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Taxillus chinensis (DC.) Danser

English Name Chinese Taxillus, Chinese Scurrula, China Scurrula
Latin name Taxillus chinensis (DC.) Danser
Family & Genus Loranthaceae, Taxillus
Description Shrub, 0.5-1 meter high. Spray and leaf densely covered with rusty stellate hairs, sometimes with sparse overlapping stellate hairs, turning hairless later, branchlet greyish brown, with thin and small lenticels. Leaflet opposite or nearly opposite; petiole 8-10mm long; petiole thickly papery, ovate to long ovate, 2.5-6cm long, 1.5-4cm wide, tip round blunt, basal part wedge shaped or broad wedge shaped; lateral vein 3-4 pairs, slightly distinct. Umbel, 1-2 axillary or grown in the axil of the fallen leaf of branchlet, with 1-4 flowers, generally 2 flowers, inflorescence and flower covered with stellate hairs, common peduncle 2-4mm long; peduncle 6-7mm long; bract scale like; flower brown; receptacle elliptic or ovate spherical; calycle annular; corolla tubular in bud period, 2.5-21.7cm long, slightly curled, lower half part expanding, apex ovate spherical, lobe 4, spathulate, reflexed; filament 2/3 shorter than anther, anther cell with tabula; flower disc cup shaped; style linear, stigma head shaped. Berry elliptic or nearly spherical, pericarp densely grown with small mass, sparsely covered hairs, fruit light yellow when matured, 1cm long, pericarp smooth. Flowering and fruiting: April to January of next year.
Distribution Growing in plain or low mountain broad-leaved evergreen forests at altitude 20-400m, parasitizing on mulberry, peach tree, plum tree, longan, litchi, carambola, oiltea camellia, tung tree, rubber tree, banyan, kapok, masson pine and huon pine, etc. Distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and etc. The medicinal materials are mainly produced in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and etc.
Part Used Medical part: branches and leaves. Chinese name: Sangjisheng.
Harvest & Processing Harvested in from winter to next spring, removed thick stem, cut into segments and dried, or steamed, then dried.
Chemistry Contains quercetin, quercitrin, avicularin, rutin and isoquercitin, etc.
Pharmacology Hypertension-reducing, blood-vessel-relaxing, diuretic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial.
Properties & Actions Bitter, sweet, neutral.Tonifying liver and kidney, strengthening muscles and bones, removing wind-damp and miscarriage prevention.
Indications & Usage Cold pain in the waist and knees, weakness of bones and muscles due to flaccidity, hemiplegia, rheumatic arthralgia, lightheadedness and dizziness, restless fetal movement, metrorrhagia and metrostaxia.Oral administration: decocting, 10-15g; or made as pills or powders; or made as medicinal liquor; or extracted juice. External application: appropriate amount, smashed for application.
Examples No breast milk after childbirth: Chinese Taxillus 2-3 bundles, file into pieces, pestle and sieve. Take 3.5 qian each time, decoct in one cup of water, concentrate to 7 fen. Remove residues, warm up and swallow at any time.

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