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CITESwoodID: descriptions, illustrations, identification and information retrieval

H.G. Richter, K. Gembruch, G. Koch

Dalbergia cearensis (Kingwood, pau violeta) - CITES II

Nomenclature. Family: FABACEAE-FABOIDEAE. Synonym(s): syn.: Dalbergia variabilis var. bahiensis. Further trade and local names: violet wood (trade); jacarandá violeta, miolo de negro, pau rosa, violeta (BR); bois de violette, palissandre violette (FR); Königsholz (DE). Code according to DIN EN 13556: DLCR.

CITES(EU) status of protection. Listed in Annex II(B).

Geographic distribution. Tropical South America. Brazil: Bahia, Ceará, Pernambuco, Piauí.

Growth rings, colour, grain, etc. Growth ring boundaries mostly distinct. Heartwood basically brown, purple; with streaks (conspicuously blackish violet). Sapwood distinct from heartwood colour. Odour distinct (aromatic, somewhat sweet when freshly cut). Wood heavy and hard (0.90–1.0–1.2 g/cm3). Interlocked grain present.

Hardwood vs softwood. Vessels (pores) present (= hardwood).

Vessels (pores). Wood semi-ring-porous to diffuse-porous; earlywood pore ring uniseriate (frequently discontinuous). Vessels (pores) arranged in no specific pattern; in multiples; commonly in short (2–3 vessels) radial rows and in radial rows of 4 or more. Vessels small to medium (20–70–150 µm); few to numerous (10–32–68). Tyloses absent. Other deposits in heartwood vessels (pores) present.

Axial parenchyma. Axial parenchyma present; banded (of irregular ocurrence), or not banded. Parenchyma bands exclusively marginal (or seemingly marginal); narrow. Other macroscopically visible types of axial parenchyma: vasicentric, aliform lozenge type and confluent (rather insdistinct, difficult to observe even with a hand lens).

Rays. Rays narrow. Large rays commonly less than 1 mm high.

Storied structure. Storied structure present. Tiers regular (horizontal or slightly inclined); 6–8 per axial millimetre.

Physical and chemical tests. Heartwood not fluorescent. Water extract not fluorescent; colour shade of water extract colourless to brown. Heartwood extractives not leachable by water. Ethanol extract fluorescent (weakly pink); colour shade of ethanol extract purple. Splinter burns to full ash; colour of ash white to grey.

Additional information. • Transverse section + wood surface. Transverse section ca. 10x. Radial and tangential surface, natural size.

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Cite this publication as: ‘Richter, H.G., Gembruch, K., and Koch, G. 2014 onwards. CITESwoodID: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. In English, French, German, and Spanish. Version: 4th April 2023.’.
