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The moss families (Bryophyta, Musci) of Britain and Ireland

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz


In Dixon’s Splachnaceae

Gametophyte. Acrocarpous; forming tufts, or the plants scattered. Mature plants 5–10 mm high. The leaves orbicular, or spathulate to obovate (entire, soft and succulent); spiral; single-nerved. The leaf nerves extending beyond the middle of the leaf, but not to the tip. Leaf blade apices obtuse; not apiculate; apically rounded. Leaf blade margins flat; entire. Leaf blades not conspicuously bordered. The basal leaf cells more or less isodiametric; hexagonal, or rounded; smooth. The walls of basal leaf cells thin; straight. The angular cells not well differentiated. The mid-leaf cells more or less isodiametric; hexagonal, or rounded; smooth. The walls of the mid-leaf cells thin; sinuous.

Sporophyte. Capsules exserted; erect; symmetrical; ellipsoid; with an externally conspicuous apophysis (this very long, yellowish, succulent and tapering into the seta, according to Smith). The apophysis becoming conspicuously rugose and/or twisted. Capsules above the apophysis, smooth; without a peristome. The operculum conical to mamillate. Setae present, or absent (? - the morphological nature of the pedicel being unclear, with Dixon interpreting the pedicel as comprising apophysis only); straight.

Ecology. Occurring in acid conditions. Montane, on peaty soil in shaded rock crevices and scree.

Representation in Britain and Ireland. 1 species. Oedipodium (Gouty-moss). Northern Scotland, southern Scotland, northern England, Wales, and Ireland.

Classification. Class Polytrichopsida; Order Tetraphidales.

Illustrations. • Oedipodium griffithianum. OEDIPODIACEAE: Oedipodium griffithianum (Dicks.) Schwaegr.

From Dixon and Jameson (1924), the unscaled screen display approximately doubling the magnifications given with their individual figures. 1, leaf, or stem leaf where these differ; 2, branch-leaf; 3, perichaetial leaf; 4, perigonial leaf; 5, capsule; 6, peristome; 7, calyptra; 8, spores; 9, inflorescence; 10, gemmae; 11, paraphyllia; 12, stoma of capsule; *, plant, or part of one. Qualifications: a, apex; b, base; c, cells at one third from the apex; cv, ventral aspect of cells; cd, dorsal aspect of cells; bc, basal cells; x, section. Oedipodium griffithianum. • Oedipodiaceae and Schistostegaceae: Berkeley. OEDIPODIACEAE: 5, Oedipodium griffithianum (Dicks.) Schwaeg., habit; a, leaf, with associated paraphyllia; b, capsule. SCHISTOSTEGACEAE: 4, Schistostega pennata (Hedw.) Web. & Mohr, habit; a, plant more highly magnified; b, detail of leaves; c, calyptra.

From Berkeley (1863, Plate 14). The approximate 1 cm scale applies to the whole plant (habit) illustrations only.

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2005 onwards. The moss families (Bryophyta, Musci) of Britain and Ireland. Version: 5th August 2019.’.
