Family Anacardiaceae

Bouea oppositifolia
kundang daun kecil

Common to 700m. Edible but acid fruit, can be eaten raw or steamed. Resinous smell of crushed leaf distinguishes it from Eugenia and Mesua.

Buchanania arborescens
otak udang

Common fr. Andamans to Australia on coasts and river banks. Crown
conspicuous with cream flowers between April and June. Leaf apex obtuse, rounded or emarginated, young leaves pink. Drupe green to red, green flesh.

Campnosperma squamatum
daun kecil

Malesia. Widely distributed from mountains to swamps. Trees to 30m with distinct terminalia branching. Buttresses short, rarely stilt roots. Leaves spiral, short stalk. Flowers yellowish green, drupe green speckled white.

Dracontomelon dao

Indo-Malesia, frequent in Malaya by rivers and in forest or planted in villages. Common in north. Similar to sentang except for leaf stalks stouter. Leaves large (12-22″), 5-11 prs leaflets. Up to 30m, deciduous, dense rounded crown. White flowers in hanging panicles.

Mangifera caesia

Malaya, Sumatra. Common in orchards, esp. in Melaka. Flowers palelilac in pink panicles.

Mangifera foetida

Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Indochina. Common in orchards and forests to 600m. To 36m, drupe long 7-10cm, ripening green, yellow, strong smell of turpentine when ripe. Edible. 2 fr TH 11.09.

Mangifera macrocarpa

15 spp in Malaya. Thailand, Cambodia, Malesia. Rare. Lowland forests Kelantan, Trengganu, Perak, Pahang, Malacca & NS. Big tree, to 33m . Leaf stalk 3-6cm, blade long & narrow with long petiole. Drupe 80-12cm, yellow fibrous flesh.

Mangifera magnifica

Common, widely distributed in lowland and hill forests, expect Perlis & Penang. Endemic. To 54m, 3m girth. Leaves closely spirally arranged, blade stiffly leathery (thickest leafed Mangifera in Malaya). Drupe oblong, 11x 7cm when dry, fibrous.

Mangifera pentandra Hook.
mempelam bemban

Occasionally in villages, common in Kedah. Very similar to Mangifera indica. Fr TH 6.2012.

Mangifera quadrifi
sepam, asam kumbang

To 40m, bark brown fissured, scaly. Flowers greenish white, fragrant. Drupe dark purple when ripe, flesh fibrous, sweet to sour. Cult. in villages, wild throughout Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo.

Parishia insignis
surian, sepal

Large buttressed forest trees, Andamans to Borneo. Uncommon. Apparently deciduous, flowers and new leaves together, but this spp, matures its fruits while the crown is bare.

Parishia maingayi
surian, sepal

Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines. Perak, Terengganu, Johor, Selangor. Scattered but
locally abundant on ridges to 600m. Flowers white in long hairy panicles, fruit brown velvety, with long enlarged calyx wings. 1 fr TH 11.09.

Parishia paucijuga
surian, sepal

To 40m, widely distributed Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo. Genus has white latex, leaves
spirally arranged, pinnate w terminal leaflet, yellow flowers w parts in 4s, hairy fruit w 4 winglike enlarged sepals, ‘shuttlecocks’. 1 fr TH 11.09.

Pentaspadon motleyi
plong licin

Malesia, Solomon Is. Swampy forest, by streams. Once common here in Sg. Plong. To 36m, 2m girth, thin spreading buttresses. Bark grey, dippled to scaly. Deciduous, then cream fragrant flowers in branched panicles in March and Oct. Young leaves pink. Wood oil treats skin diseases.