Garden Help: Crinum lilies are versatile landscape plants

Terry Brite Delvalle
St. Christopher lily is in bloom around mid-June and has frangrant white tulip-shaped flowers. (Photo by Terry Brite Delvalle)

I’ve often heard gardeners in our area complain that they can’t grow tulips and other Northern bulbs that require chilling hours. But one interesting group of bulbs in the South that is the envy of Northern gardeners is crinums. Crinum lilies are loved in Southern landscapes because of their tropical beauty plus they are versatile landscape plants. Consider the options: They can tolerate drought or wet feet, hot blazing sun and salt spray at the beaches. In other words, they are real work horses.

Crinums are in the amaryllidaceae family so are close relatives of amaryllis, zephyr lily, narcissus and spider lily (Hymenocallis). Most of these plants are from climates that range from warm temperate to tropical temperatures. The crinums are no exception as some are cold-hardy into zone 8 while others are more tropical and will survive only in zones 10 and 11. Most crinums are introduced from other countries, although there are a few native species.

One of my first experiences growing crinum lilies is one we planted by the entrance of our office. The crinum is now a six-foot-tall and -wide specimen plant with a tall flower stalk adorned with fragrant white flowers. This plant referred to as giant crimum, Crinum asiaticum, definitely creates a statement and is normally used as a specimen plant. I’ve seen it in many commercial landscapes, especially at the Beaches, because it tolerates harsh environmental conditions.

So you might think all crinums are big and take up lots of space, but that’s not so. There are many species and lots of varieties on the market so you can select based on your needs. Heights range from 13 inches to 6 feet, plus they come in several flower colors. As summer temperatures and rains occur, a thick flower scape (stalk) emerges just beside the neck of the bulb. In about ten days flower buds will open to display spider-like flowers at varying times. Depending on the type of crinum, flowers can be various shades of white, pink, rose or striped. Some flowers will also change colors as the blooms age, transitioning from white to pink to deep rose. If you have flowers to spare, use them as a cut flowers so you can enjoy the beauty and fragrance inside.

Leaves are evergreen unless killed back by the cold and are arranged in a spiral around the neck of the bulb. Leaves are sword- to strap-shaped and some are wavy along the margins. Most are green but there are some with purple leaves. One that I have seen on the market locally is “Sangria,” which has red wine foliage and pink blooms. Make sure to place these in full sun to get the full benefit of the foliage color.

Although Crinum lilies will adapt to different soil conditions, they grow best in a rich organic, moist soil that is well-drained. Jenks Farmer, who grows crinums commercially, recommends using them for rain gardens and green roofs because they can tolerate intense sun and are very efficient at adjusting to periods of drought and then heavy rains. Under ideal growing conditions, crinums enjoy an ample supply of moisture during the warm growing season and drier conditions during the cooler months.

Crinums will grow in full sun or partial shade and some benefit from a little shade during the heat of the day. Plants need minimal fertilizer applications but most crinum enthusiasts recommend a couple of applications each year to increase flower production. A liquid fertilizer drench in the spring is especially beneficial.

Use crinum lilies in the landscape as specimen plants, as a border plant, in a mixed perennial bed or as a container plant. If growing in a container, plants like to be pot bound with the neck of the bulb exposed. They are practically indestructible so are very durable regardless of their location.

Spring and summer months are the best time to plant crinum lilies. They are available at local nurseries but you may need to check online to find some of the more unusual varieties. When planting, dig the hole and spread the roots in the organic amended soil. Place the plant in soil up to the neck of the bulb, where the stem gets smaller. Add an organic mulch like pine straw around plants to help conserve moisture and increase organic matter as the mulch decomposes. In the event of a hard freeze, the leaves may be killed back but the plants should come back from the bulbs. Pulling up mulch around the base of the bulbs will help protect the plant during a hard freeze.

There are too many options to cover the different varieties in this article but one of my favorites is the hybrid, “Ellen Bosanquet,” which has beautiful wine-red flowers. It was bred in Fruitland Park by Louis Percival Bosanquet, who named it for his wife. I’ve seen it in at least three landscapes over the past week in full bloom. According to Jenks Farmer, who has researched the history of crinum lilies in the Southeast, this is likely the most widely planted crinum in our area. It is tolerant of cold and drought and multiplies readily. Although the peak bloom period is in June, those lucky enough to have established plantings enjoy sporadic flowers into the fall. The plants I observed were about 2 to 3 feet in height and used along the edge of a fence or plant bed as a border planting.

Another crinum that I stumbled upon in full bloom was Crinum jagus, also known as St. Christopher Lily. This crinum was in a mixed perennial bed and although other plants were in bloom, the St. Christopher Lily was the show stopper. This one is great for landscapes with plants reaching 2 to 3 feet in height and a matching spread, which makes it perfect as a border or accent plant. Blooms arise on tall leafless stalks amid upright dark green strap-like leaves. The white flowers resemble tulips and are fragrant. There are many different varieties and one that is really popular is “Rattrayi,” which has a vanilla fragrance.

Swamp lily, Crinum Americana, is one of the few crinums native to Florida and warmer areas of the U.S. As the name implies, it is often found along ditch banks and swampy areas. It has fragrant white flowers in spring and summer.

Another bonus is that maintenance for crinums is minimal. Unless you are trying to hybridize plants or collect seed, cut off the flower scape once the flowers die back. Plants are susceptible to a leaf spot fungus and a few insects like spider mites and thrips. If leaves become discolored, simply prune them off to improve the plants appearance. If you happen to have lubber grasshoppers, the crinum is a favorite food source. The key to control is to keep a close eye for the young lubbers as they emerge in late winter and treat promptly so they don’t become eating machines. Crinum lilies are poisonous and can be a skin irritant so make sure to wear gloves when pruning or handling and keep pets and young children away from plants.

If you are looking for a versatile landscape plant that is practically indestructible, consider adding a few crinum lilies to your landscape. Do your homework first and research the options to match it with your landscape needs and I think you will be happy with this addition.

Terry Brite DelValle is a horticulture extension agent with the Duval County Extension Service and the University of Florida/IFAS.