A new specids from Rio Grande do Sul
Cyrtopodium witeckii

Lou Christian Menezes (1)

Orchidaceae, Cymbidieae, Cyrtopodiinae, Cyrtopodium, Brasil.


Cyrtopodium witeckii
L. C. Menezes
Boletim Caob 75- julho a set 2009 - 58/63
Planta terrestris; pseudobulbi omnino humo tecti, ovoidei 5,0 - 6,0 cm alti; folia 5, coriacea, plicata, oblongo-lanceolata, 26,0 cm longa, 4,0 cm lata; inflorescentia racemosa, 30,0 cm alta; flores cum 3,0 cm in diametro, numerosis, odoratis; tam petalis (3,1 cm longis et 1,1 cm latis) quam sepalis (1,6 cm longis et 1,0 latis) colore primario flavescentis, maculis purpureis ornatis; labello trilobato omnino purpureo cum callo flavescenti verruculoso; columna teretiuscula, viridi, paulum clavata et curvata; pollinis binis, globulosis; capsula perfecta ignota.
Habitat in Santa Maria, statu Rio Grande do Sul, 270 m, floruit mense Octobri anni 2009. Legit Lou C. Menezes. Holotypus: UB 105

Cyrtopodium witeckii (flor estendida)
Terrestrial plant of mountain slopes with rocky outcrops in the Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul and belonging to that group of species of Cyrtopodium which vegetate in nature with the pseudobulbs completely buried in the soil.
They are ovoid with 5.0cm height and reddish brown color; It has 5 leaves that ar coriaceous, plicate and oblong-lanceolate, with 27.0cm long and 4.0cm wide at the middle part, the leaves are up-right and compete with the height of the floral spikes that are, in general longer but, sometimes, they can be shorter. The inflorescence is green without branches. In the group of the studied plants, it and is 30,0 cm height; the flowers are ornamental, scented, numerous (15) forming a group, with 3,0 cm diameter. Basically, when they open, they present a delicately yellow-greenish color and then become only greenish; the apical parts of the petals and sepals are slight stained with brown-reddish blotches and spots; the trilobate lip is entirely purple showing a yellow warty which gives a peculiar beauty to the flowers
We should point out that at first glance the flowers of this new species can be confused with those of Cyrtopodium brandonianum, but the morphology of the plant itself certifies how the two species are different
Blooming copiously in the first half of October 2009, Brazilian spring, in a habitat at 270 m altitude in a very steep hillside, the populations of Cyrtopodium witeckii can be safe from environmental depredations, illegal harvesting of plants and improper land use in face the difficult to access the habitats.
The name "witeckii" was given in honor of Professor Leopold Witeck Neto (Forest Engineering / Polytechnic School of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS) in the face of his interest and collaboration in researches involving the discovery of new species, as well as his activities conservationists in Santa Maria, RS.

Cyrtopodium witeckii (plant in cultivation)
Cyrtopodium witeckii Habitat

Cyrtopodium witeckii

Photos Lou Menezes


Lucas Coelho, biólogo / Belo Horizonte, MG
Kelen Soares, engenheiro florestal / Santa Maria, RS
Caroline Larissa Reichert, bióloga / Santa Maria, RS
V. P. N. Juniori, Orquidário Nacional do IBAMA / Brasília, DF

(1) Lou Christian Menezes
Forest Engineer / Environmental Analyst
Orquidário Nacional do IBAMA
IBAMA - Brasília, DF
e-mail: louorquidibama@hotmail.com

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