Miltonia Clowesii

















Miltonia clowesii is one of the so-called Brazilian miltonias, which includes the intermediate to warm growing species from Brazil. These are different from the Andean species that are cool-growing and are included in the genusMiltoniopsis and used to be called miltonias (well, if we think about the hybrids, they still are). Miltonia clowesii is one of the multifloral species, a group that contains most of the Brazilian miltonias, and this means that flowers are produced on long, upright species. Inside this group, the different species open their flowers at different rates of succession. As an example, Miltonia flavescens opens their flowers on a short succession and thus the inflorescences can have all the flowers open at the same time. Miltonia clowesii, on the other hand, represents the other extreme, that is, the flowers open in a very long succession. With this, inflorescences of Miltonia clowesiirarely have more than 2-3 flowers open at once, and by the time the last flowers open the first ones have already faded. This is not a very desirable feature of the species, but on the other hand the individual flowers are very attractive. Individual flowers are about 2″ or more tall and quite colorful. Miltonia clowesii, like most Brazilian miltonias, grows inside the coastal mountain forests, from just above sea level to more than 3000 ft. elevation.

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