Heliophila africana, Rondebosch Common - Feb. 2005

Heliophila africana, Rondebosch Common - Feb. 2005

Observation - Heliophila africana, Rondebosch Common - Feb. 2005 - Southern Africa. Description: Heliophila africana (L.) Marais This species is accepted, and its native range is Cape Prov. http:

Heliophila africana (L.) Marais
This species is accepted, and its native range is Cape Prov.
Illustrated in Mary Maytham Kidd, 140 (1996)
Redlist link: http://redlist.sanbi.org/species.php?species=2878-7
South African endemic
Flowering: Aug-Oct
JSTOR compilation: https://plants.jstor.org/compilation/heliophila.africana.
Look-up: STRELITZIA 29 (2012) page 440 BRASSICACEAE