Taxon profile


Orange Lichen
Caloplaca saxicola (Hoffm.) Nordin

kingdom Fungi - fungi »  class Lecanoromycetes »  order Teloschistales »  family Teloschistaceae »  genus Caloplaca - orange lichen

Scientific synonyms

Lichen saxicola Hoffm.
Lecanora saxicola (Pollich) Ach.
Squamaria saxicola (Pollich) Hook.
Placodium saxicola (Pollini) Frege
Parmularia muralis var. saxicola (Pollich) Räsänen
Placolecanora muralis var. saxicola (Pollich) Räsänen
Caloplaca discerenda (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
Lecanora miniatula Nyl.
Placodium miniatulum (Nyl.) H. Olivier
Caloplaca miniatula (Nyl.) Zahlbr.


Caloplaca saxicola - Orange Lichen

Author: Mgr. František ŠARŽÍK

Caloplaca saxicola - Orange Lichen

Author: Mgr. František ŠARŽÍK

Caloplaca saxicola - Orange Lichen

Author: Radim Paulič

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete

Included taxa

Number of records: 3

subspecies Caloplaca saxicola subsp. obliterans (Pers.) Clauz. & Roux
subspecies Caloplaca saxicola subsp. pulvinata (A. Massal.) Clauz. & Roux

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