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Flying with migratory birds in a microlight aircraft over France

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Christian Moullec has devoted his life to the protection of migratory birds. Since 1995, he has flown with geese, cranes, and swans, training them to take safer migratory journeys across Europe. After almost three decades, he continues to accompany birds in a microlight aircraft, bringing tourists along for the rides and raising awareness about migratory bird conservation.

“These birds need to fly to stay muscular. If I were to leave them for a few weeks, I’d have to start all over again to build their muscles. If you have pets, you need to walk your dog in the morning, in the evening, so it can expend its energy. And with birds, it’s the same.”

Tom Scott joins him on a flight over the Cantal region of Auvergne in Southern France. Watch the experience in the video above.

flying with the birds
Subtitles translate Moullec’s story from French, including his efforts to introduce lesser white-fronted geese in Sweden, rear his birds from eggs, train them to fly with the microlight aircraft safely, and more.

microlight from above
flying with the birds
Follow Christian Moullec on YouTube and Instagram, and learn more about his work and tours at and

Previously on TKSST: Christian Moullec flies his microlight with the birds.

Plus: Take a ride on an eagle’s back over France’s Rhone-Alpes and learn why some birds fly in v-formation.

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