
Boronia opens, strengthens and expands the heart. It brings laughter, delight and joy, all things that open the heart and chest and create a spreading there. It particularly relates to the heart chambers. The more open and spacious the heart chambers, the more can flow through.

The Boronia code teaches the multidimensional nature of the Four Directions. See meditation below. It guides us to expand our awareness and vision, to know the multidimensional, holistic nature of things. It expands our spatial awareness in all directions of space and time. It may bring up where you’re not spatially aware.   It will definitely show you where your view is one sided and needs opening.


Boronia holds the polarities, as it knows its centre. (For more information on the making of the flower essence that forms a portion of this flower code and how it contains the polarities, see this article. The heart is the organ that holds both the opposites and allows them both to flow through.

Boronia teaches about the four, six and eight directions and planes and helps us hold them ALL in our awareness. It teaches that there is a common ground to all these different realities and that this is the heart. The heart is the place where different forces, energies, directions, planes and awarenesses come together and are unified. The more we can expand this central space – the heart, the more we can encompass other ways of being and move towards unity. The heart is where they’re all one, so by connecting here at the centre and expanding this point – our awareness of the outer points/planes expands until we can encompass a greater whole. Boronia is like a button that can awaken or switch on our awareness of other planes, and realities. It can shift our awareness and open the doorway to other points of view, to a greater spatial awareness.

Boronia code

Boronia is very useful for those with fixed viewpoints, who can’t see or refuse to look at other ways or states of being. It is very useful for those that aren’t seeing the whole picture, who aren’t aware of all the directions.

Rigid belief systems and ways of being that are no longer relevant to this land may arise and fall away when working with Boronia. Anything that stands in the way of an expanded open heart in true connection with the present, will arise to be cleared.

This is a remedy for those that have migrated here and cling to practices that worked overseas but are out of alignment with this land and its needs. For those that continue to rigidly follow traditions that have much meaning on their own land, while forgetting to tune in and adapt them to this land.

For a compassionate and deeper look at this topic, visit the short story: The Frogmouth and the Birth of Australia


Boronia can help us see that this transgression not only affects this land and its original inhabitants detrimentally, but our own hearts. This is a beautiful code to open up to healing the transgressions of our migrated ancestors.

It can also help us see the world in the expanded awareness that the indigenous Aboriginals of this land were much more attuned to, and from this place open to wider states of being and a healthier connection to place.

Boronia helps us integrate into this land by bringing us an expanded awareness and connection of the interrelatedness of all things. It helps open our heart to truly experience this land on its own terms.

Boronia may also show up where we are harming others without meaning to through ‘blind sighting’; choosing not to look at the whole picture. Boronia will show you the expanded outlook, including all points of view!

When deeply connected with the heart, it is impossible to do harm as unity is so clear to you – all beings are one. Boronia can shift you further into this unified space.

Boronia safrolifera


While taking the Boronia code, I found myself triggered at a discussion around meat eating (while a long term vegetarian I’ve rarely found myself in judgment around others, I’ve always felt it’s a personal choice; however while taking Boronia I felt literally sick in my stomach at this discussion.) There were all the normal justifications like ‘my body can’t do without meat’; ‘I’m an O blood type’; ‘I can’t digest beans’ etc. and I realised that all of these stories at their root are basically saying ‘My wellbeing is more important than the wellbeing of another‘ and that there was an unwillingness to open and look in other directions for solutions or really meet that these actions were inflicting cruelty on other sentient beings (this is more about in the current world we live in as opposed to when there was a direct connection with the animals being hunted – which is a whole different story).

Over the next couple of days I sat with why I’d suddenly felt the trigger at this, and reached a number of different levels – feeling the personal pain of times when my needs weren’t considered as important as others, or when my voice was ‘blind sighted’ and suppressed. I looked at my own ways of not seeing all points of view and feeling the pain that had caused. And sunk further into the ancestral realms where my ancestors had migrated to this land and in their own need for survival may have inflicted pain by seeing the indigenous as ‘primitives’ to be gotten rid of and all the subsequent pains inflicted by white people coming here and not really sinking into this land and its inhabitants from a place of heart. (Interestingly a part of the essence was made in a place where 100 indigenous were massacred in the 1800’s).

As we touch these tender places and allow them to heal, we can open our hearts further, clearing more space for love to flow through and expanding our awareness to a greater version of unity.

At the heart of Boronia is the place of connection in which all different aspects or opposites – black/white, masculine/feminine – are welcome and celebrated.

Unity in diversity.

Wild Boronia

A meditation to engage Boronia awareness:

Become aware of yourself in space. Become aware of the vertical plane, the top to bottom vertical plane of yourself in space. Imagine a line going down through you from head to foot. This is the North South plane on your personal map.

Then become aware of the horizontal plane. Imagine a line going from front to back or back to front through you. This is our East West plane.

Now tune into the place where the lines cross at your heart. Imagine this space as a sphere in the middle of these two planes.

What occurs here? What can you feel? What teachings do you receive?

Spend some time feeling into this multidimensional nature of your being.

As you expand your awareness, you may feel your heart space is the Earth.

Boronia flower code

The implications on this for self care, presence and filling yourself with loving, joyful laughter become not just a personal goal but a planetary one.

To purchase a 30ml bottle of the Boronia flower code click here.