Reticularia Lycoperdon (False puffball)

Reticularia Lycoperdon (False puffball)

Observation - Reticularia Lycoperdon (False puffball) - UK and Ireland. Description: Photographs of Reticulum lycoperdon taken during May 2016 and April 2017. (Three sites.) Initially a

Photographs of Reticulum lycoperdon taken during May 2016 and April 2017. (Three sites.) Initially a gelatinous mass before forming a lumpy egg-like sac. I understand the immature fruit body is pink (photo 2) and I'm guessing it then turns yellow and white (photo 3) before turning silver-grey (photo 4). The skin then dries and ruptures with age exposing the dark spores.
Link to some interesting photographs showing the slime mould's development,