Creeping Gloxinia Lofos™ ‘Wine Red’ PP (Lophospermum hybrid)

Creeping Gloxinia Lofos™ ‘Wine Red’ PP (Lophospermum hybrid)

Creeping Gloxinia Lofos™ ‘Wine Red’ PP (Lophospermum hybrid)

Showy wine-red tubular flowers adorn this cascading vine from early summer until fall. This low maintenance steady bloomer requires no deadheading for continual flowering. The large 3” blooms are eye-catching, and this plant is ideal for a windowbox or hanging container where it can show off its beauty. Grow in full-to-partial sun. Creeping Gloxinia Lofos™ ‘Wine Red’ PP attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
4" Pot Size
In stock 109 available
More Information
Hardiness Zone 10
Bloom Season Fall, Summer
Sun Requirement Full Sun, Partial Sun
Grows to 12-36"
Minimum Temperature Indoors 60
Plant Type Good for a Hanging Basket

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