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75kg Battenberg that even Mr Kipling would be proud of!

75kg of awesome 2 coloured cake, jam and almond marzipan - what's more to like? Ok so not exactly diabetic friendly but enough to feed a small army their elevenses with a good old pg tips brew.


Yields1 Serving



Mr Kipling would have been proud of this beast, measuring in at 100 x 40 x 40cm and weighing in at 75kg it was a mammoth of a cake!

Feeding over 250 people (and so it should!), taking almost 24 hours to complete and costing about £130 this snack is not one for the feint hearted (and to be honest I wouldn’t do it again!).

Following Mr Kiplings perfect example of a Battenberg cake we (this was a colab with a good friend James) carefully we dissected what was needed. A perfect balance of yellow cake to red cake, with a light splattering of jam around the outside and middle of adjoin sections, topped off with a delicious moist nutty almond marzipan covering (10kg marzipan is not cheap!).

Having finished the cake off in the early morning hours of the event our house was burgled – I think it was a surprise to the burglars as they didn’t stay long (there’s a giant living upstairs!), it did make conversations with the police that day rather interesting!