Coleonema album

Coleonema album

Observation - Coleonema album - Southern Africa. Description: Fragrant, cropped woody shrub on rocky coastal plateau. Linear leaves and five-chambered capsules. Well known as confetti bush, the Afrikaans common name, aasbossie, refers to the habit of fishermen rubbing the fragrant leaves to rid their hands of the sm

Fragrant, cropped woody shrub on rocky coastal plateau. Linear leaves and five-chambered capsules. Well known as confetti bush, the Afrikaans common name, aasbossie, refers to the habit of fishermen rubbing the fragrant leaves to rid their hands of the smell of bait on their way back home. Visiting these bonsais is like a rendez-vous with cherished friends for me. These are the same plants I met in this spot 18 years ago. They are in a magnificent spot and gives me a thrill to know that they are still there.