ADA PLANTS GALLERY #13 Rotala rotundifolia

kota IwahoriKota Iwahori
ADA’s Research and Development Department, called the Green Lab, develops a wide variety of greenery products. In this article, we would like to share with you some interesting bits of trivia about the plants produced in the lab, and a part of their true nature we see from time to time.

Beautiful grouping with three Rotala species
Rotala rotundifolia is widely distributed in Asia and is one of the easiest Rotala species to grow in the water. Its dense, natural-looking bushes have long been a favorite of aquatic plant enthusiasts, along with the gorgeous Rotala macrandra and the delicate Rotala wallichii. When considering a layout plan that features stem plants, they are the species that are sure to be on the list of candidates.
Rotala rotundifolia grows quickly and is resistant to trimming. The effects of liquid fertilizers and additives are easy to observe and can be recommended for those who want to learn the basics of aquatic plant growth.

The joy of choosing and searching
Rotala rotundifolia varies in color and leaf shape from region to region, and some enthusiasts collect them. In a layout, selecting a type that fits your vision is one of the pleasures of collecting Rotala rotundifolia. “BIO Mizukusa no Mori” and “Wabi-Kusa” monoculture series have a lineup of Rotala rotundifolia types recommended for layouts, but there are actually many more types hidden in “Wabi-Kusa” mixed types…
We would like to introduce some of the variations of Rotala rotundifolia planted in the mixed type “Wabi-Kusa”. The fascinating individuality is revealed by becoming submerged leaves. It is like a treasure hunt.

Round leaves, pretty flowers
Rotala rotundifolia, which is attractive in the water with its bright colors, looks rather plain above water, but the Fujian and Inle types develop pretty, glossy leaves with nearly round oval leaves. Most types have pretty pink to purple flowers, and as for Rotala rotundifolia ‘Green’, they are alba (white flowers). With “Wabi-Kusa”, flowering season of Rotala rotundifolia is from spring to summer.
Rotala rotundifolia ‘Spikey’ flowers, considered a variation of Rotala rotundifolia. They bloom all at once, and “Wabi-Kusa” in the blooming season is a must-see.