pietro D’Agostino. But he must have caught it himself… It will certainly be cooked sublimely…

Fishing for horse mackerel with sabiki is widely used in light trolling but also in spinning. You will be able to fish horse mackerel from the shore by mounting a bombard or a jig as lead, and using sabiki as leader. Taste them with typical regional recipes:: in Sardinia, in the smallest cuts, as an ingredient in the traditional fish garlic sauce, while in the Marche they are tasted leeward, in a kind of peperonata,, not to mention the superb preparation in Puglia, with white wine, extra virgin olive oil, parsley, olives and, in the most creative recipes, also caciocavallo cheese, tangerines and quinces, a real summer delight.
If you fish for sea bream from the beach, you need sinkers and other powerful gear to try and extend the casting distance. The useful baits to use are shrimps, crabs and marine worms, but artificial baits can also replace the live one, better if they are imitations of shrimps.

How to cook your “marine triumph” ? and above all what to pair it with? No one better than Dr.Samantha di Geso  of DnA Milano , nutritionist biologist and food expert could answer me.

Dott.ssa Samantha Di Geso

Doctor, how did you approach the world of legume pasta?
I have to be honest: as a biologist I initially thought that yet another chemical and industrial product had arrived, a new-age invention and a rip-off for health.
I also went deeper into the manufacturing processes and I had to change my mind, discovering that with legume paste you can even avoid the toxicity of uncooked legumes in a good and appropriate way.
Are legumes part of historic Italian cuisine?
Sure, our ancestors had a diet that used legumes but, with love and care, they soaked them for 24-48 hours, then cooked them with laurel. using appropriately long times and correct temperatures. I did research on manufacturing processes and I discovered that, thanks to this type, the dangerous toxicity of uncooked legumes can be avoided.
What are the benefits of legume pasta?
The legume paste avoids belly swelling resulting from the difficulty of digesting the walls of the legume, without however losing the nutrients it contains. With the same calories (about 350 calories per 100 grams of pasta) and high protein and fiber content, it lends itself to being a perfect substitute for a complete meal. Furthermore, our bifidobacteria also like it very much, which hold the scepter of our immune defenses.Is it true that in a slimming diet you can eat pasta, if it is made with legumes?
Certainly and not only: its low glycemic index and its high fiber content are “gold” for everyone’s intestines and, above all, for those with intestinal or glycemic problems or simply for weight control. Its satiating power makes it possible to reduce the quantities and calories introduced, therefore it lends itself well to those who want to lose weight without giving up a good plate of pasta.
Is it a tasty pasta?
The taste is obviously that of legumes, so simple recipes help you enjoy this pasta better, especially those that pair it with fresh fish, caught on the day and seasonal vegetables. Try it with tuna fillet cut into cubes and lightly cooked in a pan with oil, capers and olives, a summer delight!

I sedanini alle lenticchie di Felicia, serviti in un brodetto di legumi e spigola

Felicia’s red lentil fusilli, served in a legume and sea bass broth

The champion of legume pasta is Felicia, the only allergen-free Italian pasta factory with an integrated multigrain mill, using organic and naturally gluten-free raw materials, such as buckwheat, brown rice and oats.
It is totally natural, low-calorie, high in protein and made only of water and legume flour and offers an infinite number of formats: spaghetti, penne and mezze penne, ditalini, fusilli. risoni with legumes and cereals, including red and yellow lentils, chickpeas, peas, mung green beans.

Un piatto sano e gustoso: orata , zucchine, olive nere e sedadini alle lenticchie rosse di Felicia

The interesting thing about this product, in addition to the calorie count, is the cooking time, which is much less than that of a classic durum wheat pasta.

Ready for your surfcasting adventure?
My wish is “good fishing, good appetite and good health at the table”!



by Cesare Zucca
Here you go! The best, freshest, richest and creative salad is on your table !

Now it’ s time to season it and make it perfect with a fantastic oil that will make your salad simply unbeatable!Here the very best oils from the Land where oil production is a tradition, history and excellency: Italy.


It is the land that has chosen us, that has decided to welcome and grow our olive trees to produce a unique oil, a truly immersive sensory experience that involves all the senses. It starts from the view, with a purple casket like the ripe olives of our land, and illuminated by the silver of the Mar Piccolo. soil exposed to East and West, which favors a large
variability and gives the best fruits.The precious relief on the olive of the Ulivè Grand Cru label establishes a contact with our fruits and the gold of our oil.link to Ulivè  https://olioulive.com

LoLù is born from the Coratina olive that never comes into contact with light, heat or oxygen. After being washed, it does not come into contact with anything that could affect its quality. I’ve been looking for that kind of fringe. Lolù is delicate, perfect even with fine flavors with which to experiment with unprecedented combinations for a Coratina variety.CERIGNOLA  is a hisrotic municipality in the Foggia area ( Apulia) in the Olfanto Valley.
The ” Bella di Cerignola” It is an autochthonous olive ideal as a table olive. It hardly finds space in environments far from the Capitanata Tableland, due to the climate that does not favor its growth elsewhere.Up to 30 grams on a single product, for a total of firm and fleshy pulp that reaches 85% of the total volume, arrived in Italy around the fifteenth century by the Aragonese: it is no coincidence that it is called Oliva di Spagna.

Thanks to its unique and recognizable organoleptic properties, it obtained the DOP mark in 2000. Opening a bottle of Lolù the result is immediately recognizable by smell. A product in which quality is not an added value. Enrich your dishes with Lolù.

Just ad drizzle of raw Lolù on a cream of pumpkin and pistachios, achieving an unparalleled culinary balance.

Link to Olio LOLU’

OLEUM SAN GIORGIOThe olive oil of Masseria dei Nunzi
Ortice is one of the most appreciated olive varieties due to its excellent oil quality and its organoleptic characteristics. It is considered an autochthonous plant of the Campania region predominantly cultivated in the province of Benevento in the so-called Sannio area. Here one can find some of the most ancient olive trees of this much sought-after cultivar, which gives life to superior quality extra virgin olive oils.

Masseria dei Nunzi offers two superior quality extra virgin olive oils: The Monocultivar Ortice OLEUM SAN GIORGIO and TERRA OLEUM Blend, which contains Ortice, Olivella, Leccino, Leccio del Corno, Pendolino, Ortolana and Racioppella.

Link to The olive oil of Masseria dei Nunzi

99 32 NOVE NOVE TRE DUEBio oil form the Terre del Trigno , a land that telsl of a story made of hard work and sacrifices, of places where the symbiosis between man and nature generates unique and unmistakable products with unexpected, now forgotten flavours. In the pristine lands of our organic farm we cultivate native Abruzzo cultivars, in order to preserve their unique organoleptic qualities and contribute to the preservation and protection of the biodiversity of the area.

A heritage that, with tenacity, we continue to safeguard in a continuous challenge towards a difficult, inhospitable, demanding nature, still giving us extraordinary, rare and above all precious products for their unique character which preserve in their DNA the traces of toil and passion with which they were produced..

Link to Agroalimentare Valle Trigno

Let’s move to beautiful Sardinia.
For over a hundred years Pinna’s Brothers have been producing great oils , always searching for quality through the respect and enhancement of a territory so rich as to offer us all the ingredients necessary for a superior quality agricultural production. Including energy.
A large part of their production process is in fact powered by the sun and olives, recycling the stones to extract precious energy which is added to that supplied by the photovoltaic systems.
Similarly, our two-phase oil mill extracts the oil using the vegetable water contained in the olives,without any use of external water resources.

Today I would like to focus on  “Antichi uliveti del prato” is a mono varietal oil obtained from the pressing of olives of the “bosana” variety only produced in a centenary olive groves located in the  locality of “Maccia d´Agliastru” known as the “municipal meadow”  The result is an oil with very low acidity and exceptionally rich in polyphenols which has obtained important national and international awards.


by Cesare Zucca –

An event branded GAMBERO ROSSO that will embrace two main themes, on the one hand the accessibility of Italian wine, with the participation of companies that received the BEREBENE AWARD in the latest edition of the guide and on the other hand a focus on wineries with the production of organic wines (valued in the Vini d’Italia 2023 guide), under the heading Organic Wines. It will be a party in full style, dedicated to quality and sustainability.To accompany the tasting of Organic and Berebene wines there will be delicious tastings:
Raspadura Lodigiana
Carne Salada Trentino
Pecorino cheese from Pienza
Raw Ham from Sauris
Salva cremasco with organic citrus mustard
Bergamo buffalo blue
Bra sausage
Vezzena Trentino slow food presidium
Scrocchiarella pizza
Pura Delizia



nuovo ristoranti 2023 milano

più interessanti di questo inizio 2023.

ZAÏA nuova apertura Milano

È il nome della nuova insegna del gruppo Aethos, community internazionale di hotel e club, che ha aperto a Milano a Piazza XXIV Maggio, proprio all’interno dell’hotel Aethos Milano. Nel menu troviamo una proposta trasversale che comprende ricette e ingredienti che attingono dalle storie gastronomiche di diversi paesi del Mar Mediterraneo. In cucina gli chef Luigi Gagliardi e Dario Guffanti hanno creato un menu pensato anche per la condivisione, mentre l’ambiente è progettato dallo studio di architettura Astet Studio.


Quark Hotel

Quark Hotel Milano

Dopo una ristrutturazione durata due anni, il Quark Hotel di Milano riapre le porte o meglio, le camere, a partire dal 1 aprile. Dal punto di vista dell’ospitalità, l’offerta sarà quello di una destinazione 4 stelle adatta sia a chi viaggia per lavoro sia ai turisti che si fermano in città, la zona è quella a metà tra Vigentino e Stadera. Per quanto riguarda l’offerta gastronomica, il gruppo Aries che ha in carico l’hotel ha affidato le cucine allo chef Andrea Ribaldone che curerà il ristorante Morbido, un salone per eventi, un lobby bar e un punto dedicato al cibo d’asporto.


Rivoire Milano

Lo storico caffè di Firenze situato in Piazza della Signoria arriva anche a Milano con una prima nuova sede a Piazza Formentini in zona Brera. Il proprietario Carmine Rotondaro ha anche annunciato l’apertura di altri due indirizzi sotto la stessa firma sempre a Milano entro la fine dell’anno, una in Piazza Oberdan a Porta Venezia, la terza di fronte alla Stazione Cadorna. L’ambiente ricorderà le atmosfere storiche del primo caffè fiorentino con decorazioni delle pareti che recheranno immagini di opere rinascimentali e barocche. In menu invece troviamo piatti, cocktail, caffè e la possibilità di assaggiare la cioccolateria che ha reso famoso il Rivoire di Firenze.

GALICIA DOES MILAN ! by Cesare Zucca


Viviana Varese ( Viva , Milano, Italy ) e Lucia Freitas (A Tafona, Santiago de Compostela, Spagna)

“I love Spain, which is why I was enthusiastic about the possibility of hosting a stage of the Spain for Women project at VIVA – explains chef Viviana Varese – I shared my cuisine with Lucía, leaving her all the space to tell a territory that has so much to express.. It was a wonderful evening.”

The guests were welcomed with a glass of VIVA Opera Brut Franciacorta DOCG Le Marchesine; to follow, accompanying Galician wines: Louro do Bolo by Rafael Palacios, L’Ombre by Jorge Pérez and Sitta Pereiras by Robustiano Fariña; wines united by the denomination of the different producers, as requested by chef Freitas, to enhance their work.

“We are thrilled that the Spain al Feminine project – says Isabel Garaña Corces, director of the Spanish Tourist Board in Milan – gives chefs from two different countries the opportunity to get in touch with each other to get to know and discover their territories , origins and flavours, placing gastronomy at the center of the tourist promotion of Spain in Italy.”

The hits of the night?
Viviana hit the spot with a bouquet of salads and flowers, her “spugna di mare” mussels in hazelnut butter, Noto almonds, where the Chef runs another restaurant, and tarragon.

Her love for Southern Italy is revealed in the “barocco” dish, where the traditional pasta and smoked potatoes meet a pistachio pesto and a lemon powder, more Mediterranean than that……

For her part, Lucia has enchanted with the sya version of the classic “empanada” served liquid with raisins, an asparagus never seen literally embraced by yolk and lemongrass.

And the sweets? Viviana shook me with a harmless orange cube, or at least, it seemed harmless…. since it was hiding a powerful gin and grapefruit drink….

Lucia wanted to remember a particularly beautiful moment in her life, a “pink” moment and served a fantastic dessert ” La vie en rose” on the table … Brilliant!

See it on Instagram


SEE FULL ARTICLE (Italian, english)

Welcome to the western part of the province of Asti, between the Tanaro river and the steep Moscato hills, characterized by a predominantly hilly landscape, enriched by historic villages including Moncalvo, Grazzano Badoglio, Montemagno, Vignale, many small pearls in a sea of hills and wine-growing landscapes which have become a UNESCO world heritage site, featuring places of art such as Palazzo Alfieri, the Risorgimento Museum, Palazzo Mazzetti.

In Castagnole Monferrato (Asti) in Piedmont, Italy, we discovered the Montalbera farm, a suggestive structure which, in addition to the production of excellent wines, offers a showroom for wine tastings, relaxation rooms, yoga sessions in the barrel room, swimming pool and jacuzzi overlooking the vineyards.

All around triumphs a true amphitheater of vineyards where many varieties of wines are born (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino, Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo) and “last but not least” the Ruchè docg, a red produced from an indigenous vine, reborn thanks to the research of Franco Morando whose the most selected particles such as Ruché LACCENTO and Ruché LIMPRESA are processed 12 months of wood to obtain the Docg.i.

For three generations, the Morando family has been passionately dedicated to the fruit of their vineyards, animated by a production philosophy that puts wine at the center of everything, enhancing the peculiarities of the vineyards and enhancing their personality. It all started in the 1980s, when the family began (and continues) to acquire land in addition to the current 175 hectares.Thanks to them, the rebirth of Ruchè took place, a red produced from an indigenous vine of the same name typical of eight countries and other varieties (Barbera d’Asti, Grignolino, Viognier, Monferrato Nebbiolo)

Here is an extremely elegant, silky, warm wine on the palate, with a great balance that reflects the international taste of the modern taster and attentive to innovative pleasures, matured in steel tanks and subsequently bottled positioned horizontally at a controlled temperature, Ruchè is a wine with an unmistakable character with a bright garnet red colour, pleasant floral hints of rose and violet, fruity notes of apricot and the spiciness that emerges with evolution making it immediately recognizable in the glass

La Sponda Bresciana del Garda  can be a perfect weekend for those who love nature, history, art and good food. Lovers of food and wine tours and gourmet enthusiasts will find fantastic dishes both in the traditional menus and in the re-edition of centuries-old recipes. 70 km of coastline and 20 km of hinterland await you, where ancient traditions, stories of real life, unique products linked to companies that have been handed down recipes, advice and… exquisite dishes at the table for generations are concentrated.

The Sponda Bresciana halfway embraces the western profile of the great lake mirror, scattering it with landscape beauties, cultural heritage and food and wine excellences, which testify to the union between the products of the earth with the rich quantity of refined lake fish, including pike, whitefish and bleak, here traditionally eaten in brine..

The production of wine and oil is remarkable, one of the leading producers is Perla del Garda whose ambitious idea was to bring the vine back to the morainic hills of our farm. We find Trebbiano di Lugana or Turbiana, Sauvignon, Riesling, Chardonnay and Incontro Manzoni as well as the white wine varieties. Rebo, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon represent the types of our red grapes. The harvest is carried out exclusively by hand, selecting the bunches and placing them in small boxes which are quickly brought to the cellar.a.

vino e olio Perla del Garda, Lugana è il vino del Territorio e la Perla del Garda ha deciso di reinterpretarlo in tutte le sue tipologie,

It is no coincidence that the famous Michelin Guide chose Franciavorta to present all the starred restaurants in 2022, signing a profound sharing in terms of food and wine enhancement, and a sustainable environmental approach, crowned by Consorzio per la tutela del Franciacorta

On the green transition front, Franciacorta has been able to perfect a viticulture leader in sustainability, champion of an agriculture careful to minimize environmental impacts and improve functional biodiversity within the vineyard ecosystem.

Did we say ‘Franciacorta’? … In the heart of this eno-generous land, we find the Azienda Agricola Mirabella Franciacorta which since 1979 has been producing wines that are unique in character, typicality, naturalness and quality. Teresio Schiavi, heart and founder of Mirabella and his sons Alessandro and Alberto, have always been champions of sustainability, closeness to man and his well-being. Mirabella was among the first companies to embrace organic viticulture (Valoritalia certification) a concrete sign of civic and environmental sensitivity

The last jewel by Follador Prosecco dal 1769 is called FOSÉLIOS Millesimato Brut D.O.C.G. Brut D.O.C.G.

Vegan Friendly, fresh and pleasantly savory sparkling wine, decidedly fruity with clear notes of green apple and pear with delicious floral notes on the finish. The audience of young people has been thought of, to whom a further touch of originality is dedicated. in fact, the label offers a surprising luminous effect …. If exposed to LED light: the Follador logo and the name of the wine “light up” to help make the moment of the toast even more festive and engaging As a hymn to light, conviviality and youth, the term Fosélios merges the Greek noun Phos (“Light”) with Eliosche “God of the Sun”.

Cinque Terre, a a short piece of the Ligurian coastline, just West of the border with Tuscany.
MonterossoVernazzaCornigliaManarola and Riomaggiore are five multi-colored borghi (villages) overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. They are pretty close to each other, a few minutes distance by car or train. Better yet, a boat, weather permitting, will take you back and forth, making an unforgettable five stop mini cruise. If you like to hike, you can also reach them via a beautiful trail and enjoy spectacular sea views.

. White Wine Cinque Terre, the famous white wine of the area that requires mountaineering skills to be produced, given the steep slope on which the grapes grow. facing the sea .

Cantina Parco Nazionale Cinque Terre
Torta di riso di Monterosso

Sciacchetrà, it ‘s time to toast!
Imagine: a secret bottle kept in the cave for years (sometimes more than 30). It is the rich and velvety wine called sciacchetrà. This ancient treasure is resurrected on the occasion of a wedding as the greatest gift the groom’s family can offer to the bride’s family. I had the privilege of opening a bottle that was over 10 years old. Intense color, from golden to amber shades. The taste is a fruity and floral bouquet reminiscent of a Mediterranean garden: hints of dried fruit, apricot jam, nectarines, vanilla, chestnut honey and spices.

I piatti di pesce regnano sulle tavole delle Cinque Terre, qui siamo al Dau Cila a Riomaggiore


For generations, the Ciociaria companies have been producing sheep and goat cheeses, grazing animals, farm animal rennet. Among the most delicious are Caciofiore, Pecorino di Picinisco, Conciato di San Vittore, the Marzolina slow food presidium. To accompany a “pecorinoso” dish, nothing better than a glass of the vigorous cabernet produced by Masseria Barone, in the heart of Ciociaria, both the gold Atina “Ricucc” and the Riserva “Marcon”, with their hand-painted label, are perfect companions. journey of Lazio dairy excellence.

I cabernet della Masseria Barone, datata 1800 e abitata dal celebre Barone Brancalasso. Quanta storia e quante tradizioni nell’enogastronomia ciociara…

Il Cabernet Sauvignon it has been cultivated, since 1860, on the sunny hills that frame the historic center of Atina. After careful harvesting and manual selection of the best grapes, an accurate vinification follows from which this elegant and powerful wine is obtained. A patient aging in French oak barrels allows the development of a complex and intense aroma. Brilliant red with intense garnet reflections. The taste shows sweet tannic notes in balance with a structured and persistent body.

Monferrato is a land made up of beautiful hills (a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2014), villages, castles and great wine traditions. Few kilometers away are the Turin-Milan (Chivasso east exit) and Turin-Piacenza (Asti east exit) motorways. Of course, to crown the weekend, it is essential to enjoy the gastronomic delicacies of Monferrato. Among the great classics of the Piedmontese tradition, not to be missed, given the favorable season, the tasting of the prized white Alba truffle accompanied by “noble” wines

In the scenic Vigna della Pieve in Cocconato, in addition to Stradivario, the grapes for Thou Bianc, surprising Piedmontese Chardonnay, Sauvignon Relais Bianc and Albarossa are produced. The Barolo Docg Bava and Langhe Nebbiolo are born from the Castiglione Falletto farmhouse in the Langhe, in the province of Cuneo, in the heart of the Scarrone cru. The Piedmont aromatic herbs have always been in the Bava tradition: in particular Malvasia, (Rosetta and Malvasia Rosé), Moscato d’Asti and Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato.

Among vineyards, suggestive villages, sanctuaries of ancient devotion and castles dating back to the 10th century, you will discover the Valtènesi famous for the beauty of the lake and hilly landscape and for the production of rosé wines, whose the characteristic grape variety and great heritage is Groppello. Doc Valtenesi is the wine, a modern and innovative expression of the Garda winemaking tradition, the sales of the first bottles of “Valtenesi” Chiaretto began on a truly romantic date: February 14, 2012, Valentine’s Day. In fact, it is easy to fall in love with this delicate but also seductive rosé …

Just as in the 19th century it happened to the Venetian senator Pompeo Molmenti who, in addition to being a historian and art critic, was also a capable winemaker and agronomist. Pompeo had married a noblewoman who owned a villa in Moniga surrounded by 15 hectares of land. there, among the vineyards overlooking the great lake, Pompeo began to try his hand at the production of Chiaretto, a delicate wine with spicy aromas, enchanting color, excellent balance. and intense fruity notes, excellent when accompanied by savory first courses, fish, meat and medium-aged cheeses.

Chiaretto is nicknamed “the wine of a night”; a name that derives from the personal vinification system put in place in an operation that takes place over the course of a single night, by each producer and which gives each individual Chiaretto a unique color, scent and fragrance.

Il Chiaretto Conti Thun

Il Consorzio Valtènesi Riviera del Garda Classico, promoted by the enterprising Jury Pagani, it protects the cultivation and production of this rich variety of red and white wines that blend harmoniously with a landscape of great charm, among hills, olive trees and lush Mediterranean vegetation.

The excellent combination of Chiaretto with dishes based on lake fish and extra virgin olive oil (all produced in the Garda area) and the intrinsic beauty of the hills of Lake Garda stimulates beautiful trips on the lake. It is no coincidence that “Italia in Rosa”, the largest Italian event dedicated to rosé wines is right here in the precious setting of the castle of Moniga del Garda. http://www.italiainrosa.it

Bevi un bicchiere! Have a glass!
In addition to tourism, wine production also has an important economic activity. In June, Menfi hosts Inycon (ancient name of Menfi), a three-day marathon, full of food and wine workshops, showcookings by Sicilian chefs, visits to wineries, walks through the vineyards, even on horseback or by bicycle. , the square hosts numerous wine tastings with the production of local vineyards, including Planeta, Settesoli, Donnafugata and Mandrarossa.

Welcome to Menfishire!
In September, Mandrarossa hosts the Vineyard Tour, an event that crosses this territory renamed ‘Menfishire’. Food and wine tastings, sports activities and excursions through unspoiled nature, give the thrill of exploring an area full of surprises. The harvest, open to all, continues with the technical tastings and activities included in the program which ends with the joy of dancing in the pine forest with live music, sipping their wines.

Weekend in Forlì … and beyond!
Forlì is one of the largest cities in Romagna, it has a privileged position in the region and is located near national parks and the splendid Adriatic coast.

La Romagna, terra generosa, saporita e accogliente

Few kilometers further, You discover a small world that could be the perfect destination for a happy, sweet and … a little tipsy weekend!. Welcome to Poderi dal Nespoli, in the Bidente Valley, on the Forlinese hills at about 177 meters above sea level. An area that connects the Apennines on the border with Tuscany to the Romagna Riviera. They are excellent soils for the production of high quality wines, in the spirit of this generous, tasty and welcoming land.


Wine and chocolate
The Gardini brothers have cleverly brought together wine and chocolate by creating a line of pralines and spreads that wisely allow to bring together wine and chocolate that will be the protagonists of the next “Goblets and Cocoa” tasting-event promoted by the Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori dei Colli di Forli and Cesena and hosted by the Balducci and the Ca’Ross farms as in his famous praline of which we ‘stole’ the recipe …

‘Calici e cacao’ sono gli appuntamenti romagnoli del Venerdi che attirano gli amanti del buon vino e gli appassionati del cioccolato.

Which Sangiovese to pair?
Guido Gardini suggests the Teluccio di Poderi dal Nespoli, a Sangiovese from overripe grapes produced from a vineyard that has its roots in four generations of Romagna, who have deeply believed in their territory and in its fruits, enhancing its production through constant research and improvement.

Poderi dal Nespoli,

Teluccio is the result of the traditional vinification of grapes left to partially dry on the plant, delaying the harvest. Ruby red color, notes of jam, blackberry jam, chocolate, roasted coffee and sweet spices. A soft and enveloping wine in its balanced sweetness. A concentrated and rich taste, which make it an excellent meditation wine. To be served at 14-16 ° C.

Mandrarossa, Sicilian wine excellence with its wines born in “Menfishire”, the territory of Menfi and in the 2 selected districts, for a production that ranges from classic wines to an intense variety of new wines, some of which are unique for the Sicilian landscape. three Madrarossa excellences We pass from the classic and popular Grillo, the Sicilian white par excellence, fresh and young, with hints of citrus and prickly pear that immediately recall the atmosphere of the real Sicily, to Grecanico Dorato, with an intense scent of orange blossom, lemons and cedars to chiccherie such as the Chenin Blanc Brut obtained with the Charmat method from Chenin Blanc grapes which, with its freshness, enhances all moments of celebration and conviviality. Sapid and elegant, with a long and persistent finish, it invites you to experiment with new combinations. Let’s toast!

Una scena della Cavalleria ©Foto Franco Lannino

Cannonau di Sardegna is the most important red wine of the region and perfectly reflects the Mediterranean character of the island. Cannonau is a ruby ​​red color, with pleasant violet reflections. Bouquet: the nose is striking for its intensity and olfactory cleanliness, evident notes of red berries and light spiciness. Taste: on the palate it has a good structure pleasantly supported by a delicate, warm and dry tannin, stands out for its softness, harmony and pleasantness to drink. It closes with a long persistence and a good mineral memory. warm and full-bodied wine, with an important alcohol content and a solid structure. , Cannonau DOC gives its best with meat main courses , specially lamb dishes

A wine adventure started in Nuoro in the late 1940s by Mario Mereu, grandfather of the current owners. Since that time Mario, like a true pioneer, decides to focus all his resources on the enhancement of Cannonau, contributing in a few years to the spread and knowledge of this vine also at an international level. A work continued by Mario’s son, Renato Mereu, who in the seventies bought new land, planting other vineyards.

A fundamental change of course for the qualitative production of this winery, which since the 1980s has been producing wine only from its own grapes. With the third generation of winemakers an important renewal process begins, so much so that 20 hectares of vineyards have been reached, all cultivated according to the certified organic method. Wines that come from ungrafted single-variety varieties, such as Cannonau DOC Naniha, an excellent example of how well suited this land is

The 25-year-old vines are located in Ogliastra, on the Eastern coast of Sardinia, grown organically, without the addition of synthetic fertilizers or irrigation. On the other hand, this company has made the eco-sustainability of crops and the relationship between man and vineyard its own, its philosophy, which does not translate only into viticulture.
On the other hand, from their territory – Ogliastra – comes one of the most authentic expressions of this great native vine, the oldest in the Mediterranean basin, so much so that it is considered one of the two grape varieties that symbolize the island’s enology. T
Recommended pairing: the freshness and savory minerality make it suitable both for a tasty aperitif, based on raw ham, meats and cheeses, and for the whole meal. It is certainly excellent with all the first courses of that magnificent rude and authentic territory that is Ogliastra, such maccaroni pasta seasoned with tomato and basil sauce but, if you are “on the continent”, the stuffed pasta from any region is equally perfect. Obviously, it is ideal when paired with roasted meats and with sauce and with medium and long-aged cheeses.

Recommended pairing: the freshness and savory minerality make it suitable both for a tasty aperitif, based on raw ham, meats and cheeses, and for the whole meal. It is certainly excellent with all the first courses of that magnificent rude and authentic territory that is Ogliastra, such as culurgiones and maccaronis seasoned with tomato and basil sauce but, if you are “on the continent”, the stuffed pasta from any region is equally perfect. Obviously, it is ideal when paired with roasted meats and with sauce and with medium and long-aged cheeses

Prosecco Follador 1769… on the road

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The special Truck dedicated exclusively to sparkling wines, signed by Follador Prosecco dal 1769 and conceived by Massimo Morelli with Nicolò Barbisotti, is on tour!
Fun and a desire for lightheartedness will be the common thread of the journey in stages destined for the major Italian Street Food Festivals, where you can taste the spearheads of the historic Venetian company.
Among the main proposals are Cru Torri di Credazzo, DOCG Extra BrutXzero, DOCG BrutNani dei Berti and Prosecco DOC RoséLaelia, accompanied by delicacies studied ad hoc to enhance their aromatic characteristics. All paired with great gastronomic proprosals

I choose a refined sparking Valdobbiadene prosecco:
the Cru “Torri di Credazzo”MILLESIMATO EXTRA DRY-
Brilliant straw yellow with greenish reflections. Very fine and persistent perlage.
Elegant to the nose, with hints of apple, peach and rose petals. Excellent aperitif and with fish-based first courses and seafood

The magnificent Torri di Credazzo PATRIMONIO UNESCO and may fav Prosecco

Here when to find the “Follador Food Truck“and its gourmet proposals
Marina di Massa (9-11 August)
Comeriodi Busto Arsizio Park (3-5 September)
Sesto San Giovanni Crane Bridge (24-26 September) ).
Follador Prosecco dal 1769
Sparklin’ Wines on the raod

What In the glass??
Certainly a Bianchello del Metauro, a white white produced in the Marche with the Biancame and long white Malvasia vines, It is a precise, young and versatile wine, with a straw yellow color and a dry, fresh, pleasant taste of wild thyme, a disc of chocolate 90% and black truffle compote

The Bianchello d’Autore Projet is from the union of some historic producers of Bianchello Metauro DOC and has been entrusted to the experience and professionalism of a careful choice of nine local producers, whose labels bring to the table a wine that can accompany with harmony the most varied dishes, especially those of fish, including a true icon of the Marche cuisine: the brodetto.

I magnifici nove del Bianchello e le loro etichette

Great ending!
The brodetto, a dish born on board fishing boats as a soup of “poor fish”. A super mixture of mazzole, monkfish, dogfish, weever, ray, boccaincava, St. Peter’s fish, mantis shrimp, cuttlefish, redfish were cooked with oil, onion, tomato paste and vinegar.

Oscar nigh: “And the Oscar goes to….”
Well, I am not sure who is going to win… For sure I know that a well deserved award honor the extraordinary Northern California winery “directed” by Oscar Winner FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA who will celebrates THE 93rd Awards WITH TWO LIMITED EDITION WINES IN GOLD BOTTLES, PRODUCED BY BOTTEGA S.p.A. “The Family Coppola 93rd Awards’” limited-edition bottles themselves have been produced by Bottega Spa and feature a mirror gold color exterior. Each bottle was crafted as a symbol honouring the significant talent, passion and hard work achieved throughout the entire film industry.

The Francis Ford Coppola Winery wines selected for the 93rd Awards are a Chardonnay , extraordinary Northern California winery,and a Cabernet Sauvignon, both coming from grapes grown in Sonoma County, From the friendship between Francis Ford Coppola and Sandro Bottega is born an exclusive golden bottles have been produced by the Bottega S.p.A. winery in Bibano di Godega (TV), which for years has been developing an exclusive metallization process, thanks to the mirrored gold colour becomes “glass,”, a patent recently recognised also by the Court of Appeal of Venice.

Francis Ford Coppola and Sandro Bottega

The Lungarotti wineries, symbol of enological excellence, started by Giorgio Lungarotti, pioneer of modern Italian oenology and founder of the company of Torgiano, a small village a few steps from Perugia, a passion that continues from generation to generation and that counts 250 hectares of vineyards,

Since 1962, the workhorse of the Lungarotti cellars is Rubesco, a red with a balanced body, Sangiovese and Colorino grapes, ruby color, spicy aromas with strong references to pepper and sweet tobacco and a background of red and violet jam.

  •   Which good wine to combine with a strong, peasant and robust cuisine

Among all the red grape varieties, Pinot Noir is universally considered one of the most difficult and, at the same time, one of the most fascinating. It took several years before courageous producers capable of tackling the noble grape variety arrived on the horizon, dedicating all the necessary care to it both in the breeding phase and in the vinification phase.

Immancabile selfie nelle cantine Gori, nel regno del Pinot Nero

Undoubtedly this wine maintains its austere Nordic elegance by adding an amazing Mediterranean note in the excellent Pinot Nero Nemas 1 ° which comes from the vineyards of Agricola Gori in the Guyot hills. In the mouth it reveals all its elegance and complexity with fruity notes supported by a fine tannin that makes it austere but pleasant to taste 

Il Pinot Nero Nemas 1 trova un ampia gamma di abbinamenti, dai formaggi alla pasta, al pesce ai salumi.

A wine to pair?
PLAN Friulano from the Rodaro winery, of which Paolo is the sixth generation of winemakers in his family. A native white, straw yellow tending to greenish. Dry, fresh, velvety with a slight hint of bitter almond with an intense fragrance reminiscent of wild flowers, chamomile, Golden apple and Kaiser pear. Ideal pairing with local excellences: Montasio cheese and San Daniele ham.


EASTER “MUSIC-GOURMET”: the King of Chocolate meets Beethoven

(English version followed by Italian version)

By Cesare Zucca

Le praline “musicali” di Knam, per “gustare” al meglio la Settima Sinfonia di Beethoven

Knam’s “musical” pralines, to better “taste” Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony

Easter is coming: music and chocolate have never been so close!
Auditorium Milano, Maestro Ruben Jais conducts the Milan Symphony Orchestra in the performance of Beethoven’s marvelous Symphony No. 7, daring an unusual experiment, a “synesthetic” experience combining listening to music with tasting four pralines (one dedicated each movement of the symphony), specially studied and created by the illustrious Maitre Chocolatier Ernst Knam, former Master Pastry Chef at Gualtiero Marchesi, and astonishing interpreter of chocolate, through sweet and savory masterpieces, combined with spices, fruit and… music.

I concerti da gustare, gli appuntamenti nati dalla partnership tra l’Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano e lo Chef e Maître Chocolatier Ernst Knam

CONCERTS & TASTE, the events born from the partnership between the Milan Symphony Orchestra and the Chef and Maître Chocolatier Ernst Knam

Easter at the table: synonymous with peaceful weekends that praise the peace, serenity and joy of the Easter tables where traditional dishes are served: from lamb to typical desserts such as colombe, pastiere, cassata and cantucci, to regional specialties such as the Genoese cake pasqualina, the Neapolitan casatiello, the ragusana breadcrumbs . Everywhere, from the North to the South, the real protagonist is the iconic chocolate egg.
The Italian King of Chocolate “has his kingdom in Milan in Via Anfossi, where his 4 laboratories, the pastry school and his shops are located.
After attending the fascinating performance at the Auditorium, I met him for a very pleasant interview.

Ernst Knam

Hello Ernst, can you tell us about his combination of “Music & Chocolate”?
I wanted to “explain” Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony with four chocolate pralines whose filling was intended to describe the sensations of the symphony’s four movements.
Why did he call the praline that comments on the famous “Second Movement” widely used in cinema in dramatic moments, such as Ludwig’s funeral or King George VI’s speech, “Coccole” (Cuddles)?
I wanted to underline that drama starting from the color of the chocolate.
It is the only black praline, while the others are enlivened by graphics and streaks. I wanted to call it “cuddle” because I think that even in the most dramatic moments of our lives there is always a need for a comforting cuddle from those who love us. As in the German tradition, after a funeral, we meet at the restaurant to eat all together and affectionately remember the person who left us because life goes on.
Do you remember your first cake?
Sure, my first home-made tiramisu, I was 10 and then biscuits, my mum was an expert, she knew at least 50 different types. I remember that in the town where I lived, people started making biscuits from the end of November, to keep them until the Christmas holidays.
When did the professional spark strike?
I wanted to become an ornithologist and my dad, who was a florist, had built me a large aviary that contained more than 200 African and Australian birds. I soon realized that when you have animals to look after, it becomes complicated to travel, so I gave everything to my brother I began to ponder what I could do. Mum helped me, who suggested a career as a pastry chef so (laughs) we could always have a dessert for Sunday… A well-known pastry shop on Lake Constance hired me as an apprentice: it all started from there.
What if I hadn’t become a pastry chef?
Maybe a jeweler, as I like to create small jewelery creations, for example I design the jewelery for my wife and I think I have a good hand and a large imagination.
Is there a dessert that you only eat if prepared by another person?
Yes, the “Black Forest” cake by Frau Hildebrandt, my nanny. It was a very high cake that Frau prepared for my birthday and of which I ate half … Frau gave me the recipe, but I must admit that I have never been able to make it the same as hers…
What about your Easter  ” colomba” (dove) ?
(laughs) Here it is, it landed here, after about 36 hours of levitation, nothing artificial, fresh Sicilian oranges, fresh lemon, Tahit vanilla, it rested wrapped up for one night and normally after 4/6 days it is perfect.
Can it be keep it in the freezer?
Absolutely not, the dove must be cut and eaten, at the very least it can remain for a few days in its tightly closed bag, avoiding the air that dries it upEaster is coming: can you tell me something about new chocolate eggs?
Every year we have a theme this year it’s nature: raising awareness of global warming and I underlined the devastating lack of rain by creating a “colorless” egg I called it Multichocolate and, using the “brush technique”, I brushed it with the typical nuances of white, milk and dark chocolate.
The bonsai egg represents a praise to the beauty of life. From the egg, made in 70% Peru Pachiza chocolate scratched with a wood effect, a bonsai with sugar paste leaves bursts forth

Le uova ” Multichocolate” e “Bonsai”

And so many funny animals…
Yes, the snail egg, the bee egg, the sheep egg with a coconut coat. They are friends in a world that is perfect for children, but I must also say for us grown-ups, since it’s nice to remain children
And then there is the egg “Butt”…
The idea came to me from an exhibition by Fernando Botero and from Fabio Novembre’s chair, two artists that I love very much. If you turn it upside down it becomes a heart, in fact behind the egg there is a charity project: in fact it is a limited and numbered edition whose proceeds will go to the friends of the TOG Foundation which offers free treatment to over 100 children and young people suffering from serious neurological pathologies .

Gli ironici “lati B ” dell’uovo che capovolto diventa un cuore

The ironic “B sides” of the egg that turns upside down into a heart

Great cause, but that shape, well, it is a little bit unusual… Any controversy?
Here I am…. Even in the family: FrauKnam told me that she would dissociate herself from her name, ah for those who don’t know FrauKnam is my wife, Alessandra, with whom I work and I share everything.
What can you tell me about your wife, Alessandr Mion?
Alessandra became my assistant-apprentice during the lockdown and I discovered that I had a respectable future pastry chef at home.
We have done many things together: we have been judges in the TV program Dolce Quiz presented by Alessandro Greco, we have presented the Dolceria Show in the TV show I Fatti Vostri.

Alessandra Mion “FrauKnam”

Recently Alessandra… sorry FrauKnam, opened her pastry shop next door, taking care of its very feminine address: tender ducks and bunnies, mignon macaroons in shades from pink to magenta, pralines and a paradise of sweet and savory cream puffs, with more traditional flavors such as eggnog and custard, to unusual fruit dishes, such as mango and passion fruit or apricot and thyme, up to savory cream puffs such as tuna and capers or apple and gorgonzola.

Le creazioni di Frau Knam

Frau Knam’s creations

Your favorite destinations?
We are in love with Japan, where I have worked in Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka.
I am a follower of the theory of “making travel without moving” in the sense that when a customer comes to the pastry shop, it is nice to take him elsewhere and a taste is enough, close your eyes and “have a good trip …”
A journey that has remained in your heart?
I am more than one…. among many Canada when the delegation from Quebec Italy invited me to visit the province of Canada and to discover maple syrup, the symbol of the country , Then Montreal, where I stayed at the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ), one of the most important institutions in the field of food and wine education in Canada and I held a masterclass in front of professors and students of the École hôtelière de la Montérégie.

Knam In Canada

I know you fell in love with Peru… can you tell me little more about it?
In 2018 the commercial office of Peru in Italy invited me to discover its various types of cocoa plantations from harvesting to its processing. I have visited many cities: Tarapoto, where the Institute of Tropical Crops and the Tesoro Amazónico company are located, Juanjuì with its Acopagro cooperative and Nativos Chocolate: which offers the importance of touching, seeing, hearing and smelling firsthand this element, which I consider the cornerstone of my pastry.

Knam in Perù

In Lima I met the great Peruvian cuisine and its protagonists, including Mitsuharu Micha Tsumura, Astrid and Gaston and Virgilio Martinez whose Research Center studies how to use and investigate the properties of typically Peruvian ingredients and elements, in a very favorable environment to their cultivation and prosperity, almost uncontaminated, then again Cusco and of course a visit to Machu Picchu, one of the 7 wonders of the world and symbol of Peru, could not be missed.

What makes Peru such a favorable country for particular crops and products?
Definitely biodiversity and the many different contexts that alternate within its borders. Peru has been an experience that has greatly marked my work, which I wanted to tell in the book, “My story with chocolate”, which collects the story of the “Food of the Gods” and 70 unpublished recipes for cakes that have base this element.

Ernst, what does chocolate mean to you?
The whole! Chocolate is the only raw material in the world with a 365° process. allows it to be soft, liquid, powder ,hot, cold. It can go through the savory cuisine or be sweet, I can make a sculpture if I don’t like it, I’ll melt it. It even becomes a fashion element, some time ago at a Chocolate Salon, I created a wedding dress with flowers, embroideries, earrings and a white chocolate bouquet… it was greeted by thunderous applause and it was a great satisfaction.

L’abito da sposa di Knam, ccon fiori, ricami, orecchini e bouquet di cioccolato bianco

Knam’s wedding dress, with flowers, embroidery, earrings and a white chocolate bouquet

Maestro, can I ask you for a recipe (not too difficult…) for our readers?
Certainly, here’ s a recipe with few ingredients that everyone can make, just read carefully. A cake I would call Peru, made with only two ingredients on a gluten-free sponge base decorated with fresh raspberries.
Thank you and one last question: any thoughts on chocolate from you?
If there is no chocolate in heaven… I’m not going there!


For the dark chocolate mousse:
200 g dark chocolate
400 ml semi-whipped soy cream
In a bowl, combine the cream with the chocolate and create the mousse.
For the marquise
100 g yolks
100 g icing sugar
225 g egg whites
200 g icing sugar
90 g bitter cocoa
30 g potato starch
QB. granulated sugar for dusting
With a whisk, beat the egg yolks with 100 g of icing sugar and, in a separate bowl, whip the egg whites until stiff together with the remaining 200 g of icing sugar. Combine the two compounds; sift the starch and cocoa and add them to the mixture, stirring gently with movements from bottom to top so as not to disassemble the whites. On a baking sheet lined with baking paper, pour the marquise to a thickness of about 5 mm. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 200°C; after this time, remove the marquise from the oven and immediately sprinkle the surface with granulated sugar.
For decoration:
to taste chocolate sprinkles
to taste fresh raspberries
Neutral jelly
Arrange the marquise disc in a 22-24 cm diameter ring, pour the dark chocolate mousse and level the surface well. Put the cake in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Remove the cake from the refrigerator, remove the ring and coat the edges of the cake with the chocolate chips. Cover the surface with neutral jelly and decorate with fresh raspberries.

Frau Knam
Bignè di FrauKnam
Auditorium di Milano

CESARE ZUCCA Travel, food & lifestyle.
Milanese by birth, Cesare lives between New York, Milan and the rest of the world. For WEEKEND PREMIUM he photographs and writes about cities, cultures, lifestyles. He likes to discover both traditional and innovative gastronomic delights. Cesare meets and interview top chefs from all over the world, ‘steals’ their recipes in a ”
non touristy tourist ” style 

(Italian version)
Pasqua in arrivo: musica e cioccolato non sono mai stati così vicini!
Auditorium Milano, il Maestro Ruben Jais dirige l’Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano nell’esecuzione della meravigliosa Sinfonia N. 7 di Beethoven osando un’insolito esperimento, un’ esperienza “sinestetica” accosta ’ascolto della musica alla degustazione di quattro praline (una dedicata a ciascun movimento della sinfonia), studiate e create appositamente dall’illustre Maitre Chocolatier Ernst Knam, già Maestro Pasticcere da Gualtiero Marchesi, e stupefacente interprete del cioccolato, attraverso capolavori dolci e salati, abbinati a spezie , frutta e… musica.

I concerti da gustare, gli appuntamenti nati dalla partnership tra l’Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano e lo Chef e Maître Chocolatier Ernst Knam

Pasqua a tavola: sinonimo di sereni weekend che inneggiano alla pace, alla serenità e all’allegria delle tavolate pasquali dove vengono serviti i piatti della tradizione: dall’ agnello ai dolci tipici come colombe, pastiere, cassate e cantucci, alle specilità regionali come la genovese torta pasqualina,  il casatiello napoletano, l’impanata ragusana . Dovunque, dal Nord e al Sud, il vero protagonista è l’iconico uovo di cioccolato.
Knam, il “Re del Cioccolato” ha il suo regno a Milano in Via Anfossi, dove si trovano i suoi 4 laboratori, la scuola di pasticceria e i suoi negozi.
Dopo aver assistito all’affascinate performance all’Auditorium, l’ho incontrato per una piacevolissima intervista.

Ernst Knam

Buongiorno Ernst, ci parla della sua accoppiata “Musica & Cioccolato”?
Ho voluto “spiegare“ la Settima Sinfonia di Beethoven con quattro praline di cioccolato il cui ripieno voleva descrivere le sensazioni dei quattroi movimenti della sinfonia.
Perché ha chiamato “Coccole” la pralina che commenta il famoso “Secondo Movimento” ampiamente usato al cinema in momenti drammatici, come il funerale di Ludwig o il discorso dI Re Giorgio VI ?
Ho voluto sottolineare quella drammaticità partendo dal colore del cioccolato. E’ l’unica pralina di colore nero, mentre le altre sono rallegrate da grafiche e screziature. L’ho voluta chiamare “coccola” perché penso che anche nei momenti più drammatici della nostra vita ci sia sempre bisogno di una coccola di conforto da parte di chi ci vuole bene. Così come nella tradizione tedesca dopo un funerale, ci si ritrova al ristorante per mangiare tutti insieme e ricordare in maniera affettuosa la persona che ci ha lasciato perché la vita va avanti.

Le praline “musicali” di Knam, per “gustare” al meglio la Settima Sinfonia di Beethoven

Ricorda il suo primo dolce?
Certo, il mio primo tiramisù fatto a casa, avevo 10 anni e poi i biscotti, mia mamma era un’esperta ne conosceva almeno 50 tipologie diverse. Ricordo che nella cittadina dove abitavo, le persone iniziavano a preparare i biscotti fino dalla fine di Novembre, per conservarli fino alle Festività Natalizie.
Quando è scattata la scintilla professionale?
Volevo diventare ornitologo e mio papà .che era un fioraio, mi aveva costruito una grande voliera che conteneva più di 200 uccellini africani e australiani, Ben presto ho capito che quando si hanno degli animali da accudire, diventa complicato viaggiare, quindi ho regalato tutto a mio fratello ho cominciato a meditare su cosa avrei potuto fare. Mi ha aiutato mamma, che mi ha suggerito la carriera di pasticciere cosi’ (ride) avremmo potuto avere sempre un dolce per la domenica… Una nota pasticceria sul Lago di Costanza mi ha assunto come apprendista: è nato tutto d lì.
E se non fossi diventato pasticciere?
Forse un gioielliere, visto che mi piace creare piccole creazioni di gioielleria, per esempio i gioielli per mia moglie li disegno io e penso di avere una buona mano e un’ampia fantasia.
C’è un dolce che mangia solo se preparato da un’altra persona?
Si, la torta “Foresta Nera” di Frau Hildebrandt, la mia tata. Era una torta altissima che Frau preparava per il mio compleanno e di cui ne mangiavo metà… Frau mi ha dato la ricetta, ma devo ammettere che non sono riuscito mai a farla uguale alla sua…
La sua colomba pasquale?
(ride) Eccola, e’ atterrata qui, dopo circa 36 ore di levitazione, niente di artificiale, arance siciliane fresche, limone fresco, vaniglia di Tahit, ha riposato incartata per una notte incartata e normalmente dopo 4/6 giorni è perfetta.
Può essere messa nel congelatore ?
Assolutamente no, la colomba va tagliata e mangiata, al limite può restare qualche giorno nel suo sacchetto ben chiuso, evitando l’aria che la rinsecchisceArriva la Pasqua: le tue nuove uova di cioccolato?
Ogni anno abbiamo un tema quest’anno è la natura: sensibilizzare il riscaldamento globale e ho sottoineato la devastante mancanza di pioggia creando un uovo “ senza colori” L’ho chiamato Multichocolate e, usando la “brush technique”, l’ ho spennellato con le sfumature tipiche del cioccolato bianco, al latte e fondente. L’ uovo bonsai rappresenta un elogio alla bellezza della vita. Dall’uovo, realizzato in cioccolato Perù Pachiza 70% grattato effetto legno, fiorisce prorompente un bonsai con foglioline in pasta di zucchero

Le uova ” Multichocolate” e “Bonsai”

E tanti buffi animali
Si, l’uovo lumaca, l’uovo ape, l’uovo pecorella dal mantello di cocco. Sono gli amici in di un mondo perfetto per i bambini ma devo dire anche per noi grandi, visto che è bello rimanere bambini
E poi c’è l’uovo “Sedere”…
L’idea mi è venuta da una mostra di Fernando Botero e dalla sedia di Fabio Novembre, due artisti che amo molto. Se lo capovolgi diventa un cuore, infatti dietro all’uovo c’è un progetto benefico: infatti è una tiratura limitata e numerata i cui ricavati andranno agli amici della Fondazione TOG che offre cure gratuite ad oltre 100 bambini e ragazzi affetti da gravi patologie neurologiche.

Gli ironici “lati B ” dell’uovo che capovolto diventa un cuore

Ottima causa, ma una forma, beh un po’ insolita… Qualche polemica?
Eccome…. Anche in famiglia: FrauKnam mi ha detto che si sarebbe dissociata dal nome, ah per chi non sapesse FrauKnam è mia moglie, Alessandra, con la quale lavoro e condivido tutto.
Cosa mi racconta di Alessandr Mion, sua moglie?
Alessandra è diventata la mia assistente-apprendista durante il lockdown e ho scoperto di avere in casa una futura pasticcera di tutto rispetto.
Insieme abbiamo fatto tante cose: siamo stati giudici nel programma TV Dolce Quiz condotto da Alessandro Greco, abbiamo condotto la Rubrica Dolceria nello show I Fatti Vostri.

Ultimamente Alessandra…pardon FrauKnam, ha aperto la sua pasticceria qui accanto curandone l’indirizzo molto femminile:  tenere paperelle e coniglietti, macaroon mignon dalle tonalità dal rosa al magenta, praline e un paradiso di bigneè  dolci e salati, dai gusti più tradizionali come zabaione e crema pasticcera, a insolite proposte alla frutta, come mango e frutto della passione oppure albicocca e timo, fino a bignè salati come tonno e capperi o mela e gorgonzola.

Le creazioni di Frau Knam

Le vostre mete preferite?
Siamo innamorati del Giappone, dove ho lavorato a Tokyo, Kyoto e Osaka.
Sono un seguace della teoria del “ far viaggiare senza muoversi” nel senso che quando un cliente viene in pasticceria, è bello portarlo altrove e basta un assaggio, chiudere gli occhi e buon viaggio….
Un viaggio che le è rimasto nel cuore?
ono più di uno…. tra i tanti il Canada  quando la delegazione del Quebec Italia mi ha invitato a visitare la provincia del Canada e a scoprire lo sciroppo d’acero, simbolo del Paese , Poi Montreal, dove ho  soggiornato all’Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ), una delle più importanti istituzioni nell’ambito dell’insegnamento eno-gastronomico in Canada e ho tenuto una masterclass davanti a professori e alunni della École hôtelière de la Montérégie.

Knam In Canada

So che si è innamorato del Perù… mi racconta?
Nel 2018 l’ufficio commerciale del Perù in Italia mi ha invitato a scoprire le sue varie tipologie di piantagioni di cacao dalla raccolta alla sua lavorazione. Ho visitato molte città: Tarapoto, dove ha sede l’Istituto di Colture Tropicali e l’azienda Tesoro Amazónico, Juanjuì con la sua cooperativa Acopagro e la Nativos Chocolate: che regala l’importanza di toccare, vedere, sentire e odorare in prima persona questo elemento, che io considero cardine della mia pasticceria .

Knam in Perù

A Lima ho incontrato la grande cucina peruviana e i suoi protagonisti, tra cui Mitsuharu Micha Tsumura, Astrid e Gaston e Virgilio Martinez il cui Centro di Ricerca studia come utilizzare e indagare le proprietà degli ingredienti e degli elementi tipicamente peruviani, in un ambiente quanto mai favorevole alla loro coltivazione e prosperazione, quasi incontaminato, poi ancora Cusco e naturalmente non poteva poi mancare la visita al Machu Picchu, una delle 7meraviglie del mondo.meraviglie del mondo e simbolo del Perù.

Che cosa rende il Perù un Paese così favorevole a coltivazioni e prodotti particolari? Sicuramente la biodiversità e i tanti diversi contesti che si avvicendano all’interno dei suoi confini. Il perù è stata un’esperienza che ha molto segnato il mio avoro , che ho voluto raccontare nel libro, “La mia storia con il cioccolato”, che raccoglie la storia del “Cibo degli dei” e 70 ricette inedite di torte che hanno come base questo elemento.

Ernst, cosa significa per lei il cioccolato?
Il tutto! Il cioccolato è l’unica materia prima al mondo con una lavorazione è a 365°. permette di essere morbido, liquido, in polvere ,caldo, freddo. Può passare attraverso la cucina salata oppure essere dolce, posso fare una scultura se non mi piace la faccio sciogliere.

In uno dei labratori Knam, nascono le uova tendemza della Pasqua 2023 . le uova decorate solo con i tre colori del cioccolato per un effetto astratto o Pollock

Insomma, “chocolate  everytime, everywhere” parodiando il film dell’Oscar …
( ride) Certo, diventa perfino elemento moda, tempo fa a un Salone del Cioccolato, ho creato un abito da sposa con fiori, ricami, orecchini e bouquet di cioccolato bianco… è stato accolto da un applauso fragoroso ed è stata una bella soddisfazione.

L’abito da sposa di Knam, con fiori, ricami, orecchini e bouquet di cioccolato bianco

Maestro, posso chiederle una ricetta (non troppo difficile…) per i nostri lettori? Certamente, una ricetta con pochi ingredienti che tutti possono fare, basta leggere attentamente. Una torta che chiamerei Perù, fatta con solo due ingredienti su una base di pan di Spagna senza glutine decorata con lamponi freschi.
Grazie e un’ ultima domanda: un suo pensiero sul cioccolato?
Se in paradiso non c’è il cioccolato… io non ci vado!


Per la mousse al cioccolato fondente:
200 g cioccolato fondente
400 ml panna di soia semi montata
In una bowl unite la panna con il cioccolato e create la mousse.
Per la marquise
100 g tuorli
100 g zucchero a velo
225 g albumi
200 g zucchero a velo
90 g cacao amaro
30 g fecola di patate
QB. zucchero semolato per spolverizzare
Con una frusta sbattete i tuorli con 100 g di zucchero a velo e, in una ciotola a parte, montate a neve ferma gli albumi assieme ai restanti 200 g di zucchero a velo. Unite i due composti; setacciate la fecola ed il cacao ed aggiungeteli al composto mescolando delicatamente con movimenti dal basso verso l’alto per non smontare i bianchi. Su una placca foderata di carta da forno, versate la marquise ad uno spessore di 5 mm circa. Infornate per 10-12 minuti a 200°C; trascorso questo tempo togliete la marquise dal forno e spolverizzate immediatamente la superficie con zucchero semolato.
Per la decorazione:
q.b. codette di cioccolato
q.b. lamponi freschi
Gelatina neutra
In un anello di diametro 22-24 cm disponete il disco di marquise, versate la mousse al cioccolato fondente e livellate bene la superficie. Mettete la torta in frigorifero per circa 2 ore. Togliete la torta dal frigorifero, rimuovete l’anello e ricoprite i bordi della torta con la granella di cioccolato. Ricoprite la superficie con della gelatina neutra e decorate con lamponi freschi.

                              BUONA PASQUA !

Frau Knam
Bignè di FrauKnam
Auditorium di Milano

Travel, food & lifestyle.
Milanese di nascita, vive tra New York, Milano e il resto del mondo.  Per WEEKEND PREMIUM fotografa e racconta città, culture, stili di vita e scopre delizie gastronomiche sia tradizionali che innovative. Incontra e intervista top chefs di tutto il mondo, ‘ruba’ le loro ricette e vi racconta in stile ‘Turista non Turista’



Testo e Foto di Cesare Zucca
(Italian and English version).
Milano: a due passi dal Duomo scopriamo una ristorante-pizzeria che porta il nome di una leggenda del cinema: Sophia Loren che dopo Firenze ha aperto a Milano a cui seguiranno Bari e Roma (Fiumicino).
Devo ammettere che ero un po’ scettico: non sempre infatti i ristoranti ideati dai vip mantegono una cucina stellare come quella del nome del suo sponsor…

Naturalmente di sono delle ecceziioni:  Robert De Niro ha un ristorante tutto suo a Miami che serve cucina giapponese di alta qualità e pare sia uno dei locali preferiti di Madonna e Jennifer Lopez, la steak House di Michael Jordan la prima poi a Chicago poi altre 3 in giro per gli USA, mentre Lady Gaga nell’Upper East Side di New York  ha aperto una trattoria insieme ai suoi genitori, in cui si servono solo piatti italiani.

Scialatelli ai frutti di mare

Jay-Z è proprietario del 40/40 un club che fa da bar e discoteca., Pharrell Williams ha aperto Swan, nel Design District di Miami, mentre Zach Braff ha creato Mermaid Oyster Bar, sofisticato ristorante di pesce a Greenwich, New York.
Insomma ci hanno provato in molti, ma….SOPHIA E’ SOPHIA… e le mie aspettative non sono andate deluse!

La Diva ha inaugurato il suo ristorante nel corso di una serata ad inviti, elegantissima in tailleur bianco, entusiasta del locale e del menu, Ha raccontato del suo legame con il cibo, delle ristrettezze che ha vissuto, della mancanza di cibo a tavola e dell’importanza della cucina come momento di riunione e di collettività con la famiglia.
Nonostante viva a Ginevra, la Loren ama la cucina italiana e si diverte a cucinare  “Made in Italy,  basti citare la famosa scena della preparazione del ragù dal film Sabato, Domenica e Lunedì diretto da Lina Wertmüller.

Sophia all’inaugurazione del suo ristorante. E’ risaputo che l’attrice sia golosa di dolci e così il Maitre Patissier Carmine di Donna ha creato per lei un gigantesco babà alla crema

Il menù ricorda la sua Pozzuoli
Il ristorante è dedicato a Sophia e nello stesso tempo è Napoli, infatti nel menu si respira l’aria della sua Pozzuoli con le straordinarie pizze firmate da Francesco Martucci, premiato per 4 anni consecutivi come miglior pizzaiolo del mondo mentre la cucina è firmata da Gennarino Esposito, chef con due stelle Michelin.
Sono napoletana al 100% in ogni cosa che faccio, quando canto una canzone, quando ballo, penso, recito, quando scelgo cosa mangiare…”.Ha raccontato Sophia, “Sono entusiasta di questo progetto.Milano mi è sempre piaciuta perché è una città completa, organizzata, efficiente”
Ci aspetta un menu inizialmente disegnato dal 3 stelle Michelin Chef Gennaro Esposito e un ambiente dall’atmosfera cordiale dove Sophia occhieggia dalle pareti, siglato dalla cor tipica cortesia napoletana dello staff .

“Il nostro locale, mi racconta il manager  Luca Iacopo, è davvero uno spazio a 360 gradi, , dall’ angolo “Ostricaro Fisico” ispirato a un film di Sophia, dove vengono servite  le migliori ostriche, come quelle della Normandia al  ricco bancone  di pasticceria, al cocktail bar con la possibilità di fermarsi dall’happy hour che inizia alle 3,00 pm fino al dopo cena”.
Alla celebre pizzaiola dei primi film dell’attrice, Francesco Martucci ha voluto dedicare la gustosa “Pizza Sophia” una delizia con ingredienti tipici campani: scarola riccia, datterino giallo e rosso confit, olive caiazzane, capperi e acciughe.

Pizza Sofia

Altra specialità della casa è la “Pizza Assoluto di Pomodori” alla crema di pomodoro arrostito, pomodorini ciliegino semisecchi, pomodorini datterino giallo e rosso confit, mozzarella di Bufala campana D.O.P. Fuori cottura: primo sale di bufala, basilico, pomodorini del Piennolo secchi. isomma un tripudio di ingredienti che giocano sulle diverse acidità e che hanno fatto vincere a Francesco il premio “miglior pizza del mondo” Soddisfattii anche i vegani con la colorata “Vegana” piacevole al gusto e alla vistar, icca di Pomodoro Vegano San Marzano D.O.P. caramellato in zucchero di canna, insalata di misticanza, germogli (30 Varietà), menta, crema di rapa rossa, crema di pomodoro arrostito, maionese al cavolfiore, capperi fritt.

Michele, il pizzaiolo del Sophia Loren e la pluripremiata ” Assoluto”


Si parte tradizionalmente con l’assaggio dei “fritti” tra cui una meravigliosa sfera di “frittatina” di bucatini, besciamella, ragù, provola, piselli e la classica ” montanara!” al pomodoro e alla ” genovese” il più tradizionale sugo della cucina partenopea.

le montanare

I fritti

Tra gli antipasti uno squisito cardo di rapa fondente con tapenade di olive nere, crema all arancia e broccoli e una gustosa parmigiana di melanzane fritte con salsa di pomodoro fresco e basilico, mozzarella fiordilatte e Parmigiano Reggiano

Il cardo

Mozzarelle freschissime che viaggiano di notte per arrivare all’alba, tutti i giorni, a Milano.  Tutto ha origine dal latte proveniente dagli allevamenti delle bufale nelle incontaminate pianure che circondano Paestum
Se vi piace il pesce crudo, troverete un tris di tartare di branzino, tonno  e salmone
Se amate i frutti di mare non perdetevi un piatto di “scialatelli” freschi al sugo di pesce con cozze, vongole, scampi. gamberi e calamari .. una bontà!
Al timone del ristorante troviamo Davide di Meglio, ischitano doc.
L’ho incontrato per una simpatica chiacchierata

Davide Di Meglio

Ciao Davide, quali sono i ” must” della cucina del Sophia Loren?
Inizierei con una selezione dei nostri fritti, come le crocchette, gli arancini e le montanare poi i famosi spaghetti col pomodoro del  Piennolo, che sono anche i preferiti di Sophia, il nostro pesce fresco del giorno, servito al sale o all’acqua pazza e una bella frittura di paranza, mentre tra i dolci le classiche stracciatelle ricce, le “codine” di aragosta con crema di ricotta , la pastiera, le zeppole e naturalmente il babà.

Siete famosi per le vostre freschisime mozzarelle , Qual’è la più “wow”?
Senza dubbio la voluttuosa “zizzona di Battipaglia” (ride) un vero trionfo erotico…

La “zizzona” di Battipaglia


(English Version)


Milan: a stone’s throw from the Duomo we discover a restaurant-pizzeria that bears the name of a cinema legend: Sophia Loren which after Florence opened in Milan to be followed by Bari and Rome (Fiumicino).
I must admit that I was a bit sceptical: in fact, restaurants designed by VIPs do not always maintain a stellar cuisine like that of the name of their sponsor…Of course there are exceptions: Robert De Niro has his own restaurant in Miami that serves high quality Japanese cuisine and apparently is one of Madonna’s and Jennifer Lopez’s favorite places, Michael Jordan’s steak house first then in Chicago then another 3 around the USA, while Lady Gaga on the Upper East Side of New York has opened a restaurant together with her parents, where only Italian dishes are served.

Jay-Z owns 40/40 a club that serves as a bar and nightclub. Pharrell Williams has opened Swan in Miami’s Design District, while Zach Braff has created Mermaid Oyster Bar, a sophisticated seafood restaurant in Greenwich, New York.
In short, many have tried, but … SOPHIA IS SOPHIA … and my expectations have not been disappointed!
La Diva inaugurated her restaurant during an invitation-only evening, very elegant in a white suit, enthusiastic about the place and the menu. She talked about her bond with food, the hardships she experienced, the lack of food at the table and the importance of the kitchen as a moment of reunion and community with the family.
Although she lives in Geneva, Loren loves Italian cuisine and enjoys cooking “Made in Italy”, just mention the famous scene of the preparation of ragù from the film Sabato, Domenica e Lunedì directed by Lina Wertmüller.

E’ risaputo che Sophia sia golosa di dolci e così il Maitre Patissier Carmine di Donna ha creato per lei un gigantesco babà alla crem

Sophia at the opening of her restaurant. It is known that the actress has a sweet tooth and so Donna’s Maitre Patissier Carmine created a gigantic cream baba for her

The menu recalls her Pozzuoli
The restaurant is dedicated to Sophia and at the same time it is Naples, in fact on the menu you can breathe the air of her Pozzuoli with the extraordinary pizzas signed by Francesco Martucci, awarded for 4 consecutive years as the best pizza maker in the world while the cuisine is signed by Gennarino Esposito, chef with two Michelin stars.
“I am 100% Neapolitan in everything I do, when I sing a song, when I dance, I think, I act, when I choose what to eat…”. Sophia said, “I am enthusiastic about this project. I have always liked Milan because it is a complete, organized, efficient city”
We are awaited by a menu initially designed by the 3-star Michelin Chef Gennaro Esposito and an environment with a cordial atmosphere where Sophia peeps from the walls, signed by the typical Neapolitan courtesy of the staff.

Scialatelli ai frutti di mare

“Our restaurant, the manager Luca Iacopo tells me, is truly a 360-degree space, from the “Ostricaro Fisico” corner inspired by a film by Sophia, where the best oysters are served, such as those from Normandy at the rich counter pastries, to the cocktail bar with the possibility of staying from the happy hour which starts at 3.00 pm until after dinner”.
Francesco Martucci wanted to dedicate the tasty “Pizza Sophia” to the famous pizza maker of the actress’s first films, a delight with typical ingredients from Campania: curly escarole, yellow and red confit datterino tomatoes, Caiazzane olives, capers and anchovies.

Pizza Sofia

Another specialty of the house is the “Pizza Assoluto di Pomodori” with roasted tomato cream, semi-dried cherry tomatoes, yellow and red confit datterino tomatoes, D.O.P. Out of cooking: buffalo first salt, basil, dried Piennolo cherry tomatoes. in short, a riot of ingredients that play on the different acidities and that have won Francesco the “best pizza in the world” award
Even vegans were satisfied with the colorful “Vegan”, pleasant to the taste and sight, full of Vegan Tomato San Marzano D.O.P. caramelized in cane sugar, mixed salad, sprouts (30 varieties), mint, beetroot cream, roasted tomato cream, cauliflower mayonnaise, fried capers.

Michele, il pizzaiolo del Sophia Loren e la pluripremiata ” Assoluto”

Michele, the pizza maker of Sophia Loren and the multi-awarded “Absoluto”

It traditionally starts with the taste of the “fried” including a wonderful sphere of “omelet” of bucatini, béchamel, meat sauce, provola, peas and the classic “montanara!” with tomato sauce and “Genoese” sauce, the most traditional of Neapolitan cuisine.

I fritti

Among the appetizers, an exquisite dark turnip cardoon with black olive tapenade, orange cream and broccoli and a tasty fried aubergine parmigiana with fresh tomato sauce and basil, fiordilatte mozzarella and Parmigiano Reggiano

le montanare

Very fresh mozzarella travels at night to arrive at dawn, every day, in Milan. Everything originates from the milk coming from the buffalo farms in the pristine plains surrounding Paestum

If you like raw fish, you will find a trio of sea bass, tuna and salmon tartare
If you love seafood, don’t miss a plate of fresh “scialatelli” in fish sauce with mussels, clams and scampi. prawns and squid .. goodness!
At the helm of the restaurant we find Davide di Meglio, born in Ischia.
I met him for a nice chat

Davide Di Meglio

Hi Davide, what are the “must” items in Sophia Loren’s cuisine?
I’d start with a selection of our fried foods, such as croquettes, arancini and montanare, then the famous spaghetti with Piennolo tomatoes, which are also Sophia’s favorites, our fresh fish of the day, served in salt or crazy water and a nice fried fish, while among the desserts the classic curly stracciatelle, lobster “tails” with ricotta cream, pastiera, zeppole and of course the babà.
You are famous for your very fresh mozzarella, which is the most “wow”?
Undoubtedly the voluptuous “zizzona di Battipaglia” (laughs) a true erotic triumph…

La “zizzona” di Battipaglia
