EPIPHYTOTIC AND CONTROL OF ASCOCHYTA BLIGHT OF CHICKPEA CAUSED BYAscochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labr. IN ERBIL PROVINCE A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF SALAHADDIN-ERBIL IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MASTER DEGREE IN AGRICULTURE PLANT PROTECTION (Plant Pathology) By QASIM ABDULLAH OMER MARZANI B.Sc. Agriculture (plant protection), Baghdad University, 1990 January - 2003 Rebandan - 2702 SUMMARY Ascochyta blight of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) caused by Ascochyta rabiei(Pass.) Labr. has been recorded for the first time in Erbil province . The results of field surveys conducted in five locations in the province during March, April, and May of 2002, showed that the disease exists in all these locations. The disease incidence ranged between 40-100%, while disease score range was 0.45-5.00 using 0-5 scale and some fields were completely devastated and not harvested. The presence of chickpea debris of the previous season and sowing infested seeds are mainly the reasons behind increasing of disease incidence in the fields that were sown in early spring. The pathogen A. rabiei was isolated from chickpea plants, debris and seeds. From the pathogenicity tests of the pathogen, we found a typical symptoms on the green plant parts of both desi and kabuli chickpea varieties. On the basis of pathogenicity on 5 selected cultivars, three pathotypes were determined from 13 isolates of A. rabiei which collected from chickpea growing areas in Erbil province, and the highly virulent one was pathotype C. The host range tests of A. rabiei revealed that in addition to its ability to infect the genus Cicer, seven other legume species were also infected by the pathogen. Simple disease symptoms with no formation of pycnidia, appeared on these plant species, further, the pathogen was re-isolated from these hosts. The perfect stage(teleomorph) of A. rabiei was recorded in Erbil province which indicates the presence of both compatible mating types, mating type I and mating type II, in the region. Ascochyta blight appeared and developed on chickpea plant when weekly average of maximum temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, and leaf wetness period were 10.29oC, 70.07%, 47.2 mm and 16h, respectively. The seed yield quantity and quality decreased with the increase of disease severity. The results of planting seven cultivars showed that the Winter sowing was suitable with resistant cultivars. Shifting sowing date from winter to early Spring, decreased the disease variables, but the yield components were also decreased. Screening of seven chickpea cultivers revealed that local landrace(Harir), Dijla, Ghab-2 and Ghab-3, were resistant cultivars. Seed treatment with Raxil, Dividened, and Benlate were most effective in protecting chickpea seedlings from infection. The results of foliar application in the field showed ineffective of spray fungicides during rainy seasons and with the susceptible cultivars, while in greenhouse tests, the most effective fungicides were Raxil and Topas. Acknowledgements Firstly, I would like to thank the higher education council of Kurdistan region and the Presidency of Salahaddin University, Erbil for opportunity they have offered to me to make such a new study on Ascochyta blight of chickpea. Many thanks also to Deanery of the college of Agriculture especially Dr. Farhad H. Aziz, the Dean, and the head of Plant Protection Department, Mr. Yaqoub I. Elia, for their cooperation. I would especially like to thank my supervisor, Mr. Yaqoub I. Elia, for his advice, encouragement and guidance throughout the period of this study. I would to thank the College of Science, Department of Biology, for allowing me to achieve parts of my scientific research in the greenhouses. Special thanks to Mr. Yasin for his serious cooperation and providing facilities. Thanks to Erbil agricultural research center for their helps by providing me the certified seeds of some chickpea cultivars and other legumes. Very special thanks and gratitude to Dr. Muzahim A. Abdullah for his advising and encouraging me during the study, besides his great help for offering the references. I also wish to thank Mr. Adel Omran who took time to review all chapters and made constructive suggestions throughout the period of writing this thesis. My deepest thanks to Dr. Kahlid H. Taha, Dr. Akram O. Ismail and Mr. Wazeer A. Hassan for their guidance and assistance during this study. My Special thanks to Dr. Muehlbauer (from Washington State UniversityUSA), Dr. G. Kahl(Frankfurt University-Germany) and Dr. T. Bretag(Victorian Institute for dryland Agriculture-Australia) for their supports by sending the recent papers about the study by the Air-mail and E-mail. I am most indebted to my colleague Mr. Abdulrahim O. Mustafa for his continuous supports and facilities, starting from the beginning of the study until the date of final examination. I truly indebted to a large number of individuals who assisted me, these include Mr. Nawzad, Mr. Sardar, Mr. Omed, Mr. Harith, Mr. Sadraddin, Mr. Matti(in FAOlibrary), for their supports and to all staff members in Department of Plant Protection. Finally, I apologize to all that assisted me in my work and I may forget to mention their names in this regard. Contents Contents A THESIS .................................................................................................................................................. 1 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 4 CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................ I CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2 LETIRATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 4 2.1 CHICKPEA DISEASES ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ASCOCHYTA BLIGHT DISEASE.......................................................... 4 2.3 THE ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE DISEASE ...................................................................................... 5 2.4 DISEASE SYMPTOMS AND DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................... 6 2.5 THE CAUSAL ORGANISM .......................................................................................................................... 9 2.5.1 Identification of the pathogen ..................................................................................................... 9 2.5.2 The sexual stage ........................................................................................................................ 10 2.5.3 Physiologic races, pathotypes and isolates of A. rabei ........................................................ 12 2.6 EPIPHYTOLOGY OF THE DISEASE .......................................................................................................... 14 2.7 SOURCES OF INFECTION ....................................................................................................................... 16 2.7.1 Infected seeds ............................................................................................................................ 16 2.7.2 Infected chickpea debris ........................................................................................................... 17 2.7.3 Host range (alternative hosts) .................................................................................................. 18 2.8 CONTROL METHODS.............................................................................................................................. 20 2.8.1 Agricultural methods .................................................................................................................. 20 2.8.2 Control by planting resistant cultivars ..................................................................................... 23 2.8.3 Chemical control......................................................................................................................... 26 CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS ANDMETHODS ......................................................................................... 31 3.1 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................................ 31 3.1.1 Instruments and equipment ...................................................................................................... 31 3.1.2 Culture media ............................................................................................................................. 32 3.2 METHODS .............................................................................................................................................. 32 i 3.2.1 Field survey ................................................................................................................................. 32 3.2.2 Isolation and identification of the pathogen ............................................................................ 35 3.2.3 Pathogenicity tests ..................................................................................................................... 37 3.2.4 Study of virulence of A. rabiei isolates .................................................................................... 38 3.2.5 Study of the host range ............................................................................................................. 39 3.2.6 Production of sexual stage (Pseudothcia) in the laboratory ................................................ 39 3.2.7 Effect of natural environmental factors on the disease ........................................................ 42 3.2.8 Effect of the disease on yield quantity and quality ................................................................ 43 3.2.9 Control Methods ......................................................................................................................... 44 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ..................................................................................... 53 4.1 FIELD SURVEY ....................................................................................................................................... 53 4.2 DISEASE SYMPTOMS IN THE FIELD ........................................................................................................ 56 4.3 ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF A. RABIEI ...................................................................................... 58 4.3.1 From infected plants .................................................................................................................. 58 4.3.2 From chickpea debris ................................................................................................................ 60 4.3.3 From chickpea seeds ................................................................................................................ 60 4.4 PATHOGENICITY TESTS ......................................................................................................................... 60 4.5 STUDY OF VIRULENCE OF A. RABIEI ISOLATES ..................................................................................... 61 4.6 THE HOST RANGE .................................................................................................................................. 63 4.6.1 Fitness costs ............................................................................................................................... 63 4.7 PRODUCTION OF SEXUAL STAGE .......................................................................................................... 65 4.7.1 On naturally infected chickpea debris ..................................................................................... 65 4.7.2 On artificially inoculated chickpea debris ............................................................................... 68 4.8 STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON THE DISEASE ............................................ 69 4.9 EFFECT OF THE DISEASE ON SEED YIELD QUANTITY AND QUALITY ...................................................... 72 4.10 CONTROL METHODS ........................................................................................................................... 72 4.10.1 Effect of sowing date on the ................................................................................................... 72 4.10.2 Screening Chickpea germplasm ............................................................................................ 82 4.10.3 Chemical control ...................................................................................................................... 86 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 97 ii MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction INTRODUCTION Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important legume crop of dryland agriculture throughout West Asia, around the Mediterranean Sea, in parts of East Africa, and Latin America (Reddy,1984a). It is the third most important pulse crop in the world, while it ranks first on the Indian subcontinent and in the Mediterranean basin (Anonymous, 1994). It is believed that the origin of chickpea is South-east Turkey and Syria (Vander Macsen, 1987). Two types of chickpea, generally erect and bushy, are grown in the world: desi [with small, angular, and colored seed] and kabuli[with large, ram-head-shaped, and beige-colored seed](Reddy and Singh,1990a). Chickpea is spring-sown crop in West Asia and North Africa, while it is sown in winter in South Asia. In Iraq, chickpea is traditionally grown in Spring, but there are studies in the region for possibility of Winter sowing of the crop particularly that contributed by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Syria. Chickpea plays a vital role in human diets in terms of protein (Table 1-1), has comparatively high lysine content and it is also important in restoring soil fertility through the symbiotic fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, particularly in dryland areas. Chickpea is popular due to it’s multipurpose uses; culinary dishes of high palatability, confectionery, and animal fed. Further, among the pulses, chickpea has a unique property for it’s medicinal value against ailments. Its acidic secretion, in the form of oxalic, malic, and acetic acids from the glandular part of the leaf and pods, are used as medicine for colic and to repel insects. Chickpea is also reported to reduce cholesterol accumulation in the 1 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 1. Introduction blood (Merchant,1984), while in the United states and Canada, Chickpeas are almost entirely reconstituted and canned for use in salad bars(Muehlbauer and Slinkard, 2000). The area cultivated under chickpeas in the world was 12.086 million hectare during the year 2000 with total world production of 9.393 million tones and the average yield was 777 kg/ha. Table(1-1): Chemical components for chickpea seeds compared with the other legume crops(Ali et al., 1990). The structural evaluation for chemical components of seeds(%) The crop Water content Ash Protein Oil Fibers Carbohydrate Chickpea 9.7 2.7 19.1 5.1 6.8 56.4 Lentil 9.3 2.4 25.4 0.5 3.3 59.1 Mash 9.5 3.4 23.4 0.5 4.7 57.8 Cowpea 8.9 3.5 32.8 0.9 4.1 59.8 Bean 8.8 3.1 23.2 0.6 4.2 60.1 Majority of this production (8.437 million tones), was Asian product. In Iraq, the cultivated area, production, and yield were 13000 ha, 8000 tone, and 640 kg/ha, respectively (FAO, 2000). While in Kurdistan region, the total cultivated area during 2001-02 season was 180436.07ha distributed as 58661.70 in Duhok, 22690.60 ha in Erbil, and 99083.70ha in Sulaimani. The total production was 96776 tones distributed as 34153 tone in Duhok, 11621 tone in Erbil, and 51002 tone in Sulaimani. The average yield in this region was 536.4 kg/ha (FAO, 2002). Despite of it’s agronomic importance, the seed productivity of chickpea is quite low (~700 kg/ha; Singh et al., 1994). Chickpea yield production adversely affected by various biotic and abiotic 2 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 1. Introduction stresses, including cold, drought, insects, nematode, and fungal diseases (Saxena and Singh, 1992). While, chickpea diseases play an important role for reducing the yield, but the major disease which contributes to low production in the world is the occurrence of the potentially destructive blight caused by the fungus Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.)Lab., which was the most important foliar disease of chickpea Reddy et al., 1992; Dolar, 1996). Sometimes Ascochyta blight infections may cause 100% yield losses (Jimenez-Diaz et al., 1993). In Australia, the disease has recently caused large crop losses which has resulted in considerable reduction of land area grown to chickpea (Galvez et al.,2001). Because of the importance of this disease in Kurdistan region, which caused severe losses during the years 2000-02 in many chickpea growing areas, and resulted in complete damages of the crop in some other locations, like some villages in Ainkawa and Harir in Erbil province (personal observations and communications) and because the disease has caused serious crop losses in several countries and arrived sometimes 50 % annually and because there is no suitable control measures recommended so far due to the diversity of the pathogen, therefore this study was undertaken to: 1- Determine the geographical distribution of the disease in Erbil province. 2- Find out the sources of inoculum. 3- Study of physiologic races or pathotypes of the pathogen. 4- Indicate the favorable conditions for epiphytotics. 5- Assert the effect of the disease on yield quantity and quality. 6- Study the control measures, including agricultural and chemical control, resistant cultivars and integrated method. 3 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review Chapter 2 LETIRATURE REVIEW 2.1 Chickpea diseases More than fifty diseases are known to infect chickpeas (Nene, 1980). According to Grewal (1988), Ascochyta rabiei, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cicers, Macrophomina phaseolina, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Operculela padwickii, and Uromyces ceceris-arietina, are the main pathogens infect Cicer arietinum, while Haware (1990) reported that Ascochyta blight (A. rabiei), Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cicers), and stunt (bean leaf roll luteovirus) in the Mediterranean area, as well as stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) and root rot (Macorophomina phseolina) are commonly observed in the farmers fields. In Iraq, there were very few studies on chickpea diseases, soft root rot (Fusarium solani) and dry root rot(Rhizoctonia bataticola) by Al-Talib (1988), Ascochyta blight(A. rabiei) by Al-Taee(1997), and Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) by Al-Taee (1999) were reported in Mosul Governorate only. While in Kurdistan region, despite the importance of the Ascochyta blight, there were no studies on this devastating disease. Ascochyta blight caused by A. rabiei was a serious disease on chickpea fields which might cause 100 % yield losses in severely affected fields especially, with the susceptible cultivars (Nene, 1984). 2.2 Geographical distribution of Ascochyta blight disease The disease, Ascochyta blight, was first observed in the North-west Frontier province of British India, now in Pakistan(Butler,1911). It was reported from 31 countries(Nene et al., 1989), it was observed in Morocco(Atnasoff and Kovachevski, 1929), France(Labrousse, 1930), Greece(Sarejanni, 1939) , Palestine(Halfon-Meiri, 1970), Iran(Kaiser, 1972), 4 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review Canada(Morral and Mackenzie,1974), and in Australia(Cother, 1977), but in Iraq, the first report was by Al-Baldawi et al.(1979), while in Egypt by AbdelMonem(1983). In the United States, the disease first was reported also in 1983(Kaiser and Muehlbauer, 1984), and in California in 1994(Guzman et al., 1995). The disease has recently been found in commercial chickpea crops in Victoria, Australia(Nasir and Bretag, 1997), and in Latin America, Bolivia, in 1999(Kaiser et al., 2000). 2.3 The economic importance of the disease The disease has caused serious crop losses in several countries in the past and is continuous to take its toll. In Pakistan, where chickpea was the major pulse crop, experienced with many epiphytotics, Sattar(1933) reported an annual loss of 25-50% of the crop since 1922, also during 1978-82 the disease was reduced yields by one half(Saleem,1984). India is also experienced with this destructive disease. Though, according to Reddy (1984a), in northern parts of India losses of about one million tones were suspected due to the outbreak of blight during 1981/1982 season. Gaur and Singh(1993b) reported that the Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan, India, experienced three severe epiphytotics of chickpea Ascochyta blight(A. rabiei) during 1980-81 to 1982-83 and irrigated crops closer to western part of the district adjoining Pakistan suffered losses of 77-84% while minimum loss were 20-30% in the South-east corner of the district bordering Haryana state and Bikaner and Churu districts of Rajasthan(were chickpea is grown under rainfed cultivation). The overall estimated loss in the district under two epiphytotics(1981-82 and 1982-83) was 51% reducing yield to 321kg/ha compared with yields of 655kg/ha in disease free years. According to Kovachevski(1936a), 20-50% of the crop was lost annually in Bulgaria, with occasionally total losses in some fields. Sometimes Ascochyta blight 5 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review infections may cause 100% yield losses (Nene and Reddy, 1987; JimenezDiaz et al., 1993; Acikgoz et al., 1994 ). According to Demetriads et al.,(1959), the crop damage in Greece was 10-20% during 1957-58 and in Spain, according to Puerto-Romero(1964), the disease caused great losses of chickpea wherever it was grown in Spain, and in some years inspite of Spring sowing the losses reached to 100%, on the other hand , in Italy, inspite of Winter sowing, the losses reached to 100%, while in the United states, there were several reports about the losses, in northern Idaho, according to Wiese et al.,(1995), more than half of the crop was destroyed by Ascochyta blight in 1987, also in the same year, Kaiser et al.,(1994) reported the yield loss due to primarily to Ascochyta blight and resulted in financial losses of over 1 million US$ , while Guzman et al.,(1995) recorded 30% of 1.5 acre field was heavily infected after cool and rainy weather during May 1994 on experimental lines growing in Frenso country, California, United states. In Australia, the disease has recently caused large crop losses which has resulted in considerable reduction of land area grown to chickpea (Galvez et al.,2001). This disease also causes severe losses in the Mediterranean basin, damage of 30% was estimated during 1982 in northern Syria(Reddy,1984a). Labrousse(1930) had reported Ascochyta blight to be very destructive in Morocco in 1929, also Reddy(1984a) stated that the chickpea production was reduced during 1976-78 in Morocco. The disease was first recorded in Iraq and 30% infection was estimated also (AL-Beldawi et al.,1979). 2.4 Disease symptoms and development The disease symptoms appear on all foliar parts(Wiese et al. 1995; Nasir et al., 2000; Hamid &Strange 2000). On leaves and pods, the spots are circular with the dark pycnidia arranged in concentric rings, while on the stems, the lesions are elongated and often cause girdling. The entire foliage 6 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review can be blighted resulting in death of the plants(Reddy, 1984e). When the whole stem girdling occurs, the portion of the plant above the point of attack rapidly dies and in the early stages of the disease tender branches topple over. If the main stem is girdling near the collar region, the whole plant dies. On green pods, the lesions are usually circular with dark margins and the pycnidia are arranged in concentric circles and in severe cases, the fungus can infect the seeds, which become shriveled, and dark. When pods infected in the early stages of the developments, they become blighted and produce no seeds or black shriveled seeds(Saleem, 1984;Reddy, 1984a). On the other hand, Guzman et al.,(1995) observed symptoms on the plants in the field included tan to brownish lesions on leaves, stems and pods, with brown to black pycnidia immersed in the host tissue and arranged in concentric rings within the lesions. Only heavily infected seeds will bear visible blight symptoms, which include small size wrinkles, lesions, and/or dark discoloration(Wiese et al., 1995). According to Porta-Puglia et al.,(1996), the symptoms on the leaves appeared as a circular spots, soon followed by drying of apart or the whole lamina. On the stems, more or less extensive lesions were observed, ranging from flecks to larger lesions(>5mm2), which in the case of severe attacks evolved in to complete and deep girdling. Hamid and Strange(2000), who had reported that the disease caused epinasty of petioles and young branches followed by water-soaking and necrosis. When the stems and petioles are girdled, they usually break. According to Reddy(1984a), in the field, the disease usually appears around pre-flowering to flowering in small circular patches which rapidly increase under favorable weather conditions. The seedlings from infected seeds show dark brown lesions near the collar region and sometimes show damping-off symptoms. Initially, small, round, white necrotic specks appear on newly formed leaves of susceptible cultivars, and under favorable 7 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review conditions the lesions expand rapidly and coalesce cause the blighting of the buds. Lesions on stems and petioles are brown, elongated(3-4cm), bear pycnidia in form of black dots. Chauhan and Sinha(1971) showed that the lesions in young plants were larger and the symptoms appeared sooner and under continuous light lesions were smaller and sporulation was markedly reduced. According to Pandey et al.,(1987) the pathogen penetrated directly through the epidermis, through stomata. Penetration occurred in three days, no symptoms being apparent until day four when yellow specks on the leaves indicated the presence of sub-epidermal mycelial aggregates. At 4-5 day these enlarge and start to differentiate, and forming pycnidia. Mature pycnidia were seen as black dots on the surface of the leaves after 5-6 days. The sizes of the yellow lesions were increased and host tissues showed necrosis six days after inoculation, coinciding with pycnidial maturity. While Gurdip et al.,(1988) showed that the disease symptoms appeared seven days after inoculation. The time course of infection, development of leaflets and stems of susceptible(ILC 1929) and resistant(ILC 3279) plants were monitored by Hohl et al.,(1990) using light microscopy or Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM), so according to this report, spores of A. rabiei began to germinate from 12h post inoculation(hpi) and developed a polar germ tube; fungal colonization, secretion of a mucilaginous exudate and appressoria formation 1-3 day post inoculation(dpi) were identical on both cultivars, and leaves of susceptible plants were invaded by the fungus directly through the cuticle, the fungus then spread subepidermally followed by a rapid collapse of the leaf tissue(4-6 dpi), then development of leaf spots and fungal pycnidia could be observed 68 dpi. Trapero-Casas and Kaiser(1992b) showed that at constant temperature of 20oC the minimum incubation and latent periods were 4.5 and 5.5 days, respectively. Lower or higher temperatures increased the duration of these 8 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review periods, while Iqbal et al.,(1994) observed that the symptoms developed 5-6 days and susceptible genotypes died within 10 days of inoculation. 2.5 The causal organism 2.5.1 Identification of the pathogen A. rabiei (Pass.) Labr. is the causal agent of Ascochyta blight of chickpea and it is considered as one of the most important disease on chickpea limiting the production of the crop(Reddy et al., 1992; Singh and Reddy, 1993; Porta-Puglia et al., 1996; Nasir et al., 2000; Galvez et al., 2001). The first identification of the fungus was under the name Zythia rabiei Pass. by Passerini in 1867 depending on non-septated pycnidiospores, but after that, Comes in 1891 gave the name Ascochyta pisi to the causal fungus(Khune and Kapoor, 1980). Then, after sufficient study of Saccardo system for classification of fungi by Trotter, the fungus classified as Phyllostica rabiei(Pass.)Trott. and both Labrousse(1930) and Spargue(1930) concurred with Trotter’s classification due to non observing of the bi-celled pycnidiospores, but in 1931, Labrousse did not agree with Trotter about the name of the fungi, so he gave the name A. rabiei(Pass.) Lab. to the pathogen depending on his observation of the presence of the bi-celled pycnidiospores which ranged 2-4%, and the latter name was the most common and compatible with the nomenclature of British Institute of fungi (Nene et al., 1989). Nevertheless, Reddy(1984a) argued that the taxonomy of the fungus causing blight is uncertain and it has been called A. rabiei , Phyllostica rabiei and Phoma rabiei, but A. rabiei is the most common and widely accepted name for the fungus containing some bi-celled spores(2-4%), while Phoma rabiei has single celled spores. Since Phoma spp. can also have bi-celled spores(up to 5%), it suggested to be called Phoma rabiei. The author(Reddy) 9 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review claimed that he has seen, in some samples of blight, bi-celled spores to the extent of 20%. Despite of the above-mentioned reports, Guzman et al.,(1995) had shown that the conidia of the blight pathogen were usually non-septate, straight and hyaline. According to Alexopoulos et al.,(1996), the fungus Ascochyta rabiei (anamorph), classified within ascomycete fungi as Mycosphaerella (Teleomorph) as follow: Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Ascomycota Class: Filamentous ascomycetes Series: Loculo ascomycetes (ascomycetes with ascostroma) Order: Dothideales Genus: Mycosphaerella Species: rabiei 2.5.2 The sexual stage The first observation of the sexual stage of A. rabiei was in Bulgaria in 1936 by Kovachevski(Kovachevski, 1936b). Later it was confirmed in Russia(Gorlenko and Bushkova, 1958), Greece(Zachos et al.,1963), Hungary (Kovics et al.,1986), Syria(Haware, 1987), Spain (Jimenez-Diaz et al.,1987), United states(Kaiser and Hanan, 1987), Turkey(Kaiser and Kusmenoglu, 1997), and in Iraq(Al-Taee ,1997). Although Didymella rabiei, the perfect stage of A. rabiei, has been reported from many regions of the world(Nene and Redy, 1987), but it ’s influence on disease epiphytology and pathogen diversity is still mysterious. The Teleomorph might be more widespread than previously thought and the airborne ascospores may serve as primary inoculum(Kaiser and Muehlbaur, 10 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review 1988; Kaiser et al., 1994; Nasir et al., 2000). The Teleomorph, Didymella rabiei(Kov.)v.Arx, is a bipolar heterothallic ascomycete (Dothideales). The two mating types which are required for sexual reproduction are designated as MAT-1 and MAT-2(Wilson and Kaiser, 1995; Kaiser and Okhovat, 1996; Kaiser et al., 1998). However, the presence of both mating types in a population does not necessarily mean that this population is sexually reproducing, because certain conditions in the microenvironment may prevent mating of compatible isolates(Geistlinger et al., 1997). Pseudothecia(the sexual fruit body) on chickpea residue are visually similar to pycnidia, but ascopores are easily distinguished from conidia (Punithalingam and Holliday, 1972). Ascospore size was 12-22µm× 4.7-6µm, and ascus dimensions were 48-85µm×8-22µm(Kovachevski;1936b; TraperoCasas and Kaiser, 1992a;). The Teleomorph may contribute of long distance spread of the disease by airborne ascospores of the pathogen(Armstrong et al., 2001). The discovery of the Teleomorph helps to explain how the pathogen is spreading in the area, where chickpeas have never been grown before and where apparently clean seeds had been planted(Kaiser and Hannan, 1987). It is suggested that the Teleomorph may play an important role in increasing genetic diversity in the pathogen(Akem, 1999; Armstrong et al., 2001). Nevertheless, in some countries, the Teleomorph has not been yet found. In Australia, according to Khan et al.,(1999a), the Teleomorph has not been found and the results to date suggest that only one mating type is present. It is suggested that quarantine restriction on imported chickpea seed should be retained to prevent the introduction of opposite mating type. 11 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review 2.5.3 Physiologic races, pathotypes and isolates of A. rabei The investigations for presence of races started when the varieties which were released earlier as resistant to the disease became susceptible(Qureshi, 1984b; Singh and Reddy, 1991; Jamil et al., 1993). Therefore, several researchers investigated the existence of races in A. rabiei. Lurtha et al.,(1939) and Arif and Jabbar(1965) observed much variability in the size, growth, sporulation, and other cultural characteristics of fungal isolates, but they did not find any evidence of races existence . Eleven races were first reported from the state of Punjab in India(Bedi and Aujla, 1969). Subsequently, two races were reported in India and six in Syria and Lebanon(Vir and Grewal, 1974a, Reddy and Kabbabeh, 1985; Porta-Puglia, 1990). Another approach of races were reported in India by Gurdip and Singh(1990) when they identified twelve races by using 12 differential chickpea cultivars utilizing 348 isolates collected from different parts in India. New races have also been identified in Italy by Porta-Puglia et al.,(1986), and also, three groups of isolates have been identified in Italy by Porta-Puglia et al(1996) when he used 41 Italian isolates which differentiated by using 13 chickpea genotypes. In Palouse region of northern Idaho, USA, eleven different virulence forms were distinguished among 39 isolates by using 15 differential hosts(Jan and Wiese, 1991), and in Turkey, the first report of existence of races was in 1992 when three races were found by Dolar and Gurcan(1992) by using 6 differential chickpea cultivars. In Pakistan Jamil et al.,(1995) had reported presence of eight pathogenic groups among 102 isolates, collected from different parts of the country during 1984-92 by using 11 chickpea differentials. In Iraq, four races were distinguished by Al-Taee(1997) among 31 isolates collected from different locations of Ninavah province by using 12 differential cultivars, and 12 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review in Iran, among 400 isolates collected from different provinces, two physiologic races were distinguished (Noorollahi, 2000). According to Reddy et al.,(1983), resistant genotypes in Syria became susceptible when they were grown in Pakistan, this indicates the presence of physiological races of the fungus. In addition to the presence of races, isolates of A. rabiei can be grouped into pathotypes based on to the virulence aggressiveness, by using plant material accessions ILC 3279(resistant), ILC 482(tolerant), and ILC 1929 (susceptible) as host differential set for testing the virulence of A. rabiei isolates. This internationally used standard was obtained from ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria(Jamil et al., 2000). In pathogenicity assay for isolates of A. rabiei from different chickpea growing areas of Syria, the analysis revealed the occurrence of three distinct pathotypes. The pathotype I [least aggressive], the pathotype II [medium aggressive], and pathotype III [highly aggressive] (Udupa and Weigand, 1997; Udupa et al., 1998). The same results were obtained by Jamil et al.,(2000) within 130 isolates from Pakistan. Moreover, In cluster analysis of virulence, Hamza et al.,(2000) found five highly virulent pathotypes and they showed that virulence instability in Tunisia, was probably due to the utilization of non resistant cultivars and the occurrence of sexual reproduction between the isolates. According to Gowen et al.,(1989), the pathogenicity of some isolates, particularly, those from the Indian Subcontinent and Western Asia, was greater than that of most isolates collected in the western Mediterranean. Porta-Puglia(1992) who found that pathogenic groups of A. rabiei were determined by recording the severity of infection symptoms of different chickpea cultivars. Mmbaga et al.,(1997) investigated the pathogenic variability of A. rabiei in a single race is a factor of both race and aggressiveness and that the two coexist. 13 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review 2.6 Epiphytology of the disease The Ascochyta blight of chickpea is typically epiphytotic and many epiphytotic forms were recorded worldwide. In Pakistan, that chickpea is the major pulse crop, has experienced several epiphytotics starting in 1915 (Qureshi, 1984a). Kauser(1965) traced the history of gram blight epiphytotic in Pakistan from 1928 to 1959. In the blight epiphytotic of 1956/57, he observed blight infection on early sown crop in late November in Attok, and December in Rawalpindi, the blight broke out again in 1957/58 crop season, blight developed severely during January and February. Another epiphytotic forms started in the 1978/79 cropping season and for the fourth consecutive year(1981/1982) the disease has devastated the crop(Qureshi, 1984a). India also experienced with blight disease and three severe epiphytotics of chickpea Ascochyta blight(A. rabiei ) were recorded during 1980/81 to 1982/83(Gaur and Singh, 1993b). Guzman et al.,(1995) observed a severe blight of chickpea during May, 1994 in Frenso Country, California, USA, after cool and rainy weather. When suitable conditions persist for long periods, the disease becomes epiphytotic and causes severe damage to the crop especially to susceptible cultivars, and the disease favored the cool and humid weather[15-25oC and >150mm rainfall](Sattar and Hafiz, 1952; Kauser, 1965; Reddy and Singh, 1990b; Akem, 1999). The disease initially appears in small areas within affected fields and spreads rapidly when the cool and wet conditions prevail(Kaiser, 1973; 1995). The wind which accompanied by rain carrying spore splashes and broken diseased tissues, spread the disease; thus accelerate dispersal as well as development of disease(Dey et al., 1994a; Santra et al., 2001). According to Reddy and Singh(1990b), the epiphytotics was developed when weekly mean temperature were between 10-20oC, while weekly 14 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review maximum temperature more than 25oC slowed disease progress and weekly mean relative humidity >60% promoted blight. On the other hand, Ketelaer et al.,(1988) had reported that the monthly average temperature of at least 8 oC and monthly precipitation of at least 40mm is necessary of an epiphytotic of this disease of Cicer arietinum , on the other hand Abdou et al., (1991b) showed that the optimum temperature for growth of A. rabiei was 20oC. According to Jhorar et al.,(1998a, 1998b), disease severity increased with wetness duration according to an exponential asymptote, with maximum value after approximately 8h, and infection was significant when the dry leaves were exposed to 98% relative humidity for 48h, further he confirmed that the average of relative humidity and maximum temperature during the crop season were good indicators of the epiphytotic conditions in the crop field, while Jhorar et al.,(1997) observed that the humid thermal ratio(HTR), was best fitted by a quadratic function, and they stated that predications of the disease over a twelve years period showed that there was better agreement(less scatter) between the predicted and observed values with HTR than either maximum temperature or relative humidity alone. Therefore the use of HTR as a basis for predictive scheme to advise on fungicide application is suggested. On the other hand, Gaur and Singh(1993b) revealed that the inoculum direction from the western side influenced the epiphytotics, also Pederson and Morall(1995) found horizontal disease spread was more extensive from West to East than the opposite direction, while Guar and Singh(1993a) had noted that crops sown in North-east to South-west rows had the most blight, as wind direction was usually from the North-west. 15 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review 2.7 Sources of infection 2.7.1 Infected seeds One of the major sources of primary inoculum is the infected chickpea seed(Ilyas, 1984; Abdel-monem, et al., 1984; Maden, 1987; Singh and Reddy, 1990; Kaiser et al., 1994; Bhutta, 2000), and it is important in the long distance spread and survival of the Ascochyta blight and usually introduces pathogen inoculum to new areas through many countries worldwide by seed transmission among these areas or countries(Halfon-Meiri, 1970; Kaiser, 1997). In the infected seeds the pathogen located primarily on/or in the seed coat and in very few cases penetrated into the cotyledons and, rarely, to embryo(Dey et al., 1994b; Al-Taee, 1997 ), while Shakir and Mirza(1994) showed that A. rabiei isolated only from cotyledons, and infected seeds usually produce seedling infection. In pot tests, Vishunavat and Chaube(1986) showed that seedling infection was 2% when were stored at room temperature, compared with 48% for seeds from cold storage, on the other hand, Dey et al.,(1994b) had noted that seed infection resulted from both externally and internally seed-borne inoculum and the transmission from naturally infected seeds to seedling was 25% in greenhouse and 12.2% in the field. According to Maden et al.,(1975), 70% of seed infection was recorded in Turkey, while Grewal(1982) had noted that seed infection ranged from 3 to 17.5% for the desi varieties and from 7.5 to 60.5% for the kabuli ones, and according to Kaiser(1972), A. rabiei was isolated from seeds which had been stored for more than 117 weeks at Safiabad, Iran, where Summer temperatures exceeded 45oC, and at ICARDA, the fungus survived in 65% of infected seeds stored for two years at room temperature(Reddy, 1984d). 16 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review Vishunavat and Chaube(1986) who found that seed infection declined after storage at room temperature from 70% in May to 3% in December, while Tripathi et al.,(1987b) observed that the fungus survived 14-15 months in infected Cicer arietinum seeds stored at 5-10oC and for 12 and 10 months at 20 and 30oC, respectively, and viability of A. rabiei declined, in seeds kept at room temperature, at constant rate and was not hastened by very high Summer temperature(37-40oC). Gaur and Singh(1996) revealed that viability of A. rabiei spores decreased with the increase of storage periods, from 74% in May to 17% in November, during 7 months of storage at room temperature (3.6-38.8oC). 2.7.2 Infected chickpea debris The plant debris that lay in the field, is an important source of inoculum which may initiate new centers of infection from rain splashed conidia occurring an epiphytotic form(Ilyas, 1984; Abdel-Monem, et al., 1984, Kaiser et al., 1994; Dey et al., 1994a). According to Lukashevich (1958b), after the death of chickpea plants, the pathogen will live as a saprophytic fungus on plant debris and when the next season comes, the fungus form many quantities of inoculum. Kaiser(1973) found that the fungus survived over 2 year in naturally infected tissue at 10-35oC, RH 0-3% on the soil surface, but it loss ’s it’s viability rapidly at RH 65-100% at soil depth 10-40 cm, while Nene and Reddy(1987) revealed that the fungus can be viable on plant debris for only 8 months and losses it’s viability within 4 months when the plant residues buried at depth 10 cm, on the other hand, in USA, Kaiser et al.,(1987) observed that the fungus remain viable on the infected pods and stems for 57 and 81 week, respectively, and it loss’s it’s viability after 10 and 15 week, respectively, when the residues buried at depth of 16cm, also Singh et 17 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review al.,(1992a) found that the fungus remain viable on plant debris for four months and lose it’s viability when buried at depth of 10cm. Al-Taee(1997) reported that no infection was occurred when plant residues buried at depth of 5cm or more, and according to Wiese et al.,(1995) the fungus survives in infested crop residues as long as they remain visible on the soil surface. In addition to the pycnidia producing (asexual stage), the plant debris may produce the pseudothecia (sexual stage), the source of airborne ascospores that may act as primary inoculum for infection. Trapero-Casas, et al.,(1996) reported that the airborne ascospores of Didymella rabiei is major primary inoculum of Ascochyta blight epiphytotics in chickpea crop in southern Spain, which formed on infected chickpea debris laying on the soil surface during Autumn-Winter sowings. 2.7.3 Host range (alternative hosts) The previous thought which considers chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.) the only host of the pathogen A. rabiei, is not acceptable now everywhere. Although, some of researchers revealed that A. rabiei was host specific, like Reddy(1984d) who investigated that only chickpeas are susceptible to A. rabiei. Abdou et al.,(1991b) also studied legumes host ranges of the pathogen and found that only chickpea was host of the pathogen. Similar results were obtained by Tripathi et al.,(1987a) when they reported that none of 44 crop and weed species occurring in Tarai of Nainital, India, became infected with the pathogen in greenhouse inoculation tests and they concluded that the Pantnagar isolates of A. rabiei is host specific. Furthermore, Kaiser et al.,(1998) observed that both cultivated and wild chickpeas(Cicer montbretii) are infected naturally by A. rabiei in Bulgaria. Nevertheless, some other researchers obtained different results, like Kaiser(1973) who investigated that the fungus also infected phaseolus vulgaris and cowpea on inoculation with 18 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review isolates from India and Iran, but was highly pathogenic only to Cicer arietinum. Nene and Reddy(1987) also observed the infection of phaseolus and pea in greenhouse inoculation, but Kaiser(1991) who observed reddish, brown lesions, on inoculation with spore suspension, on several plant species and pycnidia developed in necrotic tissue of Lucerne(alfalfa) and sweet white clover. The Teleomorph(Mycosphaerella rabiei) developed also on over wintered tissue of sweet white clover and pea that had been inoculated with conidial suspension of compatible isolates, meanwhile, single-ascospore isolates were highly pathogenic to chickpea. Kaiser(1992) who could isolate the pathogen from alfalfa, phaseolus, pea, and cowpea in USA, and argued that these hosts considered secondary ones of the fungus and may play an important role in life cycle of the fungus. According to Montorsi et al.,(1992), A. rabiei was isolated from barseem clover(Trifolium alexandrium ) seeds from Foggia, Italy. Barseem clover and chickpea seedlings were inoculated with conidial suspension of the isolated fungi and disease symptoms appeared after 10-12days, further, the fungus was re-isolated from both hosts. They concluded that hosts other than chickpea have a role in the epiphytology of A. rabiei, while Gaur and Singh(1993a) found that inspite of the ability of the local isolate to infect leaves of cowpea, French bean(Phaseolus vulgaris) and pea(Pisum sativus L.), no pycnidia developed on the lesions and no infection were produced on stems or petioles. Khan et al.,(1999b) who inoculated 20 plant species with an isolate of A. rabiei obtained from chickpea in south Australia, found that the isolate was pathogenic to chickpea and 4 common bean(P. vulgaris) cultivars(Brown boy, CH-190-70D, Cran-34, and rain-bird). None of the other plant species was infected by the pathogen. 19 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review 2.8 Control methods 2.8.1 Agricultural methods Control by changing date of sowing Chickpea is a spring sown crop in west Asia and north Africa, while it is sown in winter in South Asia, and in Mediterranean region, chickpeas are traditionally sown at the beginning of Spring(March-April), therefore farmers save their crop from Ascochyta blight damage, but seed yield is greatly reduced because of the moisture and heat stresses(Haddad, 1981; Keatinge &Cooper, 1983; Singh &Reddy, 1990), and by Spring sowing they also save their crops from Winter weeds(Solh and Pala, 1990). According to Singh(1990), the lack of resistant cultivars to Ascochyta blight and cold tolerant cultivars both stresses appear to be the main reason for not cultivating chickpea during Winter in Mediterranean region. Hawtin and Singh(1984) noted that the yield of chickpea can be increased by sowing in Winter(early December) provided that Ascochyta blight is controlled. According to Rheenen(1991), in West Asia and Mediterranean region, drought avoidance by Winter sowing has been achieved by incorporating disease resistant and changing the sowing date , this has resulted in a 75% yield increase, while Singh et al.,(1997) showed that sowing in Winter with cultivars tolerant to cold and Ascochyta blight produced 70% more seed yield than the Spring sown crop, also, Winter sown plants were taller than those sown in Spring, permitting harvesting by combines. Iliads(1998) found that yields were consistently higher, between 26-330%, with Autumn sown crops than the Spring sown crops and higher yields in Autumn were produced only in resistant to A. rabiei and Winter frosts, but Toker and Cagiran(1996) had reported that an epiphytotic form of Ascochyta blight was occurred when sowing date changed from Spring to 20 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review Winter, although yield of chickpea is increased. Tufail(1984) who stated that the date of planting and stand establishment are the most important factors that determine chickpea yield especially in rainfed areas. In Syria and according to Pala and Mazid(1992), advancing the sowing date from Spring or late Winter to early Winter resulted in substantial yield increase, also in Morocco, the potential yield is about 2 tone/ha in Winter chickpea and 0.6 tone/ha in Spring chickpea when this Winter chickpea is 25-45 day earlier than Spring chickpea(Kamel, 1990). According to the report by Abdou et al.,(1991a), the incidence of A. rabiei infection was high on chickpea plants which were sown early(Oct.6th), and sowing dates from Oct. 20 to Nov. 30 reduced A. rabiei infection. In trials with 4 sowing dates, Eser et al.,(1991) who observed yields were highest with the earliest date(end of Feb.) under Ankara conditions in Turkey, but early sown plants were more susceptible to A. rabiei. Muehlbauer and Slinkard(2000) had found that Winter chickpea has been a factor for increased production in California, USA. While in Cyprus, Spring sown have given very low yields(Hadjichristodoulu &Gaborcik, 1996). In a field trial conducted in Iraq during 1985/86 season by cultivating ILC 482, ILC 3279, and some other cultivars in Sulaimni, this trial proved that Winter sowing was possible throughout the Mediterranean region(Singh, 1990), he also added that a minimum of 500kg/ha additional yield can be obtained by changing the sowing season from Spring to Winter. Control by production disease-free seeds Since infected seed is the major source of primary inoculum, so the production and the supply of the disease-free seeds is essential for the control of blight. Production of seeds in drier zones where blight does not appear is ideal(Reddy, 1984a). Production of healthy seeds also can be achieved under favorable conditions for blight development, by using a foliar spraying 21 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review (Saleem, 1984). On the other hand, Kaiser(1984) suggested that chickpea seeds can be produced with cultivating in arid environments, crop rotation, and by field sanitation and these practices can significantly reduce or eradicate the disease in infested areas. Wiese et al.,(1995) stated that seeds look healthy may in fact be infected with low levels of A. rabiei, thus the growers should be certain that their seed come from fields and areas that are free of Ascochyta blight. Using certified or foundation seed should also provide some assurance that blight was either not present or not detected in the present seed fields. Control by agricultural practices There were several agricultural practices that prevent build-up of A. rabiei, so that chickpea should be grown in rotation with other crops, such as cereals to prevent build-up of A. rabiei on any infested debris, and certain practices such as plowing, speed up debris decomposition (Wiese et al., 1995). Gaur and Singh (1995) observed that summer plowing in fall season found to reduce infection comparing with keeping the land flow. Field sanitation by burning the disease debris or burying the debris at 10 cm or more, were also suggested to prevent new centers of infection to appear (Reddy, 1984a; Gaur & Singh, 1995). On the other hand Wiese et al.,(1995) who suggested that chickpea crops should not be grown on the same field site more frequently than every 3 or 4 years, furthermore, successive chickpea crops should not be grown near fields that were infested with blight during the previous year. Gaur and Singh(1993a) found a progressive decrease in the above-ground infection and increase in under-ground infection by A. rabiei occurred with an increase in depth of sowing, and no symptoms appeared on the above-ground plant parts when the seed was sown at depth of 15 cm or more. Also, in greenhouse experiment, Al-Taee(1997) stated that burying the infected plant debris to 5cm or more will prevent plants from infection. 22 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review 2.8.2 Control by planting resistant cultivars The cultivation of the resistant/tolerant cultivars appears to be the best method and the most economically and environmentally sound means to control Ascochyta blight of chickpea(Malik, 1984a; Porta-Puglia et al., 1996; Acikgoz, 1997; Carvalho et al., 1999). The first report of resistant to Ascochyta blight was in 1931(Anonymous, 1931) and it was found in wild chickpea [Cicer reticulatum ] (Anonymous, 1977), while the first resistant cultivar released for cultivation was F8 in Pakistan in(Lurtha et al., 1938). Progress in breeding blight-resistant cultivars has been hampered by the absence of dependable sources of resistance(Singh & Reddy, 1993). Nevertheless, there is some research centers in the world for producing chickpea resistant cultivars. Relying on the results obtained from the On-Farm trial, Syria, in cooperation with ICARDA, has released two cultivars, Ghab-1 (ILC 482) the high yield, wide adaptation, and moderately resistant, and Ghab-2(ILC 3279) the tall type, cold tolerant and resistant to Ascochyta blight(Singh, 1990). The Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad, Pakistan, was also initiated a programme aimed in the induction of new sources of resistance and improvement of resistance against Ascochyta blight of chickpea caused by A. rabiei. The significant achievements of this programme were the evolution of blight resistant, high yielding varieties(CM 72 in 1983, and CM 88 in 1994), thereby the release of these disease resistant varieties has helped to stabilize chickpea production in Pakistan(Haq et al., 1997), and also efforts by USDA Agricultural Research Service Scientists at Pullman, Washington, led to recent release of the blight resistant varieties Sanford and Dwelly(kabuli- type) in 1993 and Myles( desitype) in 1994, and their use is recommended especially in blight prone or high moisture areas(Wiese et al., 1995). According to Haq et al.,(1999), chickpea variety CM98 which was derived from variety K850 by induced mutation 23 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review using gamma-radiation, have seed yields of 1559Kg/ha, an increase over 20% compared with control varieties, further, it is resistant to A. rabiei and Fusarium oxysporum. Due to the evolution of new physiologic races of the Ascochyta blight pathogen, a resistant cultivar will eventually become susceptible, this happened in Pakistan when the chickpea cultivar F8 released in 1938, became susceptible and was replaced by C12/34 in 1946(Singh, 1984), and because of numerous races in A. rabiei, would be difficult to cultivars that are resistant across all locations(Singh & Reddy, 1990). Thus, in cultivars were vertical resistant does not last long, due to rapid changes in pathogens, the horizontal resistance is favored(Malik, 1984a). The absence of durable blight in the field has been attributed to the appearance of new pathogens(Singh et al., 1992a) and high levels of polymorphism in aggressiveness in pathogen populations (Vir & Grewal, 1974a; Reddy & Kabbabeh, 1985; Malik & Rahman, 1992; Porta-Puglia, 1992). Many researchers argued the inheritance of Ascochyta blight resistance. Hafiz and Ashraf(1953) were the first who report that the inheritance of Ascochyta blight-resistance was dominant and monogenic. Acikgoz and Demir(1984) they also showed that one gene was responsible for resistance, but they said that this gene could be recessive or dominant. Some other reports indicate that resistance to Ascochyta blight in chickpea is conferred by more than one gene(Singh and Reddy, 1983; Tewari & Pandey, 1986; Muehlbauer & Singh, 1987; Singh & Reddy, 1989; Kusmenoglu, 1990; Muehlbauer & Kaiser, 1994), and recently, Takeoglu et al.,(2000) showed that two complementary recessive genes with several modifiers conferred Ascochyta blight resistance. The absence of one or two of the major genes confers susceptibility, whereas the presence of the modifiers determines the 24 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review degree of resistance. They concluded that the locations of the genes conferring resistance are not known. Hari et al.,(1988) found that leaves of cultivar E100Y(M) and pods of E100Y and stem segments of both resistant cultivars had more hairs than the susceptible varieties and the number of non-glandular hairs on the leaves was much higher than glandular hairs, whereas the reverse was true for stems and pods. On the other hand and according to Vogelsang and Barz(1990) after treatment with an elicitor derived from the pathogen A. rabiei, the cells of the resistant line ILC 3279 contained 5-fold higher level of chitinase activity in comparison with susceptible line ILC 1929 cell culture. They concluded that the accumulation of extracellular hydrolase activity might play an important role among the various plant defense mechanisms previously determined for the incompatible interaction between the resistant cultivar and it’s fungal pathogen. The inhibition of A. rabiei development was also studied by Dolar and Gurcan(1993) when they found, after inoculation with A. rabiei, that the contents of medicarpin and maachiain(phytoalexins) were sufficient for inhibition of fungal development in resistant cultivar, but insufficient in the susceptible one and the presence of maachiain only in resistant cultivar indicates it’s important role in the resistant. Phenolic compounds were another inhibiting agent which formed after inoculation with A. rabiei in resistant genotype cells more than the susceptible ones(Khirbat & Jalali, 1997; Anil et al., 1998). Khirbat and Jalali(1998) also observed the post infection anti-fungal compounds in the seed cavity diffusate of resistant genotypes and they confirmed that these diffusates strongly inhibited spore germination of A. rabiei, Alternaria brassicae, and Colletotrichum falcatum. 25 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review 2.8.3 Chemical control Seed treatment Among the various factors that affect chickpea seed health, the most important is the seed-borne fungus A. rabiei, though it is very important to cultivate the healthy seeds by producing disease-free seeds or treating them with the effective fungicides. The infected seeds with A. rabiei, in addition to the production of infected seedlings, reduce their germination and the survive ones are less vigorous, with poorly developed root systems and weak stems(Ilyas, 1984). There were many agents and chemicals used for seed treatment. Sattar(1933)was probably the first to achieve success in eradicating the seed-borne A. rabiei by immersing the infected seed in 0.5% copper sulfate solution, and also Kaiser et al.,(1973) found that the incidence of blight in chickpea seedlings was greatly reduced, and it’s emergence markedly had increased, when infected seeds were treated with certain chemicals, especially with the systemic benzimedazoles (benomyl) and thiobendazole (TBZ), they reported that treatment of seed with different fungicides before planting did not protect the foliage of seedlings against infection when the seedlings were artificially inoculated 2-3 weeks after emergence. According to Kaiser(1973), the incidence of Ascochyta blight in chickpea seedlings in Iran was reduced more than 80% and it’s emergence increased to 45% when inoculated seeds treated with Benlate or thiobendazole. Reddy(1980) had reported that A. rabiei eradicated in naturally infected chickpea seeds by using systemic fungicide Calixin-M, used alone or combining it with Benomyl. Maden (1983) who also discovered seed treatment with Thiram (80% WP) + Benomyl (50% WP) in a 1:1 mix at 6 g/kg seed prevented disease transmission and increased emergence by reducing damping-off. The seeds that are treated with Tecto, Benlate, Derosal, 26 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review and Baytan at rate of 3g/kg seed, gave the lowest percentage of infection, but none of the chemicals completely eradicated the seed-borne infection(Saleem, 1984) also, Vitavax and Benlate suggested by(Merchant, 1984) for seed treatment. In laboratory tests, Malik(1984b) identified effective fungicides, namely Calixin-M, Benlate, Captan, and Tecto-60 as seed dresses. Also in laboratory tests, the incidence of seed-borne A. rabiei reduced from 45% in untreated to 0% in treated seeds by using Benomyl and thiobendazole (TBZ)(Kaiser & Hannan, 1988). However, in a study in Iran, Sharafeh and Banihashimi (1992) found that seed treatment with various fungicides had no sufficient effect on infection rate or yield when there were high levels of soil infestation by the pathogen. Nevertheless, Kaiser et al.,(1994) suggested Captan or combination of Captan and Benomyl of seed treatment in Palouse region, California, USA, for cultivation chickpea seeds in disease-free areas, and according to Wiese et al.,(1995), specific formulations of Metalaxyl, Captan, thiobendazole, and Benomyl are currently registered to apply on chickpea seed. These fungicides significantly reduce, but may not eliminate A. rabiei from seed. While Ambarder and Singh (1995) stated that the best control of A. rabiei of grown chickpea achieved by seed treatment with carbendazim + Thiram. Moreover, in greenhouse tests, Benomyl, Vencent, and Tecto eradicated the disease transmission to seedlings (Al-Taee, 1997). Control by foliar application Since Ascochyta blight was the most devastating disease of chickpea and spreads very quickly under favorable conditions, foliar spray is especially needed to produce healthy seeds and in this aspect various inorganic and organic spray fungicides have been reported to be effective and reduce losses. Lukashevich (1958a) obtained good Control of chickpea blight by spraying 3% aqueous sulfur at 500-600 lit/ha and increased yield from 31 to 82.8%. The organic fungicides also proved to be effective in the 27 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review control of gram blight. Vir and Grewal(1974b) found that captan was effective at 1kg/ 400 lit. water. According to Schwarts et al.,(1979) the best control obtained by spraying Mancozeb every 7-14 days and applications before flowering ensured high seed quantity and quality but the persistence of conditions favorable for disease after flowering does not remove the possibility of infected seeds. At ICARDA, the spraying with Bravo 500 (Chlorothalonil) at weekly intervals gave complete protection to a highly susceptible cultivar under severe artificial epiphytotic condition(Reddy, 1984a). Tufail (1984) found Tilt and Daconil were effective in checking the disease by affecting spore germination and periodic spraying is required to control the disease by reducing the inoculum level. Ilyas and Bashir(1983) used various systemic organic fungicides and found that most effective spray fungicides in reducing disease rating were Tilt and TBZ, while the most effective fungicides in reducing percent pod infection and percent disease seeds were Tilt, TBZ, and Benomyl, but for seed production Reddy(1984d) suggested spraying with Bravo at 7-10 day intervals, will prevent infection in plots where blight may develop. Bashir and Ilyas(1984) had show that the combinations of Benlate(benomyl) with Karathane(dinocap), Daconil(chlorothalonil) or Dithane M-45(Mancozeb) caused the greatest reduction in growth of the pathogen in culture, while in field trials, Gaur and Singh(1985) found that Dithionon, Chlorothalonil, Captafol, and Captan gave the best control of A. rabiei on chickpea. Invitro studies, according to Abdou et al.,(1991a) spraying with 10 fungicides revealed that Benomyl(as Benlate), Tridemorph(as Calixin) and thiobendazole inhibited A. rabiei at 10 PPM. Thiram prevented fungal growth at 100 PPM while Chlorothalonil(as Bravo carb) and Zineb prevented growth at 1000 PPM, but In vivo studies, Carboxin(as Vitavax) + Captan and Mancozeb(as Dithane M-45) gave the lowest disease index. 28 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review Also, Inam ul Haq et al.,(1995) found that A. rabiei was most sensitive to Propiconazole(as Tilt), Penconazole(as Topas C-50) and sulfur(as Thiovit) in vitro. Propiconazole and Penconazole completely inhibited the growth at 5 and 50µg/ml, respectively. The least effective fungicides tested were Chlorothalonil(as Daconil) and Copper(as Cuprocaffaro). Mancozeb + Metalaxyl(as Ridomil) and Propineb(as Antracol) displayed intermediate effectiveness, after 28 day of incubation at 20±2oC. Chlorothalonil and Propineb were most effective in reducing disease rating and increasing yield in the field. Rauf et al.,(1996) observed that Chlorothalonil(as Daconil) and Captan significantly reduced chickpea blight severity and increased yields by 183.2 and 180.3%, respectively. On the other hand, according to TraperoCasas et al.,(1998), thiobendazole was effective in preventing the development of the sexual stage of A. rabiei on naturally infected chickpea debris. Number of applications done by Islam et al.,(1999) and they observed that the single or double application at 0.2% of Tilt, Daconil, Score-250 and Topas C50 suppressed the rate of gram blight disease development compared to untreated control. None of the fungicides applied once or twice completely inhibited the symptom development. Score-250 was the most effective fungicide followed by Daconil, Tilt and Topas C-50 in the order, whether applied singly or twice. Nevertheless, foliar applications of fungicides for control of A. rabiei are impractical and uneconomical(Saleem, 1984; Nene & Reddy, 1987) because more than six fungicide applications per season are needed to control the disease(Reddy & Singh, 1983; Reddy & Singh, 1990c) and most of contact type , making them less useful for application during rains(Reddy et al., 1992), but the information obtained can be utilized in the seed production programme(Saleem, 1984). In this aspect, Wiese et al.,(1995) who argued that protecting green foliage during pod fill by spraying with 29 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 2. Leterature Review effective fungicides, is very important especially if blight symptoms appear and increase in incidence and severity. 30 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods Chapter 3 MATERIALS ANDMETHODS 3.1 Materials 3.1.1 Instruments and equipment The following Instruments and Equipment were used in this study: Items origin -Autoclave PriorClave, England. -Sensitive balance Sartorius, Germany. -Blender Mammonlex, Taiwan. -Compound microscope Olumpys, Japan. -Cooled incubator BDH, England. -Disecting microscope Olympus, Japan. -Dry air oven Memmert, Germany. -Haemocytometer Neubauer, England. -Hood local market. -Magnetic stirrer IKA-COMBIMAG RCT,Germany. -Micrometer Olympus, Japan. -Petri plates 15 x 90mm Pyrex, England -Photograph camera(Digital) Sony-Mavica, Japan. -Photograph camera(normal) Zinnet, Russia. -Photomicroscope Leitz, Germany. -Refrigerator Arcalik, Turkey. -Water bath HAKKE, Germany. -Water distiller GFL, Germany. 31 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods 3.1.2 Culture media The following culture media were used in this study: Chickpea Seed Meal Dextrose Agar(CSMDA) For the isolation and multiplication of A. rabiei, chickpea seed meal dextrose agar(CSMDA) was used(Reddy, 1984c). This medium was prepared by boiling 40g of chickpea seed meal in 400ml of distilled water for 20min., then the extract filtered with one layer of cheesecloth. Twenty gram of dextrose and 18g of agar were dissolved separately in 400ml of distilled water then mixed with the seed filtrate and finally additional distilled water was added to bring the total volume to 1 liter and autoclaved for 15 min. under 121oC and 15psi. To avoid bacterial contamination, the antibiotic streptomycin sulfate was added with shaking to the medium just before solidification and pouring. One ml of streptomycin [1g(745 units/mg) in 750ml sterilized distilled water(S.D.W.)] is added to each 10ml of medium to bring the concentration of streptomycin in the medium to 100 units/ml. Water Agar(WA) This culture medium is prepared from agar powder and distilled water at the rate of 2% of agar and autoclaved as mentioned before and used for preparing of single spore isolates. 3.2 Methods 3.2.1 Field survey To record the incidence and distribution of Ascochyta blight of chickpea, surveys were conducted during March, April, and May, 2002. The surveys covered five representative chickpea growing areas in Erbil province (figure 3-1). 32 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods Figure(3-1): Locations of field survey for Ascochyta blight of chickpea in Erbil province during 2002 season. 33 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods These included Qushtapa, Ainkawa, Shorish(Degala), Harir, and SoranDiana. In each location, two fields were selected, one of them was early sown(Middle of February) and the other was late sown(Middle of March). In each selected field, the percentage of disease incidence was calculated at random, counting 20 plant/field using the crossing diameter method, and for counting degree of infection, 20 other chickpea plants were randomly selected and labeled in each field, by using 0-5 evaluation scale(Porta-Puglia et al., 1996) which modified from 0 to 4 scale established by Vir and Grewal( 1974a): 0= no visible lesions. 1= a few small(up to 5mm2 ) lesions on stem and/or foliage. 2= superficial stem lesions exceeding 5mm2 and absence of stem girdling. 3= deep and extensive stem lesions, stem girdling that can cause breakage on no more than one branch. 4= deep and extensive girdling stem lesions, causing breakage on more than one branch followed by extensive wilting. 5= plant killed. The average of individual records were classified as follows: 0-2.5 resistant; >2.5=susceptible For counting disease severity this equation was used(Reddy, 1984b): Disease severity  Sum of (No. of plants in each infetion group  Respective degree of infection) Total No. of plants/replication  the highest degree of infection For indicating sources of primary inoculum and evaluating disease incidence and severity in these fields, information about presence of infected chickpea debris, source of cultivated seed, seed treatment, and plant density were collected. 34 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods 3.2.2 Isolation and identification of the pathogen From infected plants (Single spore method) The pathogen was isolated from leaflets, stems, and pods collected during the surveys of the fields. Following the Udupa et al.,(1998) method, and under aseptic conditions, the individual lesions on the plant were cut by sterilized sharp knife into small pieces of 1cm, leaving a small healthy portion on either side, then the pieces were washed thoroughly in sterilized distilled water and surface-sterilized in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite(Naocl) solution for 10 min.. After re-washing with sterilized distilled water(once), the pieces were placed in 70% alcohol for 30 sec., then rinsed three times in sterilized distilled water followed by drying on filter paper, placed on water agar(2% agar) plates and incubated at 20oC, subsequently(after 2-4 days ) a small sector for growing mycelium from a single lesion was transferred to CSMDA plates. Single spores of isolates were subsequently obtained from each single-lesion as follows: stock cultures of the fungus were immersed in sterilized distilled water and shacked gently to release spores from the pycnidia. The resulting spore suspension diluted to a concentration of 3.5x10 5 spores/ml-1 using haemocytometer, dispersed on water agar plates, and incubated at 20oC to induce germination. After 24h, a block of agar 20x20mm transferred to microscopic slide and dissected into smaller squares(1.5 x 1.5mm) aseptically using a multi-blade razor knife. Squares with single germinating spores were identified microscopically and transferred to fresh CSMDA culture medium. From chickpea debris (Dilution plate method) After collecting the infected plant debris from different locations of Erbil province, they were cut into small pieces of 1cm, then washed with tap water for 0.5h then surface sterilized with 1% of Naocl for 2 min. After washing them three times with sterilized distilled water, the pieces were dried on filter 35 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods paper and placed on CSMDA plates and incubated at 20 oC. Fungal growth observed after 5-7 days of incubation, then a small pit of mycelial culture was picked up and transferred to CSMDA plates until complete isolation and purification. For preparing single-spore isolates, the culture that containing mature pycnidia, mixed with sterilized distilled water for one minute by using a slow speed electric blender already sterilized with 70% ethanol, and then filtered through a three layer of cheesecloth. Spore suspension is placed in a tube of 10ml, from which a clean sterilized pipette is used to transfer 1ml of this dilution to a tube with 9ml sterilized water. A fresh sterilized pipette is used to mix this dilution and transfer 1ml of it to another tube containing 9ml sterilized water. This process continued for as many dilutions as required and in the final dilution 1ml of spore suspension is dispersed on petri plates contained CSMDA and incubated at 20 oC. After 10 days, when single spore colonies appeared, a piece of mycelium was taken from each colony separately and transferred to fresh CSMDA media and then the isolates were differentiated based on morphological and cultural characteristics. From chickpea seeds Following the incubation agar method(Anonymous, 1993), seeds of three cultivars, namely Local landrace(Harir), Marakishi(from Erbil Agriculture Research Center) and Shami(from Harir sub-district), were tested for seed infection with A. rabiei. These cultivars were sown in last season under conditions of Erbil Province. The percentage of infection was counted by taking 200 seed randomly from each cultivar, then the seeds were placed in a cheesecloth and were washed with flowed tap water for 5 min., then were surface sterilized with 1% of Naocl for 3 min.. After that, washed three times with sterilized distilled water then placed on CSMDA plates at the rate of 10 seed/plate, and then incubated at 20 oC. After incubation period for 15 days, the plates were checked for detection of A. rabiei, then the number of colonies 36 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods were counted in each plate and finally the percentage of infection was determined. 3.2.3 Pathogenicity tests For testing the pathogenicity(Koch’s postulate) of the fungus A. rabiei, the experiment was conducted in a greenhouse belongs to department of biology in the college of science. Seeds of the susceptible kabuli type Shami(ILC 1929) and the desi type Harir were planted in 20cm diameter pots containing 3.5kg of sandy soil sterilized with 1% formalin. The seeds were planted at the rate of 10seed/pot and in 2.5cm deep using Complete Randomized Design(CRD) with four replicates. For inoculation of plants, a spore suspension of mixed isolates grown on CSMDA media, was prepared by mixing the 15day old cultures with sterilized distilled water for one minute by using a slow speed electric blender already sterilized with 70% ethanol. The spore suspension was filtered with three layers of sterilized cheesecloth and adjusted to 1 x 106 spore ml-1(Jamil et al., 2000) with the aid of a haemocytometer. Tween 20(one drop/100ml) was added to the spore suspension as a wetting agent, then the two week old plants were inoculated with the spore suspension until run-off by using the 500ml hand sprayer. The pots were rotated during the inoculation procedure to ensure an equal distribution of the spore suspension on the plants. Four other pots for each treatment were left without inoculation, sprayed by the same manner with sterilized distilled water and kept as a control. Then the pots have been covered with transparent plastic bags for 72h to maintain high moisture, after that they were left in greenhouse(temperature=17-25oC, RH=70-90%) until the appearance of the disease symptoms. The appearance date of symptoms on the leaves and stems was determined, color and size of symptoms were described for each cultivar, and after 15 days from inoculation, degree of 37 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods infection was also recorded by using the 0-5 scale as described in section 3-21. 3.2.4 Study of virulence of A. rabiei isolates During the surveys of the disease in 2002 season in Erbil province, 13 isolates of A. rabiei were isolated from chickpea plants, three of these isolates were in Qushtapa, four in Harir, and two isolates in both of Ainkawa, Shorish, and Soran. These isolates were different from one another in cultural characteristics, number of pycnydia, sporulation, and growth rate(Qureshi, 1984b; Dolar and Gurcan, 1992). Each isolate was separately grown on CSMDA media. The plant material chickpea(Cicer arietinum) accessions Ghab-2(ILC 3279) and Ghab-3[resistant(R)], Harir and IPA- 510[Tolerant(T)], and Shami(ILC 1929)[susceptible(S)] were selected as a host differential set for testing the virulence of A. rabiei isolates. Then seeds of these cultivars which surface disinfected with Naocl(active CL 2%) for 15 min and then rinsed with tap water(Porta-Puglia et al, 1996), were grown in greenhouse(17-25oC, RH 70-90 % ) in 12cm diameter pots contained 1.5kg of sterilized sandy soil and in 2.5 cm deep in a rate of 5 seed/pot with two replicates. The pathogenicity of each isolate was tested individually on infection these five differential cultivars, and for this purpose, the spore suspension was prepared from each isolate and adjusted to 1 x 10 6 spore ml-1 using haemocytometer. Tween 20(one drop/100ml) was added to the spore suspension as a wetting agent, then the two weeks old plants inoculated with the spore suspension, and during the inoculation procedure, the pots were rotated to ensure an equal distribution of the spore suspension on the plants. After inoculation, each two sets that sprayed with one isolate, were covered individually with transparent plastic bag for 72h. Disease development was recorded 15 days after inoculation on each individual plant according to 0-5 38 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods scale of Porta-Puglia et al., (1996), then the isolates were grouped to the pathotypes according to their virulence. 3.2.5 Study of the host range For determining host specificity of A. rabiei, an experiment was conducted in greenhouse with 19 legume plant species(Table 3-1). After treating with Raxil(3gm/kg seed), seeds of these host plants had been planted in 20cm plastic pots containing 3.5kg sterilized sandy soil at the rate of 10 seed/pot and in three replicates. The two week old seedlings were inoculated by spraying technique until run-off with the mixed of A. rabiei spore suspension adjusted to 1 x 10 6 spore ml-1. The spore suspension is a mixture of isolates originated from different locations of Erbil province. Tween 20(one drop/100ml) was added to the spore suspension as a wetting agent, and during the inoculation procedure, the pots were rotated to ensure an equal distribution of the spore suspension on the plants. After inoculation, the plants were covered with transparent plastic bags to offer high humidity for 72h, then the pots were left uncovered in greenhouse until the appearance of symptoms. 3.2.6 Production of sexual stage (Pseudothcia) in the laboratory On naturally infected chickpea debris The infected plant debris, which contained visible pycnidia in the lesions, has been collected from different locations of Erbil province through the last season. The debris is cut into pieces of 2-4 cm long, after sterilizing the surface with 1% of Naocl for three minutes, the stem pieces were washed and placed on the 10 cm diameter pots filled with sterilized sandy soil, having five pores at the bottom to allow water arise within the soil to maintain high 39 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods moisture, then the pots were placed inside a plastic cabinet containing 5cm height of water. Table (3-1): Host range of some legume plant species used in reaction of chickpea blight caused by A. rabiei. Ser. Host name Scientific name 1 Alfalfa Medicago sativa 2 Bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. 3 Birds foot trefoil Lotus conniculatus 4 Broad bean Vicia vapae L. 5 Chickpea Cicer arietinum L. 6 Clover Trifolium alexandrium 7 Common vetch Vicia sativa L. 8 Cowpea Vigna sinensis L. 9 Grass pea Lathyrus annuas L. 10 Gray Vicia merbella 11 Gray Vicia marbonensis 12 Gray Vicia mariana 13 Green gram Phaseolus aureus 14 Indian pea Lathyrus sativa L. 15 Lentil Lens culinaris 16 Medic Medicago polymorpha 17 Peas Pisum sativum 18 Soya bean Glycine max 19 Wild chickpea(black seed) Cicer spp. 40 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods The cabinet was kept closed with a polyethylene bag to maintain high humidity, placed in an incubator at 20oC for four days and transferred to an incubator at 5oC. Subsequently, the samples were weekly taken for examining formation of sexual stage and determining the period needed of immature and mature pseudothecia formation. Asci were considered mature if they contained fully formed ascospores. The immature and mature pseudothecia, ascus, and ascospore were described, hence the dimensions of 100 pseudothecia, asci, and ascospores were measured by using the micrometer and then compared to the previous measurements. On artificially inoculated chickpea debris The procedure used to produce the sexual stage was similar to that used by Armstrong et al.,(2001). Dried chickpea stem pieces(6 to 8cm) were autoclaved and immersed for 1h in the mixed spore suspension adjusted to 1 x 106 spore ml-1. After 1h, stem segments were drained and placed in sterilized petri plates containing 10 discs of sterilized filter paper moistened with 15ml of sterilized distilled water. The dishes were incubated for 24h at 20 oC and then transferred to 10oC for 7 weeks. Sterilized distilled water was added weekly to maintain high humidity in the dishes. The petri plates were not sealed or placed in an airtight container. Subsequently, the formation of sexual stage was monitored weekly examined using a compound microscope. The period needed for maturation of sexual stage was determined, pseudothecia, asci and ascospores were described as well as the dimensions of 100 pseudothecia, asci, and ascospores were measured. Discharge of ascospores from the stem materials was induced according to Navas-Cortes et al.,( 1998a) as follows: the stem segments were attached to petri plates lid using a block of water agar and then suspended over water agar in the bottom of the petriplates. After 1-2 days the agar surface was examined for Didymella rabiei ascospores, the discharged ascospore was picked up with agar blocks to 41 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods the CSMDA medium for producing cultures for the purpose of inoculating chickpea plants to ensure that the sexual stage belongs to A. rabiei. 3.2.7 Effect of natural environmental factors on the disease The field experiment was conducted in the Girdarasha fields(5km South of Erbil) for studying the effects of environmental factors on the disease development. The cultivars, Harir, Shami, and Marakishi(from Erbil Agricultural Center), Ghab-2, and Ghab-3 (from Sulaimani Agriculture research Center), and Dijla and IPA-510(from IPA center for Agricultural researches, Mosul), were planted in the middle of December in 2001-2002 season by using Randomized Complete Block Design(RCBD) with three replicates, each one consisted of seven treatments and each treatment contained 5 rows of 5m length. The inter and intra-row spacing followed were 30 and 10cm, respectively(Reddy & Singh, 1990a). The plots were artificially inoculated with infected chickpea debris collected from previous season by scattering the infected debris at the rate of 50g/plot. Two weeks after their emergence, the plants were re-inoculated with a mixtures of spore suspension adjusted to 1 x 106 spore ml-1 to ensure uniform infection in epiphytotic form. In each treatment, 25 plants were labeled at a rate of 5 plant/row. Degree of infection was weekly determined(by using a 0-5 scale) for each cultivar starting from the appearance of the disease symptoms until the end of May, when the environmental conditions for blight development became unfavorable at the end of the season. The daily temperature, relative humidity(RH), rainfall and leaf wetness period were recorded starting from the emergence of the seedlings until the end of the season. 42 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods 3.2.8 Effect of the disease on yield quantity and quality For detecting yield loss caused by Ascochyta blight, a chickpea field planted with the cultivar Shami(S) in Qushtapa region, was selected .The area of the field which was planted in the middle of February in 2002 season, was approximately 40 donum and have the plant density at 12.6 plant/m2. For monitoring the incidence and development of the disease, regular surveys were carried out. The percentage of infection was reached to 95%, in the end of the season, therefore various degrees of infection were recorded on an individual plant that ranged from 0 to 5(figure 4-2 in section 4-1) using 0-5 scale. At the end of the season, twenty plant were taken randomly from each group of infection using a crossing diameter method, then the number of pod, seed, seed yield/plant, weight of 100 seed, seed yield, biological yield(seeds+straw), and percentage of yield loss for each degree of infection were counted. Similarly, the average degree of infection and the average loss of the field were counted. The following equation was used for counting yield loss(Reddy & Singh, 1990a): YL%  YHP  YDP  100 YHP Where: YL= Yield loss YHP= Yield of healthy plants YDP= Yield of diseased plants 43 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods 3.2.9 Control Methods Control by changing date of sowing The experiment was conducted in the college of Agriculture’s field in Girdarasha. In this experiment, two sowing dates were followed, the first was the middle of December(Winter sowing) and the second was at the beginning of March(spring sowing). In each sowing date, seven cultivers were planted which are Harir, Shami, Marakishi, Dijla, IPA -510, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3, in a factorial RCBD with three replicates. Each one contained 14 treatments and each treatment consisted of 5 rows in a length of 5m. The inter and the intra row spacing were 30, 10cm, respectively, leaving 2m among the treatments and 4m among the blocks. The treatments were artificially inoculated by scattering infected chickpea debris, which collected from the previous season in a rate of 50g/treatment. Two weeks after the emergence, the plants were reinoculated with spore suspension of mixed isolates adjusted to 1x 10 6 spore ml-1 to ensure uniform infection in epiphytotic form. In each treatment, 25 plants were taken at the rate of 5plant/row for measuring degree of infection, disease severity, percentage of stem infection, degree of stem infection, and plant height. The biological yield and seed yield by harvesting internal rows, weight of 100seed, harvest index, percentage of pod infection, and percentage of seed infection were also measured. The percentage of seed infection was measured by growing 200 seed from each treatment on CSMDA medium following the incubation agar method(Anonymous, 1993), and for measuring Harvest Index(HI), this formula was used(Hussain, 1984) : HI  Economic Yield  100 Bio log ical Yield 44 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods The following scale was used for evaluating degree of stem infection (AlTaee, 1997): 0= no infection. 1= simple spots on branches less than 2 mm. 2= spots 2-6mm long with no complete girdling. 3= big spots more than 6mm with complete girdling. 4= branches killed. And for measuring severity of pod infection, the following scale was used(AlTaee, 1997): 0=no infection 1= 1-25% of pod surface infected 2= 26-50% of pod surface infected 3= 51% or more of pod surface infected The results were statistically analyzed and differentiated by Duncan,s Multiple Range Test(DMRT). Screening chickpea germplasms in the greenhouse For determining the resistant cultivars of chickpea against Ascochyta blight, the following cultivars were grown in greenhouse which was, Harir, Shami, Marakishi, Dijla, IPA-510, Ghab2 and Ghab 3. Seeds of each cultivar were planted in 2.5cm deep in 22cm diameter pots containing 3.5kg of sterilized sandy soil at the rate of 10 seed/pot. The experiment was implemented with CRD in four replicates. Two weeks after emergence, the plants were inoculated with a spore suspension of mixed isolates adjusted to1x 106 spore ml-1. The pots were rotated during the inoculation as usual, and then the plants were covered with transparent plastic bags for 72h to obtain high humidity for infection. Three weeks after the inoculation, the degree of 45 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods infection, percentage of stem infection, the degree and severity of stem infection were counted as were mentioned previously. The results were statistically analyzed and differentiated by DMRT. In the field The same cultivars above in greenhouse trials were planted under field conditions in Girdarasha in 15 Dec. 2001 using RCBD with three replicates, each one contained seven treatments and each treatment has 5 rows in a length of 5m. The inter and intra-row spacing were 30 cm and 10 cm, respectively. The treatments were inoculated with infected chickpea debris, which collected from the previous season. Two weeks after the emergence, the plants were re-inoculated by spraying with spore suspension of mixed isolates adjusted to 1 x 106 spore ml-1, for the uniformity and insurance of infection. Degree of infection percentage of stem infection, and it’s severity, was measured before crop maturing when disease development was checked, as mentioned in section 3-2-9-2-1. The results were statistically analyzed and differentiated by DMRT. Chemical control Although the chemical control is impractical and uneconomical with susceptible cultivars especially under epiphytotic conditions, but it can be used for seed treatment for eradicating the disease from infected seeds, similarly in disease free areas and for foliar application of producing diseasefree seeds. On the other hand, fungicides application can be use as an alternative control measure for blight at least until resistant cultivars become available. 46 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods Food poisoning technique for fungicides efficacy on growth of A. rabiei The effect of eight fungicides, which were used for seed treatment and foliar application, were tested on growth of A. rabiei(Table 3-2) in vitro. Each fungicide was mixed with warm medium(45 oC) just before pouring at the rate of 100 mg of a.i./liter medium and then poured into 7cm diameter petri plates. After solidification, the plates were inoculated in their centers with 0.4cm diameter discs of 15-day-old A. rabiei cultures that were grown on CSMDA medium. The experiment was implemented by using complete randomize design(CRD) in four replicates. Four other petri plates contained CSMDA only, inoculated in the same manner used as control. The results were calculated after two weeks of incubation at 20 oC by measuring the average of the two crossing diameters for each colony and then the percentage of the inhibition were counted according to the following equation: % of inhibition  Average diameter of the controlcolony - Average diameter of the treated colony Average diameter of the controlcolony X 100 The results were statistically analyzed and differentiated by DMRT. Seed treatment In Vitro studies Seeds of cultivar Shami(S), which were visually shown to be infected, were treated with the following fungicides: Benlate 50%, Raxil 2DS, Rovral, Mancozep 80% and Dividened 3 %, at the rate of 3gm/kg seeds using CRD in three replicates. The seeds were grown on 9cm diameter petri plates contained CSMDA medium at the rate of 10 seed/petri plate and untreated infected seeds were also grown in other three petri plates as control. After two weeks, number of A. rabiei colonies and percentage of grown seeds were counted. The results were statistically analyzed and differentiated by DMRT. 47 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods In Vivo studies The same five fungicides in section 3-2-9-3-2-1 were tested in greenhouse by planting treated infected seeds of the same cultivar(Shami) with the same fungicides at the rate of 3g/kg seeds. The seeds were grown in 2.5cm deep in 22cm diameter pots containing 3.5kg sterilized sandy soil and at the rate of 10 seed/pot using Complete Randomized Design(CRD) in four replicates. Table(3-2): Trade name, common name, and chemical structure for eight fungicides used in seed treatment and foliar application against Ascochyta blight(Meister et al., 2001). Trade Name Raxil DS2 Rubigan Common Name Tebuconazol Fenarimol 4%EC Chemical structure 2(4chlorophenyl)ethyl(1,1,dimethyl ethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol. -(2-chlorophenyl)--(4-chlorophenyl) -5-pyrimidine-methanol. 1-[2-[4-(chlorophenoxy) Dividend Difenoconazole 30FS 2-chlorophenyl]-4-methyl-1,3-dioxon2-ylmethyl]-1H-1,2,4-triozole. 3-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-N- Rovral Iprodione 50%WP Domark 10EC Benlate 50%WP Mancozeb 80%WP (1-methylethyl)-2,4-dioxo-1imidazolidine carboxamide. Tetraconazole Benzimidazole Mancozeb 2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-3(1H-1,2,4-triozole-1-yl) propyl. Methyl-1-(butylcarbamyl)-2benzimedazole carbamate. Zinc ion, manganeseethyl-ene bisdithiocarbamate. 48 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Topas Penconazole 100EC Chapter 3. Materials and Methods 1-[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)pentyl]11,2,4-triozole. Four other pots were grown with untreated infected seeds as control and four pots grown with healthy seeds for measuring the effect of disease on the percentage of germination. The pots were left in greenhouse until the appearance of infection on the plants, then the percentage of germination, germination speed and percentage of infected plants were counted. The following equation was used for counting the speed of germination: GerminatinSpeed  No. of germinatedseed in the 1st day  ...  No. of germinatedseed in the7th day Total No. of seedlings And this equation used for counting percentage of the Germination: G %  L  100 S Where: G= percentage of germination. L= No. of germinating seedlings. S= total No. of seeds. The results were statistically analyzed and tested by DMRT. Foliar Application In greenhouse To determine the effect of fungicides on the Ascochyta blight on chickpea plants, the following fungicides were selected for post infection spray: Benlate 50 %WP, Raxil DS2, Rubigan 4%EC, Topas 100EC, and Domark 10EC. Seeds of the susceptible cultivar, Shami, were planted in 12cm diameter pots containing 1.5kg sterilized sandy soil and at the rate of 5 plant/pot. The two weeks old plants were inoculated with spore suspension of 49 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods mixed isolates adjusted to 1x10 6 spore ml-1 and then were covered with transparent plastic bags for 72h, then the pots left in greenhouse until the appearance of the disease. At the beginning of the appearance of the disease, the plants were sprayed with the above mentioned fungicides and according to the recommendations of the production companies which were 1g/liter for both Benlate and Raxil, 1ml/liter for Rubigan, 0.5ml/liter for Topas, and 0.35ml/liter for Domark. The plants were sprayed until run-off and rotated during the spraying in both inoculating and chemical spraying. The experiment was implemented in a CRD in three replications. Three other pots were sprayed with sterilized distilled water as control. After three weeks of application, degree of infection using 0-5 evaluating scale, percentage of stem infection, dry weight, and plant height were measured. The results were analyzed statistically and differentiated by DMRT. in the field The foliar spray experiment was conduced in Girdarasha fields by planting seeds of the susceptible cultivar Shami in middle of February 2002. The experiment was designed as factorial RCBD with three replicates. The levels of factor A included the following fungicides: Raxil DS2 Tapas 100EC Benlate 50 %WP Rubigan 4%EC Domark 10EC ,and levels of factor B included the following spraying times and dates : b1=Two sprays, one after the appearance of disease symptoms and the other after 14 days starting from the first spray. 50 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods b2=Three sprays, the first after appearance of disease symptoms, the second after 10 days from the first spray, and the third spray after two weeks from the second spray. b3=Three sprays, the first after the appearance of the disease, the second and the third spray were simultaneously with the rainfall and were implemented before sunset. In each block, one plot left without any spraying with fungicides as control, sprayed with the water only. Each block contained 16 treatments and each treatment consisted of 4 rows in a length of 5m, the inter and intra-row spacing were 30 and 10 cm, respectively, while the inter and intra-block spacing were 4 and 2m, respectively. The treatments(plots) were artificially inoculated with infected chickpea debris which collected from the previous season in a rate of 40g/plot . Two weeks after the emergence, the plants were re-inoculated with a spore suspension adjusted to 1x 10 6 spores ml-1, for uniformity and insurance of appearance the disease. At the beginning of the appearance of the disease, the first spray(application) was implemented then followed by other applications according to designed application times and dates. In the end of the season, the percentage of infection, degree of infection, percentage of pod infection, biological yield, seed yield, harvest index(HI), and percentage of seed infection were measured. The results were statistically analyzed and differentiated by DMRT. 51 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 3. Materials and Methods 52 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 4.1 Field survey The results of the field survey in chickpea fields in Erbil province during March, April, and May of 2002 season, revealed that the disease was present in all locations including the place of survey and it appeared during March in early sown(middle of February) fields in all locations. The highest percentage and degree of infection during this month were 80% and 1.18, respectively, in Ainkawa(Table 4-1) and this is probably due to suitable environmental conditions during March in this area, or may be due to the high percentage of infected seeds sown by farmer’s in that field, and the presence of chickpea plant debris from previous season in adjacent the field. In this aspect, NavasCortes et al.,(1998b) reported that on debris of naturally infected chickpea, ascospore maturation occurred mainly from late January to late March. The lowest percentage and degree of infection during the same month were recorded in Shorish, which were 10% and 0.1, respectively. Figure(4-1) shows that the highest disease severity during March was in the early sown field in Ainkawa which was 0.24, while the lowest one was 0.02 in Shorish. On the other hand, table(4-1) also shows that there were no infection in the late sown fields during this month except in Harir which infected in a rate of 5% and have a degree of 0.05, and this may be partially due to the endemic of disease in this location where after harvesting, the farmers collect their crops inside the fields and after threshing the seeds yield, they leave the chickpea straws in the field which is considered as a source of primary inoculum and from it the disease will initiate during next season. Another reason was a high percentage of infection of farmers cultivated seeds which was 4% (Table 4-1). 53 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions These results agree with statements that of Kaiser et al.,(1994) whom confirmed that both infected plant debris and infected seeds were the major sources of disease incidence. In April, the disease was increased in all the five locations, thus the infection in the early sown fields reached to 100% in Ainkawa, Harir, and Soran. Table(4-1): The percentage and degree of infection of Ascochyta blight on chickpea plants of some fields during the survey 2002 in Erbil province. Source of inoculum April May March April May Sowing date Degree of infection March Location %of field infection Plant density % of infected (plant/ m2 ) seed Early sowing None 1% 12.6* 25 90 95 0.25 2.5 2.83 Late sowing None 1% 7 0 65 85 0 Early sowing Adjacent the field 6% 8.53 80 100 100 1.18 3.65 4.15 Late sowing Adjacent the field 0% 5 0 50 75 0 0.82 1.23 Early sowing None 0% 8.53 10 30 40 0.1 0.35 0.45 Late sowing Adjacent the field 1.50% 13.33 0 60 65 0 1.18 1.23 Early sowing Adjacent the field 2% 17.4 30 100 100 0.3 Late sowing Inside the field 4% 11.93 5 85 100 0.05 1.37 2.53 Early sowing Inside the field 0.50% 15.13 35 100 100 0.35 3.62 4.4 Late sowing Adjacent the field 3% 20.6 0 75 100 3.53 Chickpea debris Qushtapa 0.88 1.33 Ainkawa Shorish 3.85 5 Harir Soran 54 0 1.7 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions This rapid increase of disease attack in these locations might be due to the presence of two sources of inoculum, which were infected seeds, and plant Qushtap Ainkawa Shorish Harir Late Early Late Early Late Early Late. Early Late 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 March April May Early Disease severity debris of the previous season in adjacent fields. Soran Locations and date of sowing Figure (4-1): Severity of Ascochyta blight on chickpea in some fields of Erbil province during 2002. During April the disease appeared also in all late sown fields in all locations. The highest percentage of infection in this sowing date (85%) was in Harir, while the highest degree of infection and disease severity were in Soran which were 1.70 (table 4-1) and 0.31(figure 4-1), respectively. The substantially increased during May in both sowing dates keeping in mind that different degrees of infection were observed (figure 4-2), therefore, in early sowing, three high degree of infections have been recorded in Harir, Soran, and Ainkawa which were 5.00, 4.40, and 4.15, respectively, and have disease severities of 1.00, 0.83, 0.83, respectively. These three fields were completely devastated by the blight disease and resulted with 100% yield loss, and have been re-plowed. From Table (4-1) generally, we observe that the degrees of infections in the late sowing fields were lower than the early ones. It can be 55 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions concluded that the farmers can protect their crops from the blight damage by shifting the sowing date from early to the late spring, especially with the susceptible cultivars such as Shami. Figure(4-2): Different degrees of infection of Ascochyta blight on chickpea plants during 2002 season(ranged from 0-5). In contrast with the above view, the diverse results were observed in Shorish that the percentage and degree of infection as well as disease severity in late sowing trials were greater than early sowing(Table 4-1 and figure 4-1), and this is possibly due to sowing infected seeds, presence of infected plant debris in adjacent of the late sown field, but the main factor of this result probably a high chickpea plant density of this late sown field in comparison with the early sown field which permit to success the transmission of the inoculum. It should be remembered that the survey was conducted in fields were no fungicides used for seed treatment. 4.2 Disease symptoms in the field The symptoms of Ascochyta blight on chickpea appeared on all foliar parts of the plants, and the severely infected fields appeared as a blighted area from 56 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions long distances(figure 4-3b) if it is compared with the healthy ones (figure 43a). a d h b c e f i g j Figure (4-3): Ascochyta blight symptoms on chickpea Where: a: healthy field, b: infected field, c: broken stem, d: infected stem, e: girdled stem , f: healthy leaf , g: infected leaf , h: infected seeds , i: healthy seeds , j: infected pod The circular or elongated brown spots appeared on the leaves(figure 4-3g), and when the petioles get infection it become girdled and whole leaf will 57 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions break down. The spots usually contain black dots which were asexual fruiting bodies(pycnidia) of the fungus that can be observed inside the spots in concentric rings. On the stems, the brownish elongated lesions have been observed with brown to black pycnidia(figure 4-3d), and the infected stems usually girdled(figure 4-3e) causing the break of the stem(figure 4-3c). On the pods the lesions were usually circular with dark margins and obvious arranged pycnidia(figure 4-3j). When pod infection become severe, the fungus will attack the seeds which become shriveled and black spots usually observed on the seed coats(figure 4-3h).The above descriptions of the symptoms on the plant parts is in consistent with the descriptions that of Guzman et al.,(1995), who observed symptoms on the plants in the fields included tan to brownish lesions on leaves, stems, and pods, with brown to black pycnidia immersed in the host tissue and arranged in concentric rings within the lesions. 4.3 Isolation and identification of A. rabiei 4.3.1 From infected plants The direct isolation of pathogen from infected chickpea plants(leaves, stems, and pods) with the aid of cultural characteristics, growth rate, descriptions and dimensions of pycnidia and pycniospores, as well as confirmation of Koch’s postulates, confirmed that the causal organism was A. rabiei(Pass.) Labr.. All isolates of the fungus were able to grow and form colonies on CSMDA medium at 20oC in a slow growth rate(figure 4-4a), therefore, the average of colony diameter was 23mm after two weeks of incubation. The color of colony in the beginning was white then shortly turned to dark because of the formation of pycnidia. The fungus have a dark, septate and branched mycilium(figure 4-4c). The pycnidia were circular or ovular in shape, yellow 58 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions to brown in color, and has the average diameters of 152.43 x 181.84µm(figure 4-4b). b a c d e Figure(4-4): The pathogen Ascochyta rabiei a: appearance of the vegetative growth(the culture) b: asexual fruiting bodies(pycnidia)-200X c: vegetative body(the mycelium)-400X d: pycnidiospores out of the ostiole of pycnidia-200X e: pycnidiospores(conidia)-400X. After maturation of pycnidia, the pycnidiospores (conidia) observed out in the ostiol(figure 4-4d), which were bright and hyaline and usually non-septate 59 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions (figure 4-4e), have the average width and length of 4.37and 9.19µm, respectively, and these dimensions approximately are similar to those of A. rabieii which identified and described by Kovachevski(1936b), Punithalingam and Holliday(1972), and Al-Taee(1997). 4.3.2 From chickpea debris The results of isolation from infected chickpea debris revealed that the fungus was A. rabieii, which grown in a pure culture and its description was entirely similar to that described in section 4-3-1. In this aspect the present results strongly agree with statements of Wiese et al.,(1995) whom confirmed that the pathogen will survive in infested crop residues and in infected seeds from season to another. 4.3.3 From chickpea seeds The results of isolation of A. rabieii from seeds of cultivars Shami, Local landrace(Harir),and Marakshi, showed that the percentage of seed infection of these cultivars were at the rate of 4, 1, and 3%, respectively. The results were approximately similar to that of Grewal(1982) who noted that seed infection ranged from 3 to 17.5% for the desi varieties and from 7.5 to 60.5% for the kabuli ones. The results also confirm that the disease was seed transmission by which the disease will spread to new areas. It should be remembered that the descriptions of the isolated fungus from seeds were similar to that identified in section 4-3-1. 4.4 Pathogenicity tests The results of pahogenicity tests(Koch’s postulates) revealed that A. rabiei isolates could infect both cultivars Shami and Harir at 100% infection, but they differ in degree of infection which were 3.7 and 2.3, respectively(on 60 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions 0-5 scale). Both chickpea genotypes showed symptoms on both leaves and stems. The first symptoms were appeared on the Shami in the 5th day and on the cultivar Harir in the 6th day. The symptoms on the young leaves of cultivar Shami at the beginning of the appearance were bright to straw-colored, and this is similar to the descriptions reported by Reddy(1984a) who stated that small, round, white necrotic specks appeared on newly formed leaves of susceptible cultivars. The symptoms on the cultivar Harir were brown-bright with dark margins. These symptoms on both cultivars resembled to those shown in the field. The pycnidia was brown to black dots appeared within the lesions on Shami and Harir cultivars after 3 and 4 days of the appearance of symptoms, respectively. The results are in a agreement with that of Hohl et al.,(1990) they confirmed that the development of leaf spots and fungal pycnidia could be observed 6-8 day post infection. The results also near to that of Trapero-Casas and Kaiser(1992b) who stated that in constant temperature of 20oC, the minimum incubation and latent periods were 4.5 and 5.5 days, respectively. 4.5 Study of virulence of A. rabiei isolates The results in the table (4-2) shows the virulence reactions of different isolates on different cultivars. The most virulent one was isolate 2 that most selected cultivars were susceptible toward this isolate except Ghab-2 and Ghab-3. The least virulent isolates were 1, 8, 9, 10, and 11, that most selected cultivars were resistant toward these isolates except the cultivar ILC 1929 which was the only cultivar susceptible toward these isolates. Meanwhile, the moderate virulent isolates were 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 13. We concluded that both cultivars, Ghab-2 and Ghab-3, were resistant against all isolates, while the cultivar Shami(ILC1929) was susceptible toward all isolates. Therefore, the results confirm variability in virulence among isolates of different 61 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions locations and these differences confirm the presence of races or pathotypes of the pathogenic fungus. The results apply to the statements that of Porta-Puglia et al.,(1996) who could distinguish three groups of isolates in Italy when he used 41 Italian isolates which differentiated by using 13 chickpea genotypes, and with that of Table (4-2): Reaction of 13 different isolates of A. rabiei on five selected cultivars of chickpea in Erbil province. No. of Ghab-2 Shami Location Harir IPA-510 Ghab-3 isolate (ILC3927) (ILC1929) Qushtapa Ainkawa Shorish Harir Soran 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.10*R 1.65 R 1.15 R 1.60 R 1.10 R 1.00 R 1.00 R 1.00 R 1.10 R 1.00 R 1.20 R 1.95 R 1.15 R 1.55 R 2.55 S 1.80 R 1.55 R 1.65 R 1.15 R 2.30 R 1.85 R 1.75 R 1.40 R 1.30 R 2.30 R 1.95 R 2.20 R 3.00 S 3.05 S 3.00 S 2.95 S 2.60 S 2.85 S 2.05 R 2.00 R 1.75 R 2.10 R 3.05 S 2.70 S 1.51 R 1.50 R 1.30 R 1.40 R 1.00 R 1.00 R 1.50 R 1.30 R 1.00 R 1.10 R 1.75 R 1.45 R 1.25 R 4.50 S 4.90 S 5.00 S 5.00 S 4.90 S 5.00 S 3.60 S 4.50 S 4.00 S 4.60 S 4.50 S 4.70 S 4.00 S R= Resistant(degree of infection 0.0-2.5). S= Susceptible(degree of infection >2.5). * Each value was means of two replicates Table(4-3): Disease assessment in the form of resistant(R) and susceptible(S) reaction shown by 13 isolates of A. rabiei on five selected chickpea cultivars. Ghab2 Shami Pathotype Harir IPA-510 Ghab-3 (ILC3279) (ILC1929) R R R R S A R R S R S B R S S R S C A= Isolates: 1, 8, 9, 10, and 11, B= Isolates: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 13, C= isolate 2. 62 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions Noorolahi(2000) when he distinguished two races among 400 isolates collected from different provinces of Iran. Another confirmation of our results was those of Jamil et al.,(2000) that three pathotypes were selected within 130 isolates in Pakistan. In Iraq, four races were distinguished by Al-Taee(1997) among 31 isolates collected from different locations of Ninavah province by using 12 differential cultivars. Table(4-3) shows the presence of three pathotypes in Erbil province which were A, B, and C. The most aggressive pathotype was C, which could infect most of selected cultivars except cultivars Ghab-2, and Ghab-3, while the least aggressive one was A that most selected cultivars were resistant against this pathotype except cultivar Shami. The results revealed the presence of the three pathotypes (A, B, and C) in Qushtapa, pathotype B only in both Ainkawa, Shorish and Soran, and pathotype A in Harir. The presence of more than one pathotype in Qushtapa my be because that in this location, many different cultivars will be sown. Several reasons, such as the increase of chickpea-growing area in this location may contribute to extension of the variability of virulence. It should be remembered that the fungus is heterothallic (Kaiser et al., 1998) and the results of production of sexual stage in section 4-7, confirm the presence of both mating types in the region that was the cause of this variation in virulence among pathotypes, therefore more variation could be expected. 4.6 The host range 4.6.1 Fitness costs The results of artificial inoculation of 19 legume plant species with mixture of spore suspension, revealed that Ascochyta blight symptoms appeared on leaves and stems of chickpea crop(Cicer arietinum L.) and wild chickpea (Cicer spp.) after one week from inoculation. Simple disease symptoms were 63 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions also appeared on the leaves only and without forming pycnidia on 7 other legume species (table 4-4), and this result were confirmed by re-isolating the pathogen from these infected plant species. Table (4-4): Host range of some legume plant species infected by A. rabiei. Host name Scientific name Type of symptoms Dark lesions on the leaves and stems Wild Dark lesions on the leaves and Cicer spp. stems chickpea Straw colored lesions on the Alfalfa Medicago sativa L. leaves only Indian Lathyrus sativa L. Dark lesions on the leaves only pea Gray Vicia merbella Grey lesions on the leaves only Small yellow spots on the Gray Vicia mariana leaves only Yellow lesions on the leaves Gray Vicia marbonensis only Grass Complete drying of some Lathyrus annus L. compound leaves pea Small yellow spots on the lentil Lens culinaris leaves only Chickpea Cicer arietinum L. Presence of pycnidia Yes Yes No No No No No No No This result is in agreement with Kaiser (1991) who observed reddish, brown lesions on alfalfa plants, but he claimed that pycnidia also appeared in necrotic tissues. These differences in disease symptoms may be due to the variability in virulence of A. rabiei races. We agree also with finding of Montorsi et al.,(1992), who stated that A. rabiei isolated from barseem clover seeds, was purified and multiplied and inoculating on barseem and chickpea plants, the symptoms appeared after 10-12 day on both hosts. Our results were in contrast with that of Al-Taee(1997) who showed that A. rabiei could infect the genus Cicer only, and this is probably due to the differences in virulence between Erbil isolates with that of Ninavah. On the other hand, Kaiser(1973) 64 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions and Gaur and Singh(1993a) could isolate the pathogen from cowpea and phaseolus, likewise Khan et al.,(1999b) also could re-isolate A. rabiei from chickpea and 4 common bean species after artificial inoculating of 20 plant species with an isolate of A. rabiei obtained originally from chickpea in south Australia. Wiese et al.,(1995) asserted that hosts other than chickpea, such as pea, alfalfa, certain other legumes, and some weeds may be rarely and weakly attacked by the pathogen. Such infections may remain latent or invisible, or may result in mild disease symptoms. These alternative hosts, however, may play a role in the local survival of blight fungus. 4.7 Production of sexual stage 4.7.1 On naturally infected chickpea debris The results of production of sexual stage under laboratory conditions at 5oC2, revealed that the immature sexual fruiting bodies(pseudothecia) were observed at the third week of examination as a shine-black dots on the surface of chickpea debris(figure 4-5a), and it is similar to asexual fruiting bodies (pycnidia) in the shape and color(figure 4-5b), but it can be easily distinguished by the use of microscope which revealed that the presence of conidia inside the fruiting bodies confirm that the fruit body was pycnidia, while immature sexual bodies did not contain conidia, except fungal tissues were found inside these bodies. The mature sexual fruit bodies were formed at 8th week(figure 4-5c) and this was confirmed by the presence of the mature asci(figure 4-5d) which contained 8 bi-celled ascospores(figure 4-5e). Similar conclusions were made by AI-Taee(1997), who stated that the mature sexual fruiting bodies were formed at 9th week, however, this difference possibly was due to variability of races or may be because of the differences in incubation temperatures and other environmental conditions. According to Navas-Cortes et al.,(1998b), on debris of naturally infected chickpea, ascospore maturation 65 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions occurred mainly from late January to late March and maximum ascospore discharge occurred 2-4 weeks after ascospore maturation. They reported also that asci and ascospores per pseudothecium were much higher in cooler locations. b a c d e Figure(4-5): The sexual stage(pseudothecia) of Mycosphaerella rabiei : a: pseudothecia as black dots on the surface of chickpea stem(51.2X) b: immature pseudothecia(200X) c: mature pseudothecia with asci(200X) d: ascus contain 8 bi-celled ascospores(500X) e: ascospores(1250X) 66 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions Navas-Cortes et al.,(1995) stated that on debris left on the soil surface under the natural conditions, the fungus could rapidly colonized the tissues forming abundant pseudothecia and pycnidia, likewise under controlled conditions in the laboratory, Didymella rabiei extensively colonized, moreover they added that the incubation temperature was the principal factor associated with the production of conidia and ascospores in particular. The sexual fruiting bodies, which were circular or oval, have the diameter ranged 130.6-168 μm and contained unlimited numbers of club-shaped asci and each ascus contained 8 bi-celled, unequal, and hyaline ascospores. The ascus dimensions were 47.592.5μm × 9.75-15µm with the average 68.24µm×12.53 µm, and ascospore size was 10-16.25µm×5-9.25µm. These dimensions are approximate to the measurements reported by AL-Taee(1997) and Armstrong et al.,(2001). The presence of sexual stage confirm that both mating types, Mating type І and ІІ were present in Kurdistan region because the fungus was heterothallic and needs both Mating types to the formation of sexual stage(Kaiser et al., 1998). The formation of sexual stage under high RH and low temperature indicates that when both two conditions prevail in winter, the sexual stage formation can be predict which may serve as primary inoculum(Akem, 1999) and contributes to long distance spread of the disease by air-borne ascospores(Kaiser and Kusmenuglu, 1997). Trapero-Casas et al.,(1996) also reported that the airborne ascospores of Didymella rabiei is the major primary inoculum of Ascochyta blight epiphytotics in chickpea crop in southern Spain. Another confirmation were made by Kaiser et al.,(1994) that in USA an epiphytotic form observed in Palous region in 1987 when much of the chickpea crop were grown in isolated field experiments and were devastated by Ascochyta blight. They also stated that these isolated fields were infected by the blight pathogen at distances more than 8 km from the nearest chickpea planting. According to Trapero-Casas et al.,(1996), the 67 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions ascospores were trapped mostly from the beginning of January to the late February, this period coincided with that of maturity of pseudothecia on the chickpea debris, therefore Autumn-winter sowings of chickpea were exposed longer to ascospore inoculum than the traditional spring sowings. 4.7.2 On artificially inoculated chickpea debris The results of the weekly examination of inoculated chickpea stems under 10oC and RH of 100%, showed the presence of mature pseudothecia as a black shine dots on the surface of chickpea stems in the 7 th week(figure 45a). These findings are similar to that of Armstrong et al.,(2001) who stated that mature ascospores can be discharged at 7th week of inoculation. In this aspect Navas-Cortes et al.,(1998a), stated that Didymella rabiei grew saprophytically on pieces of artificially and naturally infected chickpea stem debris under artificial incubation conditions, formed pseudothecia and pycnidia and they added that the pseudothecia matured at 10 oC and constant 100% RH, or at 5 and 10oC and alternating 100% and 34% RH and for temperatures higher than 10oC or RH lower than 100%, pseudothecia either did not form ascospores, or ascospores did not mature and their content degenerated. It should be remember that the descriptions and measurements of pseudothecia, asci, and ascospores on artificially inoculated chickpea debris were similar to those described in section 4-7-1. The inoculation of chickpea plants with cultures originated from ascospores, resulted in infection of chickpea plants and the symptoms that appeared were similar to those of A. rabiei. These results confirm that the sexual stage was belonged to the blight pathogen A. rabiei. 68 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions 4.8 Study of the effect of environmental factors on the disease The results obtained from the weekly recording of infection of the seven cultivars, revealed that the disease symptoms appeared in the last week of January(after 44 days of planting) on all grown cultivars(figure 4-6). The symptoms appeared when the weekly average of maximum temperature and average RH were 10.29oC and 70.07%, respectively, with the total amount of weekly precipitation and leaf wetness period of 47.2mm and 16h. Our results are more similar with that of Jhorar et al.,(1998b) whom noted that the disease severity increased with wetness duration, approximately of 18h and theyconfirmed, that the average RH and maximum temperature, during the crop season, were good indicators of the epiphytotic conditions in the crop field. Another confirmation of our results was those of Trapero-Casas and Kaiser(1992b) who stated that the optimum temperature for infection and development of Ascochyta blight of chickpea, in 2 week old seedlings in controlled environment studies was 20 oC, and at this temperature 7.6 and 17h of wetness were required for the pathogen to cause significant light and severe infection, respectively. They also confirmed that the lower and upper limits for infection and disease development were <5 and about 30oC. On the other hand, the results of Ketelaer et al.,(1988), support our finding, however, they reported that the monthly average temperature of at least 8 oC and monthly precipitation of at least 40mm is necessary of an epiphytotic of A. rabiei. In the third week of the appearance of the disease, the percentage of infection reached to 100% on both cultivars, Shami and Marakishi, and in the 6th week on IPA-510, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3, but on the cultivar Harir, 100% infection occurred in the 9th week. 69 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions We concluded that all cultivars were infected, but they varied in the degree of infection(disease severity). The disease continued for its acceleration during March and April when suitable environmental conditions(low temperature and high humidity) were prevailed. These results strongly agree with statements given by Kaiser(1995) that the disease spreads rapidly when cool and wet conditions prevail. In the first week of May(in the 15th week of infection), the disease was checked, because during this week of May the average maximum temperature was 28.5 and the average RH was 36.43. In agreement with the present results, Reddy and Singh(1990b) stated that the weekly maximum temperature more than 25oC and weekly mean RH less than 60% slowed progress of blight disease. The most rapid increase of degree of infection was observed on both Shami and Marakishi cultivars which occurred at 5th week from infection which reached to 4.2 and 4.7, respectively(on the 0-5 scale), then finally they completely devastated. This rapid progress of the disease possibly was due to the susceptibility of these two cultivars. The cultivars, Harir, Dijla, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3 remained resistant until the end of the season and their degree of infection reached to 2.46, 1.62, 1.95, and 2.22, respectively. On the other hand the cultivar IPA-510, remained resistant until the 9th week, while its disease severity is increased rapidly within few weeks during flowering and pre-flowering stages, then finally the degree of infection reached to 3.29. We observed that despite of prevail of epiphytotic conditions, the cultivars Harir, Dijla, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3 were resistant against isolates of Erbil province, but the cultivars Shami, Marakishi, and IPA-510 were susceptible under the same above conditions. 70 Rainfall(mm) Leaf wetness period(h) MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 90 0 80 70 60 Relative Humidity(%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 40 Temperature(C o ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 Harir Shami Marakishi Dijla IPA-510 Ghab-2 Ghab-3 Degree of infection 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 27 May 20 May 13 May 29 Apr. 22 Apr. 15 Apr. 8 Apr. 1 Apr. 25 Mar. 18 Mar. 11 Mar. 4 Mar. 25 Feb. 18 Feb. 11 Feb. 4 Feb. 28 Jan. 21 Jan. 14 Jan. 7 Jan. 31 Dec. 0 6 May 0.5 Figure (4-6): effect of temperature, RH, rainfall and leaf wetness period on the degree of infection on seven chickpea cultivars. 71 MSc. Thesis – Qasim Marzani Chapter 4. Results and Discussions 4.9 Effect of the disease on seed yield quantity and quality Table (4-5) which shows the effect of the blight disease on seed yield quantity and quality, and how the disease causes serious crop losses with increasing of degree of infection, in comparison with the yield of healthy plants. The lowest yield loss of 16.04% occurred when the plants have one degree of infection(on 0-5 scale),while the losses became 98.64% with the degree of 5.The results are similar to some extent with those of Acikgoz et al.,(1994)were they stated that sometimes Ascochyta blight may cause 100% yield losses. This table also shows that the number of pods, seeds, and seed yield/plant were decreased with the increasing degree of infection. The weight of 100 seed, seed yield/ha, and biological yield/ha were also decreased with increasing degree of infection. The yield loss was also counted which decreased with increasing degree of infection. Finally, the average degree of infection of the field was counted with counting of all above-mentioned variables. We noted that the average yield loss of the field was 60.18% and this result is agreed to some extent with that of Gaur and Singh(1993b) who stated that losses of 77-84% were recorded in Sri Ganganagar, India. 4.10 Control methods 4.10.1 Effect of sowing date on the degree of infection The sowing date affected significantly on the degree of infection(Table4-6). Thus, the Spring sowing date reduced the degree of infection at the rate of 28.25%. 72 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Table(4-5): Effect of Ascochyta blight on seed yield, quantity and quality. % of each degree of infection No. of pod/plant No. of seed/plant Seed Yield/plant (g) Weight of 100 seed Seed Yield (kg/ha) Biological Yield (kg/ha) Yield loss (kg/ha) % of Yield loss 5 37.35* 31.50 15.40 51.84 1925.00 4116.37 .000 0.00 5 27.45 26.20 12.93 51.74 1616.25 3674.18 308.75 16.04 25 24.45 23.60 12.13 51.21 1516.25 3605.43 408.75 21.23 35 8.25 7.00 3.54 49.01 442.50 1424.12 1482.50 77.01 4 25 4.85 3.85 1.73 43.36 216.25 840.56 .170875 88.77 5 5 1.00 0.70 0.21 31.28 26.25 172.37 1898.75 98.64 12.23 6.13 47.54 766.38 2008.09 1158.63 60.18 Degree of infection 0 1 2 3 Average 2.8 13.50 73 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions This difference between the two sowing dates in the degree of infection possibly is due to reason that the Winter sown plants grown under favorable conditions for disease development during Winter and early Spring(Figures 46), so the pathogen has more time to develop the disease in comparison with the Spring sown. The present results strongly agree with the results obtained by Singh and Reddy(1990), who stated that the farmers save their chickpea crops from Ascochyta blight by follow-through the Spring sowing. The same results were confirmed by Reddy and Singh(1990b) who reported that the disease development will be slow at the temperatures more than 25oC. Table(4-6) shows that there were significant differences between cultivars in this regard, both culltivars Shami and Marakishi were the most susceptible which have degree of infections of 4.69 and 4.78, respectively, with no differences between them, while both cultivars have significant differences with the other cultivars. From the results of interaction between the sowing dates and cultivars, we observed significant differences between the two sowing dates in all cultivars. Although, the degrees of infection of both cultivars, Shami and Marakishi, in Spring sowing were less than that of Winter sown, which were 4.37 and 4.55, respectively, but their degrees were also very high. This is may be because of the susceptibility of both cultivars during early stages of growth in which the disease developed in a rapid form within few days under suitable environmental conditions. Disease severity Table(4-6) shows that there were significant differences between both sowing dates in disease severity, therefore the spring sowing caused reduction in disease severity at 27.87 % than the winter sowing. There were also significant differences between cultivars in disease severity. Two high disease 74 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions severities were recorded on both cultivars Shami and Masrakishi, which were 0.94 and 0.95, respectively, with no significant differences between the two cultivars, but have them with the other cultivars. There were also no significant differences between Dijla and Ghab-2, while Dijla have the lowest disease severity. From the table(4-6), we observed the effect of interaction between sowing dates and cultivars. The disease severity in Spring sowing plants were less than that of Winter sowing with significant differences between both sowing dates in all cultivars. Percentage of stem infection The results revealed that there were significant differences in percentage of stem infection between Winter and Spring sowing plants. The percentage of stem infection was reduced in Spring sown at 34.68%(Table 4-6). On the other hand, the significant differences were shown among cultivars in related to percentage of stem infection. The two susceptible cultivars, Shami and Marakishi have a high percentage of stem infection, which were 86.19 and 89.61%, respectively, with significant differences between them. The cultivars Dijla, Ghab-2 and Ghab-3 have very low percentage of stem infection which can be negligible which are 1.28, 1.98 and 2.74%, respectively, with no significant difference among them(Table 4-6). This low levels of stem infection possibly is due to the resistance of these cultivars, in this aspect the present results strongly agree with the statements of Singh et al.,(1992b) who stated that the cultivar Ghab2(ILC 3279) was resistant to A. rabiei and with statements of AL-Taee(1997) that Dijla was resistant to the blight pathogen. The results of interaction between sowing dates and cultivars shows that there were significant differences between Winter and Spring sowing in cultivars 75 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Harir, Shami, Marakishi, IPA-510, and Ghab-3. While there were no significant differences between the two sowing dates in cultivars Dijla and Ghab-2. Degree of stem infection From Table(4-6) which represents the effect of sowing date on degree of stem infection, it seems that there are significant differences between Winter and Spring sown, thus, the degree of stem infection was reduced in Spring sowing at 27.55% in comparison with that of Winter. There were also significant differences among all cultivars in the degree of stem infection. The highest degree was 3.91 in cultivar Shami while the lowest one was 0.75 in Dijla. There were also significant differences in interaction between sowing dates and cultivars except in cultivars Shami and Marakishi that were no significant differences observed. Percentage of pod infection There were significant differences between Winter and Spring sowing in term of percentage of pod infection. From Table(4-6), we observed that there were no infection on pods in Spring sowing. This is probably because of the presence of unfavorable environmental conditions for disease development during pod formation stage in the first half of May(figures 4-6). The highest percentage of pod infection was 3.42% on the cultivar Harir and have significant differences with other cultivars. Cultivar Ghab-3 infected in a percentage of 1.58% with significant differences with the other cultivars, while there were no significant differences among cultivars Shami, Marakishi, Dijla, IPA-510, and Ghab-2. The results of interaction between sowing dates and cultivars, revealed that there were significant differences between the two sowing dates in 76 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions cultivars Harir and Ghab-3, while there were no significant differences in the rest. The Cultivars, Shami and Marakishi did not reach to the pod formation stage in Winter sown because the plants were killed by the pathogen in the early stages of their ages. Inspite of the significant differences between Winter and Spring sowing in percentage of infected chickpea pods, the percentage of infection were very low in Winter sowing and this may be due to the presence of short period of suitable environmental conditions for disease development during pod formation stage in May. Pod infection severity From Table(4-6), we observed that there were significant differences between Winter and Spring sowing in pod infection severity. The cultivar Harir has significant differences with the other cultivars, while all other cultivars did not differ with one another significantly. In the interaction of sowing dates and cultivars, the significant differences observed only in two cultivars, which were Harir and Ghab-3. Percentage of seed infection The results in this study showed that there were significant differences in percentage of seed infection between Winter and Spring sowing(table 4-6). The seeds of Spring sowing were entirely have no infection, this is possibly due to the fact that there were no pod infections in Spring sowing. Both cultivars Harir and Ghab-3 have significant differences with the other cultivars. The highest percentage of seed infection occurred in seeds of cultivar Harir, which was 1.25% and this probably because this cultivar was susceptible during pod formation stage. 77 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions From Table(4-6) which also represents the interaction between sowing dates and cultivars, we observed that there were significant differences in percentage of seed infection in cultivars Harir, IPA-510, and Ghab-3. The results showed that the percentage of seed infection was lower than the percentage of pod infection in the same cultivars, this is may be due to superficially infection(less severity) of pods of these cultivars(table 4-6), or may be due to the fact that pod infections not always cause seed infection. Weight of 100 seed In present work, the results in the table(4-7) showed that there were significant differences between both sowing dates in weight of 100 seed, hence the Winter sowing has more weight of 100 seed. The seed weight was reduced in Spring sowing in a rate of 12.45%. There were significant differences in weight of 100 seed among cultivars Harir, Shami, Marakishi, Dijla, and IPA-510, while both Ghab-2 and Ghab-3 did not differ with each other significantly, but have significant differences with all other cultivars. The results of interaction between sowing dates and cultivars revealed that there were significant differences between both sowing dates in weight of 100 seed in cultivars Harir, IPA-510, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3, while the cultivar Dijla did not differ significantly in weight of 100 seed between the two sowing dates. Both Shami and Marakishi not yielded during Winter sowing and their seeds of Spring sowing have less weight of 100 seed because the plants of these cultivars severely affected by the disease in Spring. In this aspect, Carvalho et al.,(1999), recorded severe yield losses for chickpea fields grown under favorable condition due to reduce of weight of 100 seed. 78 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Pod infection severity % of seed infection W.S. S.S. Harir 2.46d* 1.56f 2.01c 0.49e 0.31i 0.40 c 7.49 e 1.73 fg 4.61 d 2.46 c 1.66 e 2.10 d 6.83 a 0.00 c 3.42 a 0.0166 a 0.0000 c 0.0083 a 2.50a 0.00d 1.25 a Shami 5.00a 4.37b 4.69a 1.00a 0.88c 0.94 a 100 a 72.37c 86.19b 4.00 a 3.82 a 3.91 a (-)** 0.00 c 0.00 c (-) 0.0000 c 0.0000 b (-) 0.00d 0.00 c Marakishi 5.00a 4.55b 4.78a 1.00a 0.91c 0.95 a 100 a 79.22b 89.61a 4.00 a 3.71 a 3.86 b (-) 0.00 c 0.00 c (-) 0.0000 c 0.0000 b (-) 0.00d 0.00 c Dijla 1.62f 1.04g 1.33e 0.32hi 0.21j 0.27 e 2.29 f 0.27 g 1.28 e 1.24 f 0.26 g 0.75 g 0.00 c 0.00 c 0.00 c 0.0000 c 0.0000 c 0.0000 b 0.00d 0.00d 0.00 c IPA-510 3.29c 1.83ef 2.56b 0.66d 0.37gh 0.51 b 19.22d 1.10 g 10.16c 2.87 b 2.15 cd 2.51 c 0.83 c 0.00 c 0.42 c 0.0010 c 0.0000 c 0.0005 b 0.50c 0.00d 0.25 c Ghab-2 1.95e 1.02g 1.49de 0.39fg 0.20j 0.29 e 3.60 ef 0.35 g 1.98 de 1.89 de 0.60 g 1.25 f 0.16 c 0.00 c 0.08 c 0.0002 c 0.0000 c 0.0001 b 0.00d 0.00d 0.00 c Ghab-3 2.22d 1.13g 1.68d 0.44ef 0.22j 0.33 d 5.22 ef 0.26 g 2.74 de 2.17 cd 1.27 f 1.72 e 3.16 b 0.00 c 1.58 b 0.0043 b 0.0000 c 0.0022 b 1.50b 0.00d 0.75 b Average 3.08a 2.21b W.S. S.S. 0.61a 0.44b W.S. S.S. 33.97a 22.19b W.S. S.S. W.S. S.S. 2.20 a 0.00 b 2.66 a 1.92 b *Values followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.05, according to Duncan,s multiple range test **Not counted because the plants not reached to the yield stage. W.S.= Winter sowing. S.S.= Spring sowing. Note: each value represents means of three replicates. 79 W.S. S.S. 0.0044 a 0.0000 b W.S. S.S. 0.90a 0.00b Average % of pod infection Average Degree of stem infection Average % of stem infection Average Disease severity Average Degree of infection Average The cultivar Average Table(4-6):The effect of date of sowing on the Ascochyta blight development of seven chickpea cultivars. Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Seed yield The results in table(4-7) showed that the seed yield was greatly reduced by shifting the date of sowing from Winter to Spring, therefore inspite of the avoidance of A. rabiei damages to some extent in Spring sowing, the seed yield was reduced at the rate of 432.04 kg/ha and in percentage of 36.5%. In this aspect, statements of Ilyads(1998) confirm our results that the yield in Winter sowing were consistently higher between 26-330% than the Spring sowing. Similar conclusions reported by many workers, like Singh(1990) who reported that a minimum of 500kg/ha additional yield can be obtained in Winter sowing. Hawtin and Singh(1984) noted that the yield of chickpea can be increased by sowing it in Winter(early December) provided that Ascochyta blight is controlled. Table(4-7) shows There were significant differences between cultivars in seed yield, but the cultivar IPA-510 graded first which have a seed yield of 1525.14kg/ha, then followed by cultivars Ghab-3(1482.38), Harir(1387.92), Dijla(1316.14), and Ghab-2(1043.02kg/ha), while both Shami and Marakishi have too low(negligible) seed yields which were 1.50 and 16.50 kg/ha ,respectively. This is because that the plants of both cultivars were killed by the pathogen in Winter and those of Spring sowing were severely infected and resulted of too low yields. The results of interaction between sowing dates and cultivars in Table(4-7) showed that there were significant differences between the two sowing dates in all cultivars except in cultivar Shami. Biological yield The present results in Table (4-7) shows significant differences between Winter and Spring sowing in biological yield. The Winter sowing proved its superiority in increasing biological yield and have more biological yield of 1609.73kg/ha than the Spring sowing. There were also significant 80 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions differences between the cultivars in the biological yield, therefore the highest biological yield which was 4357.66kg/ha obtained in Harir cultivar, followed by IPA-510, Ghab-3, Dijla, and Ghab-2, respectively. The results of interaction between sowing dates and cultivars revealed that there were significant differences between both seasons in all cultivars. Harvest Index (HI) The results of the present study in Table(4-7) shows that there were significant differences between sowing dates in the harvest index(HI), though the Spring sowing have more HI at the rate of 16.84% than the Winter sowing. This unexpected result is probably due to that both cultivars Shami and Marakishi not yielded during Winter sowing(section 4-10-1-9). Similar conclusions were made by AL-Taee(1997) who confirmed that sowing in the middle of March were superior in HI than sowing in middle of December and have more HI in a rate of 16.20%. The cultivar Ghab-3 has most HI and this is because of the high seed yield of this cultivar. The results of interaction between sowing dates and cultivars showed that there were significant differences between two sowing dates in cultivars Harir, Marakishi, Dijla, IPA-510, and Ghab-3, but there were no significant differences between the two sowing dates in cultivars Shami and Ghab-2. Plant height From Table(4-7), we observed significant differences between Winter and Spring sown plants in term of plant height, therefore the Winter sowing have the average plant height more than the Spring sowing at the rate of 27%. The results of Singh et al.,(1997) confirm our results, however, they showed that Winter sowing plants were taller than those sown in Spring, permitting harvesting by combines. Table(4-7) also shows that the cultivars Ghab-2 81 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions came first in plant height and differed significantly with all other cultivars. The cultivars Harir, Dijla, and Ghab-3 also have reasonable heights with no differences among them, but differed significantly with the other cultivars. Both cultivars Shami, and Marakishi have too low heights, this is possibly due to the fact that the plants of the two cultivars severely infected during both sowing dates. The results of interaction between sowing dates and cultivars showed that there were significant differences in plant height between Winter and Spring sowing in cultivars, Harir, Dijla, IPA-510, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3, while both cultivars Shami, and Marakishi did not differ significantly. 4.10.2 Screening Chickpea germplasm In the greenhouse The results of artificially inoculation for seven cultivars in greenhouse (table-8) confirmed that both cultivars Shami and Marakishi were susceptible to isolates of A. rabiei which were from Erbil province, but the cultivars Harir, Dijla, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3, were resistant to the blight pathogen. The cultivar IPA-510, inspite of recording the degree of infection of 2.21 which considered resistant, but it was relatively high degree that could be considered as a tolerant cultivar. From table (4-8) we observed that the low degrees of stem infections were also recorded in resistant cultivars, Harir, Dijla, and Ghab-2 with no significant differences among them. The cultivar Marakishi has highest degree of stem infection, then the cultivar Shami comes in the second order. The lower percentage of stem infection were recorded in resistant cultivars Harir, Dijla, Ghab-2 and Ghab-3 with no significant differences among them(table4-8). 82 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Harir 30.68 b* 28.95 c 29.82 c 1682.92 c Shami (-)** 31.00 b 31.00 b 0.00 l 3.00 l Marakishi (-) 17.64 f 17.64 f 0.00 l 33.00 k Dijla 26.23 d 26.26 d 26.25 d 1357.28 e IPA-510 38.92 a 31.35 b 35.14 a Ghab-2 26.10 d 22.61 e Ghab-3 25.02 d 22.34 e Average 29.39 a 25.74 b 1092.92 h W.S. S.S. Harvest index W.S. S.S. Plant height(cm) W.S. S.S. Average S.S. W.S. Biological yield(kg/ha) Average S.S. Seed yield(kg/ha) Average W.S. Average Weight of 100 seed (g) The cultivar Average Table(4-7):The effect of date of sowing on the some field traits of seven chickpea cultivars. 1387.92 c 5560.32 b 3155.00 f 4357.66 a 30.27 g 34.66 d 32.47 c 56.93 b 44.20 cd 50.57 b 1.50 g 280.48 l 842.32 k 561.40 g 0.00 k 0.36 k 0.18 f 5.87 f 9.73 f 7.80 d 16.5 f 280.56 l 965.32 j 622.94 f 0.00 k 3.42 j 1.71 e 4.60 f 10.40 f 7.50 d 1275.00 f 1316.14 d 4970.80 d 2977.92 g 3974.36 d 27.31 h 42.81 b 35.06 b 62.60 ab 40.40 d 51.50 b 1850.28 b 1200.00 g 1525.14 a 5030.28 c 3610.28 e 4320.28 b 36.78 c 33.24 e 35.01 b 48.13 c 31.27 e 39.70 c 24.36 e 1474.48 d 611.56 j 1043.02 e 5537.92 b 2318.00 i 3928.00 e 26.63 i 26.38 i 26.50 d 65.93 a 45.13 cd 55.53 a 23.68 e 1919.76 a 1045.00 i 1482.38 b 5849.68 a 2373.04 h 4111.36 c 32.82 e 44.04 a 38.43 a 58.67 b 40.00 d 49.33 b 1183.53 a 751.50 b 3930.00 a 2320.27 b 21.97 b 26.42 a 43.25 a 31.59 b *Values followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.05,according to Duncans multiple range test **Not counted because the plants not reached to the yield stage. W.S.= Winter sowing. S.S.= Spring sowing. 83 Note: each value represents means of three replicates. Chapter 3. Results and Discussions The susceptible cultivars, Shami and Marakishi have high percentages of stem infection. The cultivar Marakishi ranks first in stem infection severity then followed by cultivar Shami. There were low stem infection severities in resistant cultivars Harir, Dijla, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3 and they did not differ significantly with one another, while the cultivar IPA-510 did not differ significantly with susceptible cultivars, Shami and Marakishi. We concluded that under greenhouse conditions, the cultivars Harir, Dijla, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3 were resistant(figure 4-7) and have low degree of stem infection, percentage of stem infection, and stem infection severities, while the cultivar IPA-510 was tolerant to the disease, but both cultivars Shami and Marakishi were susceptible. 4-10-2-2-In the field The results of variability in resistance to A. rabiei in the field confirmed that the cultivars Shami and Marakishi were most susceptible in the degree of infection, degree of stem infection, percentage of stem infection, and stem infection severity, followed by IPA-510 which was moderately susceptible (Table 4-8), but the cultivar Harir was moderately resistant(or tolerant) in the above mentioned variables, while the cultivars Dijla, Ghab-2, and Ghab-3 proved their resistance against the disease and have the lowest degrees of infection, degree, percentage, and severity of stem infection. These results confirm the previous ones that were obtained in the greenhouse. In this aspect, Singh(1990) stated that Ghab-2(ILC 3279) released in Syria as a resistant cultivar to A. rabiei. 84 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Table(4-8): Screening germplasm against Ascochyta blight in both greenhouse and the field. Degree of infection* The cultivar Greenhouse Degree of stem infection** Field Greenhouse Field Stem infection severity % of stem infection Greenhouse cd Field Greenhouse Field 7.49 c 0.37 c 0.61 bc 53.08 b 100 a 0.74 a 1.00 a 4.00 a 62.55 a 100 a 0.79 a 1.00 a 1.58 cd 1.24 d 6.00 2.25 e 0.38 c 0.32 e 3.29 b 2.43 bc 2.75 b 10.41 c 19.22 b 0.60 ab 0.67 b 1.23 c 1.98 d 1.05 de 1.89 d 3.18 d 3.6 0.26 c 0.45 d 1.58 c 2.20 d 1.86 c 2.17 c 5.11 cd 5.22 cd 0.43 bc 0.54 c Harir 1.65 c*** 2.46 c 1.49 ce 2.46 bc 5.68 Shami 2.54 ab 5.00 a 2.95 ab 4.00 a Marakishi 2.80 a 5.00 a 3.25 a Dijla 1.53 c 1.62 e IPA-510 2.21 b Ghab-2 Ghab-3 cd de * On the 0-5 scale ** On the 0-4 scale ***Values within a column followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.05, according to Duncans multiple range test. Note: Each value is means of three replicate 85 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions The present results of the cultivar IPA-510 were in contrast with results that of Al-Taee(1997), however, he claimed that the cultivar was resistant to A. rabiei in Mosul province in both greenhouse and the field. This disagreement possibly was due to the variability in virulence between isolates from Mosul and Erbil, or may refer to that the resistance in the cultivar IPA-510 did not last long, which might be break down and became susceptible. In this aspect Singh (1984) stated that in Pakistan the resistant cultivar F8 became susceptible after some years of planting. Confirming to our results, Reddy et al.,(1983), had reported that the resistant genotypes in Syria became susceptible when were grown in Pakistan, this indicated the presence of physiological races of the fungus. Singh and Reddy(1990) also reported that because of numerous races of A. rabiei, it would be difficult to cultivars that are resistant across all locations. 4.10.3 Chemical control Food poisoning technique for the fungicides From table(4-9) represents the effect of fungicides on the colony diameter(mycelium growth), it seems that there are significant differences in both mycelium growth and percentage of inhibition among treatments Mancozeb, Rovral, and the control and these three treatments, significantly varied with the other treatments. The fungicides, Domark, Benlate, Topas, Dividend, Rubigan, and Raxil, inhibited the growth at the rate of 100 %(figure 4-8). Mancozeb inhibited mycelium growth at the rate of 47.25 while Rovral have the lowest inhibition, which was 37.20 %. In this aspect, Abdou et al.,(1991a) revealed that invitro studies, Benlate inhibited A. rabiei growth at 10 PPM. Results of Inam ul Haq et al.,(1995), seem to confirm the present finding, However, they found that A. rabiei was most sensitive to 86 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Penconazole(as Topas C-50) and it is completely inhibited the growth invitro at 50µg/ml. Table(4-9): The effect of some fungicides on the mycelium growth of A. rabiei in vitro. Fungicides Colony diameter(mm) Domark Benlate Mancozeb Topas Rovral Dividend Rubigan Raxil Control 0.00* 0.00 11.50 0.00 13.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.83 d** d c d b d d d a % of inhibition 100.00 100.00 47.25 100.00 37.20 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 a a b a c a a a d * Each value represents means of four replicates ** Values within a column followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.01, according to Duncan,s multiple range test. A B C D E F G Figure (4-7): Response of seven chickpea cultivars inoculated with Ascochyta rabiei in greenhouse: A: Dijla B: Shami C: Ghab-3 D: IPA-510 E: Harir F: Ghab-2 G: Marakishi 87 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Rubigan 4% Benlate 50% Control Domark 10% Rovral 50% Dividend 3% Mancozeb 80% Topas 10 % Raxil DS 2% Figure (4-8): Effects of some fungicides on the mycelium growth of A. rabiei grown on CSDMA medium. Seed treatment Invitro studies The results of seed treatment in vitro, showed that the fungicides Raxil, Benlate, Mancozeb, and Dividend, eradicated the disease completely from infected seeds(table 4-10). Rovral showed weak protection of infected seeds, and it resulted in 13.33 % of A. rabiei colony formation, but has significant differences with the control and with the other fungicides. The fungicides, Raxil, Dividend, Benlate, Mancozeb, and Rovral did not differ significantly with one another in percentage of seed Germination, but have significant differences with the control. Rovral did not differ significantly with the untreated control and caused lowering of germination because the fungus 88 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions caused seed decay of some infected seeds or seedlings which prevented the germination(figure 4-9). The results of Kaiser and Hannan(1988), seem to confirm our results that in laboratory tests, the incidence of seed-borne A. rabiei reduced from 45% in untreated to 0% in treated seeds by using Benlate and thiobendazole(TBZ). Table (4-10): The effect of seed dressing fungicides on appearance of A. rabiei colonies and germination of chickpea seeds invitro. Fungicides % of colony formation % of seed germination Raxil 0.00* c** 100.00 a Benlate 0.00 c 96.66 a Mancozeb 0.00 c 93.33 a Dividend 0.00 c 93.33 a Rovral 13.33 b 83.33 ab Control 93.33 a 66.66 b * Each value represents means of four replicates ** Values within a column followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.01, according to Duncan,s multiple range test. 89 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Healthy Infected seedling seedling Figure(4-9): Effect of some seed dressing fungicides on the seedling infection, Ascochyta colony formation, and germination of chickpea seeds in vitro. 90 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions In vivo studies The results of seed treatment in greenhouse revealed that Raxil, Benlate, and Dividend eradicated the pathogen A. rabiei from seeds completely and has no significant differences with the healthy seed treatment. Rovral and Mancozeb did not protect the seedlings from infection and they gave seedling infection 8.75 and 18.13%, respectivly(table 4-11). Mancozeb differed significantly with the healthy seeds treatment in percentage of seedling infection but did not differ significantly with untreated control(infected seeds) and with Rovral. In this aspect Kaiser and Hannan(1988) confirmed that A. rabiei was transmitted to seedlings from infected seeds planted in sterile soil under greenhouse conditions. Maden(1983) also showed that transmission of A. rabiei to the arial parts of chickpea seedlings from naturally infected seeds was 25% in greenhouse and 12.2% in the field. Statements that of AL-Taee(1997) seems to confirm our findings that Benlate eradicated the disease from seeds completely. The percentage of Germination was not affected by the seed treatment. There were no significant differences between untreated control and healthy seed treatment, and also with Raxil, Benlate, and Rovral. The lowest percentage of Germination observed with the Mancozeb which have no significant differences with Rovral, and this is probably due to that both Mancozeb and Rovral did not protected the seeds completely. From Table(4-11) we observe that germination speed was not affected with seed treatments, therefore there were no significant differences among Benlate, Rovral, Dividend, and healthy seeds in one side and untreated control in the other side, but both Raxil and Mancozeb which have high germination speeds, differed significantly with the other treatments with no differences with each other. 91 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Table(4-11): The effect of some seed dressing fungicides on the control of A. rabiei, germination and germination speed of chickpea seeds invivo. treatment % of seedling infection Raxil 0.00* c** 96.25 ab 3.28 a Mancozeb 18.13 ab 85.00 c 3.43 a Benlate 0.00 c 96.25 ab 2.26 bc Rovral 8.75 b 91.25 bc 2.00 c Dividend 0.00 c 98.75 a 2.69 b Cntrol(untreated infected seeds) 24.55 a 92.50 ab 2.25 bc Control (healthy seeds) 0.00 95.00 ab 1.95 c c % of seed germination Germination speed * Each value represents means of four replicates ** Values within a column followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.05, according to Duncan,s multiple range test. Foliar Application In the greenhouse The results of chemical foliar application in greenhouse revealed that there were significant differences among treatments in degree of infection(table 4-12and figure 4-10). The best control of the disease was obtained with Raxil which reduced the degree of infection on the rate of 92 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions 53.70% compared to untreated control, followed by Topas which reduced the degree of infection on the rate of 52.17%. Moreover, the degree of infection of these two treatments did not reach to the susceptible level which was >2.5 in a 0-5 scale, but other treatments, Benlate, Rubigan, and Domark, inspite of their significant differences with the untreated control, did not prevent the plants to reach the susceptible point. The table also shows that the lowest percentage of stem infection was with Topas which was 2.93%, followed by Raxil and Domark which have percentages of stem infection of 3.66 and 17.2%, respectively, and these three treatments did not differ with one another, but differed significantly with the untreated control. The results showed that Topas came first in plant height followed by Raxil with no significant differences with each other, but differed significantly with the other treatments. The present study in table(4-12) also shows that both fungicides, Raxil and Topas, came first in dry weight and these two treatments differed significantly with the other treatments. We concluded that in addition of that all fungicides used in this experiment completely inhibited the growth of the pathogen in food poisoning technique(invitro studies table 4-9), but in this study, none of these fungicides completely eradicated the pathogen from the plants. In agreement with our results, Islam et al.,(1999) argued that Topas C-50 suppressed the rate of gram blight disease development compared to untreated control, and they confirmed that none of the fungicides used in the trial applied once or twice, completely inhibited the symptoms development. 93 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions Table(4-12): The effect of some fungicides used as post infection spray to control the Ascochyta blight of chickpea in greenhouse. Treatment Degree % Reduction of % of stem of degree of infection infection infection. Plant height(cm) Dry weight(g) Raxil 2.13*e 53.70 3.66 d 22.87 a 0.89 a Topas 2.20 de 52.17 2.93 d 23.60 a 0.85 a Benlate 3.60 b 21.74 55.66 b 17.47 c 0.63 b Rubigan 3.00 c 34.78 39.66 c 19.60 bc 0.70 b Domark 2.60 cd 43.48 17.20 d 20.13 b 0.72 b Control 4.60 a 0.00 74.00 a 18.47 bc 0.62 b *Each value represents means of three replicates. ** Values within a column followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.05, according to Duncan,s multiple range test. A B D C E F Figure(4-10): Response of chickpea plants infected by A. rabiei to some fungicides used as a foliar application in greenhouse A: untreated control, B: Domark 10% EC, C: Rubigan 4% EC, D: Benlate 50% WP, E: Topas 10% EC, F: Raxil 2DS. 94 Chapter 3. Results and Discussions In the field The results of foliar application in the field are obtained by using five different fungicides, which were Raxil, Topas, Domark, Rubigan, and Benlate. It revealed the fact that there were no effects of any fungicides in controlling the disease with the susceptible cultivar Shami. Though, there were no significant differences among any of treatments and with the control(table 4-13), and this is probably because of the intermittent rain for long period which continued from 18 of March until 7 of Aprril, therefore, the water splashes created many secondary infections during this period and resulted of no fungicides effects. We concluded that three sprays were insufficient under rainy conditions with the susceptible cultivars. The present result are in agreement with previous reports of Reddy and Singh(1990c) that more than six fungicides applications per season are needed to control the disease. 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