Verner Panton

Have you ever sat around and dreamed of creating the coolest clubhouse or treehouse, or just making your bedroom into the best hang ever?  Verner Panton certainly did.  He was a Scandinavian designer who created a lot of amazing things in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, some of my favorite being the swinging chair, and his full environments.  In these spaces Panton would carve out seats from soft foam in all sorts of bright colors to create spaces that resembled the most incredible space caves you could ever imagine.  His creations were more than just furniture, they were actual fun, functional objects that made any room infinitely more rad!

The Swing Chair from 1964

Panton also designed a DIY sculpture/toy in 1975 called the Pantonaef for the Naef company.  Essentially, you could buy a kit to build all sorts of different animals – elephants, cat, cow, fish, owl, etc.  Inside the box would be a number of basic cubes that you would then have to clip together to create the sculpture of your choice.  The last step was to then place colored panels on top of your sculpture and voila, your own homebuilt amazing toy!

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