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A maximum clade credibility tree, comparing 1350 bp N-gene sequence of rabies virus strains from Grenada (n = 23) with representatives from a global panel of 80 rabies viruses (reference sequence identities in Figure S2).

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posted on 2014-10-16, 04:18 authored by Ulrike Zieger, Denise A. Marston, Ravindra Sharma, Alfred Chikweto, Keshaw Tiwari, Muzzamil Sayyid, Bowen Louison, Hooman Goharriz, Katja Voller, Andrew C. Breed, Dirk Werling, Anthony R. Fooks, Daniel L. Horton

A relaxed (uncorrelated lognormal) molecular clock and Bayesian skyline population prior were used for 60 million iterations in the BEAST package (v1.8) The posterior probability is indicated at each node and estimates of the dates for ancestral nodes are indicated. Scale bar represents 50 years.
