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Dietes Growing Guide

Header Dietes Grandiflora - Garden Express Australia

What is Dietes?

Dietes (Dietes grandiflora) also known as Wild Iris, Butterfly Iris, Fairy Iris, Spanish iris is a clump forming, rhizomatous perennial. It is part of the Iridaceae family and is native to South Africa. Erect dark green sword like foliage are produced in a clumping habit. Flowers appear in Spring and flower through into Summer. The flowers are held aloft the foliage on tall stems. The flowers are open faced white flowers that are streaked with yellow and mauve. Each flower only lasts for a few days. Dietes requires a full sun to part shade position in the garden that has well draining soil although they are not too fussy. They are drought and frost resistant.

Benefits of Growing Dietes

Dietes are a hardy and low maintenance plant that is ideal for the beginner gardener. They are ideal for landscaping, weed suppressing, creating a natural boarder and erosion control. They are very commonly used in mass plantings.

How to Grow Dietes

Dietes Iridoides Lpodieiri 2017 - Garden Express Australia

Dietes Grandiflora

Climatic Zones

Cool to tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 80cm-1m, Width: 80cm-1m

When To Plant Dietes

Plant anytime.

Soil Preparation

They prefer a fertile, well drained soils with plenty of added humus to maintain some moisture access. However will grow in about any soil type.

How To Plant Dietes

Plant in full sun to part shade, 90m apart with the plant crown at soil level.

Dietes Plant Care

Water regularly until established then water during dry spells.

If needed, fertilise with a slow release fertiliser in Spring.

Do not remove flower stems as they continue to flower for several years.

They can be divided when clumps get large enough every 4 to 5 years. Divide in Winter.