maranta leuconeura and begonia

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Prayer Plant And Begonia

The striped leaf is commonly known as a prayer plant, a relatively easy to grow houseplant prized for its striking variegated leaves with purple undersides. The foliage tends to curl up at night, the reason for its common name. They need average water and average light, but will burn in full sun. Also, like most houseplants, prayer plants are tropical plants and are sensitive to salts in the tap water. If its tips begin to brown, suggest you switch to steam iron water and feed with a slow-release or organic fertilizer formulated for houseplants.

The other plant is a begonia although without seeing the flower it's impossible to know which one since there are hundreds with similar foliage. These grow the best in the same conditions as the prayer plant, but if you are wanting each to thrive you should place them in their own pots. Plants growing in the same pot don't do as well since their roots fill the soil and try to out-compete each other. You might want to separate these as soon as possible.

By | 2016-03-10T14:15:07-08:00 March 10th, 2016|House Plants|0 Comments