Taxon profile


Barrelier's Bugloss
Cynoglottis barrelieri (All.) Vural & Kit Tan

kingdom Plantae - plants »  divisio Magnoliophyta - flowering plants »  class Rosopsida - eudicots »  order Boraginales »  family Boraginaceae »  genus Cynoglottis

Scientific synonyms

Buglossum barrelieri All.
Anchusa barrelieri (All.) Vitman
Anchusa coronensis Schur
Anchusa obtusa (Waldst. & Kit.) Schloss. & Vuk.

Other names

= False Alkanet


Intertaxon relationships

consumer: Phytoecia tigrina Mulsant, 1851

Included taxa

Number of records: 4

subspecies Cynoglottis barrelieri subsp. longisepala (T. Georgiev & Kitan.) Ančev & Valdés
subspecies Cynoglottis barrelieri subsp. phocidica (Gustavsson) Greuter & Burdet
subspecies Cynoglottis barrelieri subsp. serpentinicola (Rech. f.) Vural & Kit Tan

Links and literature

EN Botanical Society of British Isles [], Botany Department, The Natural History Museum [as Cynoglottis barrelieri (All.) Vural & Kit Tan]
Data retrieved on: 11 May 2012

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