w. 113 L. A. HETIERSCHEID, 2003 Notes on the Genus Amorphophallus 12: Three New Species from Tropical Asia W. L. A. Hetterscheid Chrysantenstraat 28 1214 BM Hilversum Netherlands ABSTRACT Three new species of Amorphophallus from Asia are described. Their morphological similarities to other species are discussed. KEYWORDS Araceae, Amorphophallus operculatus, Amorphophallus sinuatus, AmorphophalIus vogelianus, Thailand, Vietnam. INTRODUCTION Ongoing fieldwork by Nguyen V.D. (Hanoi, Vietnam) and discoveries made in existing collections still result in the recognition of undescribed species of Amorphophallus. It is expected that with this rate of new discoveries the total number of species of Amorphophallus (presently at ca. 190) will definitely exceed 200. SPEcms DESCRIPTIONS 1. AmorphophaUus operculatus Hett. & Sizemore sp. nov.-Type: Hetterscheid HAM.994- T (L, spiritcol!., holotype), THAILAND, Chumphon prov., Chumphon, col!. from a living plant in the Leiden Botanical Garden, 31 July 2003 (orig. col!. M. Sizemore s.n.). Figures 1-4. Diagnosis-Ab Amorphophallo saururus tubero multo tenuiore longioreque, spadice spatha aequilonga, antheris inferioribus operculatis differt. Tuber elongate, thin, vertically rhizomatous, branching, to 40 cm long, 1-4 cm in diam. at the top; petiole 10-65 cm long, 0.4-1.5 cm in diam., smooth, uniformlyolive green to dark rich reddish green, sometimes with a few small, dark spots near the base; lamina moderately or highly dissected, 20-70 cm in diam., rachises winged throughout; leaflets elongate ovate to ovate-Ianceolate, top acute-acuminate, 2-14 cm long, 1-5 cm in diam., fleshy, upper surface a rich dark emerald green, margin reddish, lower surface dark greyish green, often flushed dark purple-violet, rachises on the lower side rich dark reddish purple. Peduncle 33-50 cm long, 6-8 mm in diam., smooth, dull reddish mauve with or without a few darker, irregular indistinct spots at the base. Spathe broadly triangular-elliptic, 8-12 cm in long., 6-11 cm in diam., margins concave, base and limb hardly separated, base convolute, ca. half the length of the spathe, not opening to the base during male anthesis, top acute, outside whitish changing to pale dirty greyish-white near the base, veins pale pinkish, upper half suffused with a pale pinkish-purplish hue, inside dirty whitish, top with a pinkish-purplish hue, base within densely clothed with mostly more or less globose verrucae, those on the dorsal side and close to the spadix base elongate and/or slightly rugate, the entire inner surface of the base covered with a wet film. Spadix sessile, longer than spathe, 10-14.5 cm long; female zone cylindric, 0.8-1 cm long, 0.8-1.1 cm in diam., flowers congested; male zone elongate, slightly conical, base constricted, top slightly or more distinctly laterally compressed, 3.54.8 cm long, 0.8-1.4 cm in diam. at the base, 0.5-1.2 cm in diam. at the top, flowers congested; appendix elongate conical, thin-walled, 5-8.2 cm long, 0.9-1.5 cm in diam. at the base, terete or slightly laterally compressed, more distinctly near the base, 114 Fig . 1. AROIDEAN A , Vol. 26 Amolpbopballus opercu/alus: lea f, detail. Fig. 2. Am011Jbopballus opercula/us: infl o r scence. Fig. 3. Amol1Jhophallus opercu.latus: spad Lx , dela i I. \XI. L. A. HETTE RSC HEID , 2003 11 5 clusively Tha i s pec ies , cha racte rized b y e lo ngate, branch ing tubers, very dark ve lvety gree n leaves w ith thin purplish-red margins and w hi tish s pathes w ith concave margins. The o the r members of this g ro up are A. saururus Helt. , A. pygmaeus He tt. , A. sizemoreae Hen. and A. uogelianus Hert. & Sizemo re s p. nov. (this publi catio n). From all these s pecies , A. op erculatus diffe rs in the very lo ng, thin tube r, which in the othe r s pecies is sh ort and thick and the o pe rculate nature of (some of) the lower ma le fl owers, w hich is also not fo und in any of th e othe r four s pecies . Fig. 4. be rs. Amolp bopballus operculatus: tu- top ac ute, s urface slightly and shall ow ly rugose, o ff- white . Ovari es s ubglobose, 2 mm in cliam. , 1.8-2 mm lo ng, pa le g reen , unilocula r; style e lo ngate conica l, 0.8-l. 1 mm lo ng, 0.8 mm in diam . at the base, 0.5 mm at the to p , pa le purple o r pale g reen flu shed pal e purple; stig ma d e pressed , 1l.2 mm in c]jam. , ca. 0.5 111m hig h, w ith a shall ow irregul ar central depress io n, s urfa ce ve rru culate, off-white . Male fl owers having mostly 11-5 sta me ns, th e lower fl owe rs w ith onl y 1-2 sta me ns; sta me ns 1l.2 mm lo ng, 0.8-1 mm in dia m. ; fi lame nts ca . 0.5 mm lo ng, connate, w hitish; a nth ers 0.5-0.7 mm lo ng, truncate, po res a pi ca l, slightly e longate, those o f the mo re isolated lower anthe rs lunate to e ntire ly ringlike aro und the upper rim o f the a nthe r, the a nthe r then seeming ly opercul ate. Etymology-The species e pith et re fe rs to the peculia r shape of the pores of (some of) the lower ma le flowe rs. Notes-A nWlp hopbaUus opercula tus be lo ngs to a small group of (thu s far) ex- 2. Amorpbopballus sinuatus He tt. & Ng uyen V.D. , sp. nov.-Type: Hetterscheid H.AM.1154-T (L, spiritcoll. , ho lotype), VIETNAM, Q uang Binh prov ince , Bo Trach distr. , Son Tra ch commune, P hong Nga Ccoll. fro m a li ving p la nt cultivate d in the Le ide n Bota ni ca l Ga rd e n , 25 April 2003 , o rig . call. Nguyen V.D. 185 p.p . as fo r the tube r se nt to th e Le ide n Bot. Ga rd e n , coil. o n 31 March 1997, "at the foot o f a limesto ne mo untain , in fo rest shad e, alt. ca . 50-100 m). Figu res 5-7. Diagnos is-Ab Amo rpho pha llo s ubpedaro appe ndicis diame tro eo zonae masculae aeq ua li , stig mate distincte ma io re ovari um fe re tegenti , fo li o non subpedato diffe rt. Tuber e lo ngate, to 20 cm lo ng, 2-3 cm in cliam. at the to p , tapering to th e ba se, no t branching . Petio le 17 cm lo ng , 4 mm in cliam ., unifo rm ly pa le green ; lamina 45 cm in diam. , rac hises un winged ; lea fl ets elongate e lli ptic, 19 cm lo ng, 7 cm in cliam. , ac umin ate , uppe r s urface dull green , lower s urface glossy g reen. Peduncle smooth, pal e g ree n all over, 10 cm long , 0.5 cm in cli am., a lmost entire ly hidden by lo ngest cataphyll. Spath e broa d ly triangula r, 3 cm lo ng, 3.5 cm in diam ., limb and base no t diffe re ntiated , top o btu se, o utside unifo rml y pa le g reen, veins slig htly d arke r, insid e as o utside , slig htl y pa le r, base slig htl y darke r, base with in w ith scattere d , shall ow , wh itish-greenish , punctifo rm wa rts. Spadix sessile, distinctly lo nger 116 Fig. 5. AmoJ1Jhophallus sinuatus: inf1orescence. than spathe , male pa rt reaching well beyo nd the spath e, 11 cm lo ng; fe male zone cylindric, 1 cm lo ng, 0.8 cm in diam. , f1o we rs congested or slightl y distant; male zone cyli ndric , 4 cm lo ng , 0.7 cm in cliam. , f1 0wers congested , th e lower o nes slig htl y distant, some times adja cent f1 0we rs in th e sa me spiral fu sed , in th e uppe r regions o f the zone indiv id ual f1 0we rs hardl y recogniza ble, o nl y as indiv idu a l sta me ns; appe ndL,,( elo nga te cy lindric-conical, 6 cm long, 0.8 cm in clia m at th e base, 0.4 em in cliam. ne ar the top , ta pe ring , slightl y dorsi ventrall y compressed , smooth , very pale green, top mo re o r less obtuse, e mitting a powe rful ste nch o f o ligol11ethyl-oligos ulphides . Ova ries obco nical , top strongly trunca ted , the base sunke n in the spadix-ax is, 2 mm in diam. , 1 mm high, bright pale g ree n, unilocul ar; style thick, sho rt, 0.2-0.4 mm lo ng, 0.8 mm in diam. , pale green; tig l11a large, de pressed , shallowly three-l o bed , 1.5 111111 in cliam, 0.8 111m high, lobes broadl y o btu se , surface scabrate, white . Male f10wers consisting of AROIDEf NA, Vol. 26 Fig . 6. A m oJph ophallu.s sinuatus: spadix. Fig. 7. deta il. AmoJ1J/) ophallus sinuatus: sp adix, w. L. A. HElTERSC HElD , 2003 11 7 A molphophallus uogelianus: leaf, Fig. 9. Amolphophallus uogelianus: infl o rescence. 3-6 stame ns (excl . late ra ll y fu sed fl owers); stame ns 1 mm hig h, 0.8-1. 2 111m in cliam., recta ng ular o r irregul a rl y ang ul ate in upper view, trunca ted ; fil ame nts 0.5 111m lo ng, fu sed , o ff-white; anthers 0.5 111111 lo ng, o ff-white, po res o f the thecae o pe ning to o ne centra l pore at a nthesis, rupturing the connective , connecti ve produced , sho rt co nica l. nism , the very short s pathe e tc. It diffe rs however in hav ing a n a lmost cylindric s padix and d istinctl y larger stigma s. Also the leaf of A. Sil1UClfUS does no t have the distinct s ubpedate a rchitecture of A. subpedatus. The infl o rescence o f A. sinuaills also rese mbl es that of A. dzui He lt. b ut lacks the stamino dial zone . Fig. 8. de ta il. Etymo logy-The species epithet refers to th e sinuate sha pe o f the stigmas. Addi tio nal mate ri al- Hellerscheid H.AM. 1320 (L, spiritcoll.), VIETNAM, Quang Binh p rovince , Bo Trach d istr. , Son Trach commune , Pho ng Nha Na tl. Park (fro m a plant cultiva ted in the Le id en Botan ical Ga rde n, orig. coli. : Nguen \/.D. & Le Nhaf 231). Notes-This s pecies is obv io usly close to Amolphophalllls subpedafus Nguye n V.D. & He rt. (in press) \" ith w hich it shares many features in gene ra l infl o resce nce morpho logy, the polle n release 111echa- 3. Amorphophallus vogelianus Hert. & H. Bill enste ine r sp. nov.-Type: H efterscheid H.AJ\l1.11 73- T (L, s piritcoll. , ho lo type) , N. THAILAND , Chi a ng Dao, in rocks (call . fro m a living pla nt c ulti va te d in th e Le ide n Bota ni ca l Ga rde n , 20 May 2003 , orig. coli . H. Billensteiner s.n.) . Figures 8-11. Diagnosis-Amo rphophallo sizemoreae similis, pistillis re mo te positis, stylo conico, fo lio lis o bovatis d iffe rt. Tuber elo ngate , stro ng ly branche d , 12 cm long, 4 cm in clia m. at the to p , individua l branches to 3 cm in cliam ., pale brown, pro du cing o ne o r a few lea ves . Petio le dull 118 Fig. 10. A 1110 lphophallu s uogelian us: s pad ix , de ta il. reddish brow n w ith few sca tte red , bla ckish s ho rt o r lo ng stripes, sm ooth, 23-40 c m lo ng, 0. 7-1 c m in diam .; lamina 40-60 c m in cliam., o p e n , rela ti vely few and la rge leafle ts, rach ises w inge d throug ho ut; leafle ts elliptic-obova te to o bovate , 5-18 cm lo ng, 2.5-9 c m in cli a m. , base o f o ute r lea fle ts broadl y d ecurre nt, top s ho rt ac uminate , uppe r surface velvety deep g reen , margin ve ry thinl y line d reddis h . Inflorescence long peduncle d ; ped uncle thin , 30 cm long, 5 mm in diam ., s mooth, unifo rmly pinkish brow n w ith a fe w sca tte red blackish thin , sho rt striatio ns, up wa rds pale r; Spathe e lliptica l, e rect, 7.5 cm lo ng , 5 cm in clia m ., base a nd limb hardl y separa ted but by a ve ry faint constricti o n o n the do rsa l s id e , base ve ry sho rt convo lu te , outside pal e w hitish green , ins ide sm ooth w ith ve ry fa int depress io ns, pale green ; limb acute , to p fo rnicate, ma rgins concavely involute, o uts ide crea mish , ins id e c rea mis h . Spad ix sessil e , slig htly lo nger than spathe, 8 cm long; fe m ale part cy lindric , 0.8 cm lo ng, 0.6 c m in dia m. (excl. ARO IDEANA , Vo l. 26 Fig. 11. ber. A11101'iJhophalhls vogelicmus: tu- styles), fl owers distant and s unk into the s padix axis, axis pale b luis h g reen ; male zo ne cylindri c, 1.7 c m lo ng , 0.9 cm in cli am. , fl owers congested ; ap pe ndix e lo ngate conica l, 5.5 cm lo ng, 1 c m in clia m. (cl ose to the base) , base constricted , top o btuse, s urface smooth, dull pal e g ree nis h 'w ith a c rea mish flu sh at the base. Ovaries disciform , s unk into the spa dix axis, ova l in cross-sectio n , 3 mm in cli a m. (long ax is) X 2 111m (sho rt axis), 1.5 mm hig h , to p trunca ted , tape ring to th e base , biloc ular, pal e g reen ; style short, 0. 3 mm long, 0.5 mm in cli am. cylindric, pa le g ree n ; stig m a conica l, d istinctl y bilo bed-sinu ate , 0.8 mm in diam ., 0.8 mm high , w hite , verru c ulose. Ma le fl owers consisting of 2-4 sta m e ns ; sta me ns 2 mm long; filam e nts thic k , 1 m111 lo ng , 1.8 mm in diam. , o ff w hite ; a nthe rs truncated, 1 mm lo ng, 1 mm in clia m. , o ff w hite ; pores ap ical, sli t- li ke. Etymology-The s pec ies is na med afte r Mr. Art Vogel, g reenh o use manage r o f th e Le ide n Bo tanica l Ga rde n , fo r his fri e nd - W. 1. A. HETIERSCHEID, 2003 ship with the author and his fine skills in growing Amorphophallus. He also collected many Amorphophallus species on his expeditions with staff of the National Herbarium, Leiden Branch, The Netherlands, adding valuable information for the author's taxonomic revision of the genus. Note-Amorphophallus vogelianus is a member of group of rather ornamental species around A. saururus, with which it shares the branching elongate tuber, the velvety green leaflets with reddish margin, whitish spathe and the involute spathe View publication stats 119 margin. In general appearance of leaves and inflorescence, A. vogelianus most resembles A. sizemoreae (Thailand) but differs in the tuber being vertical in all its parts, the leaflets being obovate, the appendix being more or less obtuse, the ovaries being sunk in the spadix axis, the stigmas being conical and the pistils being distantly placed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is indebted and grateful to Dr. J. F. Veldkamp for providing the Latin diagnoses of the species presented here.