Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

David Strathairn represents ‘unsung hero’ in WWII show

This past weekend was Oscar-nominated David Strathairn’s last performance of “My Report to the World: The Story of Jan Karski.” Museum of Jewish Heritage, limited run, tickets free.

Strathairn: “I play young Catholic Karski. Poland’s unknown World War II hero witnessed firsthand the Jewish annihilation. After the Communist takeover, he fled here, earned his Ph.D., became Georgetown’s government professor for four decades. This bravest man, known only to historians, awarded a posthumous Medal of Freedom, never revealed his story of courage, heroism, faith, humility until 1985.

“The 20-ish year old, who put his life on the line, left no family. I became involved when Georgetown honored his centennial in 2014. Today, with genocide and ethnic cleansing, our younger generation must know the Holocaust.

“Soldier, underground courier, captured twice, escaped twice, Karski attempted suicide. A humble, insignificant servant chosen by a higher power, he saw Warsaw’s ghettos and death camps.

“He saw people processed, crammed into trains, caustic quick lime on the floor, which becomes a gas that burns body fluid and murders live people, so when they died they wouldn’t contaminate the air. Thinking he’s becoming insane, he couldn’t take it anymore. He later spoke to Roosevelt and wrote a book, but, basically, why he never shared publicly information he saw was never

VIPs, including UN Ambassador Samantha Power, have seen this workshop, which is undergoing changes and refinement.

Strathairn: “We’re going out step by step. Organically. We’re not quite ready yet for prime time — maybe we never will be.”

Chew on this

Upcoming is the NYC Fire Department’s 150th anniversary. The celebratory hooley already picked its menu — franks, burgers, deli, fries. We are not talking no watercress and ladyfingers . . .

Speaking of food, do East 56th’s Montebello. Quietly, some of the world’s best known dine there. For instance, de Blasio, who is somewhat known for keeping his mouth open. And is also a good tipper.

Lots of land

Ted Turner is USA’s second-largest landowner — 2 million acres, 18 ranches in seven states — one being nearly the whole state. On it, bison, wolves, temporarily Jane Fonda. One western home’s going commercial. Rentable. Not as a restaurant or hotel. Just for grabs for one family eager to vacation with nature — and bears.

Hulk hooey

Hulk Hogan said the nasty defending his kid? Be it known, June 2007, Sheraton Hotel, he got the Father of the Year Award. That’s like crowning Caitlyn on Mother’s Day. About his daddyhood wonderfulness, Hogan said: “I’ve chartered planes just to get home for a few hours with my kids. I brought up my daughter great. Look how she turned out. Look at Paris and Britney and Lindsay.”

Travel Wisely

Vacation tip: Forget Rome. Too crowded. And avoid Florence. She’s got a big mouth.

Safaris, shorts and sqabbles

Al Gore and lady — trust me, she didn’t look like a bookkeeper or part-time assistant — enjoyed an African safari. Mercenaries have stopped shooting elephants. The new method? Poison darts.

Serengeti villagers now get paid as an incentive to stop poaching . . .

Wendy Williams in short short Barbie shorts and 7-inch heels at the Copa . . .

Diplo on is he tiffing with Taylor Swift. “Naaah, we’ve squashed it.”

Chat at a Democratic fund-raiser: “The 19th amendment in 1920 gave women the right to vote. We’ve done everything right. They got the right to vote, to marry each other, to get bigger paychecks, to run companies, to fly in combat. Now if we can only get them to pick up half the dinner check — they’ve got it made.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.