Plant of the Month: Imperata cylindrica

Also known as Blady Grass, this Rhizomatous perennial can produce tufts of up to 1.5 metres tall, and it’s a hardy, clump-forming grass, which is a dense coloniser of disturbed areas and after-burning. In fact, it can regenerate in just 3 months after a bushfire! 

Imperata cylindrica growing in the Regen Nursery

A very hardy and useful plant, its leaves, and stems have been used for weaving and thatching, and as a popular bushtucker, the young flowers are edible when cooked and the rhizome (root) of the grass which can also be eaten, has a sweet coconut flavour. 

Imperata cylindrica (Blady Grass)

As one of the several habitat species grown in the Regen Australia Nursery, Blady Grass is also a host plant for several butterfly larvae such as the Common Brown (Heteronympha merope), the White-banded grass-dart (Taractrocera papyria) and the Southern Dart (Ocybadistes walkeri), and provides shelter for other small fauna.

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